Organization: Bowers School FarmLocation: 1219 E. Square Lake RdBloomfield Hill, MI, 48304United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 341-6475 Bowers School Farm Winter Birth CelebrationDates: 03/08/2025Time: 12:00PM - 3:00PM Organization: Detroit ZooLocation: 8450 W. 10 Mile Rd.Royal Oak, MI, 48067United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:248-541-5717 Bunnyville at Detroit ZooDates: 04/18/202504/19/2025Time: 9AM - 3PM Organization: Tiny Lions lounge & Adoption Center (TLC)Location: 5245 Jackson RdAnn Arbor, MI, 48103United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(734) 661-3530 Cats and Kids at Tiny Lions Lounge and Adoption CenterDates: 02/21/2025Time: 7:15 - 8:45PM Organization: Kensington MetroparkLocation: 2240 W. Buno RoadMilford, MI, 48380United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:248-684-8632 Chow Time at the Farm - Kensington MetroparkDates: 06/27/202507/11/202507/25/2025Show more datesHide these dates08/08/202508/22/202509/12/202509/26/202510/10/202510/24/202511/07/202511/21/202512/05/202512/19/2025Time: 3 - 4 pm Organization: Bowers School FarmLocation: 1219 E. Square Lake RdBloomfield Hill, MI, 48304United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 341-6475 Diverse Learners Day at the Farm - Winter Birth Celebration at Bowers School FarmDates: 03/08/2025Time: 11AM - 12:30PM Organization: Blake's Orchard & Cider Mill (Blake Farms)Location: 17985 Armada Center RoadArmada, MI, 48005United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(586) 784-5343 Dog Dayze on the Farm at Blake'sDates: 02/23/202503/30/202504/27/2025Time: 1PM - 4PM Organization: Maybury Farm (Northville Community Foundation)Location: 50165 8 Mile Rd. P. O. Box 560Northville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:2483740200 Farm FestDates: 05/17/2025Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Organization: Bowers School FarmLocation: 1219 E. Square Lake RdBloomfield Hill, MI, 48304United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 341-6475 Farm Investigations: Wooly Workshop at Bowers School FarmDates: 03/22/2025Time: 9:30AM - 11:30AM Organization: Stony Creek Nature CenterLocation: 4300 Main Park RoadShelby Township, MI, 48316United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:586-781-9113 Feeding Time in the Nature Center - Stony Creek MetroparkDates: 02/23/202503/02/202503/09/2025Show more datesHide these dates03/16/202503/23/202503/30/202504/06/202504/13/202504/20/202504/27/202505/04/202505/11/202505/18/202505/25/202506/01/202506/08/202506/15/202506/22/202506/29/202507/06/202507/13/202507/20/202507/27/202508/03/202508/10/202508/17/202508/24/202508/31/202509/07/202509/14/202509/21/202509/28/202510/05/202510/12/202510/19/202510/26/202511/02/202511/09/202511/16/202511/23/202511/30/202512/07/202512/14/202512/21/202512/28/2025Time: 1pm - 2pm Organization: Detroit ZooLocation: 8450 W. 10 Mile Rd.Royal Oak, MI, 48067United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:248-541-5717 GreenFest 2025 at the Detroit ZooDates: 04/12/202504/13/2025Time: 9 am - 3 pm Organization: Detroit ZooLocation: 8450 W. 10 Mile Rd.Royal Oak, MI, 48067United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 541-5717 International Polar Bear Day - Detroit ZooDates: 02/22/2025Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm Organization: Maybury Farm (Northville Community Foundation)Location: 50165 8 Mile Rd. P. O. Box 560Northville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:2483740200 Maple Syrup ToursDates: 03/08/202503/09/202503/15/2025Show more datesHide these dates03/16/202503/22/202503/23/202503/29/202503/30/2025Time: 12:00 AM - 4:30 PM, First tour is at 12:30 PM - last at 3:30 PM Organization: Maybury Farm (Northville Community Foundation)Location: 50165 8 Mile Rd. P. O. Box 560Northville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:2483740200 Maple Syrup ToursDates: 03/08/202503/09/202503/15/2025Show more datesHide these dates03/16/202503/22/202503/23/202503/29/202503/30/2025Time: 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM, First tour is at 12:30 PM - last at 3:30 PM Organization: Maybury Farm (Northville Community Foundation)Location: 50165 8 Mile Rd. P. O. Box 560Northville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:2483740200 Maybury Farm Summer CampDates: 07/08/202507/09/202507/10/2025Show more datesHide these dates07/11/202507/15/202507/16/202507/17/202507/18/2025Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Organization: Maybury Farm (Northville Community Foundation)Location: 50165 8 Mile Rd. P. O. Box 560Northville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:2483740200 Maybury Farm Summer CampDates: 06/17/202506/18/202506/19/2025Show more datesHide these dates06/20/202506/24/202506/25/202506/26/202506/27/202507/01/202507/02/202507/03/202507/08/202507/09/202507/10/202507/11/202507/15/202507/16/202507/17/202507/18/202507/22/202507/23/202507/24/202507/25/202507/29/202507/30/202507/31/202508/01/202508/05/202508/06/202508/07/202508/08/202508/12/202508/13/202508/14/202508/15/2025Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Organization: Belle Isle Nature CenterLocation: 176 Lakeside Drive Bele Isle ParkDetroit, MI, 48207United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:313-852-4056 Mudpuppypalooza at Belle Isle Nature CenterDates: 03/23/2025Time: 11:00AM - 4:00PM Organization: Bowers School FarmLocation: 1219 E. Square Lake RdBloomfield Hill, MI, 48304United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 341-6475 Pasture Pals at Bowers School FarmDates: 03/19/202504/23/202505/21/2025Show more datesHide these dates06/11/2025Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Organization: Bowers School FarmLocation: 1219 E. Square Lake RdBloomfield Hill, MI, 48304United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 341-6475 Spring Break Day Camp - HORSE CAMP at Bowers School FarmDates: 03/24/202503/25/202503/26/2025Show more datesHide these dates03/27/202503/28/2025Time: 9:30AM - 3:30PM Organization: Maybury Farm (Northville Community Foundation)Location: 50165 8 Mile Rd. P. O. Box 560Northville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:2483740200 Story Time at Maybury FarmDates: 05/28/202505/29/202506/04/2025Show more datesHide these dates06/05/202506/11/202506/12/202506/18/202506/19/202506/25/202506/26/202507/02/202507/03/202507/09/202507/10/202507/16/202507/17/202507/23/202507/24/202507/30/202507/31/202508/06/202508/07/202508/13/202508/14/202508/20/202508/21/202508/27/202508/28/202509/03/202509/04/202509/10/202509/11/202509/17/202509/18/2025Time: 11:00 AM Sharp The Petting Farm Organization: Maybury Farm (Northville Community Foundation)Location: 50165 8 Mile Rd. P. O. Box 560Northville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:2483740200 Watch Me GrowDates: 05/27/202506/03/202506/10/2025Show more datesHide these dates06/17/202506/24/202507/01/202507/08/202507/15/202507/22/202507/29/202508/05/202508/12/202508/19/202508/26/2025Time: 10:30 AM (Arrive 10 minutes before start time) Organization: Bowers School FarmLocation: 1219 E. Square Lake RdBloomfield Hill, MI, 48304United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 341-6475 Winter Birth Celebration at Bowers School FarmDates: 03/08/2025Time: 12PM - 3PM Organization: Detroit ZooLocation: 8450 W. 10 Mile Rd.Royal Oak, MI, 48067United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 541-5717 Zoo Tales at Detroit ZooDates: 03/22/2025Time: 11:00AM - 3:00PM Hardware Ranch: the Place to See Wild Elk Tips for Maximizing Your Visit to Lagoon