Virtual / Online Learning Resources | Kids Out and About Ann Arbor / Detroit

Virtual / Online Learning Resources has created a searchable list of classes and learning resources available online. Whether you need some help with math so you can help your child with math, you're looking for something new to do to keep your mind off the news, or you want to provide some structured time for your kids who are used to a by-the-bell school day, there are many options, and we're adding to our list every day!

*If you offer a class online that you would like to post, click here to learn how to create a free organization listing.

Support / Advice
Title Description Cost
Mindful Mondays

Mindful Mondays are a weekly mantra + insight to elevate your parenting mindset, so quick you can peek while you brush your teeth, and together with a community that's growing alongside you.

1 email. 1 minute read. 1 powerful parenting insight. Sent distraction free to your inbox, weekly.

What parents are saying:

"My new favourite day of the week" - H. S.

"This message brought me to tears Monday morning. This simple statement was the grounding I needed..." - H.W.

"I have never needed one of these more than I have this week <3" - H.S.

"Thanks so much for your Mindful Mondays. The mantras are helping me parent better each week. ❤️" - S. S.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Baby Day Resources

Life moves quickly even before your little one arrives!

Having a place where you can gather information, find activities, and connect to resources instantly is vital! Here you can gain all that and more on some key areas that impact your infant and toddlers brain development and growth; pregnancy, play, nutrition, love & attachment and school readiness. See below to learn more!

La Fuerza de Familias Latinas

Free workshops and events for Spanish-speaking parents & caregivers with children aged 0-7.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Special Report – How Life Coaching for Kids is Transforming Children’s Lives Around the World
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
What is a Mathematician? A FREE parenting workshop

Keating Quigley Educational Advisors invites you to What is a mathematician?, a FREE parenting workshop moderated by Math Workshop Specialist, Alissa Helgesen.

During this interactive session, we’ll explore what it means for your elementary school student to think mathematically and engage with numbers in a meaningful way. Alissa will also share tips on how to move your child away from memorization towards developing number sense and logical reasoning.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the tools you need to support your child in becoming a mathematician! Email to receive the Zoom link. And be sure to bring your questions along!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Camp Super Now
We’re on a mission to use the power of community to create enriched kids, supported parents and happier families that are prepared to take on this ever-changing world.
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Autism Webinar
ACES ABA - Denver

Autism Webinar

Wednessay Webinar series 12:30pm MST

Live webinars iwth an aCES clinician. Learn about Autism, ABA, Sibling Support, Parent Self-Care and more! 

Register here: 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Social Skills Groups
Advanced Behavior Change - Closed per email from owner- mm-2-26-24

Join our social groups from the comfort of your own home! Our groups meet for 90 minutes weekly, focusing on skills such as conversation, friendship, problem-solving, and emotional regulation. We do this through play, games, and practice with others in the group. If virtual groups aren't a good fit for your child, we offer small in-person groups following public health precautions. Call us at 801-251-6219 to learn more! 

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Pillars of Parenting
Apple Blossom Waldorf School and Family Center

An 8-Week Waldorf-Inspired Virtual Offering for Caregivers of Children Ages Birth to Seven. This class provides foundational support and tangible resources to enable you to consciously meet your child's developmental needs with intention, confidence, and care.

Join our wise Waldorf guides Betsy Priest and Donna Mayo and a virtual community of parents across the globe for 8-weeks of Waldorf inspired parenting support.

Each week, we will release a video and resources on a specific care giving theme that participants can access on their own time. These resources will expound upon foundational parenting topics and include accessible resources for caregivers of children birth to age seven, such as songs, crafts, recipes, and educational materials to build your toolkit.

We will meet Tuesday evenings on Zoom for discussion, questions, and community as we navigate the ups and downs of conscious parenting.

Parenting 2's and 3's
Baby Bungalow
Join us for our new virtual support group, Parenting 2's and 3's. Led by an expert in Child Development.

Join us for our new virtual support group, Parenting 2s and 3s. Led by an expert in Child Development, discussions will include navigating the Teachable Two's and Thinkable Three's and much, much more!

You will receive the Zoom link during registration.


Visit if you have any difficulty registering via the link provided. 

Powerful Parenting Seminar
Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School

This event is designed to help parents guide their children by providing encouragement,  empowerment, and equipping tools for the parenting journey. We have many session throughout the year. 

Our upcoming session is about POWERFUL PARENTING: DARE TO DISCIPLINE 

SATURDAY, JANUARY 25TH | 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Scroll to the bottom of that page to see our last session on Gratitude!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free Webinar :What healthy boundaries look like?
Bonding Boost

Whether you tend to prioritize your children's needs and struggle to say "no" to your kiddos, or establish boundaries but don't witness the outcomes you seek - such as encountering misbehaviors, backtalks, and power struggles with your little ones- this webinar is for you!

Tammy Afriat is a certified parent coach, a podcaster, and a mom with three kids of her own.

Based on her experience and knowledge, she realizes establishing clear and consistent boundaries is the foundation for a harmonious and well-functioning family.

That's why she's created a free online workshop packed with practical strategies where you can learn:

   -To whom do you set boundaries?
   -What are the types of boundaries?
   -What do healthy boundaries look like?
   -How to effectively communicate boundaries?

Who is this for?
Parents to kids ages 2 to 6 years old


Last Thursday of every month, at 12pm CST.

Want to join?
Save your spot now!

*Whoever signs up gets a written summary and additional resources on the topic.

Can't make it?
Sign up to be notified of future events.


Looking forward to seeing you!


Learn to play the Pokemon TCG! Games

Become a Pokémon Master! These rules will tell you everything you need to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Your deck of cards represents your Pokémon as well as items and allies that help you on your adventures.

Trading card games are strategy based and use collectible cards to let each player customize their game. The best way to learn to play the Pokémon TCG is with an ex Battle Deck, a ready-to-play 60-card deck that comes packaged with a quick-start rules guide and everything you need to play!

Once you’re ready, you can start building your collection of cards with Pokémon TCG booster packs. Trade with your friends for the strongest Pokémon, or collect all your favorites! Then, build your own 60-card deck, play with your friends, and show off your own personal Pokémon team! 

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
CARD's "La Hora del Cafecito"
Center for Autism & Related Disabilities at USF

"La Hora del Cafecito" es un programa en Español que sale en vivo todos los viernes a las 10:00 AM por Facebook LIVE. En el programa discutimos temas relacionados al Autismo y otros temas de interés. Nuestro panel de entrevistadoras está compuesto por profesionales en el campo de la fisioterapia, educación especial, salud mental, y salud pública. Además de ser profesionales en estos campos, algunas de nuestras panelistas son madres o hermanas de jóvenes y niños diagnosticados con Autismo.

Puede apretar el enlace incluido para que vea programas anteriores a través del canal de CARD-USF en YouTube. Para ver “La Hora del Cafecito” en VIVO todos los viernes a las 10:00 AM pueden unirse a nuestro grupo privado en Facebook llamado “Grupo CARD Español” Una vez se unan a este grupo podrán acezar un sin número de recursos relacionados en español y recibirán alertas cuando salgamos en Vivo.


 _________ English Translation:___________

"La Hora del Cafecito" is a Spanish language weekly Facebook LIVE program, which air every Friday at 10 AM. In this program we discuss topics related to Autism and of related interests. Our panel is composed of professionals in the field of physical therapy, special education, mental and public health, who are also parents and siblings of individuals living with Autism. 

You can follow the link here to watch previous episodes on CARD-USF's YouTube channel. To watch the program LIVE on Facebook each Friday at 10 AM, be sure to join our Facebook private group "Grupo CARD Espanol." Once you join, you will have access to a plethora of resources in Spanish and will receive alerts when "La Hora del Cafecito" goes LIVE.



Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
EarlyON Programs
Child Development Resource Connection Peel (CDRCP)
Our EarlyON Child and Family Centres offers free early learning programs for parents and caregivers with children from birth to age 6 years. These programs offer you opportunties to learn and play with your child, meet other families, and ask early childhood professionals questions!
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Building Pathways to Healthy Minds

Ease your parenting struggles during the pandemic and beyond. ChildBuilders' webinar series is designed to be convenient for parents of young children and offer skills and strategies you can put to use right away. These offerings are available as pre-recorded seminars or live via Zoom, and are presented in English and Spanish. Our generous funders sponsor these events so there is absolutely no cost to participants. Visit the link to access pre-recorded seminars and register for upcoming live sessions.

Invisalign and Gum Recession – Is There Any Relation?
Coral Dental Care

Gum recession refers to a state in which the gums retract or recede away from the teeth, revealing a greater portion of the tooth's root. This can lead to increased risk of decay, gum sensitivity, and aesthetic concerns. Detecting and treating gum recession early is vital for preventing further damage and maintaining your oral health. While anyone, regardless of their age, can suffer from gum recession, in this article, we will be discussing the eight main causes.

8 Gum Recession Causes

There are several causes of gum recession, some of which you might have never considered. Here are eight of the most common gum recession causes:

1. Aggressive Brushing

When brushing your teeth, how often do you think about the right technique? Not that often, right? But did you know it’s important to take care of the pressure you apply while brushing your teeth? One of the most common causes of gum recession is aggressive brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush. It not only wears down your teeth but also damages them and may lead to gum recession if continued for a long period.

2. Misaligned Teeth

Another reason for gum recession is tooth misalignment. As your toothbrush is unable to access the misaligned surface of such teeth, food debris can deposit around them, leading to receding gum.

3. Gum Disease

With improper oral care, there can be extreme build-up of tartar and plaque, making your gums a breeding factory for bacteria that can lead to gum disease, inflammation, and sometimes gum line cavity. If left untreated, this build-up can cause pocketing in the gums, leading to gum recession.

4. Hormonal Changes

Menopause, pregnancy, and puberty can cause hormonal fluctuations, leading to sensitive gums. When your gums are sensitive, they may recede.

5. Age

The older you grow, the more your gums recede. However, to stop gum recession during old age, maintain a good oral health routine. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once daily. Maintaining good oral hygiene is non-negotiable as it may not just prevent gum recession due to old age but also keep you away from oral problems.

6. Tongue or Lip Piercing

Tongue or lip piercing can cause injury to your gums on the lower front teeth. If the trauma keeps repeating around the injured area, it can lead to further pulling back of the gums.

7. Teeth Grinding

Bruxism or grinding/clenching of your teeth can create pressure on your gums that can cause your gums to recede.

8. Tobacco Consumption

The chemicals used in tobacco products can cause gum recession over a period of time.

Does Invisalign Have to Do Anything with Receding Gums?

While the above reasons are the main causes of gum recession, a lot of people assume Invisalign might also contribute to worsening the condition. But how true is that? Let’s find out.

● Can Invisalign cause gum recession?

Invisalign might not be directly related to gum recession, but if these invisible aligners are not properly fitted for your jaw and teeth, they may cause receding gums. Too tight aligners can apply more than needed pressure on your teeth, which can cause gum recession.

● Can Invisalign worsen the state of gum recession?

Invisalign is meant to improve your teeth alignment for a better smile and enhanced oral hygiene. If they are too tight and not properly fitting, they may cause gum recession.

● How to avoid gum recession with Invisalign?

Follow proper oral hygiene, including:

- Flossing daily
- Brushing teeth twice a day
- Using a soft-bristled toothbrush
- Avoiding excess pressure while brushing your teeth
- Using an antimicrobial mouthwash

Additionally, applying dental wax over the edges of your aligners can protect your gums from the irritation and friction caused by the aligners coming into contact with your gums.

Bottom Line

Using properly fitted Invisalign will not directly cause receding gums, but you need to take proper measures, such as avoiding unnecessary pressure during brushing, following proper oral hygiene, and ensuring there’s no plaque build-up.

Online School at Dwight Global
Dwight Global Online School

Dwight Global is a fully accredited online school, offering AP, IB, and Honors classes to students globally using a blended, flipped synchronous seminar approach with a college-style scheduling. We also offer exciting summer options!  Join our virtual open house to learn more about Dwight Global, the cloud campus of Dwight School. A private school like no other, Dwight Global blends online, on-campus, and residential learning experiences, allowing students in Grades 7-12 to pursue a personalized, independent school program wherever they have a laptop and an internet connection.  

Middle School
High School
Drama and Art for Special Kids and their Families - Educating the Heart
Educating the Heart - Los Angeles, CA

Arts-driven coach working with children experiencing developmental delays and/or behavior challenges and their families. 1:1 Drama Therapy and/or Autism Movement Therapy targeted for individualized needs (social skills, coordination and balance, self-advocacy, etc). Sibling support sessions also available - Drama Therapy and Therapeutic Art Life Coaching. Also available to work with pre-establishes pods for homeschool, etc. 15 years experience serving special education community in Los Angeles. Parent services also available.


Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Conscious Families
Education for Life Outreach Program

Conscious Families is an online community bringing together conscious, heart-centered  parents and families seeking to raise happy, balanced children who are prepared to meet life’s challenges.

Our goal is to offer inspiration, connection and support through online events, courses, discussion groups, coaching and access to resources, all based in the principles of Education for Life.

By creating online spaces of connection and inspiration, parents can explore and expand their understanding of themselves and their children, with a focus on strengths and the potential to learn and grow through all of life's experiences. 

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Business Resources
entreKIDneurs Club

entreKIDneurs Club Business Resources include:

  • Networking
  • Finances
  • Marketing
  • Books
  • Online
  • Municipal

Kid mentors are important for gaining a clear understanding at an early stage of how a business is built, because financial, entrepreneurship, and life skills are not taught in schools. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs are self-taught through many years of trial and error. Our vision is to give today’s youth an additional opportunity to succeed after high school graduation and towards their higher education.

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Girls Leadership Girl & Grown-Up Workshops
Girls Leadership

Our family-based programs, for girls in grades K-8, are a fun and brave space for girls and their grown-ups to laugh and have fun together, while learning our key social-emotional skills. Participants meet once a week for four consecutive weeks and the sessions are taught by experienced Girls Leadership educators. They bring together our signature games, essential social-emotional skills, and a brave space to build community. Our curriculum is focused on the following domains with lessons aligned to developmentally appropriate outcomes:
- Mindfulness + Self-Compassion
- Identity + Self-Awareness
- Community + Relationship Skills

Academic - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Girl & Grown-Up Workshop for Grades 2 through 8
Girls Leadership

Girls Leadership's Girl & Grown-Up workshops give girls and their parents a brave space to laugh and have fun together while learning about friendships, feelings, apologies, and healthy approaches to conflict. Register here:

Middle School
Gravitas Blog
Gravitas Online Prep School: A Global Extension of The Stony Brook School

The Gravitas Blog provides insights into college prep academics, synchronous online education, character development, technology and its impact on education, and more.

Academic - General
Middle School
High School
Gravitas Blog
Gravitas Online Prep School: A Global Extension of The Stony Brook School

The Gravitas Blog provides insights into college prep academics, synchronous online education, character development, technology and its impact on education, and more.

Academic - General
Middle School
High School
J Amado Photography - Smartphone Photoshoot
J Amado Photography

60+ minute photo session/lesson where you are the photographer! Turn on your camera phone and tell the kids to get ready! I will be your eyes and help you capture beautiful pictures while guiding you through your phone. We will also perform some light editing on your favorite photos. With these new skills and continued practice, you will be able to capture beautiful photos on your own!

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
High School
Free 10 Minute Buddhism Podcasts to Live A Happy Peaceful Life
Kadampa Meditation Center New York

Free 10 Minute Buddhism Podcasts to Live A Happy Peaceful Life

Modern Kadampa Buddhism Podcasts -  A completely, totally free podcast site, with no sign-up, no subscription and no apps needed, plus no ads!

Watch Free 10-minute Buddhist Podcast great for beginners. Modern Kadampa Buddhism is a special presentation of Buddha’s teachings for the modern world. Everyone is welcome to enjoy these free Buddhism Podcasts. Whether you are a Buddhist or not, you will definitely find something in the teachings and practices of Modern Kadampa Buddhism that will help you find inner peace, solve your everyday problems, and improve your relationships with others.

“Kadam Dharma accords with people’s daily experience; it cannot be separated from daily life. Everyone needs it to make their lives happy and meaningful, to solve temporarily their human problems, and to enable them ultimately to find pure and everlasting happiness through controlling their anger, attachment, jealousy, and especially ignorance.”

In person and online Meditation Classes, Retreats, Buddhist Chanted Prayers, Meditation Courses and workshops are being offered at Kadampa Meditation Center New York.

NEW! Free online meditation and Buddhism books and resources:
1Meditation – Getting Started or Back to Meditation Basics
Learn how to meditate. Includes guided meditations for beginners free audios.
Free Meditation Books and Buddhism eBooks download. No subscription No signup.

Find Meditation classes near me



Academic - General
History / social studies
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Middle School
High School
Free Meditation & Buddhism Book downloads - BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY TO INNER PEACE
Kadampa Meditation Center New York

A Deeper Study of Buddha’s Teachings - Modern Buddhism

Modern Buddhism is a special presentation of Buddha’s teachings on compassion and wisdom that communicates their essence in a way that is easy to understand and put into practice. By developing and maintaining compassion and wisdom in daily life, we can transform our lives, improve our relationships with others and look behind appearances to see the way things actually exist. In this way we can solve all our daily problems and accomplish the real meaning of human life.

This inspiring handbook of daily practice is perfectly suited for those seeking solutions within Buddhism to problems of everyday life, as well as for encouraging practitioners of all faiths to deepen their understanding and practice of the spiritual path.

Meditation – Getting Started or Back to Meditation Basics Resource Page
Includes guided meditation for beginners free audio,  "Meditations for Human Happiness" free videos.
Free Meditation Books and Buddhism eBooks download. No subscription No signup.
Find Meditation classes near me
Buddhism Podcasts Free - No subscription No signup.
In-Person Meditation and Modern Buddhism Classes now being offered at Kadampa Meditation Center New York

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Middle School
High School
Free Online Meditation Audio and videos
Kadampa Meditation Center New York

Meditation – Getting Started or Back to Meditation Basics - This is a completely, totally free online meditation and well-being resource page with no sign-up, no subscription, no apps needed, no ads and no pop-ups.
At this time of uncertainty, with the spread of the Covid-19 virus and social unrest, many people are looking at different ways of dealing with stress and negative thoughts. One way that is guaranteed to reduce both stress and anxiety is meditation. Based on the works of the internationally renowned meditation master, teacher and author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Tharpa has collected some resources that will help you to establish a meditation practice. You will learn timeless methods for dealing with difficult challenges, which you can bring into your daily life, now and in the future.

Meditation – Getting Started or Back to Meditation Basics Resource Page
Includes guided meditation for beginners free audio,  "Meditations for Human Happiness" free videos.
Free Meditation Books and Buddhism eBooks download. No subscription No signup.
Find Meditation classes near me
Buddhism Podcasts Free - No subscription No signup.
In-Person Meditation and Modern Buddhism Classes now being offered at Kadampa Meditation Center New York

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Middle School
High School
Building Pathways to Healthy Minds - Webinars for Parents/Caregivers


ChildBuilders offers live and pre-recorded webinars on a variety of topics promoting mentally healthy parenting, including understanding children's mental health and trauma, recognizing and responding to abuse, mindfulness and self-care, and using empathy in parenting. 

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Manners4Minors Canada
Manners4Minors Canada

Manners4minors online is a 10 week (10 weekly lessons), fun interactive package aimed at children ages 3-6/7 years. It offers a safe and secure learning environment with no pop-ups, annoying ads or links to other sites, it requires very little parental supervision, and each online lesson topic includes a fun learning video as well as stories, songs and worksheets.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Mathnasium of Ahwatukee
Mathnasium Ahwatukee

Reverse Leaning Loss with Mathnasium. Call now for a free assessment.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Mind Your Manners Etiquette School, Inc - 3 course Dining Etiquette Lesson
Mind Your Manners Etiquette School - Tampa
Our most popular etiquette lesson is now virtual! Join us LIVE as we navigate the dining table with 3 courses. You will learn the beginner basics of dining etiquette. It will consist of learning the correct place setting, soup etiquette, 2 dining styles, how to correctly pass around the table, bread service, how to excuse oneself from the table and more. You're encouraged to create your "at home" environment with dinnerware/flatware and you can follow along with us!
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Mind Your Manners Etiquette School, Inc - Afternoon Tea Etiquette Lesson
Mind Your Manners Etiquette School - Tampa
Put on your fancy tea hat and lace gloves and join us for a LIVE virtual afternoon tea etiquette lesson! We'll learn the basics of proper tea etiquette and service. Various finger foods will be showed virtually and we encourage you to indulge along with us your tea cup and saucer and tea delights, if applicable.
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Science of Resilience: Use Your Brain to Focus, Get Calm, & Outsmart Procrastination
MindBodySpace LLC

Online: Science of Resilience for Academic and Personal Best. Learn how to use your brain to focus, stress less, and outsmart procrastination. Classes taught by Juna Bobby M.D. a physician specializing in Lifestyle/Mind-Body Medicine and host of Rx Chill Pill Podcast. She has created courses for NYU and Columbia, for grades 5-12, and is on Faculty at the Juilliard School.

Email info@mindbodyspace to customize your course

Schedule for Private Lessons, Learning Pods, Organizations, Parent and Kid Lessions

Levels: Elementary, Middle, High School, College, Parents

Click here for school 

Click for website


Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free Parent Worksheet: Give Kids Practice with Money
Moolah U Start-up Business Camp

Parents, here's a great way to start structuring money learning experiences for your kids.  Follow along with this simple system and get ready to watch their confidence and independence grow! Join the waitlist for the Moolah U Family Financial app, available soon.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Taming the Worry Dragons
Pivot Point Family Growth Centre Inc.

Youth Mental Health is a growing concern. Mounting anxiety and stress may be compounding their daily struggles. Taming the Worry Dragons can successfully help today’s youth learn to recognize and manage their daily stressors with specific coping skills for a happier, healthier life.

Led by a Registered Clinical Counsellor Sarah Falk, BA, M. Ed. Sarah’s highly rated success with her participants comes from positive energy that makes it easy for her group to feel relaxed, connected, and ready to lock away their worries, as they come to realize, they've got this!

The goal of this mental health group is for participants to experience a decrease in anxiety. Our Lead Professionals will help to equip the participants with knowledge, tools and skills to decrease anxieties and stressors in every day life.

The age range for this group will be ages 9-14 years old (some exceptions can be made to this age range, considering the other clients who have enrolled).

The sessions will be structured in the following way:

  • Check in (worry dragon scale & weekly statement – prepared ahead of time)
  • Psychoeducation about the topic of the week
  • Independent time to work on worksheet or group practice
  • Discussion about topic, worksheets, or practice
  • Time to write hopeful statement
  • Closing – sharing hopeful statement and end of group worry dragon rating

This group will be run every Tuesday for 8 weeks, starting  October 27 and ending on December 15, 2021. Each session will be 90 minutes from 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm. 

The cost of this group is $420.00. You have the option to pay privately or apply AFB funding to this group.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Behavior Breakthrough Call
Purposeful Parenting Now

If you are ready to …

transform your home from chaos to calmness

communicate clearly  with your child and partner

feel confident in your parenting choices 

have a partner in parenting 

I want to invite you to take advantage of a FREE Behavior breakthrough call with me


In this FREE Behavior Breakthrough  call we can focus on the following topics. 

  • Create structure

  • Implement routines

  • Use effective behavior systems

  • Communicate openly with your child and partner

  • Find space and moments for yourself

  • Heal toxic patterns and end cycles

  • Work through conflicts

  • Decide what support you need to outsource

  • Help you advocate for your child

I see you and believe in you! I can help you become the best parent you can be.



Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Our Orchard Practices
Rose Hill Farm

Information about our growing practices

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
School Choice Guide (School Finder Tool)
San Antonio Charter Moms

The San Antonio Charter Moms website offers a wealth of education-based information, including an in-depth School Choice Guide with maps - also accessible via a mobile app - for open enrollment and in-district charter schools in and around San Antonio.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Teach Me Wall Street- Virtual Boot Camps
Teach Me Wall Street

Teach Me Wall Street – Summer Finance Boot-Camps for Teens, Grades 9-12

Teach Me Wall Street makes learning fun with 4 Summer Finance Boot-Camps, varying in length and content, that focus on Trading, Investing and Business! All of our programs can be accessed from home or any place where there’s a quiet space and a reliable internet connection.

 LIVE instruction is offered by seasoned professionals at various times throughout the day to accommodate busy schedules and students on the east and west coast. Engaging hands-on activities and peer-to-peer interaction makes for an active on-line learning experience. It’s the perfect extracurricular activity for high school students to list on college applications!

 We cover the basics and advanced topics from a REAL WORLD perspective:

 1-Week Boot-Camp Options:

Wall Street 101 –  Explore how Wall Street works, who the players are, and the basics of stocks and bonds.

 Cryptocurrencies – Focus on evolving technologies, jobs and digital currencies as they relate to Wall Street and investing.

 Budgeting & Beyond  – Learn how to create and manage a budget, avoid financial pitfalls, and handle other real-world money matters.

 2-Week Boot-Camp Option:

 Trading & Investing  - (Wall Street 101 is a prerequisite* and can only be booked as a part of the 2-week package option) Learn the best investment strategies to help you grow your money and how to do analysis to find these investments.

 3-Week Boot-Camp Option:

Trading & Investing + Cryptocurrencies

 4-Week Boot-Camp Option:

 Trading & Investing + Budgeting & Beyond + Cryptocurrencies

The first summer boot-camp session begins Monday, June 6, with other sessions following throughout the summer. Multiple sessions make it easy to fit into virtually any summer schedule!

Enroll NOW!!


Middle School
High School
The Childbearing Society - Prenatal Classes
The Childbearing Society - Childbearing Prenatal Classes™

Prenatal and Postpartum Classes ONLINE via ZOOM! Childbirth preparation, Postpartum Circles, Breastfeeding help, Seminars for Twins, Caesarean birth, Home birth, Refresher, Healthy Pregnancy, and more...all online!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
CCM Family Support Group
The Collaborative Community Mission

On online platform for asking questions and requesting advise about topics related to the growth and development of your child! This group will consist of caregivers, therapists and professionals that will provide you with accurate information in a timely manner.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
School Decision Guide
The Oaks Academy

How to Choose the Right School
Six questions that can give you confidence in your school selection process. 

Can you see your child and family fully participating in this school?

Be sure you can see yourself engaging in the community and day-to-day life of the school. Make sure that family engagement is one of the school’s values, and that your participation is welcomed in the school environment.

Is this a school that sees your child as you see them?

A great school will see the value and beauty of who your child is now. While a school’s job is to prepare your child for the future, it should also recognize and acknowledge that your child is already a fully formed person, that yes, needs to mature and grow, but is also full of potential.

The Oaks Academy

Do relationships come first?

Choose a school that values relationships with parents and students more than grades and test scores. School leadership, teachers, students, and parents should regularly interact with one another, forming strong relationships that help your child succeed.

Is this a school where there is a sense of joy?

Great schools have a palpable sense of joy that overflows from teachers and students. It is a joy that comes from each student being known and loved, therefore allowing them to feel safe, secure, and supported as they learn.

Is this a school that provides students with a curriculum that is worthy of their love and affection?

As you select a school, make sure the curriculum is carefully designed, and that you know the criteria for selection and philosophy of the curriculum.

Does the school have a vision for your child beyond academic preparation and success?

While success and academic preparation are of utmost importance in any school, consider the school’s broader goal for your child. The best school for your child should prepare them for not only academic success, but also success in relationships, in the ability to engage with ideas, and in critical thinking and reasoning skills. 

Did you find these questions helpful in your school search? Check out our FREE School Decision - sign up to get it in your inbox at the following link:

Do these questions resonate with what you’re looking for in a school for your child? Check out The Oaks Academy. Serving Pre-K through 8th-grade students in Indianapolis and surrounding communities, The Oaks values relationships with parents and students, while also maintaining high academic standards.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Learn Spanish Online
The Spanish Clubhouse, LLC

Our experienced teachers use an immersive sequenced, language-building curriculum designed to get your child speaking Spanish quickly.

We offer a wide variety of classes, ranging from pre-verbal language immersion to academically rigorus grade school enrichment all taught by accredited teachers.

We also offer tutoring for any grade level.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Born to Move: Movement and Coordination Strategies to Help Your Child Become Independent
The Warren Center

In celebration of Early Intervention Day, The Warren Center is pleased to present the second annual Strong Start Virtual Summit! At this one-of-a-kind online learning experience child development experts will take a deep dive into a number of topics including brain development, enhancing language and motor skills, and building a child’s social-emotional skills. It can be exhausting meeting your baby's/toddler's/preschooler’s every need! Have no fear! As children gain independence in doing things for themselves, their self-esteem and confidence grows and parents are freed up to meet some of their own needs! In this session you will learn the motor skills your child needs to gain independence and how you can support them on the journey. Dr. Allison Johnson with The Warren Center joined us for this session. Learn more about The Warren Center here: Donate to The Warren Center here:

Strong Foundations: Building Children's Social-Emotional Skills in the Early Years
The Warren Center

In celebration of Early Intervention Day, The Warren Center is pleased to present the second annual Strong Start Virtual Summit! At this one-of-a-kind online learning experience child development experts will take a deep dive into a number of topics including brain development, enhancing language and motor skills, and building a child’s social-emotional skills. As part of The Warren Center's Strong Start Virtual Summit, Dr. Bonny Stewart with The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, shares tips and tricks for navigating children's social-emotional skills. Learn more about The Warren Center here: Donate to The Warren Center here:

The Wright Mommy, Daddy and Me classes!
The Wright Mommy and Me - Santa Monica, CA

Welcoming a new baby has always brought joy and awe. It's also a time of overwhelm, sleep deprivation, questioning and a huge learning curve. It's normal for moms and dads to feel isolated and at times, full of self doubt. In our classes, you will learn about all things baby and make new friends, all while getting support and expertise from our exceptional class leaders. We help you create and celebrate your "village."

Our mission is to bring moms, dads and their babies together to learn, to share their experiences and to support each other during baby’s first year. We’re not meant to do this alone!

Free Mental Health Screening
Thrive Together OC

Thrive Together OC offers FREE mental health screenings for young people between the ages of 12-25  who may be at risk for developing psychosis. If you would like to learn more, take our free mental health screener by visiting our website

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
When Artists Go In: Photography Critique Group
Visual Studies Workshop

This workshop is for photo-based makers who want to improve their works in progress through honest, critical and constructive feedback from outside eyes. Hernease Davis and one guest artist will facilitate group discussion for each session. Between each meeting, participants will have a month to make work that considers and incorporates the critique's feedback. All types of photography are welcome. If you are mixing mediums such as sculpture, video, writing, etc, that is welcome too. The purpose of this workshop is to help you raise the level of your photo practice in a supportive environment. Be prepared to share your works in progress on the first day. Led by Hernease Davis + Guest.

4 Monday evenings, monthly (February 27, March 27, April 24, May 15)
6:00-8:30pm, $300 ($255 for VSW Members)

Visual arts / crafts
Financial Literacy for Teens (and Parents) - Video Lessons & More
Your Sherpa, LLC - Financial Literacy

Parents, young people aren't saving money.  Worse yet, many are in no position to start.

Think of what we are saying - even young adults are already behind the eight ball (e.g., with excessive student debt or with a degree, but still largely unemployable).

The implications are critical; we must teach financial literacy at an even earlier age.  We must connect with teens and give them the mindset and life skills to succeed at saving money and the awareness to avoid obstacles to saving like debt and underemployment.

Your Sherpa LLC has created financial literacy educational content for parents, teens, and young adults.  Our mission is to produce financially savvy and career-ready young adults.

We offer a unique solution to this problem.  We created a simple framework to understand and remember – a roadmap from start to finish.  We explain this framework in 25, short (2-3 minutes) videos.  We use story-based lessons to engage, inspire, and teach about money, college decisions, career considerations, and broad life skills.  We include printable summary sheets and our eBook.

Just one hour of video lessons can spark important family conversations and deliver life lessons.

Parents, for less than the cost of a pizza you may change your child’s life and future prospects.

And teens who make financially sound college choices or set better initial career goals, and who have a personal process to make daily decisions to save money, also save their parents money (i.e., parents too are taking on too much college debt today, trashing retirement accounts and dreams).

Thanks for considering our product.  We encourage engagement and feedback.

Academic - General
High School
Title Description Cost
Online Bachelor's in Data Science Program Guide - TechGuide

The realm of data science is one that onlookers regard with curiosity and respect. There are a lot of unknowns in this area of study that only recently became hugely relevant. It is important to get the facts on how expertise in data science is transforming the world. This article features what a bachelor’s degree means in today’s market and the future.

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
High School
Online Master's in Business Analytics Program Guide - TechGuide

A degree in business analytics looks different in today’s world than it did a decade ago. In its most current application, business analytics uses modern data science and capabilities in machine learning (ML). The magic comes into play when these are leveraged for strategic planning.

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Master's in Data Science Program Guide - TechGuide

A master’s degree in data science helps prepare professionals to take the next career step. This article will focus primarily on data science, a graduate degree, and a data scientist or data analyst career. With many employers preferring a master’s degree in data science for those seeking to fill roles as data scientists or analysts, we will discuss the data science master’s degree in detail.

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Healthy Lunch Box Ideas for Kids

Lunch boxes are perhaps the most challenging meals we prepare for our children. Finding lunch options that are delicious, nutritious, and easy for children to eat by themselves – can be a tedious task. We have listed some fresh lunch ideas that will help brighten up the little box of joy you make for your children and ensure an empty lunch box at the end of the day!

Tips for Packing School Lunches

1. Plan Your Lunchbox– Set aside a few minutes every evening to plan your school lunch and prep as much as possible. It will save cooking time in the morning and make the process easier. You could prepare dosa batter, stuffing for paratha, or knead the chapati dough to prepare.

2. Involve Your Children in Lunchbox Planning – Involving children in planning the lunchbox can help them feel enthusiastic about their school lunch. Ask them to choose from a list of healthy options and allow them to chop fruits and vegetables.

3. Bento Box – A bento box is a steel lunch box with several compartments. You can pack the main entrée for the school lunch and snacks like nuts, fruits, or sweets. Bento boxes have sections for condiments like sauces and chutneys, too. They make the lunch look colorful and appetizing – making your child smile as soon as they open their lunch!

4. Thermos – If your child enjoys hot soups, noodles, or pasta – pack them in a thermos to keep them warm. This idea is beneficial in the cold weather. Your children may find a thermos of warm soup comforting on a cold winter day.

5. Balanced Meal – To ensure that your children get all the nutrients they need, pack a variety of foods to balance the meal. Besides, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains include healthy snacks like nuts, nutrition bars, and sweet treats.

Healthy Lunch Box Recipes for Children

1. Spinach Corn Sandwich + Orange + Almonds or Pistachios – Spinach and corn make a lovely combination for sandwich stuffing. It is full of nutrients like iron, calcium, and vitamins. Orange slices are great for lunchboxes as they stay fresh for long. Add nuts like almonds or pistachios for various tastes and added nutrients.

2. Vegetable Rolls – Vegetable rolls are nutritious and easy to prepare. Choose vegetables your child enjoys and add some delicious sauces to elevate the taste. If you know how to make jowar roti, use it as a healthy alternative to tortillas or parathas made from refined flour.

3. Jowar Roti Pizza – Leftover jowar roti makes for a lovely pizza base the following day. Add healthy toppings like vegetables, low-fat cheese, and homemade tomato sauce. Traditional pizza is considered unhealthy due to the refined flour base. Jowar roti is gluten-free and nutritious for your children.

4. Besan Chilla – A popular breakfast item in north India, the besan chilla is also a good option for school lunches. It stays fresh, soft, and edible for hours and is yummy. Make your chilla healthy by adding grated carrots, finely chopped bell peppers and red onions.

5. Chapati Noodles + Makhana Raita + Pomegranate – Use leftover rotis to make delicious chapati noodles with flavorful Asian sauces and colorful vegetables. Makhanas or foxnuts are super healthy and tasty with yoghurt. And pomegranate adds a fruity freshness twist to this wholesome lunchbox.

6. Corn Cutlets – Add corn and other vegetables to make healthy cutlets. Instead of frying them in oil, use an air fryer or bake them in an oven. Corn cutlets are an excellent combination of health and taste. Remember to give a delicious chutney or sauce to eat with the cutlets.

7. Rajma Chawal + Yoghurt with Chia Seeds + Orange – Rajma chawal is a delicious and nutritious meal enjoyed across India. The best thing about rajma and rice is that they are rich in healthy carbohydrates and proteins while tasting delicious. Add another dose of protein with chia seeds in yoghurt, and for dessert, go for fresh orange slices to offset the spicy taste of rajma.

8. Butternut Squash Pasta + Dry Grapes + Orange – Butternut squash is a nutritious and delicious vegetable that all children enjoy. Use fresh butternut squash to make a delightful sauce, and add freshly boiled pasta. You can use tricolor pasta to make it look even more colorful and fun for your child. Dry grapes work well as a dessert, and oranges are the best choice of fruit.

Lunch boxes are more than just food; they are an extension of your love and care for your children while they learn at school. Everyone wants their children to enjoy their lunch daily, but coming up with innovative ideas every day can be cumbersome. We hope you try some of the recipes mentioned above, and if you have any unique lunch box ideas that your kids love – share them with us, too!

Free Online Spanish Lesson For Children

This lesson is for children (6 - 11 ages). We will meet on zoom. For more information please contact me at

Early Elementary School

Love chess or want to learn? A former chess champion, I've spent the last 25 years teaching all ages both privately and in schools, including special needs schools, and online for all ages. Try a 15 minute lesson for free.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School

Childhood Apraxia of Speech resources and support groups - 

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Tinkergarten - Free Trial Classes on Zoom!

Calling all little explorers: come to Tinkergarten for inspired play and try out our classes! Join me Monday, March 29 at 10:30am or Saturday, April 3 at 9:30am on Zoom for songs, movement, animal facts, and play! All you'll need are materials you already have in your kitchen: dish soap, water, a bowl, whisk, and straw. The class is geared towards kids ages 2-5; siblings welcome. Sign up today or find another complimentary session that works for you at 

Virtual Enrichment Classes

GDS Is offering a wide variety of synchronous and asynchronous virtual enrichment classes for students of any age, from any school! Our programs include chess, Mandarin, ASL, yoga, dance, creative writing, coding, and much more!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Snapology- Various Classes

At Snapology, we understand that the closure of schools can be challenging for students and parents, so we are taking our popular Snapology STEAM classes, play dates, and parties online! We have adapted our curriculum so that your child can make their screen time count with engaging and entertaining STEAM enrichment.


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Doodles Academy- Free Online Art Classes for Elementary Aged Kids

In response to the pandemic and shelter at home orders, we've been putting out 'Doodles at Home', a free weekly series that adapts our curriculum into projects that students can access on their own. New classes are released every Tuesday.

Doodles Academy provides visual art curricula for grades 1-5. We emphasize using art to teach to the WHOLE child, connecting the art lesson to concepts in history, literacy, math, science, and social studies. In our projects, students create a unique artwork that connects to their personal experiences.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Cosmic Coffee Series
Lowell Observatory

Cosmic Coffee explores a different topic in astronomy or planetary science each week. In this YouTube series, we talk about a wide range of topics from the Pluto Vote to the history of Lowell Observatory, and is a great place to learn from astronomers and other experts!  

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
Live Online English Classes For Kids (k-12) | 98thPercentile

At 98thPercentile, find the best online English tutor for your child We are offering the best live online English classes for kids and adults.

The English program at 98thPercentile is a unique blend of online learning experience and traditional live classroom teaching. Immerse your child in an enriching English class to boost their performance in school.




Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free Virtual Parent Workshops
ACES - Autism Comprehensive Services

Parent workshops are geared to help educate, engage, and empower parents who have children with autism. Workshops will focus on specific topics while engaging parents in discussion, problem-solving, and practical takeaways. Join us for support. We are always happy to have you. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Be A Maker Club
Appears Closed 7/28/23 AC - Be A Maker Club

We are makers that help you make. We started teaching children computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD & CAM) in our makerspace lab in 2018. Our focus has been on product design that enables a child to repair, make and invent for their everyday life. With the closure of in-person makerspace classes we decided to apply our pedagogy to online making and are offering online 3D design and printing classes starting in June 2020. Honors, Awards, or Certifications - Social Impact Fellowship by the Kravis Lab at Claremont McKenna College - 46% of students enrolled are girls in our makerspace classes - A textbook chapter on 3D printing in K-12 education to be published by Pearson in collaboration with Nova Southeastern University

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy

Learn about the geology of Southern California (and the entire Earth)!

Check out our website for additional virtual field trips, as well as accompanying worksheets:

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Wildlife of Southern California
Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy

Discover the wildlife of the Arroyos and Foothills in Southern California!

Check out our website for additional virtual field trips, as well as accompanying worksheets:

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Native Plants of Southern California
Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy

Learn about the native plants of Southern California, their properties, and their uses by the native peoples!

Check out our website for additional virtual field trips, as well as accompanying worksheets:

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Fire Making
Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy

Join Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy's Tim Martinez to learn about traditional fire making using native plants!

Check out our website for additional virtual field trips, as well as accompanying worksheets:

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Canta y Baila Conmigo® with Blooming Sounds LLC
Blooming Sounds LLC

In our Canta y Baila Conmigo classes are for families who want an emersive Spanish language experience through music and movement.  These classes are for 0-5 year-olds and their grown-ups.  Your child will gain the building blocks of Spanish language learning AND basic music competence (keeping rhythm and singing in tune).  Registration for our Winter Session is Open!  Gift Certificates are available!

Early Elementary School
Rhythm Kids® by Music Together® with Blooming Sounds LLC
Blooming Sounds LLC

In our Rhythm Kids® by Music Together® classes, 4-8 year-olds take their music making up a notch.  This is a great transition class between parent-and-me to kids-only classes.  Grown-ups are welcome, but not required.  This classes are designed to ensure your young one is exposed to a wide variety of music in this formative development time.  Registration for our Winter Session is Open!  Gift Certificates are available!

Early Elementary School
Mixed-Age Music Together® Online with Blooming Sounds
Blooming Sounds LLC

Come learn, play, and bond through music and movement in our Music Together® Online Mixed Age classes.  These live classes are for 0-5 year-olds and their grown-ups.  Music Together's researched backed curriculum is taught through a vast, diverse repertoire and is designed to ensure your young one reaches basic music competence (keeping rhythm and singing in tune) in this formative time of development all while having FUN and making long-lasting musical memories.  Registration for our Winter Session is OPEN and classes start in early January. Gift certificates are available!

Lullaby Classes - December 2021
Blooming Sounds LLC

Join us for three 45 minute sessions on lullabies for your little one.

Ideal for caregivers of 0-9 month olds, but all are welcome! (You are never too old for a lullaby!)

You will leave this workshop able to sing new lullabies and with parenting hacks on how to use them - for bedtime, naptime, and more.

Tuition includes a download code for the award winning Music Together® Lullabies CD and and booklet with the lyrics and activities to try at home.

Brit-Am Soccer Academy - Online Soccer Classes Age 2-14

Brit-Am Live brings the best elements of our outdoor curriculum to you anywhere from your home! Your player will enjoy themself in our virtual soccer academy, develop their motor skills, and fundamental soccer ability. Interact with our most experienced staff for a joyous and challenging experience.

Weekday classes end Friday June 12. Weekend classes end Sunday June 21. Sat/Sun classes at 10:30am, Monday to Friday at 1pm. Monday & Friday at 3pm, Tuesday & Wednesday at 11am.

$15 individual class, $40 (3 classes), $75 (6 classes), $120 Unlimited seasonal pass

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
How Do Braces Work: What are the Types of Braces?
Brite Orthodontics

When it comes to achieving a perfect smile, braces are a tried-and-true solution that has helped millions transform their teeth. But how do braces work, and what types are available to suit different needs and preferences?

In this blog, we'll delve into the working mechanic of braces and also explore their various types—from traditional metal ones to modern clear aligners.

How Do Braces Work?

Orthodontic braces work by applying constant pressure to your teeth and jaw to change their position for a more aligned look. There are several different components that help braces work effectively to realign your smile. These components include – brackets, archwire, bands, ligatures, rubber bands, spacers, buccal tubes, and springs.

The archwire applies gentle, continuous pressure on the teeth, which is transmitted through the brackets. The pressure exerted by the archwire stimulates the periodontal membrane (the tissue that surrounds the roots of the teeth) and triggers a biological process called bone remodeling. As bone remodeling occurs, the teeth gradually move into their new positions. The archwire's shape memory helps guide this movement.

What are the Types of Braces?

Depending on the status of your realignment and the condition of your teeth and jaw, there are different types of braces you can go for. The best-suited braces depend on the severity of your dental condition, the type of dental issue you have, and the personal preference you want to choose. Here are some types of braces that are widely popular:

  1. Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces are used to correct misaligned jaw and teeth. They are typically made of high-grade stainless steel and consist of several components such as archwire, brackets, bands, and ligatures. These traditional braces are used to treat a variety of dental issues, including:


  • Crooked or misaligned teeth


  • Overbites and underbites


  • Crossbites


  • Gaps between teeth


  • Crowded teeth


  1. Lingual Braces

 Lingual braces are similar to the metal braces. But instead of being visible in the front of the teeth, they are placed in the back surface of your teeth, making them virtually invisible from the outside. They are used for a variety of orthodontic issues, including:


  • Crowded teeth


  • Spacing issues


  • Bite problems


  • Alignment issues

These braces work in much the same way as traditional braces, using a system of brackets and wires to apply continuous pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them into the desired position.


  1. Ceramic Braces

Like metal braces, ceramic braces also work the same way, only difference being they are discreet. These types of braces are made of translucent tooth colored material that makes them less noticeable than the traditional metal braces.

Ceramic braces are perfect for individuals who do not want the obviousness of metal braces, and are not comfortable with lingual braces that sit in the back surface of their teeth, but want the discreetness that the Invisalign provides them with without costing a fortune. They help in addressing dental issues like:


  • Correct misaligned teeth


  • Fix bite issues such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite


  • Close gaps between teeth


  • Address overcrowding of teeth

While these braces are great for discreetness, they are bulkier than metal braces and may stain based on your diet and brushing routine.


  1. Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are made of transparent, medical-grade plastic, custom-fitted to the teeth of each patient. You must have heard about clear aligners through the most well-known brand – Invisalign. They work through a series of custom-made trays that gradually move teeth into the desired position.

With clear aligners, each set is worn for about two weeks before being replaced by the next set in the sequence. Clear aligners can be removed, and hence, are more convenient than metal braces. However, they must be worn for at least 22 hours daily, only being taken out for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth.


  1. Self Ligating Braces

Self-ligating braces function similarly to traditional metal and ceramic braces and can be made from either metal or clear/ceramic materials. Both types use brackets and a wire to align the teeth. However, the key distinction is that self-ligating braces utilize doors or clips to secure the wire, rather than using elastic rubber ties.

Bottom Line

Understanding how braces work and the variety of types available is crucial for anyone considering orthodontic treatment. Whether you choose traditional metal braces, the discreet appeal of ceramic braces, the convenience of self-ligating braces, or the modern innovation of clear aligners, each option offers unique benefits tailored to different needs and lifestyles.

Consulting with an orthodontist will help determine the best solution for achieving a healthier, more confident smile. Remember, the journey to perfect teeth might require time and patience, but the results are well worth the effort.

My Nature Connection
Camp Fire Minnesota

We see technology as a tool to encourage new outdoor experiences. That’s why we’re leafing through our hands-on, nature based activities and curriculum – and adapting them for easy, at-home use where you can set the screen aside and explore nature.

We created My Nature Connection to provide on-going free resources, tips, and activities for youth and teens — focused on nature-based play, health and wellness, and environmental education.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
CIRCLE Biblioteca
CIRCLE Organization

This resource library was created in collaboration with The Health Equity Advocacy Cohort and with support from The Colorado Trust. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Classics 4 Kids Musical Moments
Classics 4 Kids

Launched in May 2020, Classics 4 Kids Musical Moments feature our Artistic Director & Conductor Dana Zimbric and other musicians.

Each video highlights a composer or special piece of music and background information. Geared for kids of all ages to share the joy of music learning!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Kids Scratch Coding for Beginners
CodeCubbies - Coding Classes for Kids

Scratch is a visual block based editor that allows kids of all ages to get a better grasp on coding concepts.

Entry level coding is taught through block coding and kids of all ages can learn the fundamental and ever growing skill of coding through hands on play as well as classroom unplugged lessons.

Every student learns differently. Some absorb by listening, some absorb by reading, and almost all benefit from hands on! At CodeCubbies, we teach using all these methods.

We believe that teaching kids to code helps to set them up for academic success regardless of what they want to be when they grow up.

STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Unity Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Create Video Games with Unity Engine

Ages 9+

Many of today's most popular games are created with the Unity Game Engine. Examples include the VR Game Beat Saber,  video games such as Iron ManPokémonNASCAR and others. In this camp join other serious gamers to learn the basics of creating games in Unity and turning ideas into reality. Minimum requirements to run unity on your computer are: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit versions only, or macOS: 10.12+.


Cost: $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Unreal Engine 4 Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Welcome to Game Design with Unreal Engine!

Ages 9+

If you have played Fortnite or any of today's blockbuster video games, you have experienced Epic Games' Unreal Engine. In this camp join other serious gamers and learn some of the basics of developing your own games with Unreal Engine. Turn your creative ideas into UNREAL games! Minimum requirements to run Unreal on your computer are: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit or Mac OSX 10.9.2 or higher, 8GB or RAM.


Cost: $70 (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Curiosity Lab
Curiosity Lab

**LEARN TO CODE, BUILD GAMES AND APPS ONLINE WITH A LIVE INSTRUCTOR WITH YOUR OWN PRIVATE CLASS** At The Curiosity Lab, students explore different concepts, ideas and projects through self-paced learning. The possibilities are endless while working through, creating and learning with our many virtual STEAM programs. Students learn through private classes with a live instructor online! Classes are flexible and can be taken anywhere the student has access to the internet! Classes are custom to keep students engaged while learning skills that will keep them competitive in their tech driven futures! Choose from: - coding - photoshop - minecraft - 2D game creation - 3D game creation - app creation - tech tutoring - illustrator - muse - dreamweaver We now have an Enrichment Program for parents who are looking for a little bit more! A full stack developer program for kids! Yes, they can!

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Why Are Baby Teeth Important?
Dentistry for Children & Adolescents
Why Are Baby Teeth Important?
Dentistry for Children & Adolescents
First Visit By The First Birthday
Dentistry for Children & Adolescents
Educators' Resource
Discovery Gateway Children's Museum

STEAM oriented programs designed by DGCM professional educator outreach team. Free resource for educators and teachers.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Filmmakers Ink Virtual Film Studio
Filmmakers Ink

From Stop Motion Animation thru Special FX, Screenwriting, Filmmaking and Acting for Film & TV. Ages 8 - 10, 11-13, HS, College, Families. All instructors are professional filmmakers. 

Lead Instructor, Patrick McCullough has directed two feature films and produced four.  He's an Actor Coach on Hollywood films, including working extensively with Oscar-Winning Adrien Brody, by his request, during the making of the Houdini mini- series on Netflix. Patrick had a supporting acting role opposite Adrien. He also coached the ”bad guy” in the Charlize Theron film, Atomic Blonde

The mission of Filmmakers Ink is to help your kids access their own natural creativity and be able to make films with their friends and families, without needing us anymore. 

STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
STEMing From Home
Fleet Science Center

The Fleet Science Center brings you live virtual lessons at home with our science educators!  

Tired of seeing your kids bored and distracted on their zoom calls? Our Fleet science educators developed programs to captivate, engage and keep students curious while schooling from home, so you don’t have to! Your kids will be engrossed as they explore science with hands-on activities using materials you are likely to already have at home. Whether you need virtual lessons for an entire classroom, individual student activities or curriculum support for teachers, we’ve got you covered. 

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Girl Scouting From Home
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas

As Girl Scouts, we live by the motto "be prepared" - and that includes when the unexpected happens. We know that this is a challenging time for Girl Scouts—staying home from school and away from friends is a significant change in her routine that can make her feel disconnected. However, there are many ways she can still participate in Girl Scout activities and earn awards, even at home! Our Girl Scout sisterhood will help us stay connected during these unprecedented times. We are in this together!

Here are a few resources and ideas for Girl Scouts of all levels to help you get started. There is something for everyone! Virtual book club, community service, badge earning activities, and even resources for parents interested in running a virtual troop. These resources are quickly becoming more available. Check this page often for updates!

Interested in learning more about joining Girl Scouts? Follow the THIS LINK to learn more! 

History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Greece Christian Preschool
Greece Christian School

Greece Christian Preschool provides a rich classroom environment where children are encouraged to explore and challenged to learn, while making friends and developing self-confidence. Our curriculum helps children develop the thinking and problem solving skills they’ll need to succeed in kindergarten.

Academic - General
Greece Christian Preschool
Greece Christian School

Greece Christian Preschool provides a rich classroom environment where children are encouraged to explore and challenged to learn, while making friends and developing self-confidence. Our curriculum helps children develop the thinking and problem solving skills they’ll need to succeed in kindergarten.

Academic - General
Totmail Newsletter • Habitot at Home Activities • Upcoming Events
Habitot Children's Museum

Receive our free weekly e-newsletter with an new at home art or science activity to do at home, early childhood book recommendations and a parenting topic of the month. Updates on upcoming events and activities (with advance ticket links) also listed.

Coding Classes for Kids

Haedos is an online coding school for kids and teens with a vision to make children online-safe, inspired, and confident in computer coding. We offer private (1-on-1) and semi-private (2-on-1) Project-Based Learning (PBL) in computer coding for kids between 6-18 years via online video conferencing. Our coding gurus are US-based computer experts from local communities, school systems, top American universities, and software professionals from fortune 100.

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
IMACS of Missouri

IMACS gives students a competitive edge by teaching them how to think critically using logic and reasoning. IMACS classes are now offered online and cover high-level material in fun and exciting ways designed to keep talented students challenged and engaged.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
How Sleep & Eye Health are Connected?
InSight Vision Center

Are you getting enough sleep? It's a question you must’ve often heard for a good reason. Sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being. However, there's a deeper connection between your sleep and your eye health. It's an interesting topic that has caught the attention of researchers and eye care professionals alike.

Whether you struggle with getting enough shut-eye or simply want to know how to rest your eyes, this post is here to help you. It explores the link between your quality of sleep and your eye health and gives you some practical tips on how to get a good night’s sleep. So let’s dive in!

What is the Connection Between Lack of Sleep and Eye Health?

Did you know that just like your brains and bodies, your eyes also heal themselves while you sleep? Thus, not getting enough shut-eye can cause issues like dryness, itchiness, bloodshot eyes, and other problems.

As a matter of fact, over time, sleep deprivation could even lead to more severe eye diseases like glaucoma. So, ensure you catch those Z's and give your eyes the rest they need! More details are coming up in the next section!

How is Sleep Helpful for Improving Eye Health?

Getting enough sleep can do wonders for your eye health. There are 4 key ways in which sleep can improve your eyesight. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


  • Boosts the Eye Immunity

    Your immune system fights against harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause infections. The eyes are no exception to this. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to eye infections such as conjunctivitis or pink eye. Getting enough sleep helps to boost the immune system, thereby protecting the eyes from infections.


  • Reduces the Risks of Dry Eye

    A dry eye is a common problem when your eyes don't make enough tears. It causes a lot of uncomfortable symptoms like irritation and vision issues. Not getting enough sleep can make it worse! That's because when you are sleep-deprived, your tear production slows down. But if you catch enough zzz's, your eyes produce enough tears and stay hydrated.


  • Helps in Avoiding Glaucoma

    Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that damages the optic nerve, leading to blindness. But do you know sleep apnea and eye health are also interconnected in this context? Dry eyes and glaucoma can be the result of reduced oxygen and blood flow to the optic nerve due to sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Thus, getting a sound sleep naturally prevents the chances of glaucoma in future.


  • Reduces the Chances of Accidents Due to Sleep Deprivation

    Sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue, drowsiness, and impaired vision, increasing the risks of accidents and injuries. This is especially true for those who drive or operate heavy machinery. Getting enough sleep helps to reduce the chances of accidents due to sleep deprivation, as it improves alertness and concentration.

How to Relax Your Eyes & Get a Good Sleep at Night?

If you are struggling to get a good night's sleep, there are a few things you can try:

  • Firstly, make sure your sleeping environment is cool enough to help you sleep more comfortably.
  • Next, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. This will help your body establish a routine and regulate your energy levels.
  • Avoid eating within three hours of bedtime. Digestion can require a lot of energy, making it harder to drift off and stay asleep.
  • Make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible. Even the tiniest bit of light can disturb your sleep.
  • About an hour before bed, start dimming the lights in your home. This will signal your body and mind that it's time to relax and wind down.
  • If you live in a noisy area, try sleeping with a fan or some white noise to help you fall asleep without distractions.
  • Avoid using your smartphone, laptop, TV, or tablet at least two hours before bed to ensure you get enough melatonin, a chemical that helps you sleep.
  • Regular exercise can also help you sleep better. But make sure to work out earlier in the day and not within three hours of bedtime.
  • If nothing works, it may be worth consulting with your doctor. They can help you determine if you have a condition like sleep apnea that could impact your rest.

You now know the vital link between the quality of your sleep and the health of your eyes. Poor sleep can lead to a number of vision problems. But don't worry! From establishing a bedtime routine to creating a sleep-conducive environment, there are many strategies, as mentioned here, that you can use to get a good night's rest.

So take care of your eyes, prioritize your sleep, and don’t forget your annual eye exam to catch any eye condition early on – your body will thank you!

Free Lesson Plans & Activities
International Spy Museum

The Spy Museum provides FREE classroom lessons, resources, and activities that support traditional curriculum. Ranging in subjects, lesson plans include primary documents and step-by-step instructions for implementing activities in your classroom.

History / social studies
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
2024 iWRITE Publishing Contest
iWRITE Non-Profit Organization

Writing for a fantasy theme is a wonderful opportunity to let your imagination run wild. Whether you’re creating a new world from scratch or using existing folklore as inspiration, there are countless possibilities to explore. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different writing styles and techniques, as fantasy allows for a great deal of flexibility in terms of tone and structure. With a little bit of creativity and a lot of dedication, you can craft a truly mesmerizing fantasy story that will transport readers to a world beyond their wildest dreams.

Publishing is a powerful incentive for learning and is a unique way to validate that a child’s voice should be heard.  Each year, young writers in the 3rd-12th grade all across the globe have the chance to be published authors. This first taste of success can last a lifetime! The iWRITE Non-Profit Organization offers students the opportunity to submit their writing and artwork to our annual publishing contest. This year’s theme will be announced in August 2023. Fiction and Non-fiction short stories, poetry, and art submissions are accepted from August 2023 through April 30, 2024. The finalists will be named in September 2024. Our winners will be announced on our website and published in the I Write Short Stories by Kids for Kids 15th Volume Anthology. One hundred and twenty-five winners will be chosen and will receive one complimentary copy of the Anthology. Editor’s Choice Recipients will have the chance to read their work at iWRITE’s Annual Book Signing Celebration and receive additional media opportunities.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Lirbrary A to Z Resources
Jefferson County Library, Northwest Branch- MO

This page will take you directly to all of the library's online resources and helps. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Learn at Home with Job Carr Cabin Museum
Job Carr Cabin Museum

FREE online learning resources for students and families are available from Job Carr Cabin Museum.

Choose from a variety of social studies content for elementary students:

* Downloadable interdisciplinary lesson plans adapted from the Museum's award-winning traveling trunk curriculum for 3rd and 4th grade students who are participating in remote learning, virtual schooling, and home schooling. Students learn about the Oregon Trail, daily life before Washington statehood, and the development of the city of Tacoma.

* Printable activity pages including crossword, word search, and coloring pages to help kids explore local history

* The Cabin for Kids YouTube playlist where our team answers common questions from students and provides behind-the-scenes access. Explore the museum and learn more about Job Carr, the Oregon Trail, the transcontinental railroad, Tacoma history, and life in the past with this series of short videos made especially for kids.

History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Coding in Python - Private Trial
Kiddy School

This is a 30-min private trial class where we will introduce the course to your child and give you feedback. It's $15, which will be deducted from your monthly payment if you enroll. 

* You can book 1 trial class per course only. If you are booking coding classes and not sure what program to choose yet - the instructor will help you choose the right one for your child.  If you are booking a Math class - during the trial we will do an assessment for your child and send it to you after.    


About Kiddy School

Kiddy School is a digital and IT virtual learning environment for K-12 students. Our goal is to ensure every kid explores their pathway to digital literacy and can compete globally.

We offer group and private classes for K-12 kids for the following programs:
- Programming;
- Graphic Design and Digital Art;
- Video Editing and YouTube
and more.

A learning journey includes:
- certificates of achievements;
- competitions and reward system for some courses;
- virtual classroom and progress report for some courses;
- chat with the teacher and homework help;
- unlimited live workshops every month.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Coding in Python - Private Trial
Kiddy School

This is a 30-min private trial class where we will introduce the course to your child and give you feedback. It's $15, which will be deducted from your monthly payment if you enroll. 

* You can book 1 trial class per course only. If you are booking coding classes and not sure what program to choose yet - the instructor will help you choose the right one for your child.  If you are booking a Math class - during the trial we will do an assessment for your child and send it to you after.    


About Kiddy School

Kiddy School is a digital and IT virtual learning environment for K-12 students. Our goal is to ensure every kid explores their pathway to digital literacy and can compete globally.

We offer group and private classes for K-12 kids for the following programs:
- Programming;
- Graphic Design and Digital Art;
- Video Editing and YouTube
and more.

A learning journey includes:
- certificates of achievements;
- competitions and reward system for some courses;
- virtual classroom and progress report for some courses;
- chat with the teacher and homework help;
- unlimited live workshops every month.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Kids Corner by Kidokinetics!
Kidokinetics of the South Valley

Welcome to the Kidokinetics Kids Corner! Here you’ll find fun and engaging activities for kids such as guided sports and fitness games, as well as coloring sheets for quiet time! You can click on the links in the lists below to view and download various activities absolutely free!

Academic - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Mandala Art For Beginners

Without passion and hobbies, we cannot soar high into the winds of success.
We are elated to present our new and improved interactive mobile app to enhance your experience while choosing, enrolling and learning a NEW HOBBY at KoachMe!
mandala art for beginners
Learn Basics of Mandala Art .Techniques of gridding and structuring a mandala.Basic pattern creation. Learn the various techniques and mediums to create bespoke Mandala Art.

Browse the Landmark Preschool Viewbook!
Landmark Preschool

Why choose Landmark Preschool? Browse our viewbook to learn more. 

Academic - General

Are you a writer, cartoonist, photographer or poet who is long established or just starting out?
Show us what you do.

We are inviting submissions of work for publication in Lumos, our bi-monthly newsletter. For each issue, we will consider publication of essays, short fiction, journalism, poetry, photography, cartoons and illustrations. Our goal is to present a rich and vibrant online publication that opens the world of creative expression to our large reader base.

Contest: For each issue, we will select one winning submission. The prize is a $25 Target gift card.

Lumos will consider all submissions under terms of right of first publication. For information, or to submit your work, please send an introduction e-mail to



Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
Virtual Open House
Madrona Independent School

Attend a virtual open house to meet our Admissions Advisor. After learning about Madrona, you'll have an opportunity to ask questions.

Upcoming virtual open houses are on:

October 4th 11 am

October 18th  11am

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Miss Peggy's Music Room
Miss Peggy's Music Room

Our 2020 Fall Session will offer online lessons in Piano or Voice beginning September 9th.  We'll also offer online Parent/Child Music & Movement classes online beginning October 3rd. 

Please email Miss Peggy at for more information, or to request a copy of our brochure which includes the registration form, policies and class and lesson rates.

Early Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Dr. Steven Berman, Founder
Model United Nations at Cornell University & UN 17 SDG INSTITUTE DIGIVATIONS XGENS



College Admissions Prep tutoring

Academic - General
High School
The 19th Annual MOMS Club Alexandria-NE Preschool Booklet SY 2022-23
MOMS Club of Alexandria -NE

The 19th annual MOMS Club of Alexandria-NE Preschool Booklet for the 2022-23 school year is now available! Click here to access the booklet which contains information about over 40 of the half-day and full-day preschools serving Alexandria and beyond, including open house dates. If you are picking a new preschool for your little one, this is a great community resource that we hope you can use! Please feel free to share this link with your friends, family and parent networks. 

Guidance For Wearing A Mask At School
Mounds Park Academy

Scientific evidence from public health experts, the MN Department of Health, and the CDC indicates that risks to students and staff can be kept low if schools adhere to strict control measures, including wearing a face mask.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Workshops

We're excited to announce more than 70 virtual, hands-on workshops led by Museum Educators that help you bring the Museum Experience to your home. Workshops focus on art making, engineering, science and more, and are two hours long.  Space is limited; register today.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Middle School
High School
Music with Miss Sarah online music learning program for preschoolers
Music with Miss Sarah: Virtual music program

Engaging music classes & videos for preschoolers, ages 2-5, from the comfort of your home at your convenience.

Singing & playing together is both fun & educational. My videos are music classes where we will sing, play & explore rhythms & basic music skills together. There are also themed videos to learn about community helpers, seasons, baby animals & more. 

Educational Resources
New York State Museum

For all of the educators, caregivers, and students looking for engaging and educational activities to do right from home, look no further! This portal brings together many of the museum’s resources, including links to our virtual “Fieldtrips,” digital collections, online resources, and fun activities for kids based on the museum’s research and collections. Content on this page will be updated often, so be sure to check back for new information and activities!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Top Ten Camel Questions
Oasis Camel Foundation and Dairy

With over twenty years of connecting kids and camels, the Oasis Camel Foundation and Dairy has compiled our all-time, top ten camel questions and their sometimes surprising answers.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child Inland Empire Area

Operation Christmas Child is a great mission project for kids! Whether you are focusing on packing shoeboxes as a family or as a group during Sunday school, children’s church, or VBS, these resources will help your boys and girls learn more about the importance of giving in Jesus’ Name.   There's lessons, activities, videos, promotional resources, etc.


Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
9 Tips to Manage the First Week of Your Braces Treatment
Putnam Orthodontics - Briarcliff

Are you trying to get accustomed to your newly fixed braces? Your pain and discomfort are entirely justified as it is a new foreign body strapped to your teeth. The first week after the braces treatment is challenging for everyone.But once you sail through it, your rest of the journey towards straight teeth is comparatively much easier.

We are here with 9 tips to help you survive your first week with braces. Check them out

  1. Your gums and teeth need some time to get used to the constant pressure exerted by braces on them. You can take some over-the-counter pain medication for pain and inflammation.
  2. Regular oral hygiene is vital during braces treatment. The food particles can get stuck in brackets and buildup cavities in your mouth. The solution is to brush your teeth after every meal with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  3. The pressure applied by the brackets on your gums leads to irritation and sores. But it is temporary. Use the wax provided by your orthodontist to fight these sores in your mouth.
  4. Saltwater is an effective home remedy to minimize the pain of sores and heal the inflammation. Add half a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day with this.
  5.  A Mouthguard forms a protective barrier for the soft tissues of your gums. Always wear a mouthguard while playing sports or doing any physical activity to prevent your teeth and braces from any damage.
  6. To fulfill your dream of straight teeth, you should learn to handlebraces emergencies like broken brackets or poking wires. Gain the knowledge of the first aid you need to do yourself before reaching the orthodontist.
  7. You don’t eat as much with braces as you used to eat before. Therefore your mouth might feel dry. The solution is to stay hydrated. Keep sipping some water or any sugar-free beverage during the braces treatment.
  8. Your gums and teeth are susceptible in the initial days of braces treatment. Thus, avoid eating too hot or cold or chilled food. Instead, consume food and drinks which are warm or cool or at room temperature.

You can be friends with the following soft foods to achieve the desired straight teeth after the braces treatment:-

  • Cool Beverages Like Milkshakes and Smoothies
  • Soft-Cooked Fish or Fish Sticks
  • Steamed Vegetables
  • Salads with Eggs, Tuna, Tofu, and Chicken
  • Peanut Butter
  • Grains Like Rice, Barley, Couscous, and Quinoa
  • Fruit Cups and Ripe Fruits
  • Hummus
  • Soft Bread Like Pancakes and Sandwich Bread.
  • Pasta and Noodles
  • Stew and Soup
  • Applesauce
  • Fork-Tender Meats
  • Beans
  • Pudding
  • Soft Dairy Products Like Yogurt, Cheese, Ice-cream, etc.

Parting Words!

These tips will help you in the first crucial week of the braces treatment and afterward as well. Never hesitate to contact your orthodontist in case of grave concern. Get ready to embrace a beautiful life-long smile and straight teeth.

Bonus tip - If your children need braces, taking them to a kids-friendly orthodontist will be a good idea.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Distance Learning
Racine Zoo

Experience the Zoo and interact with animals like never before. Through Zoom, an online live video chat, the Zoo offers educational animal programs with a twist. Meet animals that call the Zoo home and ask questions, speaking directly with an experienced Conservation Education Specialist. 

These online live video programs are for all ages, and are great for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of animals. Families, classes, assisted living communities, homeschool groups, and much more can benefit from this experience. 

There are lots of fun programs to choose from, and programs can be customized to cover a specific concept, topic or vocabulary. To see a list of all the programs offered, check out our Distance Learning Information Sheet attached below. Meet animals from all over the world up close and learn what makes each animal so unique, and how they can survive, or dive into the daily routine of a Zookeeper and learn how zoos can take care of so many animals. We are sure there is a program for everyone.

We offer these programs for all attention spans with mini 20-25-minute programs and larger 40-45-minute programs. We also have animal chat programs that allow participates to learn about some of the larger animals that call the zoo home. A primate chat, bird of prey chat, big cat chat, and African safari chat are available. Each program can accomodate a maximum of 99 screens.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Randazzo Dance Studio Fall Classes
Randazzo Dance Studio

Future Dancers!

We have a full year long curriculum of dance classes for students ages 3-Adult available starting this fall. We will be offering all classes virtually with the hope of progressing to an in person model while also having virtual learning be an option all year long. We will continue to follow all CDC health and safety guidelines as we start our new semester. Check out our website for more information about classes and to register!

We look forward to meeting you and dancing with you!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Read Better Be Better At Home
Read Better Be Better

Read Better Be Better’s mission is to help children improve their literacy skills and become better learners. Our program has impacted the lives of over 5,500 children, families, and educators in and around the Phoenix area.

RBBB understands that students may not be participating in after school programs in the traditional sense, and has created this program with that in mind—with options ranging from simply getting a kit to enrolling in our full 6-week program.

Families with a 2nd-4th grade student and a middle or high school student will work through our curriculum: reading stories, writing their thoughts, and spending time together away from screens.

Get Materials: Pick Up a Kit! Kits are available at the RBBB office and other organizations across the Phoenix area. If you cannot pick up a kit, the curriculum guide is available for download on our website.

Get Trained: Participate in a Free Webinar! Visit our website to sign up for a live webinar or watch a training video, available in English and Spanish.

Get Support: Meet with an RBBB Site Leader! Sign up for the program and learn more by visiting

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Computer and AI Related Classes for K-12 Students

In the courses, students will learn the hottest AI topics, including path planning, speech recognition, and more. They will also learn to code in Calypso, an AI programming framework. By coding a virtual robot to chase objects, plan paths to destinations, and solve mazes, students learn programming and computer science while learning about the behind-the-scenes AI technology in self-driving cars.
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual and In Person Music Instruction
Ridenour Rehearsal Studios

We offer world class virtual and in person music instruction with top notch coaches, state of the art lesson rooms and flexible hours! Our students enjoy 4 showcases a year as well as performance opportunities every month! We teach voice, piano, guitar , bass, drums, violin, mandolin and saxaphone! Take a virtual tour of our studio today at!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Fill Your Toolkit - Become An Inclusion Ambassador!
Rochester Accessible Adventures


All youth everywhere become ambassadors of Inclusion of people with disabilities in recreation and sports, in every hometown, in every gym, camp, and municipality across Greater Rochester, The Finger Lakes, the WNY region, and beyond

Our Mission

Train 2020 Inclusion Ambassadors in Inclusion of people with disabilities in recreation


#WeWillInclude is part of Rochester Accessible Adventures' #MakingInclusion Happen movement to ensure OUR WHOLE COMMUNITY understands and values Inclusion of people with disabilities in Recreation and Sports!




You may already be aware of this, but 20% of our communities -- our neighbors, our relatives, our co-workers, our peers -- are people with disabilities...and yet, we often do not see them at playgrounds, parks, camps, and recreation facilities and programs.  NOT YET, anyway!

Rochester Accessible Adventures is busy training those municipalities, business owners, and program providers to become inclusive in how they operate (training staff, making places accessible, creating a welcoming environment, etc) and NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get involved with us!


How #WeWillInclude works

1. Each participant registers to take a FREE 3 hour online training course designed by our partners at SUNY Cortland's Inclusive Recreation Resource Center*  NO prior experience or training necessary!

2. Complete the training and receive a Certificate showing you are a Certified Inclusion Ambassador

3.  Be a part of history in the making!


Let's train 2,020 Inclusion Ambassadors!


Middle School
High School
RBTL Arts Education Programs
Rochester Broadway Theatre League (RBTL) - West Herr Auditorium Theatre

The Rochester Broadway Theatre League has developed several nationally recognized and award-winning arts education programs for students in the Greater Rochester area. Learn about the available programs, how to get involved, and how to support local arts education on our website.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free At Home Play/Learning Activities
Rooted In Play Outdoor Learning

At Tinkergarten, trained educators deliver an expert-designed curriculum of activities that help kids build the skills that matter most. Try some of them on your own and begin to see the power in outdoor, play-based learning. To a kid, these are just plain fun!

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Virtual Ocean Discovery
Roundhouse Aquarium Teaching Center

The Roundhouse Aquarium can bring ocean knowledge and the aquarium experience to you with our LIVE Virtual Classes. We offer interactive k-12 programs where students are able to learn directly from our educators, engage with the topic and ask questions.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Remote Zoom Music Lessons - Sign Up for Your Free Trial Lesson!
School of Rock Santa Clarita

We know that everybody has different circumstances and not only do we totally respect your call, we’ve also made some programming changes to help give you some options.If you’re not yet ready to come back to in-person lessons, that’s completely fine. Everyone's first lessons is free! So sign up today on our website or email with your specific questions.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Science Mill's Explorer Zone
Science Mill

The Science Mill is taking the museum experience online! Head to the Explorer Zone for a weekly STEM video series, hands-on science and interactive games. Join Science Mill staff for virtual field trips to the museum’s 50+ exhibits, then try an activity together and explore connections to STEM careers. At the Explorer Zone, you'll find step-by-step activity sheets, Career Connections resources and bonus videos and games. Please join the Science Mill email list to be notified of new shows and resources, and please help us spread the word! 

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Coding in Python, Java, Game maker studio
Enrollment is now available for both In-Person & Online classes for the Fall Semester.
Visit our website or contact us at to schedule your classes.
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
VIRTUAL STEM enrichment with LEGO® bricks
Snapology of North York

Weekly One Hour Online Classes

Do you have an avid LEGO® builder at home? We teach STEM skills using LEGO® bricks . Our programs  encourage creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, metacognition, resilience and more. At this time,  We have adpated our curriculum from us being a face to face program to an online/ virtual interactive experience with great success. We've been doing this since March and got it down!

Classes Available Monday - Friday
2pm-3pm (EST), 4pm-5pm (EST), 7pm-8pm (EST)
Introductory Week: 9/8-9/11
Session 1: (six weeks) 9/14-10/23
Session 2: (four weeks) 10/5-10/30
Session 3: (eight weeks)10/26-12/18
Session 4: (four weeks)11/2-11/27
Find out why parents and kids rave about our virtual classes during our introductory week!


Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
What is Music Together®
Sonatina Music Studio

What is Music Together- information sheet for families.

School Readiness and Booster Program
STAR Institute for Sensory Processing

STAR Institute's school readiness program provides opportunities that develop social success and communication, self-regulation within a school setting and help every child become an active part of their classroom community. Our goal is to provide a supportive, therapeutic group program that allows your child to build confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness, and maintain the regulation they need to transition to the school setting. School Readiness is designed by a therapist with extensive training and background in disordered sensory processing, occupational therapy in the school system, and child development. Each session is led by a fully licensed and trained OT. The schedule can accommodate your child's current school schedule.

Our occupational therapists have extensive training in sensory integration approach and the DIR/Floortime methodology, both of which focus on the child's capacity to regulate and communicate.

This program helps with:

  • Increase participation in school-related large group activities (circle time, snack time)
  • Increase independence in school-related hygiene (toileting and hand washing)
  • Increase skill development for fine, gross and visual-motor skills
  • Increase consistent communication of basic needs and wants
  • Increase efficiency and timeliness of transitions   


Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Musical Theatre Kids 2021 Spring Online Class: Monty Python’s Spamalot
Sundog Theatre

In this online theatre class, students focus on imagination, creation, and theatre games as well as a digital rehearsal for a final performance. The final performance will also take place online and the video will be shared at a later date. Musical Theatre Kids is an entertaining way to learn presentation skills, work with other children, and present a final show. Students have the opportunity to develop their theatre and public presentation skills as they rehearse for a production which enables them to put theory into practice and to work as a team. Each week a different skill is introduced to the children.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Boo's Shoes Helper Badges For Volunteer Shoelace Assistants
Sybrina Publishing

Teacher’s Assistant Badge - This download is free.

Every one who teaches young students knows that helping some kids tie their shoelaces is a never ending daily task. Here’s something to help with that.

Ask the kids who know how to do it, to help the ones who don’t. Pass out these adorable badges to your volunteer shoelace-tying assistants. Then, let the others know who to turn to for shoelace-tying help. You will have more time to teach. The assistants will feel good about helping others. And the kids will make new friends. That’s a win-win for everyone.

Early Elementary School
Museum From Home
Tellus Science Museum

Check out various educational resources including at-home experiments and worksheets! 

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Midwest Homeschool Expo
The Academy of Chaos

The Midwest Homeschool Expo is an annual inclusive gathering of families, exhibitors and service providers that welcomes diversity, is not aligned with any one particular leraning method and recognizes that each child and family has unique needs.

The 2024 Expo hosted 54 unique presenters on a wide variety of alternative education topics, 63 exhibitors to support current and prospective homeschool families, and a full day of kids' workshops to bring the fun! All presenters and exhibitors are secular to ensure families of all backgrounds and learning styles feel welcome.


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Bubbles and Friends App
The Learning Experience Pflugerville

We offer an easy-to-use smartphone app that hosts all things TLE, and keeps parents connected to what’s happening throughout their child’s day. This includes access to chat with their center, check tuition balances, and review child’s activities and photo gallery. Plus, access to all the Bubbles and Friends episodes, in addition to fun and educational games, to soar children’s imagination and creativity!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Nature Detectives Afterschool Program
The Nature of Things CLOSED 5/4/21

Join our trained Naturalists once a week for a fun and interactive virtual program designed to get kids interested and excited about nature. Children will get the chance to see and learn about our live animal ambassadors and gain a better understanding of the environment around us. This is open to children in K-4 (ages 5-9). Call us at 914-276-3454 or email us at for more information and to sign up.

Early Elementary School
The Philadelphia Dance Academy
The Philadelphia Dance Academy

The Philadelphia Dance Academy offers dance classes for students aged 2.5-adult for the 2021-2022 school year.

Summer enrollment opened December 1.

The 2022-2023 enrollment opens May 15.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free Monthly Outdoor Play Activity Calendar
Tinkergarten - Memphis

Check out our monthly activity calendar for lots of ideas to get outside and play in nature with DIY activities for kids of all ages.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Founder Pamela Worth MA, CLC
Tiny Treks- California - Bay Area

Pam is available to help our Tiny Treks families with all of the parenting and family questions and needs.  

Early Elementary School
Treehouse Museum Channel on Youtube
Treehouse Children's Museum

Music, Art, Preschool Readiness and more! Join us on the Treehouse channel for more Treehouse at Your House!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Spaghetti Madness on May 3rd at 6:30PM

These lessons are a fun way to introduce youngsters into the world of magic . Kids will learn how to do three amazing tricks using things from around the house!

In Spaghetti Madness
You'll Learn:
• How to make an object DOUBLE in size.
• How to make money APPEAR from thin air.
• And one of my favorite CARD TRICKS

Late Elementary School
Middle School
Volleyball for Beginners: How to Get Kids Interested in the Game
Valley Athletics

Volleyball for Beginners

Volleyball is a great way to get kids moving while having fun. It is an exciting and fast-paced sport that keeps them active, improves coordination, and helps them work together as a team. The benefits of playing volleyball go beyond just fitness. It teaches important skills like communication, patience, and problem-solving while helping kids build confidence as they learn to serve, pass, and play with others.

But for kids to truly enjoy the game, it needs to be introduced in a way that matches their age and keeps them engaged. Making it playful and easy to understand will help them develop an interest in the sport without feeling pressured. In this blog, we are looking at some of the best ways to introduce volleyball to kids and get them excited about playing.

Tips to Introduce Volleyball to Kids

Getting kids into volleyball should be fun and stress-free. The focus should be on helping them enjoy the game while slowly building their skills. Here are some simple ways to introduce volleyball in a way that keeps them interested.

  1. Start with the Basics

Begin by teaching the basic rules and techniques of volleyball. Show them how to serve, pass, set, and spike, but don’t expect perfection right away. The goal is to help them understand how the game works while making it enjoyable. Keep instructions simple, demonstrate moves yourself, and let them practice without pressure. The more fun they have, the more likely they are to stay interested.

  1. Age-Appropriate Games and Drills

Not all drills work well for young children, so choosing the right ones makes a big difference. For beginners, balloon volleyball is a great way to introduce the game. Using a balloon instead of a ball makes it easier to hit and keeps things safe. As kids improve, introduce soft volleyballs and simple drills that match their growing skills.

  1. Encourage Participation, Not Competition

For young kids, the focus should be on playing, not winning. Friendly competition is fine, but making it all about winning can take the fun out of the game. Encourage effort rather than results. Celebrate small achievements like a good pass or a successful serve. When kids enjoy playing, they will naturally want to improve.

  1. Provide the Right Equipment

Having the right gear can make volleyball safer and more comfortable. There’s no need to buy professional equipment right away, but a few basics can help. Some essentials include knee pads, comfortable athletic wear, and proper footwear. A softer or lighter volleyball can also make learning easier for beginners.

  1. Encourage Team Play

Volleyball is a team sport, and learning to work together is just as important as individual skills. Get kids used to playing with others by organizing small group games. Teach them to communicate with teammates, call for the ball, and support each other during a match. When kids feel like they are part of a team, they enjoy the game more and build valuable social skills.

  1. Use a Lower Net

A standard volleyball net can be too high for young players, making it difficult for them to hit the ball over. Lowering the net to a suitable height makes the game more enjoyable and gives kids a better chance to practice their skills successfully. As they grow and get stronger, gradually increase the net height to match their abilities.

  1. Watch Volleyball Together

One of the best ways to help kids learn volleyball is by watching it with them. Whether it’s a professional match on TV or a local game, seeing how the sport is played can be inspiring. Point out different techniques and strategies in a casual way. If they have a favorite player or team, it can make them even more excited about playing.

  1. Be Encouraging and Patient

Learning any new sport takes time, and volleyball is no different. Kids may struggle at first, but that’s completely normal. Encourage them when they make mistakes and celebrate their progress, no matter how small. The more patient and supportive you are, the more confident they will feel. When kids have fun and feel supported, they are more likely to stick with the game and keep improving.

Closing Thoughts

Volleyball can be a fun and rewarding sport for kids when introduced the right way. Keeping it simple, playful, and pressure-free helps them stay interested and enjoy the game. With the right guidance and encouragement, they’ll build skills while having a great time on the court.

Middle School
Tutoring & Homework Help
Walltown Children's Theatre - Durham, NC

As an extension of the PLAY (Peer Leadership through the Arts for Youth) program, Walltown has developed a robust tutoring network offering after-school tutoring assistance for students of all grades.​  In light of current distance learning conditions, we anticipate the need for one-to-one mentoring and tutoring will increase in the greater community.  Students can be matched with tutors focusing on either English or Math for 30 mns to an hour of tutoring and homework help.  Register for homework help and the office will match your student with a tutor.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Up-to-Date Avian Bird Flu information
Wild Birds Unlimited, Greenwood

With the high prevalence of avian flu in Indiana waterfowl this season, it is understandable to have concerns.  Cornell University's Lab of Ornithology is a respected and trusted resource to refer to.

YMCA E-Learning Support
YMCA at O.P. Schnabel Park

The YMCA is offering virtual learning support and all-day care for youth ages 5 to 13, through October 16. We invite youth to join us each week for studies and fun as the YMCA provides Wi-Fi, support with virtual classrooms, school work completion, and engaging activities. Learn more and register at

Details and What to Expect:

  •  Masks are encouraged for all children and required for children over 10.
  •  Y Staff greet parents at the front of the building and escort children into the facility. Per CDC guidelines, parents should not enter the building unless absolutely necessary,
  • Y staff takes the temperature of each child prior to accepting the child for the day. Any child with a fever will not be permitted to attend.
  • Children wash their hands upon entering the building before joining their group.
  • Children are divided into smaller groups and spaced throughout the facility. 
  • YMCA staff are assigned to clean throughout the day and the facility will be cleaned prior to children entering the next day.
  • Morning & afternoon snack is provided.
  • All sites are HHS or TDH licensed.
  • All staff pass background checks.
  • All staff are CPR, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens Certified.
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
E-Learning Support at the YMCA
YMCA of Greater San Antonio

The YMCA is offering virtual learning support and all-day care for youth ages 5 to 13, through October 16. We invite youth to join us each week for studies and fun as the YMCA provides Wi-Fi, support with virtual classrooms, school work completion, and engaging activities. Learn more and register at

Details and What to Expect:

  •  Masks are encouraged for all children and required for children over 10.
  •  Y Staff greet parents at the front of the building and escort children into the facility. Per CDC guidelines, parents should not enter the building unless absolutely necessary,
  • Y staff takes the temperature of each child prior to accepting the child for the day. Any child with a fever will not be permitted to attend.
  • Children wash their hands upon entering the building before joining their group.
  • Children are divided into smaller groups and spaced throughout the facility. 
  • YMCA staff are assigned to clean throughout the day and the facility will be cleaned prior to children entering the next day.
  • Morning & afternoon snack is provided.
  • All sites are HHS or TDH licensed.
  • All staff pass background checks.
  • All staff are CPR, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens Certified.


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Coding Classes for Kids
Young Gates- San Francisco

Various options to choose from.

Visit : for details.

Call: 650-229-4307

Email :

STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Make a simple pro Game

Free Game Design/Developement class with free professional software. Learn coding and skills too use in a wide array of careers!

Middle School
High School
Title Description Cost
Cybersecurity Training Programs in Tampa

A comprehensive guide about the cybersecurity landscape in Tampa. This free resource highlights the trends, educational programs, and career opportunities, along with the latest local cybersecurity employment information from CyberSeek.

STEM - Computers
Middle School
High School
Scratch Programming Camp for Kids

Learn the basic principles of coding using Scratch, start using events, coordinates and sprites, and create your own programs using code blocks.

Scratch programming is a visual programming language in which one have to drag and drop blocks of code and attach them in a way that connects a jigsaw puzzle. It can be used online or offline on the system.


Session Highlights:

  • accredited certificate
  • Live 1:1 class with Coding Instructor
  • Learn the foundation of Computer Science 
  • Develop creative thinking to solve the problems
  • Improve analytical thinking while creating your projects on Scratch
  • Create engaging games, animation & apps with block based programming
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Coding Mentoring Session for Kids & Teens

Dive into the world of coding with personalized guidance from expert mentors!

Experience 1-to-1 hands-on learning activities designed to reinforce coding skills, boost creativity, and explore platforms like Scratch, Thunkable,, Python, Java, HTML, Game design in Roblox & much more.

What Will You Learn?
* Game Development 
* Animation 
* Website Development 
* App Development 

Session Highlights:
* Free live online 30-60 mins session
* Coding camp daily from July to August
* Hands-on, 1:1 session with an expert mentor
* certification for participation
* Develop problem-solving skills and structural thinking
* Enhance analytical thinking and communication skills

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School

Chess is for everyone! Creative and math types, kids or adults, whatever your age or level, come learn in a group or private in person or online class. In person classes available at certain times in Spring Hill, Columbia, Lawrenceburg, Franklin at selected time only.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Workshops with the Eric Carle Museum

Online Workshops for children and adults covering a variety of literary based topics

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Classes with Outschool

We offer a wide variety of virtual classes for ages 3-18. 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Twinkl - Twinkl Live Lessons

Our live lessons are a great way to structure your child's morning during the school shutdown. Simply log on to our Twinkl Parents Group Facebook page before your child's age slot is due to start (EYFS = ages 3 - 5, KS1 = ages 5 - 7, KS2 = ages 7 - 11) and follow our live video for a fun, engaging lesson on all kinds of subjects from our lovely teachers!

Missed a lesson? You can find them all on our Youtube page.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
HealthStart Foundation - Snack Science Video Series For Kids

Want to keep your child entertained and learning during this unexpected out of school time? Then these 3 to 4 minute videos are for you! HealthStart Foundation is sharing from our award-winning Snack Science Workshop series. HealthStart’s Snack Science series teaches young children how their brain, bones, circulatory system, muscles and digestion work and how to keep them healthy.

Our Snack Science videos use science experiments, fun, healthy snack “art”, songs, fitness activities, and more to keep your children healthy, happy, and learning!

Subscribe to our Youtube channel at to stay up to date with our newest videos and additional FREE resources.

Upcoming Schedule:

Tuesday, May 12th - Muscle that Always Move: Stomach
Thursday, May 14th - Muscles You Move
Tuesday, May 19th - Building Muscles
Thursday, May 21st - The Zax (Storytime)
Tuesday, May 26th - Apple Sandwich
Thursday, May 28th - Down In The Mouth: Your Teeth
Tuesday, June 2nd - Spit and Other Liquids: Your Stomach
Thursday, June 4th - The Long & Short of It: Your Intestine
Tuesday, June 9th - Mabel The Tooth Fairy (storytime)
Thursday, June 11th - Watermelon Pizza Snack

Academic - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
The Get it Guide Inc- Online middle-school mathematics program

 A Canadian math resource (free of charge) to the students and families you serve. Select titles were previously approved as resources for the Knowledge and Employability program of Province of Alberta (Alberta Learning). As you well know, there are few resources for learning math at the middle school level, and none we are aware of designed specifically to foster parental engagement. This is especially relevant during COVID-related school closures. Please feel free to share this link with your leadership team, and the families you serve. You will find the tutorials open-access and free of charge at Paul Davies B. Ed. Founder, The Get it Guide Inc. Ottawa, Canada Phone: 1-780-975-5714 Email:

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Middle School
Khan Academy - Imagineering in a Box

Imagineering in a Box is designed to pull back the curtain to show you how artists, designers and engineers work together to create theme parks. Go behind the scenes with Disney Imagineers and complete project-based exercises to design a theme park of your very own.

Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Science Challenges for Kids
Lowell Observatory

Keep your kids engaged with STEM with one of our in-home science challenges. See all of the challenges at the link below or find them on the LOCKs Facebook page

For Science Challenge lesson plans please visit:

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Sagas In the Sky Series
Lowell Observatory

The Sagas in the Sky Series explores some of the stories behind the stars in the night sky. 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
Online Public Speaking Classes For Kids | 98thPercentile


Get upgraded in Public Speaking for Kids 98thPercentile offers online public speaking classes for kids and adults in grades 3 - 8. Enroll your child now!

Improve your public speaking skills with our comprehensive program. Our program is designed to help individuals develop the confidence and skills necessary to deliver effective and impactful speeches. Join us and become a confident and captivating speaker.


Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Coding Classes By Expert Tutors | 98thPercentile

At 98thPercentile, our professional coding tutors will help you understand the coding concepts from scratch. Join our online coding classes today!

Our online coding program offers live, online, small-group classes for students in grades 1 to 8 that cover various coding and entrepreneurship skills. Check out our full curriculum to understand how we build the next generation of technology leaders and learn coding with us.


Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Live Online Classes For Kids (Grades K-12) | 98thPercentile

98thPercentile Online Learning Platform For Kids, Offers Live Online Math, English, Coding, & Public Speaking Classes For Grades K 12. Book a Free Trial!

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Coding Classes For Kids - Book 4 Weeks Free Trial Now

At 98thPercentile, find the best online coding tutor for your child. We are offering the best live online coding classes for kids & adults. Book one month free trial classes today!


Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free Summer Classes For Up To 4 Weeks

Book your seat today with 98thPercentile and get free Math, Coding, ELA, and Public Speaking summer classes up to 4 weeks in the first week of June.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
kids coding languages

Coding languages for kids are considered to be one of the biggest trends to hit the education sector. Learn to code with 98thPercentile



Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Math Summer Camp

During summer vacations, most of students spend their time in front of TV or phone. This habit drains the entire thing from student’s brain and diverts their interest from study to playing games.

This is where "summer camp" plays vital role. In summer vacations, if you want to engage your child with study on the same time while they enjoy their vacations, enroll them into summer programs at 98thPercentile.

Click to know more benefits about our current math summer camp

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Best Math Apps for Students

In this era of advancement, everything is changing. Similarly, this affect is also happening in educational industry too. Methods of education are also changing like a fire and educators around the world have to adapt these methods.

Here, we are going to talk about top math apps that are playing vital role in virtual learning. These apps are;

  1. Komodo Math
  2. Prodigy
  3. Math Balance
  4. Rocket Math
  5. Chalkboard Math
  6. And many more.

Math apps mainly give your child a blend of three values; Versatility, Commitment to engage, and Encouragement for remote learning.

Parents always seek for great ideas that can help their kids to engage with study and these apps are really helpful for the same.

If you, as a parent, finding it difficult to know how to help your child to study in effective manner then, talk to 98thPercentile’s expert math tutors. Also, feel free to join a free demo of our online math courses relevant to your kid’s grade levels.


About 98thPercentile:

98thPercentile is a leading online learning platform providing accelerated after-school programs in Math, English, Coding, and Public Speaking.

Published by:
E-learning Platform, USA

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
When do you take the sat?

SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is the most challenging test across the world to get admission into best colleges. Wide range of subject knowledge is required for this SAT test. It has always been a question that when do you take the SAT. Taking the SAT test in 6th grade is challenging but, if your child takes this test early, it gives exposure to get prepared for this college readiness test.

Here are some benefits that your child can get if they take this SAT test in 6th grade:-

  1. It helps to increases your child's confidence as they solve questions right from middle school and get enough time to give better performance.
  2. Taking sat exam early gives enough time to students for self-analysis their skills.
  3. College gives an advantage to middle schools that attain a brilliant SAT score. So, if your child appears for SAT exam in middle school, it gives better opportunity to your child to get admission for summer school programs too.
  4. This SAT Exam also improves memory of your child.


So if you feel that your child is talented, don't hesitate to discuss their abilities. Encourage them to take SAT test early. To know more, contact 98thPercentile’s professional tutors.


Published by:
Online Tutoring Platform

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Importance of education

Importance of education

Education plays very important role in everyone's life. It is a process of learning. We learn from everything we come across. Here, we will learn the benefits of education:-

  1. Education improves with learning experience. It helps to think clearly about any situation.
  2. If you are educated enough, it will help you to fill courage to face situation.
  3. Education help children develop honesty, kindness, and teach you moral values.
  4. Education ensures a secure and better future of a child.
  5. It becomes easy to make the world a better place to live if you are education.

So, waiting for what? Choose the right tutors at 98thPercentile for your child and help them to get good education.

Published by:
Online E-learning Platform

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
How Do You Spell Writing

It is crucial to get comfortable with the correct method to pronounce each word you speak. Learn with 98thPercentile how to spell words correctly.

At 98thPercentile, our professional tutors understand your kids' skills area of improvement. After that they prepare customized content to grow.

There are some suggestions by our expert teachers that will help your child with spelling words right:

  • Make Dictionaries Your Friends 
  • Watch the News
  • Read Out Loud and Record Yourself 
  • Break Them Down
  • Slow is understandable

To avail of all these benefits, register your child with us!

Published by:


Online Tutoring Platform

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Top Ten Most Brutal Spelling Bee Words

Some words are hard to spell even though it may sound easy. Here are some of the hardest winning “spelling bee words” that were asked in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

Here are some of the hardest winning words that were asked in the Scripps National Spelling Bee –

  1. Milieu
  2. Smaragdine
  3. Soubrette
  4. Albumen
  5. Eudaemonic
  6. Chiaroscurist
  7. Autochthonous
  8. Insouciant
  9. Staphylococci
  10. Foulard


At 98thPercentile, our professional tutors understand your kids' skills area of improvement. After that they prepare customized content to grow.

To avail of all these benefits, register your child with us!


Published by:
Online Tutoring Platform

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Are You a Helicopter Parent?


At 98thPercentile, our professional tutors understand your kids' skills area of improvement. After that they prepare customized content to grow. To avail of all these benefits, register your child with us!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Factors you should consider before enrolling child in after school math enrichment programs

Before Enrolling Your Child in after school math enrichment programs in US, you should consider the following factors: Cost, Strength of class, and more.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
SAT Math Practice Tips, Tricks, & Formulas

Learn online the best SAT math practice tips, and formulas about how to improve sat math score with 98thPercentile's tutors. View More.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Math πrates Effect: Teach your child that Math is fun

Online Math tutoring helps your kids to improve mathematical knowledge without feeling hectic after coming to the home and without overbooking themselves.

math pirates

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Why is Python programming perfect for kids?

In recent times, children have developed an increasing interest and affiliation to learning coding as a subject. It's time to lead them on the right path and help them explore the horizon of knowledge and learning. There is a wide variety of programming languages for children to choose from when they start their learning journey. These languages differ in their complexity. Complex programming languages can make it difficult for kids to grasp. So, we recommend Python for budding coders. It is easy to learn and apply. One of the fast-growing areas in Computer Science is Web-development, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Python is the prime choice for these technologies.

 Python is a definite choice for children for the following reasons:

  • The syntax of Python is direct and easily readable.
  • Writing codes in Python is made easy. The keywords used in Python have similarities with Mathematics and English.
  • Python debugging is easy when compared to other programming languages.
  • Python acts as a base foundation to learn other complex programming languages.
  • Easy set-up.

Programming helps young minds develop Logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. With the growing demand for Python, it is a new age skill for kids to learn. It's the right time to start Python programming for kids and let them and explore coding. Book your child's free slot now with 98thPercentile's Coding Program for children.

So, what are your views about Python programming as a kids coding language? Please share your thoughts with us on our site!

Published by:

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
After School Coding Classes For Kids of Grades 7 & 8 in USA

Looking for after school coding classes in USA? We offer free online computer coding classes for kids & adults of 7th & 8th graders. Book a free trial now.

What Our Coding Program Offers:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Best value for Money

    Visit us today!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Best Online Coding Classes For Kids of Grades 5 and 6 in USA

Looking for after school coding classes in USA? We offer the best online coding classes for kids of 5th & 6th graders. Enroll today.

What Our Coding Program Offers:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Best value for Money

    Visit us today!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Best Coding Classes For Kids of Grades 3 and 4 in USA

Looking for after school coding classes in USA? We offer the best online computer coding classes for kids of 3rd & 4th graders. Enroll for free test.

What Our Coding Program Offers:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Best value for Money

    Visit us today!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Coding Classes For Kids of Grades 1 and 2 in USA

Looking for after school coding classes in USA? We offer free online computer coding classes for kids of 1st & 2nd graders. Enroll for free test.

What Our Coding Program Offers:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Best value for Money

    Visit us today!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Public Speaking Classes For Kids in Grade 3 to 8

Public Speaking is considered the key to success. 98thPercentile  is here with an amazing public speaking course for your help. At 98thPercentile, we offers online public speaking classes for kids & adults of grades 3-8. Enroll now and say good bye to fear of Public Speaking.

Program Structure:

  • Classes Offered For Grades 3-8
  • Live, Online Classes
  • 75-Minute Class Per Week
  • Up to 10 Students Per Class

    Visit us today!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Coding Classes For Kids in Grade 1 to 8

There are endless DIY coding website but, the proper guidance from profession coding tutor is required to understand where to start and what to do if you stuck somewhere in the code. At 98thPercentile, find the best online coding tutor for your child. We are offering the best live online coding classes for kids & adults.

What Our Coding Program Offers:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Best value for Money

    Visit us today!

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online English Classes For Kids in Grade K to 8

At 98thPercentile, find the best online english tutor for your child. We are offering the best live online english classes for kids & adults. Take our free online placement test to see where your child’s English skill levels are and speak with a specialist to enroll them in a promotional class today!

What Our English Program Offers:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Comprehensive Curriculum
  • Data-Driven Results

    Visit us today!

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Math Classes For Kids in Grade K to 8

Math is a foundational subject that all students need command of as they grow into adults. At 98thPercentile, find the best online math tutor for your child. We're offering the best live online math classes for kids & adults (k-8).

Take our free online placement test to see where your child’s math levels are and speak with a specialist to enroll them in a promotional class today!

What Our Math Program Offers:

  • Personalized Attention
  • Comprehensive Curriculum
  • Data-Driven Results

    Visit us today!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Download Free English Worksheets For Grades 1-6

Eliminate exam anxiety and help your child excel by preparing with 98thPercentile. Our ELA teachers have prepared grade-wise sample assessments for children in grades 1 to 6. Sample assessments are created according to Core State Standards and include all the appropriate skills your child must know in ELA. Download free english worksheet now

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
AccelerateKID - Virtual Tech Education
AccelerateKID® in Coding, Robotics, Game Design & Digital Arts!
We are actively and creatively planning ways to keep you safe while continuing to provide a quality tech education through virtual tech classes and online lessons. We're offering: Coding: Scratch, JavaScript, JAVA, Python Game Designing: Minecraft Server, Modding - Roblox Studio, Fortnite, Unity Engine Robotics: Lego EV3 Mindstorms, Digital art: 3D printing, Website Design, Film and more Email or call us for more details! 844-4TECHED (483-2433)
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Renaissance Adventures - Online Programs and Classes for Youth
Adventure Quest with Renaissance Adventures - Boulder

Renaissance Adventures offers online adventure roleplaying programs for girls and boys ages 7-17 year round with afterschool classes, homeschool enrichment, day-off school and holiday camps, to birthday parties, and teen game nights. With award winning programs that foster creativity, teamwork, positive self-esteem, and social emotional skills development, Renaissance Adventures programs are led by an outstanding team of Quest Leaders and Game Masters. Programs are designed for groups of up to 6 kids of like ages, and each child/teen chooses a character to play as they adventure together through a mythical land full of mystery and intrigue. Together, kids read treasure maps, solve puzzling riddles, make difficult choices, and battle foes all on a mission to save the kingdom in a non-competitive environment where everyone gets to be the hero. Renaissance Adventures has been pioneering innovative experiential education since 1995.

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
COVID-19 Community Nature Collection
Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation - Discovery Campus

We are known for our nature education and hands-on learning. And we are proud to tell you we have online learning for you right here. We realize many are hard hit with Covid-19 closures too; and we want to assist through the healing power of nature.

We have compiled a list of nature and environmental collections across the community and beyond, to help you feel connected and provide valuable resources during this virtual time.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Rescue Farm Virtual Tours
Alma Bonita Animal Rescue

All our programs include virtual interaction with our rescued animals—sharing their rescue stories and highlighting their individual personalities. Beyond the basics, program topics can be tailored to your class and may include the discussion about the lives of animals on farms, aligned lessons using science standards, or social emotional learning opportunities.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Presidential Primary Sources Project
Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage

Andrew Jackson's Hermitage is proud to team up with the National Archives and Presidential Libraries, National Park Service, Internet2 community, and cultural and historic organizations nationwide are proud to offer the annual Presidential Primary Sources Project, a series of free, standards-aligned, 45-minute interactive videoconferencing programs aimed at students in grades 4-12.

The series will run from January through March 2021. In addition to the interactive video component, each program will also be live-streamed and recorded for on-demand viewing for free.

Free registration is now open. Learn more and see the schedule, or sign up today!

Through the use of primary source documents and interactive videoconferencing, the 2021 program series will take students on a journey through the historical legacies of our presidents. By the conclusion of each session, students will have gained a greater understanding of our nation’s presidents and how they shaped the past and present of our country.

The Hermitage's program,  The Symbiotic Relationship of Slavery and Indian Removal, will be held Thursday, January 21. 

Sign up here:

History / social studies
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Family Experiences
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

Choose from activities led by one of our educators for an outdoor hands-on engaging time. Up to 12 people can attend of all ages. We ask that everyone four years and up wears a mask while our educator is with your group. Parents need to stay with the children participating for the entirety of the program.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Distance Learning
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum

Connect from anywhere! We have the capability to allow ANY school to connect to our Museum virtually. Whether you have the traditional H.323 videoconferencing system or a computer with a webcam, speakers, and microphone, you can bring our Distance Learning programs into your classroom.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Supernow Afterschool
Appears CLOSED 7/27/23 AC - Supernow Adventure Club

Create, move, and learn with daily virtual afterschool classes. 

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Aquarium Online Academy
Aquarium of the Pacific

The Aquarium offers free live interactive classes with its educators on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. The classes are offered for various grade levels, from kindergarten to twelfth grade, and cover topics related to ocean science and our animals at the Aquarium. Visit our website for the class schedule and more information.

Through the Online Academy portal, people of all ages can also view live webcams in seven of the Aquarium's exhibits, see episodes of The Pacific Pals Show, take a virtual tour, view archived lectures in the Guest Speaker Series, and more.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Arctic Reading Circle Read Aloud Program
Arctic Reading Circle

The Arctic Reading Circle is hosting afterschool virtual read-alouds for kids ages 6 to 9 who wish to read books in a group setting. We will be reading a range of books (picture books and short chapter books). Kids can choose to sit back and listen or volunteer to read aloud. Sessions will be moderated by our mentors and teachers.

Due to school starting virtually in the fall, we wanted to create a virtual space to allow children to enjoy listening to stories together and to develop a passion for reading. We hope to help lift off some of the pressures from parents who are working at home and to introduce kids to some fun and beloved stories.

Early Elementary School
CONNECT @ Arizona Science Center,
Arizona Science Center


Not sure where to turn as you try to support your child’s education? Arizona Science Center is here to help. With CONNECT @ Arizona Science Center™, we offer everything you need to support your child’s science education—whether you are looking to catch up, stay current or get ahead. Our science learning Road Map outlines a path forward—both week to week and year to year for kids in grades K-8. This includes yearly goals and lesson plans…all built to meet or exceed the state of Arizona’s Science Standards.

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Homeschool Art Program 2021-2022
Art in Mind Creative Wellness Studio

Foster your child’s love of art, knowledge, and ability with our Homeschool Art Program! We are offering in-person classes for children in elementary and secondary school levels this year. Per semester fee is $285 (12 dates). We will offer one free make-up class per semester. If joining late the cost will be prorated.


10:00–11:00 am Elementary School

11:30–12:30 pm Middle and High School

Here is our fall semester overview:

FALL 2021

September (9/10, 9/17, 9/24): Drawing Skills     

October (10/8, 10/15, 10/22): Painting Skills

November (11/5, 11/12, 11/19): Sculpture Skills

December (12/3, 12/10, 12/17): Media Variety: Comics, Collage, Printmaking

Fall Semester Make-Up Class is Monday, 12/20/21: both age groups from 10–11:30am.

Tentative Schedule for Spring 2022: There will be a separate registration for the Spring Semester.

(dates TBA)

January: Illustration

February: Landscape Painting

March: Multimedia Inspiration

April: Sculpture


Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Private and Semi-private Tutoring
Art Play Learn - Bowie, MD

We provide private and semi-private tutoring for all ages and all subjects. Tutoring is delivered live over Zoom. Our tutors use play-based and creative techniques to keep students motivated and willing to engage in the kind of productive struggle necessary to bridge gaps. Our first step is to meet the student and get to know them as human beings. Then we look at any assessments and do our own informal assessments to create a customized approach for each student based on their specific needs and their interests. Our positive and peaceful approach helps to support students on every level.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Bansho - fun free video app for the preK to 4th graders

Bansho is a free app made by educators and education advocates to engage young minds with safe content. Think of it as an individually vetted educational version of Tik Tok that works with teachers to make learning engaging and fun while amplifying diverse voices.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Bata Shoe Museum

With over 14,000 shoes in our collection, we have a lot of shoes (and other shoe-related items) to show you, one shoe at a time. Whether you decide to explore a new online exhibition, make a cool craft or listen to an amusing story. And make sure to check back often – there’s always something new to see and learn!

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Virtual Learning and Tours - Battleship USS Iowa Museum Los Angeles
Battleship USS Iowa Museum Los Angeles

Our interactive Virtual Tour and lesson for schools and youth organizations is customizable for student and youth groups ranging from 3rd grade to 12th grade. Our education team, led by a California credentialed educator, is ready and able to modify content to best fit the needs of participating student groups.

Virtual Tours & Programs Include:

  • [Available] The Battleship History Tour from WWII to 1990.
  • [Oct 2020] NJROTC/Criminal Justice
  • [Oct 2020] General Themed Tour
  • [Nov 2020] Career Exploration and Inspiration
  • [Nov 2020] ELA Connection
  • [Dec 2020] Forensics

These engaging virtual tours are unlike watching pre-recorded material! It is interactive and allows for a personalized session where students engage with our ship-based educators for synchronized learning, providing the best alternative to an in-person visit to the IOWA.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Over 500 Free Downloadable Agriculture and Food Resources
BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation

Find over 500 free downloadable agriculture and food resources for K-12 grade levels - with curriculum connections to Science, Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, Fine Arts, Food Studies, and more subjects. 

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School

Belouga is an innovative educational platform that connects K-12 students and teachers worldwide, offering personalized, self-paced learning experiences. The platform features thousands of hours of video content aligned with core subjects, standards, and UN Sustainable Development Goals, sourced from over 500 global partners. Belouga emphasizes global collaboration, allowing students to gain diverse perspectives and shape their educational journey. The platform offers interactive knowledge-building experiences, supports peer collaboration, and provides tools for content creation and sharing. With a focus on real-world content and global literacy, Belouga has made a significant impact on education in over 100 countries, empowering students to explore, learn, and connect with peers across the globe.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Scholastic Teachables
Bethel Public Library

This resource is for Bethel residents with a library card.

Scholastic Teachables provides printable work sheets, games, lessons, mini-books, research and study tools, and clip art for teachers and students from kindergarten-8th grade.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Brainfuse HelpNow
Bethel Public Library

This resource is for Bethel residents with a library card.


Take your learning to the next level with virtual live tutoring, flashcards for a variety of subjects, practice tests, chess tutoring, a writing lab and language lab.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Learning with the Ocean Experts at Birch Aquarium
Birch Aquarium at Scripps

Thank you for visiting our new online learning space, where families, teachers, and scientists of all ages can continue to invent, explore, and connect. Our team is working hard to develop new ways for you and your learners to experience Birch Aquarium at Scripps. Check back often, as we will continue to add more to this page on a regular basis.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Black Boys Code
Black Boys Code

At Black Boys Code, we are inspiring a generation of young Black men to take control of their future and become tomorrow’s digital creators and technological innovators. We do that by helping them develop digital literacy and computer competence—the foundational building blocks of an educational path towards a career in the technology field. We give Black boys the training and tools to create their own futures.

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Middle School
High School
Online Learning
Black Creek Pioneer Village

Introducing Black Creek Pioneer Village’s new History at Home series!

Are you a teacher looking for resources to engage your class? Or a parent teaching your children at home? These self-contained online learning lessons are ready to share with students and can be completed at home.

We hope that these fun-filled lessons, linked to the social studies curriculum, will give you a virtual taste of Black Creek Pioneer Village. New resources will be added each week!

Academic - General
History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
online tutoring - ACT/SAT prep and math tutoring
Bob Johnson Tutoring

I offer 1-on-1 online tutoring for ACT prep, for SAT prep, and for help with high school math classes.

Middle School
High School
French Lessons
Bonjour and Bienvenue The French Hub- Organization rebranded as an online only and crfeated a new org listing-mm-3-31-23

A team of native French speakers on a mission to create a different set of resources and tools to help teachers and students around the world teach and learn the French language and discover the French culture. With our unique interactive online platform for all levels and ages, and fun classes to immerse in language and culture, we proudly assist thousands of existing or soon to be francophiles globally! Welcome to France, online.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Boolean U
Boolean Girl

Boolean University is an online classroom where you learn at your pace. Interested in coding? Not sure where to start? Whether you're experienced, brand-new, or somewhere in between, you'll find a learning path that's right for you. Select your course, and we'll guide you through the lessons. Each lesson has detailed instructions for completing a particular project. Once you complete a project, your achievement will be recorded. Complete all the lessons in a course to earn a badge.

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Bricks 4 Kidz-Saint Louis: ONLINE LEGO Building, Minecraft Gaming, Scratch programming, Robotics, CAD Assembly with LEGOs
Bricks 4 Kidz St Louis

Lots of options for at STEM learning. Weekly classes in Minecraft Gaming, Robotics, LEGO Building, Scratch programming. Live Streaming for classes.

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Robot-Building Classes
Brooklyn Robot Foundry

Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a variety of super fun, online, robot-building classes to 2-13 years old!  All classes maintain a very low student-to-teacher ratio, allowing for plenty of individualized instruction and socializing.  Materials for all classes will be shipped to students before the session begins.

  • Robot Builders (6-8 & 9-12 year olds): This is the online version of the Robot Foundry’s popular after school classes, featuring a brand new robot project each week. The fall will be split into two 6-week terms, to accommodate students’ changing school schedules.  Children may sign up for either term, or ideally both, as each term will feature different projects. Weekdays at 3pm & 5pm ET.
  • Robot Coders (9-13 year olds):  These classes combine the hands-on learning experience of robot-building with basic programming.  Students will use the Hummingbird app to code and bring their robot creations to life each week.   Due to the complexity of these projects, classes run 1.5 - 2 hours. 
  • Robot Inventors (8-12 year olds): These classes are intended for children who enjoy the challenge of designing their own creations and trying to make them actually work!  Students will be introduced to various building techniques and parts, and given starter ideas.  They will then work on their own project each week in this trial and error-based class.
  • Mini Makers (2-5yr olds + grown-up): Mini Makers classes introduce engineering fundamentals in a super engaging, age-appropriate manner. Children will get to build a robot each week (with help from their grown-ups), which they can continue to play with long after class is over.  There are four completely different 4-week sessions, which can be taken in any combination and order for an extended experience that works with children’s shifting schedules.
  • STEAM RoboLab: Science (6-12 year olds): Students will learn more about the common core science curriculum for select grades with the help of what else, but robots!  This class will serve as a supplement to classroom science, allowing for the inquiry-based, hands-on lab experience that most school can not accomplish through remote or hybrid learning.  Students will be encouraged to experiment with ongoing projects and other challenges between the 12 weekly classes.
  • STEAM RoboLab: Art (6-12 year olds):  Each week in this 12-week class, students will study a different artist or genre, and then work on their own project in which they can explore and experiment within each style themselves.  This is an immersive, hands-on, art class for students of all abilities.
  • One Time Classes (6-10 years old):  These single, stand-alone classes can serve as a great introduction for students new to the Robot Foundry, as a supplement to existing students who just want to build more projects, or as a mini-session of your own scheduling when combined together.  The components for each robot you choose will be sent to your home, so your child will be all set to build with us on the day of the class.
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Robot-Building Classes- Brooklyn Robot Foundry
Brooklyn Robot Foundry

We offer a variety of super fun and creative robot-building classes for children 2-14 years old (and sometimes adults)!  All of our programs flex imaginations and empower students. Part arts & crafts, part engineering, part silliness, and all screen-free! Join Brooklyn Robot Foundry for STEAMtastic fun after school, school holidays, birthdays, and all summer long!

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Brooklyn Robot Foundry - Robot Building & Robot Coding Classes
Brooklyn Robot Foundry

Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers Robot Building and Robot Coding classes for children 2-14 years old! Choose from a variety of options based on child's age and session length, in which kids build a new robot every class! 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Bubbles Academy- Virtual Classes
Bubbles Academy- Chicago

Our enrichment courses include music, creative movement, art, yoga, and dance.

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Educational Resources - Busch Gardens - Williamsburg, VA
Busch Gardens - Williamsburg, VA

Explore the animal kingdom with resources and activities. Learn about these incredible animals with videos, educational activities, coloring pages and other free resources.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Butterfly Wonderland - Your Rainforest Adventure From Home!
Butterfly Wonderland

We know you can’t visit the Butterfly Wonderland right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t experience the wonders of the Rainforest! During our temporary shutdown, we’ll be sharing all kinds of educational content for kids (and adults!) who are at home learning, keeping you updated on what our animals are doing, and asking for your help to keep the butterflies, our butterfly farmers, and all the rainforest animals at Butterfly Wonderland healthy and strong through our “2 Tickets To Go” program. See it all now at:

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Camp Invention - Explore!
Camp Invention - Buffalo, NY

Campers are exploring the world around them this summer at Camp Invention®! Kids in Grades K-6 are blasting off into unforgettable experiences, challenging their creativity and letting their imagination spin! 

High School Students can join Camp Invention for a FUN Summer Volunteering Opportunity! Camp Invention has limited spots available for Leadership Interns! It is the ultimate resume and college application builder.

There is still time to get in on the fun, and register today! Space is limited.  #STEMcamp #summercamp #summercampfun #makelearningfun

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Aircraft Control Surfaces and Vocabulary
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

A four page document with labelled diagrams of the various control surfaces of aircraft as well as a definition sheet.

Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Capital Region Tutors Incorporated - Online Tutoring
Capital Region Tutors, Inc.
We offer online tutoring in all subjects and all grade levels including SAT/ACT Tutoring.
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
History in a Haversack School Program
Carlyle House Historic Park - Alexandria, VA

Your students will step into the past when they visit the Carlyle House. Learn about the events that led up to the American Revolution and Carlyle House’s involvement. Or see objects recovered through archaeology which reveal the intimate details of everyday life at Carlyle House during the 18th century. Each program meets Virginia Standards of Learning.

Please email for more information about this program.

History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Museum to go!
Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Enjoy all of the museum’s digital resources, online programming, and traveling programs when you can’t or aren’t able to visit our location!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Learn Foreign Languages at Carousel of Languages!
Carousel of Languages

Available for the first time nationally, online, Carousel of Languages teaches 11 languages to children from 3 months to seven years old, through live, interactive lessons with no more than five children per class. Formerly available only on-site at the company’s Madison Avenue flagship in New York City, the exclusive program uses a proprietary curriculum and custom-designed materials to help children learn the language of their heritage or prepare them to be citizens of the world. 

Carousel of Languages will offer a 15% discount for a full year registration and their exclusive Carousel Gift Package to parents devoted to their child’s education in their foreign language study.  Carousel lavishes families/students with so much because they are committed to a long term engagement.

To register, please visit

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Library Resources for Educators
Central Library - Buffalo & Erie County Public Library System
Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Challenge Island - Greater Alexandria: Home Island Virtual S.T.E.A.M. program
Challenge Island - Greater Alexandria

Experience STEAM classes online with Certified Challenge Island teachers. Where engineering meets imagination using 21st century skills.

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Challenge Island virtual STEAM hands-on workshops
Challenge Island - Oakland County East

Challenge Island's virtual workshops teach kids about STEAM fundamentals, cross-curricular topics (geography, history, literature) and teamwork and perseverance through fun hands-on activities!  Each workshop is approximately 60 minutes long, and kids will use their creativity to solve STEAM "challenges" that we present to them, using everyday materials.    

We have several workshops available for students ages 4-14, covering a variety of themes ranging from amusement parks to historical disasters to "superstars" of science/music/sports and much more!  To see the full selection and register, click on our link, or check out our Facebook page here to see examples of some of our recent workshops.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Challenge Island - Rockland NE Bergen: STEAM
Challenge Island - Rockland NE Bergen

Introducing Home Island, Virtual Learning from the World's #1 STEAM Program: Trying to navigate your "new normal"? - Have some "co-workers" who crave engagement? Want to provide them with authentic and hands-on learning experiences? Need a little time to get your own work done??? Challenge Island has you covered! The world's #1 STEAM program is now offering virtual STEAM enrichment via classes, Girl Scout workshops, family fun nights, birthday parties, and even corporate STEAMbuilding!

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Chariot Learning - Free Practice Online SATs and ACTs
Chariot Learning - unpublished 7/17/24 DR
Work now to be ready for the June tests. Take a official, full length SAT or ACT under proctored conditions in the comfort of your own home or other quiet location, and find out your score as soon as you are done!
High School
Children's Museum of Atlanta In-Person Programs & Exhibits
Children's Museum of Atlanta

Experience our educational programs and exhibits in-person!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Children's Museum of Atlanta Virtual Programs
Children's Museum of Atlanta

Our educational programs are perfect for the living room or the classroom. 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Children's Science Center Lab - Winter Wonder Lab!
Children's Science Center Lab

The Children’s Science Center Lab is decorated for Winter! Come experience a winter wonder Lab! Join in all of the fun with winter-themed activities which include embarking on an arctic animal expedition, exploring the geometry of a snowflake, and lighting up a circuit with slime. 

Purchase your tickets online and save $2! 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Intro to CWC West Valley: A Prospective Family Event
Citizens of the World West Valley

Attention Parents: looking for a elementary school that focuses of academics, social emotional learning and diversity and inclusion? Look no further!

Join us on Wednesdays at 10am for a virtual information session where we will share our learning model and answer any questions you may have! RSVP TODAY!  


Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Code Ninjas Arundel Mills
Code Ninjas Arundel Mills

Code Ninjas Arundel Mills teaches children programming languages. These include: Python, JavaScript, LUA and many more. These skills are taught through a game based curriculum that is both systematic and engaging! 

STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
#NowYouCode #triCODEtreat activity
Code Wizards HQ

 As we're gearing up for Halloween, why not try your hand at coding! Develop your very own candy collecting game with instructions from CodeWizardsHQ! 

STEM - Computers
Afterschool Coding Classes
CodeWizardsHQ Live Online Coding Classes for Kids and Teens

Our live coding classes teach your child how to build games, apps, and websites from home. Students get the added support of live office hours, daily homework help, and class progress reports for parents. Our thriving online support community, expert teachers, and structured curriculum make us the most effective and fun coding program around!

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
CodeWizardsHQ Summer Coding Camps and Classes
CodeWizardsHQ Live Online Coding Classes for Kids and Teens

Learn to program from the experts this summer! CodeWizardsHQ has 5+ years of online programming education experience.  Their proprietary tools, refined online teaching methods, and genuine educators make them the best online coding program around. Their extensive support network of students and teachers alike helps students feel connected, motivated, and supported throughout their journey. Classes are 3 weeks which meet once per day Monday - Thursday.  Students learn Python, Scratch, HTML/CSS, JavaScript & more. Certifications are awarded upon course completion.  Early bird pricing and sibling discounts are available.  Learn more:

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
CodeWizardsHQ Live Online Coding Classes for Kids (Ages 8-18)
CodeWizardsHQ Live Online Coding Classes for Kids and Teens

CodeWizardsHQ is the leading online coding school for kids and teens ages 8-18. We deliver the most fun and effective live, online coding classes which are designed to give our students the programming knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive in a digital world. 

CodeWizardsHQ was created by a father for his daughter and has evolved into a platform that serves kids and teens around the globe. Our mission is to prepare students for success in the digital world by teaching them how to code.

The magic happens in the classroom where our exceptional teachers use a student-first approach to teach real programming languages like Python, Java, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. Each of our online coding classes is tailored to engage elementary, middle, and high-school students with a pop-culture themed curriculum that is comprehensive, developmental, challenging, and yes, fun!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
CodeWizardsHQ: Live, Online Coding Classes
CodeWizardsHQ Live Online Coding Classes for Kids and Teens

In response to current events, many schools have closed and kids are at home. To support both students and teachers during this trying time and provide engaging learning opportunities, CodeWizardsHQ has added daytime classes, created new schedules that work for kids’ current situation, and temporarily lowered prices. We hope this helps your kids continue to pursue education while school is not in session.

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Coding classes for all levels
Coding with Kids - Austin

At Coding with Kids your child can learn while creating the games they love & more! Roblox, Minecraft, Scratch, Python, C#, Java. 40+ engaging LIVE online coding after-school classes. All skill levels. Ages 5-18.

STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Coding with Kids
Coding with Kids - Denver
Global Coding Academy for Kids & Teens. Live Online as well as in-person in many local areas.

STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Family Spanish Program
Colors of Spanish
We know that your family is going to have a wonderful and enriching experience until we can all come together in classes again!
Our Family Spanish Program gets you and your child or their provider moving, and interacting in the language as language modelers for our youngest learners. This 45-minute program is filled with music, movement, stories, and plenty of laughter and fun!
We will be charging a monthly subscription for each program, which includes the option to attend 1 or 2 classes per week. Your student will also have access to a Program Resource page for that level, with the songs, a weekly class video in case you can not attend and additional materials to be created and added to.
The subscription can be canceled at anytime and since we know that schedules are in flux, students can mix-up which classes they attend in a given week.
A monthly subscription is for a parent/guardian plus a child.
we know that your family is going to have a wonderful and enriching experience until we can all come together in classes again!
Tuesdays | 9:15am (Pacific Time)
Thursdays | 9:15am (Pacific Time)
Academic - General
Spanish for 5-8 yrs old
Colors of Spanish
We know that your family is going to have a wonderful and enriching experience until we can all come together in classes again!
Our virtual Mariposa's class consists of 55-minute classes based on a thematic curriculum and incorporating interactive activities designed to get students participating in the Spanish language in a supportive and dynamic atmosphere that will build confidence and enjoyment with the language.
We will be charging a monthly subscription for each program, which includes the option to attend 1 or 2 classes per week. Your student will also have access to a Program Resource page for that level, with the songs, a weekly class video in case you can not attend and additional materials to be created and added to. The subscription can be canceled at anytime and since we know that schedules are in flux, students can mix-up which classes they attend in a given week.
Mondays | 1:15pm (Pacific Time)
Mondays | 2:30pm (Pacific Time)
Tuesdays | 1:00pm (Pacific Time)
Wednesdays | 1:15pm (Pacific Time)
Wednesdays | 2:30pm (Pacific Time)
Thursdays | 1:00pm (Pacific Time)
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Orugas- Spanish for 3-5 years old
Colors of Spanish
Orugas's class is BACK!!
We know that your family is going to have a wonderful and enriching experience until we can all come together in classes again!
Our virtual Preschool & TK Program aged children can meet twice a week. Each meeting of 45 minutes will be full of activities, including circle time, music, stories, movement, and art – that allow children to familiarize themselves with the Spanish in a natural and positive environment filled with motivation.
We will be charging a monthly subscription for each program, which includes the option to attend 1 or 2 classes per week. Your student will also have access to a Program Resource page for that level, with the songs, a weekly class video in case you can not attend, and additional materials to be created and added to. The subscription can be canceled at anytime and since we know that schedules are in flux, students can mix-up which classes they attend in a given week.
Mondays | 1:00pm (Pacific Time)
Tuesdays | 10:15am (Pacific Time)
Wednesdays | 1:00pm (Pacific Time)
Thursdays | 10:15am (Pacific Time)
Academic - General
Comprehensive Learning Services- Online Enrichment
Comprehensive Learning Services

We are pleased to offer numerous programs to support children’s academic, social and emotional development. Educational therapyTest PrepExecutive FunctioningSocial Skills InstructionSpeech & Language TherapyParent SupportToddler/Caregiver Enrichment.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Laptop Loaner Program for Registered Students
Continuing Education @ Santa Ana College

For students taking online classes, laptops and hotspots are available. (Dependent on availability.)

Academic - General
Lollypop Homework Help: private tutoring, live on Zoom
Cooking Round The World

Tutoring services last 1.5 hours, for 1 month. One on one help with the tutor, any grade. Perfect for children with learning challenges or children with specific subject areas that need strengthening. Option of 3 or 5 days a week. A “good job!” lollypop mailed at the end of each month. $75/day. 

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Lollypop Homework Help: semi-private tutoring, live on Zoom
Cooking Round The World

Homework help services lasts 1.5 hours daily, for 1 month period. 3 children are helped in a pod, same grade; does not have to be same school. Options of 3 days or 5 days of homework help. A “good job!” lollypop mailed at the end of each month. $40/day. 

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
App Design Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Go beyond coding and game design - Get into App Design!

Join this LIVE Virtual class to invent and learn how to create apps for Android devices with MIT App Inventor 2. You will learn how to use this cool coding platform to turn your ideas for apps into reality, maybe even sell your apps! Perfect for ages 10 and above.


Cost: $70 (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Roblox Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

ROBLOX Class! 




Create anything you can imagine with Roblox's immersive video game engine! Roblox Studio's creative features are accessible to a variety of skill levels, ranging from novice to experienced programmer. Tools range from simple manipulation of objects or environments, to entering complex scripts and game functions. Learn Roblox with Creative Brain Learning and start creating your own game today!


Windows PC or Mac OS is required for this class. Andriod, Chromebook, and iOS devices will not work for this class.


Sign up Now, Space is limited!


Cost: $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Video Game Design Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

You Play Them—Now Make Them!

Learn how to create your very own 3D video games and share your completed games with the world!  Using KODU, an intuitive object-based coding engine developed by Microsoft®, participants will be able to create their own unique game environments and challenges. Final projects are fully functional video games ready to be played!  Perfect for ages 8-15. Please note: KODU Game Lab is currently only supported for Windows operating systems. 

Want to find our More? Watch this short Video.

Virtual Live Sessions are held Tuesdays from 4PM to 5PM Pacific Time.


Cost: $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
LIVE Virtual Coding Class
Creative Brain Learning


Computer Coding - Live Virtual Class

Create your very own computer programs and share them with the world! This Live! Virtual Class explores important concepts of coding, using an easy-to-learn visual programming language developed by MIT, called Scratch! Join others for exciting and fun coding. Create interactive projects, animations, music videos and video games!  Perfect for Ages 7 - 12.

Want to find out More? Check out this Promo Video!

Live Virtual Sessions are held Tuesdays from 3PM to 4PM Pacific Time.  


Cost: $70  (1 Hour/wk x 4 weeks)


Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE Art Portfolio Preparation for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio
Meets ONLINE Fridays @ 4:30pm-6:30pm (NY/ Standard Eastern Time)  via Zoom

Suitable for Teens 14-16 yrs

Working on a Portfolio? This class will be designed around the specifications outlined from the school you are applying to. Please have your college guidelines for your first session so you can discuss with your tutor and plans & sessions can be planned for the date for your application. Lessons are tailored around each student’s individual portfolio requirements. This class is invaluable for those building a portfolio, designed for advanced Teens with a prior art experience. Create a unique portfolio of work with the guidance of a professional tutor, hone skills & techniques, choose authentic personal subject matter to give your pieces a unique flavor . Devise distinctive work that will make your portfolio stand out from the rest. We have had huge success with former students getting into prestigious schools like La Guardia.

Limited availability for this class in order to focus on each student.

We encourage you to bring personal ideas, inspiration and/or subject matter to class that means something to you, choosing subject matter that is important to you will help you create a more personalized authentic portfolio. Your instructor can guide you as you progress.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee.

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
SAT ACT Test Prep, K-8 MATH/ English Program, High School MATH Tutoring
Curie Learning of Apex

Curie Learning of Apex is your learning partner in Apex, Cary, Morrisville and Raleigh area. We offer Online, or in person afterschool enrichment programs for K-12 students. Our academic programs are advanced and offer rigor to consistently learn and score at your best. Our SAT, ACT Test preparatory programs offer great value using a structured approach and help increase your score and help pursue your college dreams.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Daydreamer’s Academy
Daydreamer’s Academy CLOSED

The Daydreamer’s Academy; an online creative community dedicated to making films and animated shorts with kids from around the country.

STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Animation Classes- Movie Making- Cartoon Making
Daydreamer’s Academy CLOSED

 Learning Movie Making- Cartoon Making

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Denver Options Enrichment
Denver Options

Denver Options will continue to offer a free curriculum library.  They will post lessons for enrichment activities and offer optional Video meet ups for social time and sharing.  They will also be handing out supply kits for art and science, and computers as needed. 

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Denver Zoo

Looking for ways to get your mischievous little monkeys motivated to learn online? Just add REAL monkeys—plus all of the other amazing animals in our Virtual Classroom! With virtual safaris, animal demonstrations and engaging wildlife-themed activities, this innovative program invites kids to engage their inner scientist. Kids can even participate in regular Zoo Challenges which encourage them to solve a real-world animal care problem. In the process, they’ll learn to make observations and ask questions as they use real science to work towards a creative solution! A great tool for parents and educators alike, it’s available online anytime

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Detroit Zoo Virtual Ventures
Detroit Zoo
Join the Detroit Zoological Society for free, self-paced virtual programs including exciting animal-related content, expert interviews, hands-on activities, and much more.
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Excavating Dinosaurs
Dinosaur Discovery Museum

Grades: 2 – 5
Duration: 45 minutes
Students will learn what fossils are and how they are formed, how a paleontologist finds and excavates them, and what tools and techniques are used. They will hear stories from the field, see actual dinosaur specimens, and get a behind the scenes look at the museum collections room and lab where fossils are prepared.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
What is a Dinosaur?
Dinosaur Discovery Museum

Grades: PreK – 2
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Streamed live from the gallery of the Dinosaur Discovery Museum, students will learn about what separates dinosaurs from other prehistoric animals, what fossils are and how they are made, and get up close with the specimens on display using observation and pattern recognition skills to uncover connections between prehistoric and modern dinosaurs.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Online Tutoring with Disciplined Minds
Disciplined Minds Tutoring - Tampa

At Disciplined Minds Tutoring, we believe that nurturing an insatiable curiosity and developing life-long learning strategies are crucial to your child’s success both academically and beyond the classroom.
We offer a wide variety of tutoring services, including elementary to high school subject tutoring, standardized test preparation in the SAT, ACT, and HSPT, and college-level assistance.

We operate on an appointment basis. You can schedule an appointment with us by either going online to or reaching out to an Administrative Assistant via call or text to (813) 254-5437.

History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Discover The Universe: Astro at Home
Discover the Universe

Free online astronomy mini-courses for kids aged 8-12. Join us every weekday at 2 p.m. (EDT) for 30 minutes of educational fun. We'll cover a wide variety of subjects and often have fascinating guest presenting.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Discovery World @ Home
Discovery World

Discovery World is bringing the fun and learning to you! Throughout the week, you will find experiments, investigations, and design challenges that you can do with materials that you probably already have around the house.


History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
EBL Coaching Westchester
EBL Coaching Westchester

EBL Coaching specializes in one-on-one and small group tutoring for students in grades preK-12 using research-based, multi-sensory techniques. EBL Coaching specializes in providing one-on-one, multi-sensory tutoring that is individualized according to the needs of each student. We focus on teaching students in grade preK-12 fundamental skills that are essential for success in school, including reading, writing, reading comprehension, math, study strategies, focus, and motivation. We also offer specialized programs for students with ADHD and Learning Disabilities. We begin with an assessment of each student to determine his or her strengths and weaknesses and the most appropriate methods.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Visits & Field Trips
EcoVivarium A Reptile Sanctury Experience

If traveling to EcoVivarium is not an option, consider one of our many virtual programs. Just like our in-person tours, these can be customized to fit your needs.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Interactive Distance Learning
Elachee Nature Science Center

Elachee has packaged a selection of its most popular field trip and outreach classes. Each 50-minute program combines video instruction and live virtual interaction with an Elachee instructor. 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Learning and Study Skills Seminar for Parents
eLearnED Leaders
Study Skills Seminar for Parents. Strategies and tips to navigate the complexities of online learning and support your child's academic success with a learning specialist. Help your children to build a foundation for learning.
Learning Strategist and Academic Success Coach, Joanne Dominico shares proven tips that helpls parents get their kids back on track this school year. 
The seminar will focus on these topics:

How to help your child thrive while doing in person or virual learning - from tech needs to school supplies

How to establish routines and get children off of their screen and going to be bed at a decent time

How to set up a dedicated learning space, reducte distractions, and increase productivity

Learn how to keep your child motivated and engaged to learn

How to re-focus on prioritizing self-care in order to optimize children's brains for learning

How to balance working form home while supporting your child

Resources such as checklists, study schedule templates and more will be provided

NOVEMBER 19, 2020 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm  $59 plus HST  Register at:


Academic - General
Middle School Book Club
Ennis Education Services

This small group (max 6 students) will read challenging but age appropriate novels together and meet weekly to study the reading. Our shortlist of novels is comprised of "tried and true" classics for this age group as well as Newbery recipients, and we'll use ranked choice voting to select each book. As students are guided through discussions, we'll analyze different reading techniques and encourage readers to further develop their comprehension skills, appreciation of literature, and capacity for critical thinking. The goal of the course is to not only bolster students' excitement for reading, but also prepare students for the more advanced texts they'll encounter as they progress into higher grade levels. 

Our instructor Fran B., who has 22 years of experience in teaching reading and writing, will be leading this course. She holds a Masters and PhD in English from the University of Cambridge and a MA in Journalism from NYU. In addition to teaching writing at Brown University and the University of Cambridge, Fran has taught SAT classes specializing in Reading at Malvern College and Brighton College in the UK and tutored students from other top British boarding schools, including Rugby, Winchester, and Westminster. Fran is also a trained executive functioning coach, has written book reviews for the Washington Post, and worked at Random House Publishing. We are very excited to welcome her in leading this course!

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Beginner's Spanish
Ennis Education Services

As more schools are delaying the introduction of foreign language study, we'd like to offer students an opportunity to begin their exploration of Spanish as they transition from elementary into middle school!

This course will cover the fundamentals of a Beginner's Spanish curriculum. Our instructor will be Valerie E. In addition to her rich experience both teaching and writing curriculum for multiple New York City middle schools, Valerie has taught upper school at The American School Foundation in Mexico City.

Valerie carries a breadth of experiences that make her an especially qualified educator. She is a Fulbright Scholar, and spent her tenure teaching in Mexico. Valerie attended Fordham University and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BA in English and Spanish Language and Literature. At Fordham, Valerie was awarded The Heydt Senior Spanish Award for highest academic achievement in the Spanish Major. Afterwards, Valerie earned her Masters of Arts in Teaching with highest honor from Relay Graduate School of Education.

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Spanish Language
EnthuZiastic Inc.

Explore the Language of Passion! 
Unlock the beauty of Spanish with EnthuZiastic Spanish, the ultimate online course for language enthusiasts! 
Immerse yourself in engaging and interactive live sessions led by Expert Instructors who are passionate about teaching Spanish. 

Embrace the EnthuZiastic Advantage:
✓ Progress reports to track your language proficiency
✓ Access to recordings of previous sessions
✓ Certificates of completion to showcase your skills
✓ Exciting contests and performance opportunities
✓ Valuable feedback to enhance your language fluency
✓ Inspiring assignments to reinforce your learning
✓ Connect with instructors through the EnthuZiastic App for real-time support

 Curriculum Highlights:
 Basic Conversations: Start speaking Spanish from day one.
 Vocabulary and Grammar: Build a solid foundation of language skills.
 Cultural Insights: Explore the rich traditions and customs.
 Reading and Writing: Enhance your comprehension and composition.

Our Commitment to You:
✓ 24/7 support to address all your queries
✓ High-quality classes at affordable prices
✓ Personal Student Success Manager for guidance

Ready to immerse yourself in the Spanish language? Visit now and secure your spot in EnthuZiastic Spanish! 

Academic - General
Middle School
High School
AP Physics
EnthuZiastic Inc.

Introducing Enthuziastic's AP Physics Online Class for Kids! 

Are you ready to ignite your child's passion for science and pave the way for a stellar academic future? Look no further! Enthuziastic is thrilled to present our comprehensive AP Physics online class designed specifically for young learners.

Why Choose Enthuziastic's AP Physics Class for Kids? 

Engaging Curriculum: Our meticulously crafted curriculum is tailored to make complex physics concepts accessible and exciting for kids.

Expert Instructors: Your child will be guided by experienced educators who are passionate about nurturing young minds.

Introducing our remarkable teacher, who illuminates minds with knowledge and inspiration

Interactive Learning: Through interactive sessions and experiments, kids will explore the fascinating world of physics from the comfort of their home.

AP Exam Preparation: We prepare students not only to excel in their coursework but also to confidently ace the AP Physics exam.

Fun and Learning: At Enthuziastic, we believe that learning should be fun. Expect engaging activities, group projects, and exciting challenges!  

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to set your child on a path to academic excellence. Enroll in our AP Physics online class today and watch them soar to new heights!

Let's make learning physics an adventure they'll cherish forever! 


Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
AP Chemistry Class
EnthuZiastic Inc.

Join EnthuZiastic AP Chemistry Live Online Course! 
Dive into the fascinating world of chemistry with our engaging and interactive classes led by expert instructors. Unleash your passion for scientific discovery! 

Experience an exceptional learning journey with our comprehensive curriculum, including:
Atomic structure and periodicity
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Stoichiometry and reactions
States of matter and thermodynamics
Equilibrium and kinetics

We value your progress! Enjoy personalized attention with:
Progress reports
Session recordings
Certificates of completion
Exciting contests
Performance opportunities
Live chat on the EnthuZiastic App
Our commitment to you:

24-hour support
Quality and affordable classes
Personal student success manager

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to master AP Chemistry!


Science - STEM - General
Middle School
AP Biology Class
EnthuZiastic Inc.

Discover the EnthuZiastic AP Biology Live Online Course! 
Dive into the fascinating world of AP Biology with our expert instructors and engaging, interactive classes. Whether you're preparing for the exam or simply want to deepen your knowledge, we have the perfect course for you! 

Enjoy these exclusive benefits:

  • Progress reports to track your learning journey
  • Access to recordings of previous sessions
  • Certificates upon completion
  • Exciting contests and performance opportunities
  • Valuable feedback and personalized assignments
  • Stay connected with our EnthuZiastic App for live chat with teachers

Our comprehensive curriculum includes:

  • Cellular structure and function
  • Genetics and heredity
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Ecology and environmental science
  • Biological systems and processes

Experience our commitment to your success:

  • Quality classes at affordable prices
  • Personal student success manager
  • 24/7 support for any assistance needed

Enroll now to excel in AP Biology with EnthuZiastic! 

Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
Expert Tutor Karin McKie
Expert Tutor Karin McKie

Need expert assistance writing college application essays, as well as preparing for standardized tests? I’m a seasoned educator and online learning expert, with oodles of references outlined at Karin McKie dot com.

College application essays are due soon. As a professional writer and editor, I will help your college-bound students brainstorm, write and edit compelling primary and supplemental essays.

I also coach learners preparing for PSAT, SAT and ACT test success, including teaching a quick and easy reading comprehension technique. I work with ISEE, HSPT, GRE, GMAT and LSAT test-takers too.

Contact me to create a dynamic virtual learning package!

Academic - General
History / social studies
Middle School
High School
Ted Talk on Music and the Brain
Expressive Journeys Creative Arts Clinic

Have you ever wondered how Music Therapy works? Watch this amazing Ted Talk to see how music affects your brain! This amazing Ted Talk is Family Friendly and a wonderul watch for all ages. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Content from Fairfield Museum and History Center
Fairfield Museum and History Center

Online programs, events, and exhibitions will continue to amaze, educate, and engage! Please visit our website and like us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up to date on all of our many upcoming virtual programs.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Focus Online, LLC Homeschool support and learning opportunities
Focus Online, LLC

We offer 1-1 onoline tutoring, homeschool support and parenting classes to students from Kindergarten to Grade 8.  We focus on students who thrive in a personalized environment and work with students all across New York State.  

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
From Farm to Tablet Online Farm Education Video Packages
Forsythe Family Farms

Virtual Farm Lessons for children Preschool to Grade 4. Lessons from our Farm - An enriching farm based educational resource that is curriculum linked and fun!

Are you-

  • missing those trips to a farm that gave your children real life, experiential learning and seeking to replace them with a creative learning opportunity?
  • teachers looking for fresh, engaging and relevant online farm lessons that will ignite your students interest; material they will enjoy and remember?
  • parents who would do anything to grab a few extra minutes to yourself but still have your kids using their time learning? Do you want your children to develop a deeper understanding of the world they live in?
  • Homeschooling your kids and wondering "Am I doing enough?".  Are you wanting to build on their knowledge with compelling material that will add depth to their outdoor excursions once you are able to be out and about again?
  • grandparents looking to give your grandchildren an enriching experience they'll enjoy instead of toys?
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Center for Digital History
Fort Ticonderoga

Through the Center for Digital History, we are reaching beyond the historic grounds of Fort Ticonderoga to bring our award-winning educational programs into homes and classrooms online. Join engaging, interactive programs and discover the powerful stories of the men and women who lived at Ticonderoga in the 18th century. Beyond live online programming, see thousands of museum artifacts, watch dozens of videos, and see the many educational resources that have earned Fort Ticonderoga the reputation as the premier center for the study and dissemination of the military experience in the Early Modern Era (c.1609-1815).

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Fort Ticonderoga Center for Digital History
Fort Ticonderoga

Through the Center for Digital History, we are reaching beyond the historic grounds of Fort Ticonderoga to bring our award-winning educational programs into homes and classrooms online. Join engaging, interactive programs and discover the powerful stories of the men and women who lived at Ticonderoga in the 18th century. Beyond live online programming, see thousands of museum artifacts, watch dozens of videos, and see the many educational resources that have earned Fort Ticonderoga the reputation as the premier center for the study and dissemination of the military experience in the Early Modern Era (c.1609-1815).

History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
French Games Online
French Games Online

Games and tools to learn and teach French. Whether you are a teacher or a learner you need content that keeps French fun! With thousands of flashcards and phrases, all with audio and integrated with dozens of games, tools and worksheets, you have unlimited opportunities for fun practice and progress.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Frog Tutoring - Free Online Classes Led by a Live Instructor for K-12
Frog Tutoring

Frog Tutoring, LLC now offers free online K-12 classes in Math, English Language Arts and Science led by a live instructor to help students across the country continue their educational pursuits while the country faces the COVID-19 pandemic. Highly qualified tutors will be leading classes for students in the foundational subjects as many schools throughout the country are not able to offer online classes to their students or have suspended school until the fall. Frog Tutoring will be utilizing a structured curriculum from Education Foundation and offering over 290 classes targeting different subjects and grades. is one of the leaders in providing online grade specific educational content and often used by students who are homeschooled. Registration begins Monday, March 30th and classes are scheduled to run through May. Students can register for classes at Classes will be held 1-3 times per week for a minimum of an hour utilizing Zoom, which allows for teacher and student communication, content and screen sharing facilitating an interactive learning experience for the students. Instructors of the online classes will be tutors employed by Frog Tutoring who have been carefully vetted, maintained a 3.5 grade point average and passed a background check. All tutors are volunteering their time to make sure no student is left behind. Families will receive an email after each online session from the tutor summarizing educational content allowing parents to know the concepts that are being covered.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
FuncoderZ - FuncoderZ Coding Classes

Coding Concepts through Gaming in Scratch (Grade 3 to 8, 10 classes - 45 min each class)

This package is designed for incoming 8th, 9th and 10th graders who want to take advanced computer science courses in high school. Students are taught the concept and given home assignments to practice, which are reviewed in the next class. Languages used for the course is Java, and students will be in small groups of 2-3. A laptop or desktop (Windows or macOS) is required.


Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Middle School
High School
Future Holders Online
Future Holders

Future Holders is an online curriculum platform for over 2000 K12 lessons that develop financial skills, entrepreneurship, and leadership development through social emotional learning and cultural competency. Lesson content is flexible and easy to implement in home, group, or school settings; keeping learning relevant and fun!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Camp Galileo Anywhere
Galileo Camps


With an exciting range of online classes for kids in Kindergarten through 8th grades, Camp Galileo Anywhere brings the quality educational programming and fun of award-winning Camp Galileo virtually anywhere.

Each live online class has been thoughtfully designed to inspire innovation, boost creative confidence, and encourage independence—all with a curriculum built around easy-to-find household materials. Virtual camp sessions range in duration from a single hour to five 3-hour session experiences and are led by Galileo’s signature experienced and personable instructors who make every child feel seen, successful and special.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Learning Resources at
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum

Welcome from the education program of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum! It is part of the Library and Museum’s mission to encourage students of all ages to learn more about the Presidency, the First Lady, American history, and government. We are now offering virtual education programs; such as, premier education programs, storytelling programs, distance education reservations, plus much more! 



Academic - General
History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Educator Toolbox
George Latimer Central Library

The library is here to help educators!

Get started with Library Go, the library's program to provide free, virtual public library cards for all students.

Connect with your Children's Specialist, library staff dedicated to youth. They can suggest titles, gather materials, arrange class visits, and visit schools. You can find them at all library locations. To find the library nearest your school, please consult this map of library locations and public schools.

Explore all the free services for educators that the library offers on this page and visit the Digital Library for online resources you can use in your classroom!

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Fort Bend Connection
George Ranch Historical Park

Teachers: We know things look a little different in the classroom this year and we want to help! Together with the Fort Bend History Association and the Fort Bend Museum, our team has launched the Fort Bend Connection project to bring Texas and Fort Bend County history to your classroom this year. The plan has multiple components tailored to your curriculum, including free educational videos and worksheets aligned with TEKS objectives and rentable boxes that include a number of different hands-on historical activities.

History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Fort Bend Connection
George Ranch Historical Park
Things look a little different in the classroom and with homeschooling this year and we want to help! The Fort Bend History Association and the George Ranch Historical Park have launched the Fort Bend Connection project to bring Texas and Fort Bend County history to you this year. The plan has multiple components and includes free educational videos and worksheets aligned with TEKS objectives and rentable boxes that include a number of different hands-on historical activities.
History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
At-home Learning with Georgia Aquarium
Georgia Aquarium

What better way to continue your education and keep kids’ curiosity piqued than to adventure with Georgia Aquarium from afar?

  • Join us daily and weekly for live streaming events
  • Get regular updates on our animals
  • Download lesson plans and resources
  • Learn about all the animals in our facility
  • And much, much more

Please check back regularly for new content and updates

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
German for Kids and Adults! Online classes
German School of Connecticut

Ther German School of Connecticut is going virtual for the fall semester. We offer German language instruction for children age 2 through high school and adults.  Class sessions are on Saturday mornings, targeting students new to the German language as well as students already used to speaking and/or listening to German.

Students up to age 6, will meet in online micro-groups of up to 3 students per session to provide an even more individualized learning experience than in our regular classroom. Based on the age appropriate attention span, these short micro session will be up to 30 minutes.

Students age 6 through 11, will meet in two small groups of up to 6 students. Each groups can expect a 60 minute small group session plus a 20 minute whole class session. 

Students age 12 and up, as well as our adult learners, will be meeting as a whole class, in breakout sessions for group activities, and in one-on-one sessions for the duration of their regular Saturday morning sessions.


Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
German-Texan Heritage Society, Austin, TX: German Language Classes
German Texan Heritage Society

GTHS now offers the German International School of Texas at Austin Pre-K and Kindergarten. Let's teach them while they're young. We are a total immersion German school. For more information on the Pre-K and Kindergarten please go to

Adult and childrens classes are separate from the Pre-K and Kindergarten and generally meet once per week for an hour and a half. Courses at GTHS are aligned to the levels of proficiency, FitA1 – C2, as described by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Courses are offered during a 16-Week Fall and Spring semester. We offer Homeschool and Kinder classes. Our Kinder Advanced classes (ages 8 – 14) are for children who can already read and write in their native language. These courses require an amount of time outside of class as homework is assigned weekly. Following the completion of Kinder – Advanced, interested participants who keep up with coursework and participate in class are prepared for the Fit in Deutsch A1 Goethe Institute exam for teens. The courses follow chapter 1 – 6 of Logisch! neu – A1 course book and workbook in the Fall and chapters 7 – 12 in the Spring. No worries, your teacher will give you all the details. Note that the texts required for the course are not included in the tuition. Please order your (2) books online. Descriptions are under the registration links.

Go under "Education" at to find the right class for you.

Want to receive a German proficiency certificate to be used worldwide? Take a Goethe test with us. 

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
girls + data
girls + data

girls + data is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) with a mission of increasing data literacy at a younger age and providing middle school girls with hands-on learning opportunities in STEM careers in data analytics. 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Middle School
Free Coding Curriculum & Resources through Girls Who Code's Clubs Program
Girls Who Code - U.S.

Girls Who Code lets you easily build computer science learning into your summer programs with free 3rd-12th grade Clubs!

What Will You Get? 

Whether you’ve never coded before or are a programming expert, you can host a Girls Who Code Club and gain access to everything below - all for free:

  • Over 120 hours of self-guided coding tutorials for all skill levels in Scratch, Python, p5.js, or Swift
  • Community-building activities and spotlights on inspiring role models
  • Training and ongoing virtual support from dedicated Girls Who Code staff
  • Easy-to-use meeting guides with flexible scheduling options whether you meet weekly or daily
  • Engaging virtual events with top tech company partners dependent on availability
  • Girls Who Code swag for you and your students
  • A $500 Amazon Wishlist fulfilled through the Clubs Fund once you have 3+ students enrolled

What Will Your 6th-12th Graders Do?

  • Learn the power of code through hands-on, project-based activities.
  • Complete self-guided tutorials at all skill levels to learn the basics of coding, create games and animations in Scratch and p5.js, build a virtual assistant in Swift, design a chatbot in Python, or explore cybersecurity in Python. 
  • Gain confidence and resilience as they learn about inspiring role models from diverse STEM careers and become a part of the Girls Who Code sisterhood.

What Will Your 3rd-5th Graders Do?

  • Learn the basics of coding and gain confidence through a book-club style program model and optional Scratch activities. 

I want free computer science programming! What’s next?

Questions? Learn more from the Girls Who Code team in their on-demand, 15-minute webinar, available here.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free Coding Curriculum & Resources from Girls Who Code's 3-12th Grade Clubs Program
Girls Who Code - U.S.

Girls Who Code lets you easily build computer science learning into your programs with free 3rd-12th grade Clubs!

What Will You Get? 

Whether you’ve never coded before or are a programming expert, you can start a free Girls Who Code Club and gain access to:

  • Over 120 hours of self-guided coding tutorials for all skill levels in Scratch, Python, p5.js, or Swift
  • Community-building activities and spotlights on inspiring role models
  • Training and ongoing virtual support from dedicated Girls Who Code staff
  • Easy-to-use meeting guides with flexible scheduling options
  • Engaging virtual events with top tech company partners dependent on availability
  • Girls Who Code Swag and a $500 Amazon Wishlist fulfilled through the Clubs Fund once you have 3+ students in your Club

What Will Your 6th-12th Graders Do?

  • Learn the power of code through hands-on, project-based activities.
  • Complete self-guided tutorials at all skill levels to learn the basics of coding, create games and animations in Scratch and p5.js, build a virtual assistant in Swift, design a chatbot in Python, or even learn about cybersecurity in Python. 
  • Gain confidence and resilience as they learn about inspiring role models from diverse STEM careers and become a part of the Girls Who Code sisterhood.

What Will Your 3rd-5th Graders Do?

  • Learn the basics of coding and gain confidence through a book-club style program model and optional Scratch activities. 

I want free computer science programming! What’s next?

  • To access free computer science programming and resources for 3rd-12th grade students of all genders fill out the quick Clubs application here. 
  • Questions? Learn more from the Girls Who Code team in their on-demand, 15-minute webinar, available here.


Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Free Summer Programs for Girls & Non-binary Students in 9-12th grade!
Girls Who Code - U.S.

Level up by becoming a coder this summer with Girls Who Code! Choose your own adventure through our free virtual programs that teach you the computer science skills you need to make an impact while you gain insight into the tech industry and unlock lifelong college and career support. You’ll even get to meet inspiring industry professionals through virtual events like cyber trivia, alumni panels, escape rooms, TED-style talks, and more! 

  • In our 2-week Summer Immersion Program for current 9th-11th graders, you’ll learn how to get creative with code in our brand-new game design course! Join a supportive community of teachers and peers in live virtual classrooms hosted by industry-leading companies like MetLife, Bank of America, and Accenture. By the end of the program, you’ll learn the fundamentals of game design, UX, and the iterative design process as you build a suite of short games using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding. You can even apply for laptop and hotspot access and $300 grants for financial support!
  • In our 6-week Self-Paced Program for current 9th-12th graders, you’ll learn to code through independent study and real-world projects. By the end of the program, you’ll earn beginner-level certificates of completion in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript for web development or intermediate-level certificates of completion in Python for cybersecurity or data science.

All high school girls and non-binary students can apply, including past participants!

Apply at by February 15th for priority consideration or by March 24th for the general application deadline. 

For more information on our virtual Summer Programs, check out our website or attend a webinar.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
High School
Give Physical Computing a Go!
Gizmo Cats

Learn by doing a fun hands-on physical computing activity an electronic bread-boarding hardware components and interacting with your software.

This workshop gets you up and running with a Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer. Will teach you basic electronics concepts, electronic components & breadboard wiring, and interface to control a video game character on the Raspberry Pi.


PrerequisiteA Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer with an Electronic Breadboard, and with wires, electronics components (LED, Resistors).

Also need additional monitor and keyboard/mouse.

Please Contact Now to register your interest BEFORE purchasing one a Raspberry Pi Kit costing ~US$90.

From "Target" or from "Amazon" or any other sources,, or AltronicsCore Electronics with parts.


Once registered, payments may be transferred to:

In USA: - +1 (650) 302-1490 -

or Zelle® 


Australia Bankwest Gizmo Cats (ABN 27 788 609 256)

Australia and outside US: -


All Ages 10+ years - kids, teens, parents & adult

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Learn to Code - Block Programming or Python Programming
Gizmo Cats

Learn coding. Hands-on programming workshops for those who want to learn coding. No idea about coding or even how start to "Code" or "Program" or what's the difference? Parents, grand-parents and their children, or just interested adults who wish to learn how to code should attend.



None - Kids, Teens, Adults - "Families coding together, staying together."
No computer coding knowledge required but must have basic computer skills.


To participate please check that your device can access via your Browser "Create" and "Join Scratch" - you may need to configure your device (e.g. need Adobe Flash)


Once registered, payments may be transferred to:

In USA: - +1 (650) 302-1490 -

or Zelle® 


Australia Bankwest Gizmo Cats (ABN 27 788 609 256)

Australia and outside US: -


Ages 7 to 70 years old

{Under 10 years must be supervised by parent/guardian}

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Codey Rocky Robotics
Gizmo Cats

You'll need a robot - Contact Now to register your interest

Next 5-day class, August 12, 2020 at 10 am PST (Wed-Fri, Mon, Tue)


Learn by doing a fun hands-on physical computing activity using your Codey Rocky Robot. - See YouTube Gizmo Cats Channel

You'll be having fun with your smart and cute robot by telling it what to do using block programming (Scratch-like) or Python Language. You will learn robotic sequencing concepts, conditionals, and physical sensing feedback.


The Codey Rocky robot is designed to teach the concepts of Physical Computing using the robot hardware and software.


As soon as you take this little "person" out the box, it’s apparent how cute Codey Rocky is. And yes, I’m calling it a "person". The little person has too much personality to be just an "it". Technically, there are two separate parts. The ‘face’ is Codey, a detachable controller that you code, while Rocky is the vehicle that transports Codey.


PrerequisiteA Codey Rocky Robot.

Give the online software a go! It is very similar to using Scratch (or download the software to your device).

Please Contact Now to register your interest BEFORE purchasing one from " Amazon" or the "Robot Shop" or any from any other sources. A Codey Rocky costs ~US$99.


Once registered, payments may be transferred to:

In USA: - +1 (650) 302-1490 -

or Zelle® 


Australia Bankwest Gizmo Cats (ABN 27 788 609 256)

Australia and outside US: -


All Ages 7+ years - kids, teens, parents & adult

{Under 10 years must be supervised by parent/guardian}

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Scratch Online Coding Club
Gizmo Cats

 Fun, Informal Code Club

Have Fun! Hands-on programming workshops for those who want to learn basic coding. Great place to start if you just want to get started. Coding using Scratch online.
Parents, grand-parents, other adults are welcome with children.


Prerequisite: None - This is a great place to start your first online coding journey. No computer programming knowledge required but basic computer skills desirable. From here you may ask questions and you'll receive answers and additional information of other FREE online information.


To participate please check that your device can access via your Browser "Create" and "Join Scratch" - you may need to configure your device (e.g. need Adobe Flash).


Code Club Donation - suggested Friend donation of $25 or more per session transferred to:


In USA: - +1 (650) 302-1490 -

or Zelle® 


Australia Bankwest Gizmo Cats (ABN 27 788 609 256)

Australia and outside US: -


Kids, teens, parents & adults

{Under 10 years must be supervised by parent/guardian}

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Home School Academy Online classes for 7th-12th grades
Greater Rochester LEAH (Loving Education at Home)

Choosing to HOMESCHOOL your 7th-12th grader and need help?  The HOME SCHOOL ACADEMY has partnered with families to do what is difficult to do at home through our classes in Rochester for 14 years, and our teachers are among the best!  Adjusting to the current challenges, we now have ONLINE classes that include: 3 levels of Writing/Lit, Countries and Cultures, Governments and Election, Computer Science, Creative Coding, Microsoft Office, Health, Economics, Latin A & B, Studio Art, Art thru the Ages, Visual Communication through Art, and Music Appreciation. Our classes are taught by real teachers, they are not just a list of assignments.  We have class once a week on Tuesdays for 28 days through the school year, and the students do the work and turn in assignments in between classes.  We give you grades based on your work for us, and you add them to your quarterly reports for your school district as you desire.  Each class is based on the teacher’s own style and descriptions can be found on our website:  Orientation day is Sept. 15, and classes start on Sept. 22.

Academic - General
History / social studies
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
Greenways Academy- Online School/ Full time or Part time
Greenways Academy

We offer an alternative online school. We personalize classes to fit your students needs and learning style. We offer 5th - 12th grade. We can create a path towards a high school diploma or fill in where credits are deficient

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
HealthWorks! Kids' Museum St. Louis- Classroom Connect
HealthWorks! Kids' Museum St Louis - CLOSED via email 8/12/2024 MB

The virtual HealthWorks! classroom, connecting families and classes to fun, interactive health resources including virtual lessons from our very own High Flying Kid Motivators!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Hey! Let's Code Fall Classes!
Hey! Let's Code
The team at Hey! Let's Code is excited to announce our Fall Classes!
We've been working hard on expanding our curriculum to four classes: Scratch, Web Development, Python, and Roblox for students aged 7-15 and are looking forward to teaching our new classes throughout the school year from 4 to 6 PM PST.
Our Upcoming Classes For This Month:
Our classes go for 2 hours a day from 4 to 6PM PST / 7 to 9PM EST
Python - August 31st to September 4th
Scratch - September 7th to September 11th
Web Development - September 14th to September 18th
Roblox - September 21st to September 25th
Thank you for the great summer and like always email us at to signup and check out our website at
Looking forward to teaching your students to code!
Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Learning
Humber Arboretum

Grow Anywhere:

Virtual Learning with the Humber Arboretum 

 It's an incredible experience to learn in nature, but that doesn't mean the learning has to stop when you go inside. Whether you're at home, in your residence room, at the office, or in the classroom, explore this content from the Humber Arboretum and beyond to keep your knowledge growing.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
educational webinars
Huntington Learning Center - Williamsville

View webinars on educational topics from navigating remote K-12 learning,  SAT/ACT preparation, ADHD best practices and more.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
K-12 Tutoring and SAT/ACT Test Prep
Huntington Learning Center of Clifton Park- In-Center or Online

Huntington helps students catch up and get ahead with individualized K-12 Tutoring and Test Prep programs, offered both In-Center and Online.  We build skills, confidence and motivation!

Our Tutoring students average 2+ grade level increases in Math & Reading, while our SAT students average a 248 point increase. We have programs for reading, writing, phonics, math (through Calculus), science (through Physics), study skills, SAT, ACT, AP, Regents and more.

Our tutors build confidence and motivation. Affordable and flexible hours in Clifton Park. Proven results since 1977. Mention this ad and save $100 when you call 518-280-2670.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Live online kids coding and digital design classes - Icode Pittsburgh
ICode Pittsburgh

Do you want to learn how to code in a fun way? We got Game Design, Roblox, Minecraft, Java, Python, and so many more modules to help you in an after school 2 hour live online course. Are you more artistic? We have Digital Design, Youtube Production, 3D printing, Digital Music modules. We teach innovation, thinking about the box and other soft skills because that is what you need for future work in the computer science world. Choose from over 20 modules. Every month you are able to follow a different module. Fun live online classes Monthly payment Easy setup Ages 8-16 Please use Icode Pittsburgh as your campus.

STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
iCode Pathways Program (Ages 8-16) | ONLINE
iCode San Antonio ** Permanently closed via google 7/11 PH



  • Instructor-led, online classes
  • One 2-hour class per week


  • Mac or Windows PC only
  • Webcam
  • Stable internet connection with access to Zoom Video Conferencing
  • Other supplemental software and hardware (details provided after enrollment)


The iCode Pathways program, offered both online and onsite at iCode locations, consists of 9 computer science categories, each with a series of four-week courses that are hosted in two-hour weekly sessions. Each pathway is designed to develop an in-depth set of skills around a topic, however, the program allows students the flexibility to self-select courses between paths and develop a broader set of skills as their interests progress.

Students will benefit from an exceptional proprietary curriculum, interactive and collaborative teaching methodologies, and hands-on experience with design and development tools. Through today's popular platforms such as Roblox, Minecraft, Digital Arts, YouTube, Python, Java, and more, students in the Pathway program gain a comprehensive foundation in computer science.


  • 3D Printing - Build Your 3D Printer | Product Design | Product Modification | Functional Prints | Art | Make Your Own Action Figure
  • Python - Building the CrowPi | Python Basics | Game Creation | Robotics |Web Scraping | Program Architecture
  • Roblox - Game Creation | Art & Design | Programming With Lua | World Building & Monetizing
  • Digital Arts - 2D & 3D Modeling | Photo Editing | Processing Programming | Modern Art
  • Java - Basic Java | Minecraft Mods | App Dev With Java | Data Structures 1 | Data Structures 2 | OOP
  • YouTube - Launch Like A Pro | Stop Motion Animation | Video Editing | Digital Music & Audio Editing
  • Minecraft - Basic Java | Art & Design | Adventures In Modding | Modding In Java
  • iSports - PC vs Console | Streaming | Fortnite + RL | OMPG | Tournament Creation
  • iCodeHack - UX Design | Front End Dev | Back End Dev | Project Manager & Researcher


Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Kinder Students Apply Today!
IDEA Montopolis

IDEA Montopolis has been voted one of the top schools in Austin. Our committment to sending 100% of scholars to and through college sets us aside from AISD and other charter schools.

We believe the road to college starts in Kinder. With personalized learning tailored to each student, your Kinder student is guaranteed to find success in the classroom. Apply today at or call 512.646.2800 with any questions. 

Academic - General
Ignite Your Minds Math Tutoring
Ignite Your Mind

Tutoring allows me to cater to your child’s individual academic needs. Every student learns differently and have exceptionalities that need to be addressed when developing a curriculum. Whether your child is struggling to keep up and needs homework assistance or reteaching, or they are top of the class and they need that competitive edge, Ignite Your Mind’s Individualized guidance helps your child reach their greatest potential. As your child’s tutor, I will provide them with strategies and tools to expand their mathematical toolbox and help build their confidence. I want my students to love to learn.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Digital Resource
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
We have curated a collection for resources that can be used at home to support students. All of the resources included are free, some however, include premium (paid) features.
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Introduction to Fractions
Inclusive Educations
"Introduction to Fractions" is a self-paced course that teaches the basics of fractions.  It can fill in the gaps about fractions and also serve as a main course for homeschoolers.
The course covers 1) the description of a fraction, 2) terminology, 3) fractions on a number line, 4) improper fractions and mixed numbers, and 5) equivalent fractions.
Ideas are clearly explained and accompanied by examples. A worksheet packet with solutions is also included.
The instructional slides and practice worksheets are provided as a single .pdf file and emailed to the email address provided at checkout.
In celebration, the course is $48.00 (20% off) through April 10th. After April 10th, it will be $60.00 (regular price).
Go to and then click on the “Courses” tab to order.
Upcoming courses are “Adding and Subtracting Fractions” and “Multiplying and Dividing Fractions.”
For any questions, please email


Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Integral Steps
Integral Steps

Integral Steps is excited to offer interactive synchronous online programming via Zoom to learning pods, microschools, and individual families searching to supplement their current learning situation. As a community-based nonprofit, we offer need-based scholarships to families and students to ensure equitable access to the highest quality education.

Our programs combine music, movement, language, science, emotional regulation, social, and cognitive development. This is what makes learning integrated.

  • Weekly classes for children ages 0-18 in the Colorado Front Range, New England regions, and online in all time zones in the United States.
  • Enroll in the Instrumental Academy, combining private lessons and group learning. 
  • Multigenerational family events, workshops and concerts.
  • Professional development for adults through workshops and events.

Providing tailored curriculum for schools, learning pods and other educational groups.

Use promo code  koaa25 to receive $25 off of your total purchase.   

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Lectures
Ireland House Museum

Virtual Lectures

The Museums offer lecture presentations on topics relating to Burlington's culture and heritage, and our historic sites Joseph Brant Museum, and Ireland House Museum. In-person lectures are not available while physical distancing measures due to COVID-19 are in place. Please contact if you would like to arrange a lecture via Zoom. The cost is $75 + HST.

The Ireland Family

Joseph Ireland arrived in Canada in 1819 from Yorkshire, England. He purchased 100 acres of land in Burlington the same year, and over his lifetime accumulated just over 1,065 acres of land. He built Ireland House on Guelph Line between 1835 – 1837, and four generations of his family lived in the home for 150 years. Today, Ireland House stands as a reminder of Burlington’s agricultural history, and life during the Victorian era. Learn about the Ireland family, and take a virtual tour of Ireland House during this presentation.

Joseph Brant: The Legacy of a Historical Figure

Learn about the life and career of Joseph Brant, Thayendanagea. From his early childhood in the Mohawk Valley, Upper New York State, to his rise to the rank of Captain in the British Army, we will explore the milestones in his personal life and military career, and his arrival here in Burlington. We will also take a look at his influence on the development of Burlington, and the Museum which bears his name.

Early Burlington

Discover the history of Burlington, from the earliest inhabitants, to the arrival of Joseph Brant, to the hey-day of the Brant Inn. We will trace the growth and development of the City through milestones, touch on the lives of prominent Burlington citizens, and take a look at the historic buildings that are scattered throughout the City.

History / social studies
Middle School
High School
Virtual Badge Programs
Ireland House Museum

Museums of Burlington offers virtual badge programs based on the Girl Guides of Canada ‘Girls First’ Program and the Scouts Canada Program via Zoom video conferencing platform. Leaders will be provided a PDF package with program materials. Prior to the program booking, leaders will be asked to email the package to all participants. A list of craft supplies and/or household items required for the program will also be included in the package. Some programs may include an optional add-on activity kit for an additional charge.

The cost is $90 (up to 15 participants), and $9 for each additional participant.

  • Duration: 1 hour

For more information or to book your program, contact an Educator today at 905-332-9888 or email

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Home School Programs
Ireland House Museum

We are currently offering Virtual Homeschool Programs.

These programs include an activity kit to be picked up at Ireland House Museum before the program booking. A list of craft supplies and/or household items required for the program will also be included in the kit. Programs are run through Zoom video conferencing platform.

Cost: $30 per family/group (2 adults and up to 4 students; additional $10 per extra student)

Program length: 1 hour

Availability: Weekdays between the hours of 9:00 am and 2:00 pm.

Please see below for current programs being offered and to register.

History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Field Trips
Ireland House Museum

Museums of Burlington offers curriculum-based virtual field trips for in-class and/or remote learners on the video conferencing platform of your choice.

Reserve your virtual field trip date and time here. You will receive a confirmation and one of our Museum Educators will contact you to confirm any details and method of payment.

Teachers will be provided a PDF package with program materials to prepare in advance of the booking date. A list of craft supplies and/or household items required for the program will also be included in the package. Some programs may include an optional add-on activity kit for an additional charge.

Cost: $135 for up to 30 students (additional $5 per extra student)

Program length: 1 hour

Availability: Weekdays at 10:00 am or 1:00 pm

Please email with any questions or special requests.

History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Beginner Italian For Kids 6-10 years old
Italian Cultural & Community Center
Italian Kids' Classes are back!
Do you want your kids to start speaking Italian this school year? We have got you covered! Come learn the basics of writing and reading in Italian, preliminary grammar, Italian culture, geography, history, and regions.
When: Saturdays from September 12th to October 17th| 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Where: Online
Tuition: $90 ICCC Members | $100 Non-Members
The ICCC is funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Energy & Us: Classroom Materials from the Jones Beach Energy & Nature Center
Jones Beach Energy & Nature Center

Energy & Us is an interdisciplinary high school curriculum dedicated to exploring the relationships between people, energy, and the environment. Each of the five units is carefully aligned to NYS P-12 Science Standards and elements of the NYS Grades 9-12 Social Studies Framework. All activities can be carried out at the Center, during scheduled field trips funded by the Connect-Kids-To-Parks program, or used in classrooms. The curriculum is available for free download on the Center's website.

History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Middle School
High School
Virtual Lectures
Joseph Brant Museum

The Museums offer lecture presentations on topics relating to Burlington's culture and heritage, and our historic sites Joseph Brant Museum, and Ireland House Museum. In-person lectures are not available while physical distancing measures due to COVID-19 are in place. Please contact if you would like to arrange a lecture via Zoom. The cost is $75 + HST.

The Ireland Family

Joseph Ireland arrived in Canada in 1819 from Yorkshire, England. He purchased 100 acres of land in Burlington the same year, and over his lifetime accumulated just over 1,065 acres of land. He built Ireland House on Guelph Line between 1835 – 1837, and four generations of his family lived in the home for 150 years. Today, Ireland House stands as a reminder of Burlington’s agricultural history, and life during the Victorian era. Learn about the Ireland family, and take a virtual tour of Ireland House during this presentation.

Joseph Brant: The Legacy of a Historical Figure

Learn about the life and career of Joseph Brant, Thayendanagea. From his early childhood in the Mohawk Valley, Upper New York State, to his rise to the rank of Captain in the British Army, we will explore the milestones in his personal life and military career, and his arrival here in Burlington. We will also take a look at his influence on the development of Burlington, and the Museum which bears his name.

Early Burlington

Discover the history of Burlington, from the earliest inhabitants, to the arrival of Joseph Brant, to the hey-day of the Brant Inn. We will trace the growth and development of the City through milestones, touch on the lives of prominent Burlington citizens, and take a look at the historic buildings that are scattered throughout the City.

History / social studies
Middle School
High School
Virtual Badge Programs
Joseph Brant Museum

Museums of Burlington offers virtual badge programs based on the Girl Guides of Canada ‘Girls First’ Program and the Scouts Canada Program via Zoom video conferencing platform. Leaders will be provided a PDF package with program materials. Prior to the program booking, leaders will be asked to email the package to all participants. A list of craft supplies and/or household items required for the program will also be included in the package. Some programs may include an optional add-on activity kit for an additional charge.

The cost is $90 (up to 15 participants), and $9 for each additional participant.

  • Duration: 1 hour

For more information or to book your program, contact an Educator today at 905-332-9888 or email

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Home School Programs
Joseph Brant Museum

We are currently offering Virtual Homeschool Programs.

These programs include an activity kit to be picked up at Ireland House Museum before the program booking. A list of craft supplies and/or household items required for the program will also be included in the kit. Programs are run through Zoom video conferencing platform.

Cost: $30 per family/group (2 adults and up to 4 students; additional $10 per extra student)

Program length: 1 hour

Availability: Weekdays between the hours of 9:00 am and 2:00 pm.

Please see below for current programs being offered and to register.

History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Field Trips
Joseph Brant Museum

Museums of Burlington offers curriculum-based virtual field trips for in-class and/or remote learners on the video conferencing platform of your choice.

Reserve your virtual field trip date and time here. You will receive a confirmation and one of our Museum Educators will contact you to confirm any details and method of payment.

Teachers will be provided a PDF package with program materials to prepare in advance of the booking date. A list of craft supplies and/or household items required for the program will also be included in the package. Some programs may include an optional add-on activity kit for an additional charge.

Cost: $135 for up to 30 students (additional $5 per extra student)

Program length: 1 hour

Availability: Weekdays at 10:00 am or 1:00 pm

Please email with any questions or special requests.

History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Missing Teeth: A Guide for Kids and Adults
Joshua Hong DDS

A missing tooth can happen at any age, and while it might seem like a minor issue, it's important to address it for both children and adults. This article explores the causes of missing teeth, the potential consequences, and the different treatment options available.

Why Do Teeth Go Missing?

There are several reasons why teeth might be missing:

In children:
Baby teeth: Losing baby teeth is a natural part of growing up. They typically start falling out around age 6 and are replaced by permanent teeth.
Missing permanent teeth: This can be due to genetics (a condition called agenesis), injury, or severe tooth decay.
In adults:
Gum disease: This is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. When not treated, gum disease weakens the bone and tissue supporting the teeth, eventually leading to their loss.
Dental decay: If cavities are left untreated, they can progress to the point where the tooth needs to be extracted.
Injury: Accidents can damage or knock out teeth.

Why Does a Missing Tooth Matter?

A missing tooth can cause more than just a gap in your smile. Here are some potential consequences:

Chewing problems: Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew food properly, leading to digestive issues.
Shifting teeth: The remaining teeth may shift to fill the gap, causing misalignment and bite problems.
Speech difficulties: Missing teeth, especially front teeth, can affect speech clarity.
Bone loss: When a tooth is missing, the jawbone that supported it begins to deteriorate. This can affect the appearance of your face and make it difficult to get dental implants later.
Self-esteem: Missing teeth can impact self-confidence, especially for children.

Taking Care of a Missing Tooth

If you or your child is missing a tooth, it's important to see a dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will examine the area and determine the best course of treatment. Here are some common options:

For children (missing permanent teeth):

Space maintainers: These are temporary appliances that hold the space for the permanent tooth to erupt.
Braces: Braces can help correct any shifting of teeth caused by a missing tooth.
Dental implants: In some cases, dental implants may be an option for older children (typically teenagers) with missing permanent teeth.

For adults:

Dental implants: Implants are considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They are surgically inserted into the jawbone and act as anchors for a dental crown (artificial tooth). Implants are very durable and can last a lifetime with proper care.
Dental bridges: Bridges are anchored to the teeth on either side of the gap and support an artificial tooth in the missing space.
Dentures: Dentures are removable appliances that replace all or some of the teeth in an arch.

Preventing Missing Teeth

The best way to deal with missing teeth is to prevent them in the first place. Here are some tips:

Brushing and flossing twice a day: This removes plaque and bacteria that can lead to cavities and gum disease.
Regular dental checkups and cleanings: Your dentist can identify and treat problems early on before they lead to tooth loss.
Healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and calcium helps keep teeth strong.
Mouthguards: If your child participates in sports, a mouthguard can help protect their teeth from injury.
By following these tips, you can help ensure a healthy smile for yourself and your child, with or without a full set of teeth. Remember, early intervention is key! If you notice a missing tooth, don't hesitate to schedule a dental appointment to discuss your options.

Kate's Online Tutoring
Kate's Tutoring

Small group or one on one -- let me take on the virtual requirements of school!

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Curator Conversations
Kenosha Public Museum

These live educational discussions led by museum professionals are 30 to 45 minutes long and can be modified to fit the age range and background knowledge of your group.

Topics Include:


Fossils – What fossils are, how they are formed, where they are found, what they can tell us
Dinosaurs – What dinosaurs are, major groups of dinosaurs, what happened to them
Animals – Any number of animals, or ecosystems in general
Insects – What insects are, impact of insects on our planet, diversity of insects
Mammoths – The discovery, archaeology, and study of the Schaeffer Mammoth
Basic Evolution & Adaptations – Basic concepts, evidence of evolution, adaptations in animals



The Color Wheel – The many uses of the color wheel and how it helps artists
Artists & Nature – How artists are inspired by the natural world around them, includes famous examples
Frida Kahlo for Beginners – The life and artistic style of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo



Wisconsin American Indian Nations – The history and relationships of local nations of Wisconsin
Anishinaabe Nations – Traditional life ways of the Potawatomi, Ojibwe, and Odawa nations
Fur Trade Era – The characters, history and significance of the Fur Trade Era in Wisconsin

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Animal Adaptations
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: 2 – 5
Duration: 45 minutes
Using real specimens from the museum’s collection, students will learn what adaptations are and how animals use them, use reasoning and observation skills to work like a field zoologist, and introduce students to the concept of natural selection.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Importance of Insects
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: K – 3
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Through the teaching collection at the museum and our live insect ambassadors, students will learn about what insects are, where we find them, why they are important to life on our planet, and what we can all do to help them out. Programs between November 10 – January 7 will also include a look at the traveling exhibit, Small Wonders: Insects in Focus.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Exploring Animals
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: Preschool – Kindergarten
Duration: 30 minutes
This program explores animals from around the world. There are a variety of themes to choose from –  forest, arctic, ocean, and lake – all of which feature their own unique songs and stories along with real specimens from the museum’s collection.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
The Art of Scientific Sketching
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: 3 – 12
Duration: 40-50 minutes
Students will explore Audubon’s print and accompanying text for Goshawk, Stanley Hawk, located behind the scenes of the Museum, and then use scientific sketching to observe the natural world around them, particularly trees.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Surrealists on Paper
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: 3 – 9
Duration: 45 minutes
Students will learn about key concepts in Surrealism during the early 20th Century, explore several works of art by Miro, Dali and Chagall in the Museum’s galleries, and then create their own artwork based on Surrealist characteristics.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Masterpieces of Kenojuak Ashevak: A Modern Printmaking Pioneer
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: 1 – 6
Duration: 40 minutes
Students will learn about Inuit artwork, explore several works of art by Konojuak Ashevak in the Museum’s collection, and then use her techniques to create their own arctic bird artwork.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
American Indian Stereotypes
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: 5 – 10
Duration: 30 minutes
Students will engage with each other in an educator-facilitated discussion examining the ways imagery, mascots, movies, and stereotypes influence how we view American Indian cultures and people.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Archaeology Around the World
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: 3 – 8
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Students will think like archaeologists as we travel virtually around the world investigating important historical sites and artifacts.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Potawatomi and the Trade
Kenosha Public Museum

Grades: 1 – 5
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Students will explore the Kenosha Public Museum’s 18th Century trading post as they learn all about the role of the Fur Trade in the lives of the Anishinaabe people of the Great Lakes.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Kids STEM Studio, Chicago - Online Virtual Classes and Camps
Kids STEM Studio, Chicago

Looking for ways to spark your child’s interest in STEM while staying home? Our online camps and classes for students in grades 1 to 7 ignite learner’s enthusiasm and creativity as well as high-order thinking skills. 

Our self-paced classes are customized to meet kids’ curiosity in STEM, to encourage lifelong preparation and learning for the future.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Online Science Enrichment with Kidscapades
Kidscapades*Perm Closed 8/1/23 MV

We offer interactive and engaging activities for preschoolers and school age after school activities in art, science and sensory exploration.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School - Saint Louis

Our goal is to give work from home parents a chance to focus on work while keeping the kids happy and entertained by alternating between exercise and exploration of various subjects, drawing and even home work time. Ages 4-9.

Please see site for up to date pricing. Currently from $85/week for 2 hours each day.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Math and Reading Program
Kumon Math and Reading Center of BROOMFIELD

What is the Proper Study Approach for students?

Highly Recommended Reading List for your pre-schoolers, kindergarteners, elementary, middle- and high-schoolers

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Class by Language Kids World
Language Kids World

This semester, we will bring the world to your child with our fun, engaging, and innovative language classes!

We have helped thousands of children become culturally-aware students, excited about learning another language and culture. Our renowned programs incorporate fun and hands-on activities, art projects, interactive games, music and play, and much more!
The focus of our programs is to develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use what they are learning in a meaningful way.

All our virtual classes will be provided via Zoom, and the teacher and students can see, hear and interact with each other. A maximum of 8 students per class. Spaces are very limited, register today!

Virtual class details:

  • Maximum 8 students per class
  • Classes provided via Zoom
  • All schedules are provided in Central time
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Beginner Mandarin Chinese Class by Language Kids World
Language Kids World

This semester, we will bring the world to your child with our fun, engaging, and innovative language classes!

We have helped thousands of children become culturally-aware students, excited about learning another language and culture. Our renowned programs incorporate fun and hands-on activities, art projects, interactive games, music and play, and much more!
The focus of our programs is to develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use what they are learning in a meaningful way.

All our virtual classes will be provided via Zoom, and the teacher and students can see, hear and interact with each other. A maximum of 8 students per class. Spaces are very limited, register today!

Virtual class details:

  • Maximum 8 students per class
  • Classes provided via Zoom
  • All schedules are provided in Central time
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Intermediate French Class by Language Kids World
Language Kids World

This semester, we will bring the world to your child with our fun, engaging, and innovative language classes!

We have helped thousands of children become culturally-aware students, excited about learning another language and culture. Our renowned programs incorporate fun and hands-on activities, art projects, interactive games, music and play, and much more!
The focus of our programs is to develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use what they are learning in a meaningful way.

All our virtual classes will be provided via Zoom, and the teacher and students can see, hear and interact with each other. A maximum of 8 students per class. Spaces are very limited, register today!

Virtual class details:

  • Maximum 8 students per class
  • Classes provided via Zoom
  • All schedules are provided in Central time
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Beginner French Class by Language Kids World
Language Kids World

This semester, we will bring the world to your child with our fun, engaging, and innovative language classes!

We have helped thousands of children become culturally-aware students, excited about learning another language and culture. Our renowned programs incorporate fun and hands-on activities, art projects, interactive games, music and play, and much more!
The focus of our programs is to develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use what they are learning in a meaningful way.

All our virtual classes will be provided via Zoom, and the teacher and students can see, hear and interact with each other. A maximum of 8 students per class. Spaces are very limited, register today!

Virtual class details:

  • Maximum 8 students per class
  • Classes provided via Zoom
  • All schedules are provided in Central time
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Spanish Class for Middle School Students by Language Kids World
Language Kids World

This semester, we will bring the world to your child with our fun, engaging, and innovative language classes!

We have helped thousands of children become culturally-aware students, excited about learning another language and culture. Our renowned programs incorporate fun and hands-on activities, art projects, interactive games, music and play, and much more!
The focus of our programs is to develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use what they are learning in a meaningful way.

All our virtual classes will be provided via Zoom, and the teacher and students can see, hear and interact with each other. A maximum of 8 students per class. Spaces are very limited, register today!

Virtual class details:

  • Maximum 8 students per class
  • Classes provided via Zoom
  • All schedules are provided in Central time
Academic - General
Middle School
Intermediate Spanish Class by Language Kids World
Language Kids World

This semester, we will bring the world to your child with our fun, engaging, and innovative language classes!

We have helped thousands of children become culturally-aware students, excited about learning another language and culture. Our renowned programs incorporate fun and hands-on activities, art projects, interactive games, music and play, and much more!
The focus of our programs is to develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use what they are learning in a meaningful way.

All our virtual classes will be provided via Zoom, and the teacher and students can see, hear and interact with each other. A maximum of 8 students per class. Spaces are very limited, register today!

Virtual class details:

  • Maximum 8 students per class
  • Classes provided via Zoom
  • All schedules are provided in Central time
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Beginner Spanish Class by Language Kids World
Language Kids World

This semester, we will bring the world to your child with our fun, engaging, and innovative Spanish language classes!

We have helped thousands of children become culturally-aware students, excited about learning another language and culture. Our renowned programs incorporate fun and hands-on activities, art projects, interactive games, music and play, and much more!
The focus of our programs is to develop conversational skills. Children will play their way to becoming fluent through vocabulary acquisition, understanding sentence structures, and getting to use what they are learning in a meaningful way.

All our virtual classes will be provided via Zoom, and the teacher and students can see, hear and interact with each other. A maximum of 8 students per class. Spaces are very limited, register today!

Virtual class details:

  • Maximum 8 students per class
  • Classes provided via Zoom
  • All schedules are provided in Central time
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Study Skills - 1-on-1 Coaching for Academic Success
Learning Tree Tutors

Study skills tutoring with Learning Tree Tutors can help your child develop better strategies for learning.  Every child has unique study needs, but with our 1-on-1 academic coaching your child will get the help they need at the personal learning pace that works best. Our tutors will focus on developing the learning strategies and organizational skills good students need to manage their studies effectively.

Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. We recommend 1-or-2 regular sessions a week. Choose your preferred times after 4:00 PM weekdays or after 10:00 AM on Saturdays.

WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Computer Coding for Kids
Learning Tree Tutors

COMPUTERs and  CODING for all ages and levels 1-on-1 Tutoring

Learning Tree Tutors offers online 1-on-1 customized tutoring to teach students to refine computer skills and learn computing concepts. We can help both beginning and advanced students with basic coding, Python, JAVA, HTML and more.

We will match you with the best tutor after we know your unique needs. Our tutors are computer science and engineering professionals who are experienced in working with students of all ages and levels. They also love teaching and are committed to seeing each student achieve the best learning outcomes

Our tutors provide customized tutoring tailored to the individual student’s goals, abilities, and learning style. They will take you step-by-step, first, you will learn the basics of programming; next, you will learn types and built-in functions and then get familiar with operations; and then - finally, you will reach an in-depth knowledge level. To sum up, our tutors have a hands-on approach with a focus on writing your own code.

Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. We recommend 1-or-2 regular sessions a week. Choose your preferred times after 4:00 PM on weekdays or after 10:00 AM on Saturdays.

WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Junior Level MATH--JK to Grade 7 ONLINE
Learning Tree Tutors

Junior Level MATH  JK to Grade 7- 1-on-1 ONLINE tutoring

Whether your child finds math too challenging or not challenging enough – our expert teachers will help your child with 1-on-1 private customized tutoring to master math by acquiring a deep understanding of the subject. Tutors are qualified elementary school teachers or math specialists.

Registration OPEN. Customized schedule. After school and on weekends. Choose 1 or 2 Days/times for regular weekly sessions. Choose your preferred times after 400PM weekdays or after 1000AM on Saturdays.

Success in Math – Making Math Make Sense 

WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023


Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
English ONLINE for Grade 8 to 12- Learn Effective Writing Skills
Learning Tree Tutors

English and Writing Skills - 1-on-1 Tutoring Gr. 7 to 12

At Learning Tree Tutors we know that personalized, individual instruction is the best way to learn.  Consequently, that’s why our teaching strategy is 1-on-1 tutoring and it is one reason we get such great results. 

Certainly, nothing is more important to a young person's academic success than the ability to speak and write English well.  Our qualified English teachers and academic tutors for the intermediate and senior grades therefore emphasize strong core language competencies. As a result, they focus on teaching our students to organize their thoughts and choose the best words to communicate their ideas effectively. Additionally, our tutors can help with assignments and essay writing.

How do we provide personalized instruction? First of all, our expert tutors assess the strengths and weaknesses of each new student.  Next, they design customized tutoring plans tailored to the individual student’s goals, abilities, and learning style.  Finally, they create a caring, encouraging, and stress-free environment that facilitates learning. To sum up, our customized tutoring strategy ensures that every student achieves their full potential.

Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. After school or on weekends. Choose 1 or 2 Days/times for regular weekly sessions. Choose your preferred times after 400PM on weekdays or after 1000AM on Saturdays.

WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023





Academic - General
Middle School
High School
Success in Math ONLINE –1-on-1 Making Math Make Sense Gr. 8-12
Learning Tree Tutors

MATH Mastery Grades 8 to 12  1-on-1 Customized Tutoring ONLINE

Learning Tree Tutors can make math make sense! Every student can improve grades and build their self-confidence with 1-on-1 customized tutoring. Whether a student finds math too challenging or not challenging enough – our expert teachers can help with all math courses including: Algebra, Geometry, Functions, Calculus, Data Management, Advanced Functions and Calculus. We provide help with homework, remedial tutoring to correct learning gaps, and learning enrichment for gifted students.

Success in Math – Making Math Make Sense  -- Mathematics for Grades 8-12 

Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. After school or weekends. Choose 1 or 2 Days/times for regular weekly sessions. Choose your preferred times after 400PM on weekdays or after 1000AM on Saturdays.

WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023



Middle School
High School
STEM 1-on-1 ONLINE for Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Learning Tree Tutors

STEM Sciences ONLINE 1-on-1 Tutoring

Learning Tree Tutors offers 1-on-1 personalized tutoring for Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. We support scientific literacy and STEM enrichment with science tutoring helps students refine their skills related to scientific investigation. Our goal is to engage, and interest kids in fun STEM learning today to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Our students do exceptionally well, both improving grades and gaining self-confidence. What kinds of science help do we provide? Our science subject-specialist tutors help with homework, review tests, correct learning gaps and also challenge high-achieving students with learning enhancement. We help science students at all levels - elementary, high school and university.

Online sessions are 1 or 1.5 hours.

Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. After school or weekends. Choose 1 or 2 days/times for regular weekly sessions. Choose your preferred times after 400PM weekdays or after 1000AM on Saturdays.

WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023


Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
FRENCH ONLINE - all levels Grades Jk to 12
Learning Tree Tutors

FRENCH and French Immersion ONLINE 1-on-1 tutoring.

Learning Tree Tutors helps students of all ages and levels develop French language skills quickly and easily.  Our private French tutoring classes in Toronto are the best way to learn, and each student will get personalized lessons tailored to fit their needs and learning style.

Our creative learning programs closely follow the Ontario curriculum for students in school, and we integrate many diverse learning materials within our programs. Toronto French tutors at Learning Tree Tutors make learning an enjoyable experience, using games, drama, and music to attract young learners.

Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. After school or on weekends. Choose 1 or 2 Days/times for regular weekly sessions. Choose your preferred times after 400PM on weekdays or after 1000AM on Saturdays.

FALL semester September 6 to December 16, 2022

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
TUTORING 1-on-1 All Subjects Grades JK to 12 and College
Learning Tree Tutors
TUTORING 1-on-1  ONLINE for all subjects Grades JK to 12, college and for many university courses. 
Tutors develop flexible, personalized learning plans that consider each student’s learning style and goals. Our excellent private tutors not only help with homework, review for tests, and correct learning gaps, but our tutors can also challenge high-achievers with learning enhancement.
After school or on weekends, Customized schedule. Registration OPEN.  
WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
READING and Writing Grade JK to 7 ONLINE 1-on-1 Tutoring
Learning Tree Tutors

Reading, Writing, Language Arts - 1-on-1 Tutoring ONLINE

Learning Tree Tutors provides qualified elementary teachers for personalized 1-on-1 instruction. Our guided reading lessons focus on essential language skills such as reading, writing, spelling,vocabulary. 

Beginning Reading for Grades SK to Grade 3: Designed for the child to develop basic reading skills such as phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students are helped to develop both the basic and higher-level critical thinking skills they need to be more confident and proficient.  OR 

Reading Advancement for Grades 4 to 7: skills tutoring for more senior grades will help students make significant comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and speed. Not only that, but children will also learn to use textbooks and more complex materials effectively.

Because no two children are alike, our private tutors develop a customized tutoring program for each child based on their abilities, learning styles and goals.Qualified teachers give 1-on-1 instruction and guided reading lessons that focus on essential language skills. Online sessions are 1 hour.

Registration Open. Start anytime, Customized schedule. After school or on weekends. Choose 1 or 2 Days/times for regular weekly sessions. Choose your preferred times after 400PM on weekdays or after 1000AM on Saturdays

WINTER /SPRING semester January 9 to June 30, 2023


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Science, Dissections, STEM, and Robotics Classes (Virtual with kits included or in lab)
Little Beakers Science Lab for Kids
  • Learning gained from hands-on experimental activities will be enhanced through the use and/or the study of:

    • STEM, engineering & robotics projects

    • Microscopes and other lab equipment

    • Preserved specimens for dissections

    • Atoms and molecular building models

    • The periodic table

    • Key historical scientists and inventors

    • Real lab experiences / field trips for the older students

  • Complete transcript of material covered that can be used for credit provided upon request

  • Kits provided at the beginning of each month for students enrolled in our virtual classes

  • Three levels available

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Little Beakers- Houston: Live Virtual Classes- Live at the Little Beakers Labs
Little Beakers Science Lab for Kids - Cypress

Several live sessions available throughout the week. Curriculum, procedures, and reports email directly to our parents prior to their virtual live session. Little Beakers Scientist conducts all sessions and answers all questions live while conducting the experiment at the same time with students. Different sessions for different age groups.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Little Beakers Labs - Live Virtual Dissections
Little Beakers Science Lab for Kids - Cypress

Now offering DIGITAL DISSECTIONS! From the safety and comfort of your home, simply join a Little Beakers scientist in a LIVE Zoom dissection session. Frogs, sharks, snakes, stingrays, lamprey fish, pig hearts, and pig brains. Internal and external anatomy reports will be provided for each participant!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
little town christian robotics academy - Homeschool Online Classes
Little Town Christian Robotics Academy

The classes we offer are core subjects for all grade levels.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Lively Minds Tutoring - At-Home Learning Bootcamp
Lively Minds Tutoring

The Lively Minds At-Home Learning Bootcamp is a 45-minute, online course that empowers students for distance learning success. Students in grades 5-12 will learn how to limit distractions, create study schedules, organize materials, and learn virtually. You will also receive a guide, checklist, and other printable materials to use for at-home learning. If you'd like additional support, we are also offering a one-hour online coaching session with one of our professional educators, who will help your student implement the strategies.

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
101 Fun Facts on Astronomy
Look Up to the Stars

I want to give you a gift - a free eBook I wrote called 101 Fun Facts on Astronomy.  Astronomy is the most exciting and fun topic in the universe. Of course, I am a bit biased, but don't you agree? Using a telescope to see the invisible and look far back in time, exploring the universe to learn about meteors, the Moon, comets, asteroids, star clusters, nebulae and galaxies, and trying to understand the role of black holes, dark matter, and dark energy, are all covered in this enjoyable text.

Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Lumen Learning Center- Remote Tutoring Online
Lumen Learning Center

Lumen Learning Center is now offering Remote Tutoring for grades K-12. Keep your students caught up with their studies, protecting their educational future.

Students connect with their tutor using free online conference software like Skype or Zoom for private learning sessions or group classroom style learning.

Contact us for more information.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Mad Science of Pittsburgh - Mad Science TV
Mad Science of Pittsburgh
Our Mad Science TV programs are modified versions of the Mad Science programs that you know and love. We've added new experiments, adapted hands-on activities to use items that you have at home, and have put your favorite instructors like Miss Meg, Mr. Eric, Mr. Will, and Miss Amanda on the big (or small) screen! Special appearances from our lovely children (furry and human ones), who are yup, are at home with us just like yours!
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Mad Science of Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill - Virtual Classes & On Demand Programming Games
Mad Science of Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill


Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Mad Science of Western NY - Mad Science Virtual Birthday Parties
Mad Science of Western New York- CLOSED 5/11/2021 MB

Celebrate your child's special day without compromising on safety!

Host the perfect party with all of their friends, at a distance.
Sit back and enjoy the engaging, live virtual show (45 mins) that is sure to delight your party guests, from the comfort of their own homes.

How It Works:
Step 1: Book your party
Step 2: Tune in and celebrate your child's birthday

Our Virtual Parties Start at $125

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Take a virtual musical journey at Madame Tussauds Nashville
Madame Tussauds Nashville

Take a virtual musical journey through time alongside a memorable cast of musical greats from the worlds of country, pop, rock, jazz & blues. Learn about the history of Marie Tussaud and the art of wax making that remains much the same for the past 200 plus years.

Interested in learning more? We've provided downloadable worksheets that are perfect for Elementary and Junior High school students. Test your knowledge by taking a fun quiz or complete a word search that includes celebrities featured at our music-themed attraction.


History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Madame Tussauds Nashville
Madame Tussauds Nashville

Take a virtual musical journey through time alongside a memorable cast of musical greats from the worlds of country, pop, rock, jazz & blues. Learn about the history of Marie Tussaud and the art of wax making that remains much the same for the past 200 plus years.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Mandarin Discovery School - Virtual Mandarin lessons
Mandarin Discovery Preschool
Mandarin Discovery School is offering Mandarin lessons through face time, skype, zoom. Virtual lessons can be done with individual tutoring, small groups.
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Manners4Minors Online
Manners4Minors Canada

Manners4Minors offers Fun, Interactive, online lessons for kids aged 3-7 years, as well as being a great resource for parents.

The ten-week course (requiring minimum parent input and time) includes the following topics:

Introduction to the Puppets

- Magic Words

- Caring & Sharing

- Where are my Manners

- Whining & Nagging

- Building my Armies

- Me, Me, Me

- Good & Bad Secrets

- I'm Scared

- Piggy Bank

included in each lesson topic there is at least a 20-minute interactive video clip from Miss Manners as well as fun stories, songs, and printable worksheets.

For more information please visit

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
FREE Mini Spanish Lesson - Los Colores! with Mariposas Spanish School
Mariposas Spanish School for Kids

¡Hola amigos! Join us for an on-demand lesson about the colors in Spanish! Together we'll dance, play games, and learn about los colores. Afterwards you can print off our flashcards and continue practicing at home!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Mathnasium Learning Center - Pittsford-Brighton
  • You get the same instructors and Mathnasium Method™ as at our center, but online, in real-time.
  • Learning can happen anywhere there's an internet connection.
  • Your child can attend regular sessions from the comfort of your home.
  • It's safe and secure, and there are no additional costs.
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Live, online math instruction with local instructors from your own home
Mathnasium Learning Center - South Jordan


Same great instruction from the security of your own home!

Scheduled 1:1 connections just for your student! Let us make a difference THIS MONTH!

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Mathnasium of Apex: Offering live-stream and in person sessions!
Mathnasium of Apex

Whether your child is attending school this fall or taking classes online, they’re still coping with learning loss due to the pandemic. Academic experts agree that math has been the hardest hit subject. Because math knowledge is cumulative, this loss must be remedied before students can move forward. The time to fix it is now.

Mathnasium’s Kickstart Program was designed specifically to reverse “COVID slide” learning loss, with live, face-to-face instruction and custom-built learning plans to get your child back on track and ready to tackle challenging new concepts. They can learn in our center or live online with Mathnasium@home.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Middle School Math Tutoring & Enrichment
Mathnasium of Montgomeryville

Mathnasium offers middle school students math tutoring and enrichment, homework help, and test prep services in convenient 60 minute sessions.

Middle School
Middle School Math Tutoring & Enrichment
Mathnasium of Montgomeryville

Mathnasium offers middle school students math tutoring and enrichment, homework help, and test prep services in convenient 60 minute sessions.

Middle School
Elementary Math Tutoring & Enrichment
Mathnasium of Montgomeryville

Mathnasium offers elementary school students math tutoring and enrichment, homework help, and test prep services in convenient 60 minute sessions.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Share the passion for Math!
Mathnasium of Mount Lebanon


Highly trained, caring instructors from our centers use the Mathnasium MethodTM to tailor online math tutoring sessions to your child’s exact educational needs.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
CCAT Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test
Mercer Publishing

The Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) is a group-administered aptitude test for grades K-12 used to estimate students’ reasoning and problem solving skills. Unlike assessment tests which measure what a student has already learned, aptitude tests are designed to measure intellectual ability, focusing on analytic and problem solving skills rather than specific knowledge.

The Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) is the Canadian version of the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) in the U.S. These two tests are identical in both format and grade level and on our web site are referred to as the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Microsoft Store - Free Virtual Workshops and Trainings
Microsoft Store

Connect live with Microsoft Store associates for online training and solutions for working and learning from home. Get started with these 3 easy steps:

1. Choose your local Microsoft Store
To select a virtual workshop or training, you’ll need to enter your city, state, or postal code below and select your local store.

2. Select a virtual workshop or training
Choose from a variety of workshops or trainings on the calendar for students, educators, and small businesses hosted by local Microsoft Store experts.

Register for a virtual workshop or training. Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email with details on how to join.


Keep students focused
Students ages 8 and older can join interactive workshops like Code Your Own Video Game or Start Your Own Business. 
Ramp up remote learning
Educators can learn how to use Microsoft Teams to connect with students. Schedule meetings, use online tutorials, and more.
Master working from home
Connect live with Microsoft Store associates for online training and solutions for working and learning from home.
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Milwaukee Public Museum - Community of Curiosity
Milwaukee Public Museum

Every month, we'll bring you new videos, activities, and information about one of our beloved exhibits. Whether you come visit us in person or enjoy monthly programming from home, you're sure to be included in a community of people curious about the natural world and are ready to explore!

In addition, on this page you'll find dynamic content previously featured on our Discover MPM at Home webpage, for your continued enjoyment with friends or family.

Don't forget to check back each month for new exhibit-themed content. Tap into your curiosity and have fun! 

For September, we're looking at all things flora and fauna in Wisconsin!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
MindHub - Coding For Kids - School Year Virtual Classes
MindHub - Connecticut

MindHub is the first innovative coding club for kids & teens in the age of 6 up to 18 years. Our courses help children develop their own logical and analytical thinking by studying the fundamentals of programming. We believe that digital skills are the main prerequisite for success in the professions of the future. Our mission is to funnel children's interest in technology in a direction which would help them master basic digital skills and competences along with logical and analytical thinking necessary for the success in any field. We work on an original curriculum, entirely project-oriented, which allows children to begin their studies with us at the age of 6 years, and complete them with learning a programming language at the age of 10 years. Methods and tools that we work with are extremely innovative and developed specifically for teaching children programming, which is also consistent with the age of the children, and presented in an interesting way in the program. With a lot of passion and innovation, we create an environment where children stand out!

Study with MindHub

The methodology Mindhub uses to teach children computer programming is based on gamification and working into small teams on variety of projects and games. Kids gain experience which is very important for the future, creating and presenting their own games and animations, coding robots and their artificial intelligence, working in small groups.

Segmented curriculum

In our coding classes we use our proprietary innovative curriculum, specifically segmented for the age and the abilities of the students. The MindHub Curriculum is segregated into 6 segments - Age 6-7, Age 8-9, Age 10-11, Age 12-13, Age 14-15 and Age 16-18. The segment depends on the age when the kids enter into our curriculum (all the curriculums are end to end).

Curriculum -

Register for Free Live Demo Lesson -

Register for Free Demo workshop -

Register for Upcoming Coding Courses-

Mindhub operates in 7 countries, 32+ locations and trained over 5000+ students.

STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ANA NumismaTalks
Money Museum

Explore. Study. Connect.

Expand your numismatic knowledge with free webinars presented by top industry experts.

Join us twice a month – on the second and fourth Thursday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. MT – for live webinars on all things numismatic. These hour-long presentations are free to join live and are sure to appeal to a wide variety of collecting interests.

All NumismaTalks are recorded, and starting April 29, 2024, will be available to ANA members only on our eLearning Academy.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Museum of Design Atlanta - Online Minecraft Meetups: Sustainable Architecture, Coding, and More
Museum of Design Atlanta

We're inviting young designers ages 9+ to join us on a MODA Minecraft server to learn about topics likes sustainability, regenerative design, and coding every Thursday and Friday for free! They'll be working on a multiplayer server open only to the MODA community — and all that is required is Minecraft: Java Edition.

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
My Math Experts
My Math Experts

My Math Experts is a 1:1 Online Tutoring company offering great programs for students in math, including: Homework Help, Test Prep, Remedial Programs, Grade & Progress Tracking

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
National Gallery of Art - Ten Digital Education Resources
National Gallery of Art

The National Gallery of Art offers learning resources and programs for audiences of all ages. To support parents and their children, teachers, students, and caregivers alike, our educators created this selection of activities, lesson plans, films, and other materials for learning at home.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
National Museum of Women in the Arts - The ABC Curriculum & Video Clips
National Museum of Women in the Arts

The ABC curriculum comprises fourteen lesson plans, high resolution images, artists’ biographies, book-making instructions, and a vocabulary list. Lesson plans and vocabulary lists are available in English and Spanish versions.

Explore our library of short video clips related to the ABC curriculum. Clips by artists, teachers, writers, and students demonstrate book forms and art media; offer suggestions for developing text and images; and ideas for integrating visual arts into the core curriculum.

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
National Scholastic Chess Foundation- Chess Classes for Every Ability
National Scholastic Chess Foundation

The NSCF is now offering LIVE chess lessons using zoom as a way to continue teaching chess to students. Each class features lecture time, supervised play and then some time for reviewing games and Q&A.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Geometry Diagnostic Assessment (Gr 8-10)
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your student is prepared to profit from instruction of High School Geometry.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 7, 8 and 9.

The difficulty level range of the questions is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Geometry has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the Geometry program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for algebra is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your student during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE Geometry lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Middle School
High School
Algebra 1 Diagnostic Assessment (Gr 7-9)
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your student is prepared to profit from instruction of Algebra 1.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 6, 7 and 8.

The difficulty level range of the questions is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Algebra 1 has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the Algebra 1 program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for algebra is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your student during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE Algebra 1 lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Middle School
High School
Pre Algebra Diagnostic Assessment (Gr 6-8)
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your student is prepared to profit from instruction of Pre Algebra.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 6, 7 and 8.

The difficulty level range of the questions is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Pre Algebra has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the Pre Algebra program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for pre algebra is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE Pre Algebra lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Middle School
High School
Grade 8 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your student is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade 8 math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 7 and 8.

The difficulty level range of the questions is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 8 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 8 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 8 math is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE grade 8 math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Middle School
High School
Grade 7 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your student is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade 7 math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 6 and 7.

The difficulty level range of the questions is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 7 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 7 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 7 math is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE grade 7 math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Middle School
Grade 6 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your child is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade 6 math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 4, 5 and 6.

The difficulty level range of the questions is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 6 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 6 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 6 math is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE grade 6 math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Middle School
Grade 5 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your child is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade 5 math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 4 and 5.

The difficulty level range is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 5 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 5 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 5 math is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE grade 5 math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Late Elementary School
Grade 4 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your child is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade 4 math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 3 and 4.

The difficulty level range is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 4 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 4 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 4 math is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE grade 4 math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Late Elementary School
Grade 3 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your child is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade  math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 2 and 3.

The difficulty level range is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 3 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 3 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 3 math is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE grade 3 math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Late Elementary School
Grade 2 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your child is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade 2 math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for grade 1 and 2.

The difficulty level range is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 2 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 2 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 2 math is important and beneficial for understanding their academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Early Elementary School
Grade 1 Math Diagnostic Assessment
NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor

This math readiness test has been designed to assess if your child is prepared to profit from instruction in Grade 1 math.

The test follows the Common Core Standards for math. The questions are well-distributed across all math topics for Kindergarten and grade 1.

The difficulty level range is 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest.

The Diagnostic Assessment for Grade 1 math has been curated by NeoMaster’s team of educational experts who have a collective experience of 20+ years in student instruction and academic content development.

Please have your child solve this Readiness test and email the answers to  

Our expert math tutors will evaluate the solved test to decide on your child’s personalized learning path to advance in the grade 1 math program. Knowledge of your child’s strengths and weaknesses for grade 1 math is important and beneficial for understanding her academic performance. This knowledge will also be utilized to develop strategies to facilitate effective learning in your child during personalized live online tutoring lessons. Once the student exhibits the readiness to learn, she will be receptive to any teaching. The tutor can then expect a positive response to instruction (RTI) from the student.

 You can also schedule a FREE math lesson with an expert math tutor. You just need to connect to and click on the ‘FREE TRIAL’ button.

Early Elementary School
Distance Learning at New Covenant Nursery School
New Covenant Nursery School - CLOSED per google. website also down, fb not updated since 2023 1/8/25

Two Program Choices for Fall 2020!

New Covenant Nursery School is proud and excited to announce two preschool programs being offered this fall! Our staff has been hard at work planning programs that meet a young child’s need for individual attention and community connection in their early educational experiences, while still providing for their personal health and safety.

Families can opt for either a traditional in-person experience featuring our unique individualized program, now with additional health and safety protocols due to COVID-19. Or, families can opt for a distance learning experience featuring a carefully curated online classroom specifically created for New Covenant students, an optional weekly Zoom meeting, and weekly postal mailings. 

Click this link to read all about these two wonderful one-of-a-kind opportunities:

Take a virtual tour of our space:

Academic - General
New England Chess School- Online Chess School
New England Chess School

New England Chess School offers virtual classes for youth ages 5-14. Classes are a fun, rewarding, and engaging experience for kids to learn chess in a focused classroom setting. Our certified chess coaches will work with your student to develop their chess ability, to help them develop maturity and to learn life lessons through their efforts. An emphasis on ‘life skills’ is at the core of what we do at New England Chess School. Chess classes are structured around six progressive levels of chess knowledge that guide students from the basics to a more advanced understanding of the game of chess. Kids who participate in our classes and summer camp will get to play in United States Chess Federation (USCF)-rated chess tournaments.
Learn more and get registered at


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
After-School Career Experience Program

A virtual career experience program where students get real-world experience in multiple different engineering or business professions so they can decide which career path they want to pursue in college.

Program Dates: October 5th - November 20th


Eligibility: The OmniLYF Programs are available for students who are juniors in high school through juniors college.

This program includes 7 weeks of real-world projects, training, discussions with professionals, resume building, and interview prep and practice.

Projects will cover areas including mechanical, civil/structural, electrical, and chemical engineering for the engineering experience.

Projects will cover areas including marketing, accounting, finance, and business consulting for the business experience.

All projects will be completed working virtually.

Networking will be conducted through video conferencing with professionals.

Your experience will be extremely effective in enhancing your resume and your applications to schools, scholarships, internships, and full-time jobs.

Students will be expected to work between 6-10 hours a week including guaranteed 1-hour meetings twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday Evenings (managers will be available 5 days a week).

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
High School
Virtual IEP review and consultation!
Open Doors Educational Advocates

Back to school is always a challenge for students with special needs, but this year is even more confusing!  In person, virtual, or hybrid learning all have their pros and cons.  If you need help coming up with supports that will best meet your child's needs, contact Open Doors Educational Advocates!  We can review your child's IEP and ensure that they receive the services to meet their needs in whatever is the best setting for them.  Give us a call at 845-978-7970, email at, or reach out on Facebook Messenger.  We're here to help families navigate the challenges of special education!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Museum From Home
Oshawa Museum

The Oshawa Museum is excited to provide you with activities to do at home!

Academic - General
History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Pam's Reading & Math Lab
Pam's Reading & Math Lab

One on One online instruction for those in 1st - 4th Grade who want to catch up or keep up or move ahead in Reading, Language Arts or Arithmetic.

$20 per one hour session

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Piedmont Wildlife Center - Owl Bomb Experiences
Piedmont Wildlife Center (Durham, NC)

Tired of your basic online meetings? Want to surprise your kids or students with an owl? Piedmont Wildlife Center has you covered! For a small donation, you can have one of our owl ambassadors join your online meeting! We are able to visit most video conferencing apps, such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, WebEx, or Skype. We'll be focusing on conservation and education of the ambassadors during each experience.

$25-$150 depending on experience

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Learning
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium

Our Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Education Specialists now offer interactive classroom programs featuring encounters with live animals, biofacts, and more for school groupssenior homes, and adult community groups! 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Allegheny County eLibrary
Pleasant Hills Public Library

Allegheny County’s eLibrary is the home of downloadable and streaming entertainment sites and reliable databases for research, all available for FREE with an Allegheny County public library card.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Former English Professor Tutoring Test Prep, Speed-Reading & More
Prince Learning

I'm Norman Prince, founder of Prince Learning, a former English professor, and a master tutor with more than 9,000 hours of tutoring and three decades of teaching experience. Reach your potential by working one-to-one with a passionate, highly experienced educator.

More details at

ONLINE TUTORING AVAILABLE: Skype and other remote tutoring options available

FREE CONSULTATION: Contact me to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation. Learn more about my programs and how I work, and get personalized feedback and answers to any questions you might have.


-TEST PREP: Clients typically improve from the top 15% to the top 5%, with almost 1/3 reaching the top 1% or 2% on the SAT, ACT. I also work with clients on Verbal (Reading and Writing) sections of many other tests.

-SPEED-READING: More than triple your reading rate (increase by 350-400%) with equal or better comprehension in just 6 to 8 hours of tutoring plus outside practice.

-STUDY AND LEARNING SKILLS: Bolster your concentration, comprehension, retention, and note-taking skills, improving your performance and grades.

ADDITIONAL SERVICES include writing, grammar, and vocabulary tutoring on clients' academic and professional work.

-The best books, tests, and instructor-written guides provided


I was an assistant professor of English at Skyline College, and I taught through Gonzaga University, Stanford University, Foothill-De Anza Community Colleges, and USC.

My areas of expertise include Standardized Test Prep, Speed-Reading, Study and Learning Skills, Writing, Grammar, and Vocabulary.

My clients have included students from middle school to adult levels. My programs are ideal for students, adults, and professionals.


-I offer rate reductions for increasing numbers of hours booked.

-Combination programs are available for multiple tests like ACT/SAT, PSAT/SAT and for speed-reading, study and learning skills, and/or grammar/writing—combination programs qualify for greater fee reductions

Academic - General
History / social studies
Middle School
High School
Puzzle Programs Enrichment & Tutoring: Language Arts Tutoring for Kids and Adults
Puzzle Programs Enrichment & Tutoring

Puzzle Programs offers Language Arts Lessons for both kids and adults. Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, ESL, and Business presentations. We put the Art back in Language Arts!

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
ACT/SAT Individual Tutoring
Rhode Island Tutorial and Educational Services

Ace the test! Increase your score with personalized attention. Learn test preparation strategies to get your best score. We provide the practice materials and full-length tests with score reports that pinpoint areas of need for instruction to maximize scores.

We offer a 1-to-1 program, so your child gets the exclusive attention of the instructor, all along the way. While delivering and teaching this PSAT/SAT/ACT program.

We also have experience and training working with students with Dyslexia, Anxiety, and ADHD.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about our test preparation package. 


Academic - General
High School
Dyslexia Support
Rhode Island Tutorial and Educational Services

If your child has special education needs or is struggling to read and write, the RITES Dyslexia division has experienced Orton-Gillingham, structured Literacy and Wilson teachers, providing multisensory instruction that works, even with distance learning. Students receive their own “tool kit” of hands-on manipulatives that are used with their teachers for these interactive programs. Direct instruction can be held in 30 or 60-minute sessions.

Set your kids up for success this school year with a RITES certified, experienced teacher specializing in working with dyslexic and ADHD students. 

Contact us today for a free consultation!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Individual Personalized Tutoring
Rhode Island Tutorial and Educational Services

One size does not fit all when it comes to individual tutoring. Personalized attention is key to tapping into students’ natural abilities while addressing any challenges, transforming them into successful lifelong learners. 

We provide academic assistance from skill-building in all subject areas to helping students and families keep track of their assignments, time management, and prioritizing. RITES can help with tools to keep kids focused with offline and online schoolwork.

RITES supports students throughout their academic careers in:

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
1:1 What I Need Tutoring
Room 17 Math, Inc.

Room 17 offers private math virtual tutoring sessions (we like to call WIN)...through google meets, virtual manipulatives, and engaging tasks. Each WIN session is unique and carefully designed to both support and extend thinking. Our WIN teachers have advanced degrees in math education, which guarantees a successful learning experience!

 WIN sessions are 30 minutes but can be combined for an hour or more as needed (see details below).

Opportunities for day or evening sessions available. Offering services in Grades 1-12.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Summer Math Camp
Room 17 Math, Inc.

Room 17’s Summer Math Camp is a unique opportunity to sustain grade appropriate skills throughout the summer, in order to avoid the summer slide! We know that in order to engage students in math over the summer, it needs to be FUN! Therefore, each session is carefully designed to include fun games and tasks chosen to engage students, both in and outside of camp! Room 17’s camp facilitates learning in small class sizes using a virtual apps such as google sites , meets, and jamboards that allow "roomies" to interact with one another. Space is limited and service is provided for students in Grades 1-6.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
RVCC Online Nature Education Resources
Rouge Valley Conservation Centre

Spending time in nature has always been an important part of good mental health and well-being. We know that sometimes you can’t get outside but that doesn’t mean that you have to stop learning about nature. Below is a wide range of resources that your children (ages 6-12) can use to learn about our local species. 

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
San Jacinto College- FREE ONLINE STEM Classes for 4th and 5th graders
San Jacinto College

FREE ONLINE STEM Classes for 4th and 5th graders from San Jacinto College. Students will learn about space exploration, hydroponics, forces of flight and human health topics. The lessons are tied to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills to help keep children on track with their school coursework. This online class provides learning and activities that can be done right at home with limited parental involvement and supplies.  Email for a registration packet,   

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Scattered Solutions
Scattered Solutions

The fun your kids need at the convenience you crave.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Science Museum of Long Island
Science Museum of Long Island

Our afterschool workshops are an excellent way for your child to be actively engaged in all different aspects of science. All workshops offer unique, hands-on learning in a fun and safe environment. To learn more about the individual programs or to register go to our website

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
A Star Party at Your Desktop: Sky Tonight YouTube Videos
Scobee Education Center: Planetarium & Challenger Center

The Scobee Education Center at San Antonio College is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults alike by fostering a love for science, technology, and astronomy through hands on experiences and programs at the Challenger Learning Center and Scobee Planetarium. As a result of the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, our astronomers have turned to YouTube to post videos of our popular Sky Tonight presentations that we would be sharing during the 7:30pm Friday night planetarium shows.  Covering a variety of topics, Michelle Risse, takes you through the program using Stellarium and other resources on this 2D platform.  Follow our YouTube channel and keep up with th enew videos posted each week and you will also see some of the videos in support of our digital badge activities as well.  :)

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
MissionPlus: FREE Digital Badge Activities
Scobee Education Center: Planetarium & Challenger Center

"The Scobee Education Center at San Antonio College is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults alike by fostering a love for science, technology, and astronomy through hands on experiences and programs through the Challenger Learning Center, Micronauts, and Scobee Planetarium programs."  As a result of the constraints of the pandemic, we have stepped up our efforts to post engaging activities that mosty kids can complete at home with materials easily accessible to most families.  Go to the web site, create an account for your child or student and search for "Scobee".  Eleven different digital badge opportunities will appear.  Click on them to get the code to enter and Launch Your learning today!  It's Free!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Sea Smart Sea Sketchers Online Drawing Course for Kids
Sea Smart

Your kids can learn from home with Sea Smart’s Ocean Defender online courses. Our interactive and engaging courses are developed and delivered by Sea Smart’s team of marine biologists and environmental educators! Sea Smart provides all the resources you need to keep your kids engaged and learning at home. 

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
STEMQuest (Virtual)
SeaQuest Interactive Aquarium-UT

StemQuest: 10 week series of learning with a hands on, immersive, interactive learning series hosted by SeaQuest.   10 weeks of virtual meetups where students will be guided through homework assignments by our marine biologists, zoologists, and with guest appearances by our top veterinarian partners around the country

  • One virtual meetup will be joining our veterinarian partners as they make their rounds through one of our locations
  • The 100% virtual version is offered at $74.99. If schools are interested, please contact us by phone to inquire about large group discounts. 
  • Learners will experience everything SeaQuest has to offer. They will learn about food preparation which will include dissecting a squid, they will learn about water testing while swimming with Stingrays, they will learn about mammals environments and preservation while handing feeding otters and sloths. 
  • Students will be given their own SeaQuest learners badge which will include a lanyard with photo of their favorite animal and their first name
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Teaching Resources - Smithsonian - National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian - National Museum of Natural History

Featuring more than 200 options, our collection includes science worksheets, videos, and literacy.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Museum's Online Learning Portal
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

The Museum's online learning portal is full of videos, virtual field trips and story times, and downloadable learning resources for students of all ages. 

History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Classes - SPACE & GRACE LEARNING

Space & Grace Learning for our inperson (Close in SE Portland Oregon) and Virtual Services We Offer


Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Spanish and French Language Lessons
Spanish and French Language Lessons

Online lessons

All virtual classes cover pronunciation, vocabulary, new phrases, practical grammar, and culture through activities, videos, games, songs and other fun presentation elements.

The virtual class options are as follows:

  1. High frequency classes: The class is 20 minutes each day. It can be 3, 4 or 5 times a week.
  2. Twice a week: The class can be 30 or 60 minutes.
  3. Once a week: The class can be 30 or 60 minutes.
  4. Parent + kid: The class is 30 minutes.


Class format




20 min / day;

3, 4 or 5 times/week


For children as well as adults, having a class every day makes learning smoother and much more consistent. You almost learn like you learned to speak naturally since your early childhood. The class is divided into blocks. Depending on age, the activities are adapted to each student. Broadly speaking, what is covered in the case is pronunciation, dialogue using everyday phrases, phrase learning to understand how to use grammar. All this through images, readings, videos and activities through the computer.

Short but constant practice. The new language gets much closer to being a part of your everyday life.

30 or 60 min,

twice a week

If you have time, twice a week offers both to advance in language learning and to carry out reinforcement activities that help to have greater confidence in the acquisition and use of words and phrases in a new language. The classes offer feedback on what was learned from the previous classes, the new learning of phrases, vocabulary, daily dialogues and through various activities understand the use of grammar, as well as the fun learning of tongue twisters, riddles and popular songs.

Two dedicated days in your week, with a more intensive session but still with sufficient recurrence to let your new language take roots.

30 or 60 min,

once a week

If you don't have time for 20 minutes a day, I recommend that you choose the 30-minute or 60-minute weekly class. This class offers a series of post-lesson activities that help strengthen what you have learned in class. This class is intended for those who wish to advance thanks to their personal dedication in carrying out the proposed activities. The online class therefore offers a few minutes to refresh what was learned the previous weeks and to learn enough new vocabulary and grammar to progress each week.

Economic, paced learning for the long run. You will enjoy escaping to your class once a week to have fun and learn!

Parent + kid(s)

30 min

Parents and children can take a language lesson together. You’ll be surprised how much fun learning together can be! You’ll encourage each other to learn, and at the same time enjoy sharing your thoughts and your successes. If you want to explore a new activity with your kid, or perhaps it’s your kid who wants to spend more time with you, this class offers a unique experience for the family!

Great family learning activity.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Spectrum of Science Foundation
Spectrum of Science Foundation

We are fully STEAM!! Science and art plus some math too!! We are bringing our awesome hands-on labs to you virtually with a live teacher! Let us make this fall of science dreams & education while playing and making lots of fun hands on activities & creations!

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
2021 St. Croix Youth Summit
St. Croix River Association

Mark your calendars—the annual St. Croix Youth Summit will take place virtually on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, 2021!

This dynamic conference is for middle and high school students who want to learn about the environmental issues and challenges facing the watershed they live in and take action to make a difference.

View the conference flyer and schedule


Attendees will learn about:

  • The incredible ecology of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, the first Wild and Scenic River National Park.
  • The origin of Earth Day and its founder, former Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson.
  • Inspiring stories of youth advocates and what you can do to take action in protecting our environment, both locally and globally.
  • Invasive species in our region and their impact on native habitat.
  • Macroinvertebrates and what they tell us about water quality.
  • …and more!
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Beyond Limits Academics
Stamford Peace Youth Foundation

Launched in 2013, the Beyond Limits Academic Program provides highly subsidized one-on-one tutoring, primarily in math and science, enrichment activities and informal mentoring to Stamford Peace’s student-athletes and also to students attending our local public schools. Tutoring is typically conducted by Stamford Public School’s upperclassmen, including members of the National Honor Society, and college students, many of whom are referred by teachers, administrators, and other tutors.  Sessions are held at Stamford Peace’s Long Ridge Road headquarters, which includes a dedicated tutoring room and large classroom equipped with computers, school supplies, and other program materials. The facility also includes a lounge area with free Wi-Fi for parents, a kitchen area stocked with complementary snacks and beverages, and a fitness room.  Please click here to view our most recent program highlights.  *Note:  We transitioned to a remote platform at the outset of the pandemic and continue to support our students with virtual tutoring and enrichment programming, including our new remote tutoring teams. (Click here to learn more about the benefits of the remote teams approach.)*

Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual and Live Creative Writing Workshops
Stories Served Around The Table Creative Writing Workshop

Four  Stories Served Around The Table Creative Writing Workshops are available virtually. Live presentations can be scheduled in the Long Island and metro New York areas. 

  1. Becoming Daily Bread is an author presentation and reading of how Daily Bread came to be. Listening to stories and understanding the backdrop of place and time are key to weaving a compelling tale. Students are encouraged to participate and brainstorm stories.   Grades 3-8  40 minute class
  2. Journal On! A Writer’s Daily Journal presents the value of daily journal practice for both students and teachers. Journal writing is a creative outlet. With practice, the written words paint the pictures and feel the emotions of the moments. Memories stir. Reflection reveals paths, solutions, and gratitude. Storytelling is born. Students are guided with prompts and strategies to create a means to fit journal writing into their day. Grades 3-8  40 minute class
  3.  Writers Write Workshop presents the core of written storytelling. Compelling personal experience stories, tales told around the dinner table or in the cafeteria, and reminiscences of people who touched our lives all have a voice that draws a reader into the journey. Students have the opportunity to interview, write short narratives, employ editing tactics, and participate in a kind critiquing session. Grades 3-8  40 minute class
  4. Creative Writing And History Workshop takes students through the research process of writing historical fiction. Every major event has had a ripple effect on ordinary people and their stories. Finding and reading through interviews, articles, photographs, and maps are part of the process (and the fun). The styles of dress and hair and what people ate during a specific period provide the details that make a fictional story, in a period of time, believable. Students will brainstorm a premise during an era they are currently studying and use a template to guide the research. Grades 5-9  40 minute class
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Strategic Kids Virtual Clubhouse: Chess, LEGO, Magic and Origami lessons On-Demand
Strategic Kids

Strategic Kids Virtual Clubhouse is our entire suite of Chess, LEGO, Magic and Origami lessons On-Demand. That’s available 24/7. The best part is your students can participate from any location and participate in LIVE events each week! Utilizing our story-based curriculum, we offer an active learning platform which is coach-led and self-paced programs that goes beyond a static video lesson. We want to help your students build confidence and increase critical thinking through our STEM based LIVE Camps and On-Demand Classes, helping to avoid the summer slide!

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Strem HQ: Online Classes for Coding, Multimedia & Robotics
STREM HQ Tech Academy

Tech education with live instruction from our talented instructors. Enriching knowledge providing peer to peer interaction along with live support. Classes in Scratch, Python, Java, Adobe toolset, Robotics, Animation, 3D modeling, and more!

STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Summer Skills Review Books
Summer Skills

Summer Skills started over 30 years ago when three moms realized over 30 years ago that thee weren't good options to help their kids retain what they learned the previous year over the summer months, so they created their own Review Books which evolved into SummerSkills. Less screen time and more time for review and education is just what students need most. Summer Skills books are designed to help sharpen their knowledge and review what they have learned as they prepare for the next school year. Millions of students have benefited from our mixed-skills approach, which is proven to aid in retention and understanding. In just a few 20-30 minute sessions a week, students can reinforce previously learned academic skills without additional screen time. Summer Skills books meet the standards of all 50 states as well as the Common Core. Our books are available for pre-k through high school for math, language arts, foreign language and more.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tampa Bay Tutors - Online tutoring
Tampa Bay Tutors

Online reading, writing, math and study skills tutoring online.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Taylor Made Science - Online College Preparatory Science Classes
Taylor Made Science

College preparatory academic science courses will be available online for the 2020-21 school year. A full range of courses from middle school through high school, including Advanced Placement. Live, once-a-week classes taught by a certified science teacher with over 30 years of classroom experience. A lab supply kit is included so students can do hands on labs and activities together with peers through Zoom classes.

Tuition is based on course.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
Teach Me Wall Street
Teach Me Wall Street

Teach Me Wall Street – Summer Finance Boot-Camps for Teens, Grades 9-12

Teach Me Wall Street makes learning fun with 4 Summer Finance Boot-Camps, varying in length and content, that focus on Trading, Investing and Business! All of our programs can be accessed from home or any place where there’s a quiet space and a reliable internet connection.


LIVE instruction is offered by seasoned professionals at various times throughout the day to accommodate busy schedules and students on the east and west coast. Engaging hands-on activities and peer-to-peer interaction makes for an active on-line learning experience. It’s the perfect extracurricular activity for high school students to list on college applications!

 We cover the basics and advanced topics from a REAL WORLD perspective:

 1-Week Boot-Camp Options:

 Wall Street 101 –  Explore how Wall Street works, who the players are, and the basics of stocks and bonds.

 Cryptocurrencies – Focus on evolving technologies, jobs and digital currencies as they relate to Wall Street and investing.

 Budgeting & Beyond  – Learn how to create and manage a budget, avoid financial pitfalls, and handle other real-world money matters.

 2-Week Boot-Camp Option:

 Trading & Investing  - (Wall Street 101 is a prerequisite* and can only be booked as a part of the 2-week package option) Learn the best investment strategies to help you grow your money and how to do analysis to find these investments.

 3-Week Boot-Camp Option:

Trading & Investing + Cryptocurrencies

  4-Week Boot-Camp Option:

 Trading & Investing + Budgeting & Beyond + Cryptocurrencies

 The first summer boot-camp session begins Monday, June 6, with other sessions following throughout the summer. Multiple sessions make it easy to fit into virtually any summer schedule!

Academic - General
Middle School
High School
Teacher's Choice Tutoring: Virtual Tutoring
Teacher's Choice Tutoring

Certified and qualified teachers are offering virtual tutoring services Zoom Conferencing in all subject matters at all grade levels.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Online Animal and Nature Classes
Teachers of Nature, LLC

Teachers of Nature is an online resource for science, animal and nature based classes. We have gathered professionals from all over the United States to teach classes of their expertise. Many of the classes offered feature live animals. Group classes available! 

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
TechGirlz - Free Virtual Tech Workshops

Free virtual tech workshops for middle school girls, grades 5-8. Girls can learn how to build a website, design a mobile app, manage their cybersecurity, program with various languages such as HTML, Python, and C++ and so much more!

The girls will learn from real industry professionals from the comfort of their own home.


STEM - Computers
Middle School
Learn-to-Code Curriculum
Terminal Two
With the motto, Play, it is in our code! we teach fundamental coding concepts through immersive and engaging online games. Built by educators and gamers, we understand what captures kids' attention and how to teach coding concepts in a fun environment! We were recently named the Best New Coding Game in Family Tech by
We have also curated a free complimentary educator's guide that presents how the collection of games in Terminal Two can be played independently or progressively to gain exposure to increasingly advanced coding and programming skills, thus offering parents and educators an opportunity to complement students' learning.  Equity is important and as a result, all of our demos are FREE.  
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Terminal Two by Endless Educator Program
Terminal Two

Your students love games.  

 You want them to learn. 

 Terminal Two provides high-quality games that equip your kids to learn valuable coding concepts. 

You want Educational results Coding is a 21st-century skill and we know it. Robust educational outcomes, collaboration, teamwork, and logic are some of the benefits of teaching coding skills. You need your kids to have these skills in a computer-driven society and we are here to help. Tests are boring Challenges are fun We don't believe that there is any reason why learning code should be discouraging. Making kids memorize code vocabulary or complete pointless coding tasks is the fastest way to get kids to quit coding before they start. Terminal Two games are engaging and immersive, with coding challenges built directly into the stories and gameplay. It has to be as much fun as the games kids love Kids love to create, and code is one of the most empowering creation tools ever. It equips kids with the ability to create anything from a simple code clock to an entire 3D landscape. 

Terminal Two's games are meant to be hacked, so that your child gains valuable computer science skills while seeing their code change the games themselves. 


 Where do I get started? 

 Check out our educator's guide!

 The collection of games in Terminal Two can be played independently or progressively to gain exposure to increasingly advanced coding and programming skills. As players advance from game to game, the programming mechanics in the games also evolve. 

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Adults - Free Live Online Classes: home learning classes for kids with experienced teachers Houston area

Daily free live classes for kids with experienced teachers. Parents are welcome to join. Class topics include story time, career day, math, teaching your child to read, parent tips for homeschooling, and more.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Science from Home
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Welcome to our Science From Home page! Here you'll find listings of our virtual programs as well as simple science activities to try at home with your family, coloring pages, outdoor activities to explore the nature around you, and more! We are constantly adding and changing the contents of this page, so check back often!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Art in Science - Young Engineers
The Art in Science

The Art in Science is a unique program developed by a scientist and artist to enrich children in various scientific concepts. In the program, the kids learn various science topics with hands-on activities that turn into interesting artworks pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind.

In every lesson, we will study a new concept in chemistry and perform an experiment that will end up being an artwork. Subjects covered are absorption, chromatography, chemical reaction, state of matter, diffusion, and many more.

We have 3 engineering classes - each one has 5 lessons. Each lesson is a stand-alone and no prerequisites are needed. You can register to any class - no specific order is required, or you can drop into any of the lessons.


Young Engineers

Lesson 1 Towers
Lesson 2 Bridges
Lesson 3 Simple Machine (crank and pulley)
Lesson 4 Zip Line
Lesson 5 Foosball


Let's Build Some More

Lesson 1 Homemade Spectroscope
Lesson 2 Pinhole Camera
Lesson 3 Build a paddle boat
Lesson 4 Baloon powered car
Lesson 5 Ball Bounce


Toys and Games

Lesson 1 Play ball
Lesson 2 Dancing Puppet
Lesson 3 Spinning propellor
Lesson 4 Balloon rocket
Lesson 5 Carousel
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
The Art in Science - Chemistry
The Art in Science

The Art in Science is a unique program developed by a scientist and artist to enrich children in various scientific concepts. In the program, the kids learn various science topics with hands-on activities that turn into interesting artworks pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind.

In every lesson, we will study a new concept in chemistry and perform an experiment that will end up being an artwork. Subjects covered are absorption, chromatography, chemical reaction, state of matter, diffusion, and many more.

We have 4 chemistry classes - each one has 5 lessons. Each lesson is a stand-alone and no prerequisites are needed. You can register to any class - no specific order is required, or you can drop into any of the lessons.

Chemistry Fun

Lesson 1     State of Matter
Lesson 2    Absorption
Lesson 3    Chromatography
Lesson 4    Chemical Reaction
Lesson 5    Oil and Water


That's Chemistry Too

Lesson 1     Diffusion
Lesson 2    Oobleck
Lesson 3    Walking Water
Lesson 4    Biochemistry
Lesson 5    Atoms and Molecules


Kitchen Chemistry

Lesson 1  Acids and bases
Lesson 2  Magic Milk
Lesson 3  Iron for breakfast
Lesson 4  Making butter
Lesson 5  Lemon volcano

Crazy Chemistry
Lesson 1  Corn plastic
Lesson 2  Squeaky clean pennies
Lesson 3  Got Chalk?
Lesson 4  Soda Float
Lesson 5  Ice Cream
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
The Art in Science - Astronomy
The Art in Science


The Art in Science is a unique program developed by a scientist and artist to enrich children in various scientific concepts. In the program, the kids learn various science topics with hands-on activities that turn into interesting artworks pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind.

In every lesson, we will study a new concept in chemistry and perform an experiment that will end up being an artwork. Subjects covered are absorption, chromatography, chemical reaction, state of matter, diffusion, and many more.

We have 3 Astronomy classes - each one has 5 lessons. Each lesson is a stand-alone and no prerequisites are needed. You can register to any class - no specific order is required, or you can drop into any of the lessons.



Lesson 1 The Sun
Lesson 2
Rocky planets Mercury Venus  and Mars
Lesson 3
Earth - Our Home
Lesson 4
Comets and Asteroids
Lesson 5 Gas Giants



Lesson 1 Moon phases                              
Lesson 2
Lunar and Solar Eclipses
Lesson 3 Spacecrafts
Lesson 4
Hubble Telescope
Lesson 5 Constellations




Lesson 1 The Milky Way
Lesson 2 Life cycle of stars - To Supernova and beyond
Lesson 3 Black Holes
Lesson 4 Space Volcano (Io)
Lesson 5 International Space Station


Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
The Art in Science - Physics
The Art in Science

The Art in Science is a unique program developed by a scientist and artist to enrich children in various scientific concepts. In the program, the kids learn various science topics with hands-on activities that turn into interesting artworks pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind.

In every lesson, we will study a new concept in chemistry and perform an experiment that will end up being an artwork. Subjects covered are absorption, chromatography, chemical reaction, state of matter, diffusion, and many more.

We have 4 Physics classes - each one has 5 lessons. Each lesson is a stand-alone and no prerequisites are needed. You can register to any class - no specific order is required, or you can drop into any of the lessons.


Physics Time

Lesson 1          Gravity and Air resistance
Lesson 2    Light and rainbows
Lesson 3    Magnetism
Lesson 4    Sound
Lesson 5    Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion


More Physics

Lesson 1          Balanced forces
Lesson 2    Friction
Lesson 3    Electrical circuits                  
Lesson 4    Momentum
Lesson 5    Buoyancy


Balance, Twist, and Spin

Lesson 1           Whirligig and spinners
Lesson 2    Spin Art
Lesson 3    Spin it
Lesson 4    Balance bot
Lesson 5    Hurdling and Domino Effect


Forces of Nature

Lesson 1 Air Pressure
Lesson 2 Balancing forces
Lesson 3 Pom Pom Slingshot (kinetic energy)
Lesson 4 Static Electricity
Lesson 5 Temporary Magnets
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
The Art in Science - Biology
The Art in Science

The Art in Science is a unique program developed by a scientist and artist to enrich children in various scientific concepts. In the program, the kids learn various science topics with hands-on activities that turn into interesting artworks pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind.

In every lesson, we will study a new concept in chemistry and perform an experiment that will end up being an artwork. Subjects covered are absorption, chromatography, chemical reaction, state of matter, diffusion, and many more.

We have many biology classes - each one has 5 lessons (except Animal Kingdon that has 6 lessons). Each lesson is a stand-alone and no prerequisites are needed. You can register for any class - no specific order is required, or you can drop into any of the lessons.


Lesson 1 Viruses
Lesson 2 Bacteria
Lesson 3 Fungi
Lesson 4 Protozoa
Lesson 5 Algae


Food Chain

Lesson 1 Producers
Lesson 2 Primary Consumers
Lesson 3 Secondary consumers
Lesson 4 Tertiary consumers
Lesson 5 Decomposers



Lesson 1 Desert
Lesson 2 Coral Reef
Lesson 3 Tropical Rainforest
Lesson 4 Antarctica
Lesson 5
The Galapagos Islands and Adaptation


Animal Kingdom 

Lesson 1 Invertebrates - insects
Lesson 2 Fish
Lesson 3 Amphibians
Lesson 4 Reptiles - snakes
Lesson 5 Birds - Owls
Lesson 6 Mammals - mouse


STEAMosaurus - Dinosaurs and more

Lesson 1 Intro to Dinosaurs
Lesson 2 Build a Dino
Lesson 3 Fossils and Bones
Lesson 4 Dinatomy (Dinosaurs Anatomy
Lesson 5 Dinosaurs types


Plant's Life

Lesson 1 Plant's Anatomy
Lesson 2 Plant cell
Lesson 3 Sunflower life cycle
Lesson 4 Water Flow ((change color)
Lesson 5 Flower power (potato battery)


Amazing Brain

Lesson 1 Brain structure
Lesson 2 Nervous system
Lesson 3 Robotic hand
Lesson 4 senses - vision
Lesson 5 Senses - smell and taste


Our Body

Lesson 1 Heart
Lesson 2 Blood
Lesson 3 The Spine
Lesson 4 The lungs
Lesson 5 The skin


What's For Dinner? Intro to nutrition

Lesson 1 Intro to Nutrition
Lesson 2 Proteins and Carbohydrates
Lesson 3 Fats
Lesson 4 Minerals
Lesson 5 Vitamins


Under the Sea (Marine Biolog)

Lesson 1 How do fish breathe underwater
Lesson 2 Octopus
Lesson 3 great white shark
Lesson 4 Tide Pools
Lesson 5 ALgae and oxygen
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
The Art in Science - Earth Science
The Art in Science

The Art in Science is a unique program developed by a scientist and artist to enrich children in various scientific concepts. In the program, the kids learn various science topics with hands-on activities that turn into interesting artworks pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind.

In every lesson, we will study a new concept in chemistry and perform an experiment that will end up being an artwork. Subjects covered are absorption, chromatography, chemical reaction, state of matter, diffusion, and many more.

We have 3 Earth Science classes - each one has 5 lessons. Each lesson is a stand-alone and no prerequisites are needed. You can register to any class - no specific order is required, or you can drop into any of the lessons.



Lesson 1 Plate Tectonics
Lesson 2 Earthquakes
Lesson 3 Volcanos
Lesson 4 Soil Layers
Lesson 5 The Rock Cycle



Lesson 1 The Atmosphere
Lesson 2 Wind speed
Lesson 3 Weather Instruments
Lesson 4 Rain and Rainbows
Lesson 5 Clouds


Water and More

Lesson 1 Layers of the Ocean
Lesson 2 The Water Cycle
Lesson 3 Water Erosion
Lesson 4 Iceberg ad glaciers
Lesson 5 Renewable energy
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Online Learning Resource
The Bakken Museum

See how magnets work, try a design challenge, and learn about the history of science fiction. The Bakken Museum's digital learning content provides lots of ways to engage with science, technology, engineering, and math wherever you are!

Check back for new videos, experiments, and collections items updated regularly.

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Curator Conversations
The Civil War Museum

These live educational discussions led by museum professionals are 30 to 45 minutes long and can be modified to fit the age range and background knowledge of your group.

Topics include:

Reading Artifacts – Methods used by historians to interpret material sources – for older students
Equipment & Gear of the Union Soldier – Clothing and various tools of Civil War Union soldiers
Women of the Civil War – The remarkable lives of famous local women of the Civil War
The Underground Railroad – The dramatic stories and common misconceptions of the Underground Railroad

Academic - General
History / social studies
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Civil War Museum Theater Program
The Civil War Museum

Grades: 5 – 12 and Adult
Duration: 40-50 minutes
Price: $250 per performance
These living history performances give students the chance to meet important local individuals and learn about their experiences during the war years. Historic figures include Caroline Quarlls, a mixed-race formerly enslaved woman who escaped to freedom at the age of only 16, and Cordelia Harvey, the “Wisconsin Angel” who dedicated her life to improving the treatment of injured soldiers.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Civil War Artifact Reading
The Civil War Museum

Grades: 8 – 12
Duration: 30-40 minutes
When historians study the past, some of their most valuable resources are primary sources. In this program students get an in-depth look at how historians working with museum collections interpret not just documents, but also photos and material objects as primary sources, and use them to discover more about our history.

History / social studies
Middle School
High School
Cause and Consequences of the Civil War
The Civil War Museum

Grades: 6 – 12
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Students will examine primary source photos, artifacts, speeches and more to investigate slavery’s role as the cause of the Civil War, the way enslaved people were treated, and what happened after Emancipation.

History / social studies
Middle School
High School
Medical Lessons of the Civil War
The Civil War Museum

Grades: 5 – 8
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Students will delve into Civil War medicine, comparing and contrasting it with modern medicine and using engaging activities to explore issues such as living conditions, nutrition and surgical care.

History / social studies
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Voices of the Underground Railroad
The Civil War Museum

Grades: 4 – 5
Duration: 30-40 minutes
Students will think like historians as they work with museum educators to learn about slavery, the treatment of the enslaved, the agency that enslaved people had, and the journey to freedom that some of them took.

History / social studies
Late Elementary School
Code Galaxy - Code Galaxy Online Coding Classes
The Code Galaxy- Austin, TX

Code Galaxy is now offering its coding classes online. Learn more about how you can teach your kids how to code

STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Outdoor Programs and Custom Pods with The Digital Arts Experience
The Digital Arts Experience- per website CLOSED due to pandemic-mm-6-6-21
We are so excited to see our students in person for this 4-week class that will be held outside! Join us outside the DAE facility in Scarsdale under an outdoor tent. Max 6 students.
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Classes with The Digital Arts Experience
The Digital Arts Experience- per website CLOSED due to pandemic-mm-6-6-21
This fall, we’ve got you covered with classes and gaming sessions.
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Learning SPREE
The Greenway Foundation SPREE
Learning SPREE is delivered to your email inbox as a one-time, online learning exploration and adventure package.

Learning SPREE is our at home, 2-5 week program meant to give your child interactive, independent work that is fun, engaging, and informative! Each Learning SPREE curriculum is designed for several grades (K-7th grade) to encourage siblings to work together, and to provide more than one program for families who are interested. 




Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Native American Studies
The Institute for American Indian Studies

The Institute for American Indian Studies is the only site in our region that provides a broad look at the many cultures and histories of indigenous peoples on our continent. In order for students to become well-rounded, critical thinkers, they need to understand history. No history of the United States is complete without at least a basic understanding of the indigenous cultures. With the more than 12,000 year history of indigenous peoples in our area it is important to remind everyone that Native people are still here, still thriving, and still have important things to teach all of us. Students will understand the broad scope of Native contributions before and after European contact, including social practices, environmental practices, and lifeways. They will understand that although there are many differences between indigenous cultures and European cultures, there are many points of confluence and a shared humanity between all groups of people. They will learn that indigenous people developed strategies for living on and with the land that sustained them for tens of thousands of years, and that their strategies could inspire ways of thinking about current issues. Contact us to discuss our virtual lesson plans for each grade with specific learning objectives tied to the core curriculum.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Institute for American Indian Studies- Inside with IAIS
The Institute for American Indian Studies

The Institute for American Indian Studies weaves the science of archaeology with the culture, history, and traditions of Native Americans to create a unique museum experience. During the COVID-19 situation, the IAIS Education Department is teaching family friendly museum lessons online, so you can continue your learning from the comforts of home! All videos will be posted on Facebook (@IAISMUSEUM) at 2:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Check out our website,, for activities that go along with the videos, as well as other resources for parents and teachers.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Language Learning Institute - Virtual Language Classes for Children and Adults
The Language Learning Institute
The Seasonal Section of the Language Learning Institute website gives a list of the currently offered classes for children and adults. Currently, All of our classes, for adults and for children, are interactive and fun; as virtual, on-line, in real time with a live instructor.
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Interested in Science? Career Paths in STEM
The NYSCF Research Institute

Have you ever wondered what a scientist does everyday? What’s it like to be one? How do you become one? And what other careers are out there in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)?

Join us for an interactive conversation on stem cell research and career opportunities in science. Hear from Dr. Laura Andres-MartinDr. Raeka AiyarJordan Goldberg, and Lauren Bauer on their careers in scientific research, communications, engineering, and project management. They will discuss what they love about their work and how you can find a career in STEM, too!  Prior to the panel discussion, participants will learn the basics of stem cell research and hear more about The New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute. 

Recommended Audience: Students grades 7-12, all ages welcome.

Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
History of The Parks at Walter Reed
The Parks at Walter Reed

From its opening in 1909 to its closing in 2011, the world-class Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC, played an outsized role in the lives of thousands of people. When Walter Reed was merged with Bethesda Naval Medical Center in 2011, the Shepherd Park campus in Ward 4 began a new era in its storied history. To learn more about the history in advance of your tour, visit our interactive timeline here.

History / social studies
High School
The Robot Garage- LEGO Robotics and Game Design (programming)
The Robot Garage

We have been hard at work adapting our tried and true in-person classes for virtual learning. These programs have been serving thousands of students at our locations since 2011, and we are now bringing this same level of energy and engagement as our students are working at a distance.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Teacher & Educator Ocean Resources
The Vancouver Aquarium

This space is a community for teachers and educators alike to find curriculum-linked resources to engage your students. Whether you've just participated in an Ocean Wise school program, or you're planning a self-directed visit to the Vancouver Aquarium, or you're just looking for some activities to help you lesson plan in the classroom, we've got stuff for you!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
High School
Ocean Literacy Lessons, Classrooms and more!
The Vancouver Aquarium

These online courses are free, self-directed, and interactive for students in grade 3 to 12, and anyone who is interested in learning more about the ocean! Students can take the course at their own pace, and earn exciting badges for every accomplishment they make throughout the course!

Lets all get more ocean literate!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Wise Owl Tutoring Center - Online Tutoring Sessions Grades K-6
The Wise Owl Tutoring Center - Raleigh, NC
We offer private, one-on-one tutoring sessions for students in grades K-6. We are currently operating online. For more information, feel free to contact us!
Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Engineering
The Works Museum

We wish we could engineer with you in person, but we’re making the best of it with hands-on STEM experiences that your family can enjoy from home.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
This is the Place at Home: Educational Resources for the New School Year
This Is the Place Heritage Park - Utah

As many families are heading back into the school year, whatever that looks like for you this year, we're here to help! Visit This Is The Place At Home, our online Park experience, for quick and digestible videos, activities, and facts about Utah's history. 

All teachers interested in sharing these resources with their classes are welcome to! Our online resources cater to students and families of all ages. We know many classes are missing out on field trip opportunities this year, and we hope that our virtual pioneer experiences help fill in for those missed adventures this year.

All of our educational Facebook Live videos are accessible through This Is The Place At Home, so students don't need social media accounts to view our virtual pioneer experiences! 

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tinkering Home & After School Camps
Tinkering School

In our after school in-person programs, Tinkerers learn just how capable they really are as they collaborate and tackle complex engineering challenges, learn from exciting failures, and build big!

After teaching tinkerers to safely use drills, the chop saw, band, jig and circular saws, drill press and sanders and then we dive into elements of good designs, collaborative problem solving, while we hone our woodworking skills.

We believe anyone who wants to tinker should, so we never turn away a tinkerer due to their ability to pay.  Interested in assitance?  Register and then send us an email at

Up Coming Sessions - you can Register Here 

February 28 - March 23 - Ages 10 - 13 years

This 4-week session meets on Mondays and Wednesdays

April 5 - April 28 - Ages 10 - 13 years

This 4-week session meets on Tuesday and Wednesdays

May 2 - May 25 - Ages 8 - 10 years

This 4-week session meets on Tuesday and Wednesdays

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tiny Hands Learning- Baby Sign Language
Tiny Hands Sign

During this course you will learn more than 50 of the most important need based signs and be given all the tools necessary to begin early communication with your little one(s). You will also learn the manual alphabet and how to sign The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Row, Row, Row Your Boat. This online course is a great resource because you will have lifetime access to the course content for future reference.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Toronto Railway Museum From Home
Toronto Railway Museum

Although the museum is closed, you can still take part in several virtual activities. We have lots of activities that can be explored from the comfort of your own home! Keep reading to browse at-home activities!

Academic - General
History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Distance Learning with Tracy Aviary
Tracy Aviary

Calling all teachers, homeschooling parents, Scout groups, clubs, and more! If you are looking for an engaging program about birds and nature, we have you covered. Our brand new Distance Learning program brings Tracy Aviary to you through a virtual experience. Thanks to the Shop in Utah Grant, all these programs are 50% off that is $37.50 for our live 40-minute distance learning programs completed before December 31st. Reserve yours today!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Learning Content
Trinity River Audubon Center

Check out our library of videos to learn more about nature and the Great Trinity Forest in South Dallas!

Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Twinkl US Field Trips
Twinkl Online Educational Publishing House

Find your perfect day out by exploring our map of field trips recommended by teachers and parents in the USA.

Twinkl’s Field Trips directory is the perfect resource for teachers or homeschool families looking for fun and educational field trip locations. These field trip ideas have been hand-picked by our team of educators. Here you’ll find attractions such as museums, botanical gardens, parks, zoos and aquariums, historical sites, theaters, and more! Click on a state to learn more about what field trips they have to offer.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Lesson Plans for Vancouver Mysteries Game Crime in Downtown
Vancouver Mysteries

Grades 11-12 – downloadable lesson plans

Do you need some lesson plan inspiration? Luckily our team of detectives have already picked the brains of some local teachers. We’ve worked with local high school teachers to create a set of lesson plans for grades 11-12 — providing teachers and students with the resources they need to get the absolute most out of their field trip with Vancouver Mysteries. 

Gastown murder mystery Crime in Downtown is a perfect fit for the following grade 11-12 classes:

  • Social​ ​Studies​
  • History
  • Law​ ​(Criminology)
  • Psychology
  • Social​ ​Justice
  • Geography

More info:

Academic - General
History / social studies
High School
Varsity Tutors - Virtual School Day
Varsity Tutors
Virtual School Day: Over 100 free live K-12 classes available all day long intended to help parents fill their children’s day with enriched learning. Some popular classes are "Intro to Spanish for Kids", “Coolest Women in History”, “Java Programming Basics”, and “The Story of Your Favorite Fairy Tales”. We have received exceptional ratings from thousands of parents and students. 
Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Visions Virtual Math and Science Center
Visions Virtual Math and Science Center appears to be CLOSED 8/1/23 ccm

We offer all core Math and SCience courses for grades 6-12 taught by NC licensed teachers.  Our instruction is delivered using Zoom and teachers offer project based learning concepts Monday-Thursday.  Each class meet for 50-60 minutes per class during these 4 days and we reserve Friday for tutoring.  Our teachers have engineering backgrounds and are very skilled at making learning fun and engaging.  We also offer high-interest introductory classes in engineering, such as Intro to Aerospace Engineering, Energy Conversion, and Intro to Engineering.   

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Singapore Math: Free Trial Class
Spark Math is a math program developed for students from K to Grade 5. The curriculum uses the Singapore Math, a globally recognized methodology of teaching mathematics and is adopted by most privte schools in the States.
The Spark Math curriculum helps students advance at least 6 months ahead of the math curriculum at public schools.
During our live classes, your child interacts with both a certified teacher and an animated artificial intelligence program. All of our instructors are qualified, with degrees ranging from Bachelors to PhDs and are committed to building a fun, engaging, and effective learning experience for your child!
30 minute free trial class (Mon-Fri from 4:00pm to 9:30pm EST and Sat from 9:00am to 1130am EST) is available for you to experience the power of Spark Math! You will also receive a free comprehensive report with a teacher's evaluation and feedback for your child.
You can also book the free trial through by choosing your child's grade level and a time slot and date you prefer. 
Once you book a trial class, an Education Consultant will reach out to you to complete your registration and walk you through how to access the class via phone and email. Please be on the lookout for an email from them and check your spam folder if you haven't received one within 24 hours. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or call at 1-888-890-3332. Thank you for choosing Spark Math!
Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Great Courses on the Libby App
Webster Public Library

Learn from award-winning experts and professors from the most respected institutions in the world. Watch any course anytime, anyplace! A library card in the Monroe County Library System is required for access. Download the Libby App on your device's app store to access the Great Courses' Collection.

Academic - General
Middle School
High School
WCM At Home
Westchester Children's Museum

Our free online learning platform has activities for children of all ages, covering everything STEAM. Learn how to lift fingerprints in a forensic lesson, how to make ice cream in a bag,  architecture from apples, and more! We also have a ton of videos from our online learning, including tutorials, story times, and mommy & me videos. You can always find something to do on WCM At Home.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Museum
Westport Museum for History and Culture

During the pandemic, we launched the Virtual Museum, which became the hub for all of our online programming. At the virtual museum you can explore exhibits, view our Chats on the Past author discussions, access the Westport Driving Tour, explore the Kids Corner which houses coloring pages and word searches, and so much more! Visit the virtual museum today!

Academic - General
History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Whaley House Discovery Zone
Whaley House Museum - San Diego, CA - CLOSED - DR 4/23

Want to learn even more about the historic Whaley House Museum? Our print-and-go activities and lesson plans are designed to make the most of your physical or virtual field trips, encouraging discussion, and learning. Through the use of lesson plans, puzzles, trivia games, and Whaley family recipes, SOHO makes history fun! As we learn more about this unique family, we will be adding to our collection of lesson plans and activities over time.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
White Plains Public Library presents: Online Tutors from
White Plains Public Library

Live homework help is available every day from 2:00 pm to 11:00 pm.

The K-12 Student Center, College Center and Adult Career Center from includes live, one-to-one tutoring, a real-time writing center and 24/7 access to worksheets, videos and tutorials in just about any subject. The live, online tutoring and resume writing service is available every day from 2pm until 11pm ET. The service is completely free for our community; you just need to create an account using your library bar code. To access the service please visit the library's website at

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Live Distance Learning
Witte Museum

New this Fall: Live Distance Learning Programs
Bring the Witte Museum to your Classroom

A new school year has begun, which means new opportunities for you and your students from the Witte Museum. This fall we are offering Distance Learning opportunities to connect and learn about nature, science and culture directly from your classroom! All Distance Learning programs will be presented Live with a Witte Museum Educator and will use a secure Zoom connection. 

Are you interested in booking a program? Our team will work with you to accommodate the best day and time to fit into your school schedule. Request your Distance Learning Program, here.  Do you have questions? Review our Distance Learning FAQ’s or contact our Reservations Team at or 210-357-1910.

We are also taking reservations for any of our in-person programming at the Museum. Modifications will be made to adhere to city and CDC guidelines for safety. Explore these offerings at

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Learning with WOLVES!
Wolf Conservation Center, South Salem, NY, Westchester County

The Wolf Conservation Center is excited to offer distance learning programs to classes, camps, and more. There are two categories of distance programs available:

  • Virtual webinar - These live programs are taught by a WCC educator specifically for your students. The educator will present the chosen program (four topics are available) using a distance learning platform such as Zoom, and will answer any questions the students have. A flat rate of $100 is required to reserve one 45-minute program. There is no live footage of wolves.
  • Virtual field trip - These live programs are taught by a WCC educator onsite at the WCC. The educator will discuss the history, biology, and ecology of wolves in North America, and will also discuss the WCC's work to save endangered red wolves and Mexican gray wolves. Students will see ambassador wolves Zephyr, Alawa, and Nikai, and the educator will provide various enrichment items for the wolves. A flat rate of $200 is required to reserve one 45-minute program.
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
YMCA Scholars Camps
YMCA of San Francisco


Locations: Various sites across Marin, San Francisco & San Mateo counties

Priority populations for YMCA Scholars Camps include: 

  • • Essential workers
  • • Youth in foster care
  • • Homeless youth
  • • Youth in public housing
  • • English language learners
  • • Low income African American, Latinx or Asian Pacific Islander families


Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Young Gates- Programming classes - Python , Java , Website Making , App Making , Scratch , Data Science , Robotics
Young Gates- San Francisco

YoungGates provides cutting edge live online computer science classes for kids from ages 4 to 18 years. Ex: Scratch, Python, Java, Website, App,Data Science, Artificial Intelligence ,Gaming ,Logic building and much more..

Young Gates PreSchool provides programs for 3 - 5 years from preschool to StoryTime to Phonics to Math and lots of other activities




Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Performing Arts (Music, Theater, Dance...)
Title Description Cost
Free Master Classes in Acting and Music


Pre-recorded master classes with with industry professional guest instructors! From Broadway performers to global musicians and in-house teachers with topics ranging from audition toolkits, to industry secrets, to creative mindfulness practices these 16 + hours of free instruction provide a library of learning! 

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
PiggyRide Online Learning

Piggy Ride offers live classes for kids based on their age, skill level, and interests. You can enroll your child in a range of kids classes including dance, music, yoga, and a number of other activities. Our platform connects you with qualified teachers and tutors in a variety of subjects. Let's dive into the excellent video tutorials for excellent learning. PiggyRide is a leading destination for providing your kids with quality online training on specific skills with fun and creativity.

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Writing Music For Film Online Summer Camp

Learn how to make music for film and television!

In this one-week online camp you’ll learn how to write music to picture using a real video clip. You’ll end the week with your very own film score!

Discover techniques used by composers like Hans Zimmer, John Williams, and James Horner, and learn how to craft a successful soundtrack.

Small groups for ages 8-13, and 13-17.

CLICK HERE to learn more and register!


Middle School
High School
Tricky biz Magic Academy

We teach important life and social skills by empowering young people through the art of magic. $100-$250

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Utah Symphony | Utah Opera: School From Home

Utah Symphony | Utah Opera has gone online with free educational learning resources, virtual assemblies, and instrument and voice video libraries in “School From Home,” extending the reach of outreach programs that normally reach 155,000 students and 7,000 teachers each year. For more information, visit and “We are thrilled that we can offer students and teachers educational experiences with the wonders of the internet,” said Education and Community Outreach Director Paula Fowler. “Through ‘School From Home,” we are connecting with music students and teachers around the state and beyond with our dynamic content offering everything from virtual opera assemblies to videos highlighting individual orchestra instruments and voice types.” USUO continues to connect communities to the uplifting power of music through social media channels and the website. Amusing and entertaining videos filmed by musicians from home include the viral post by Principal Clarinet Tad Calcara performing George Gershwin’s “Somebody Loves Me” on all four instruments: The “Listening Rooms” also offer up close and personal opportunities to bring the sounds of the orchestra and opera directly into people’s homes. Past performance clips, audio streams of recordings, curated playlists, and Ghost Light podcasts are available around the clock and on demand. For more information, visit the “Listening Room” for Utah Symphony ( and Utah Opera ( KBYU radio station Classical 89 will increase broadcasts in the coming weeks of previously recorded performances and some commercial recordings that the orchestra has published in recent years, including works by Prokofiev, Berlioz and Saint-Saens. For a complete list of the air dates, times and programs, visit Ghost Light Podcast, hosted by former orchestra general manager Jeff Counts and Utah Opera principal coach Carol Anderson, is holding its first live Zoom video call on Tues. April 14 at 5 pm (MST) in a conversation with Utah Opera Artistic Director Christopher McBeth. The discussion will feature a Q&A opportunity for audiences to pose questions and interact in the live Zoom forum. Utah Symphony | Utah Opera announced the suspension of 13 performances through May 23, 2020 in response to the state’s increased COVID-19 precautions for social distancing and Salt Lake County Arts and Culture’s announcement that performing arts venues will be closed through May 15, 2020. About Utah Symphony | Utah Opera Education Department The Education Department of Utah Symphony | Utah Opera creates and oversees opportunities in music for audiences of all ages, with special emphasis on musical experiences for K-12 students and teachers. As the largest non-profit performing arts organization in Utah, USUO promotes a broad public knowledge and appreciation of music through more than 30 state-assisted community outreach programs, amounting to more than 600 performances annually. USUO Education serves more than 7,000 teachers and 155,000 students each year throughout Utah by bringing both symphony and opera programs, free of charge, to every school district in Utah over a three- to five-year rotation. For more information, visit

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Keegan Theatre - Online Classes with Keegan Theatre

Keegan PLAY-RAH-KA is launching a series of online programs for youth. Your children can use their imaginations to get outside the house and create a world with friends across the digital sphere. We’re bringing boisterous merry-making into your home. This is truly a party you don't want to miss!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Piano Time (with Mr. Steve from SteveSongs): First lessons in piano on YouTube

FREE intro piano lessons via Mr. Steve's YouTube Channel! In five short 5-minute lessons, start playing piano right away.  Learn how to make every major  and minor chord and how to download chord sheets so you can play any song you like. No need to read music or take weeks of lessons. For anyone interested, kids through adults! You'll be amazed at what you can play. 

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tilles Center for Performing Arts - Arts Smart: Staying active while learning from home

A 5-minute course on how to move from caterpillar to butterfly (like Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar).

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Mrs Chacon’s Violin Studio: Violin Teacher

Continuing violin classes for any level players
Juilliard trained Concert Violin


Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Future of Talent Company - Dance Class
Virtual Dance classes and fun!
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Broadway Theatre Project Online Revue

BTP is excited to provide a FREE opportunity for all young musical theatre students to receive feedback on video recordings of their performances. Click here for more information about the Broadway Theatre Project.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
A Faery Hunt Teachers Guide
A Faery Hunt

Welcome to our teacher’s resource page for presenters and educators. A Faery Hunt presents several original musical plays that are a creative, structured, experience for children and for adults to be entertained. Each show provides an opportunity to expand on themes and ideas rooted within the Common Core Educational Standards. Please click on the show below to access it’s study guide. Also included here is our Girl Scout Fun Patch Program. Enjoy!

Early Elementary School
Songwriting Enrichment Class
A Time to Create, LLC

Every Saturday starting June 12, 2021 A Time to Create will be hosting songwriting seesions at Pernoshal park. Students in grades K-8 are welsome to sign up. Each child will participate in  fun songwriting activites designed to help them express their feelings and emtions. 

Due to Covid-19 class sizes are a maximum of 10 students. 

Visit to sign up

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ATA Online Acting, Singing & Dance Classes
Academy of Theatre Arts

ATA will open this Fall for both in-person and virtual classes. Join us this fall as we educate, empower & enrich WNY students through the power of theatre! Offering classes age 3-18 in Acting, Singing, Private Voice & Dancing! Visit for more information!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
ACE Studios
ACE Studios

Homeschooling? We have the perfect extracurricular to keep the little ones active and social throughout the week. In each class we will learn exciting routines and the art of dance in a safe uplifting environment . Aside from dance, students will learn  positive words of the day...Promoting self esteem, confidence, and positive thinking. The music played in class is always age appropriate.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Actor's Youth Theatre - Online Classes
Actors Youth Theatre
All our classes - dance, acting and voice are all up and running online.
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Actor's Youth Theatre: Phoenix - Online Classes
Actors Youth Theatre

All our classes - dance, acting and voice are all up and running online. In private groups and zoom.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
All Star Dance Academy - Online Dance Classes
All Star Dance Academy

Offering online dance classes thru Facebook live and zoom. Weekly free class available. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Voice Lessons
Andrea Saposnik Voice Studio

Andrea Saposnik Voice Studio is currently offering online lessons via FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom. Our teachers are experienced with online lessons, and have been teaching long-distance students in this manner for a number of years.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Playdate Theatre's Virtual Drama Club
Appears CLOSED 7/27/23 AC - Playdate Theatre
Did someone say virtual DRAMA CLUB?
We know people are missing their theater community and so we are bringing the community straight to your screen!
Playdate Theatre's Virtual Drama Club is open to any high school student with a passion for theater. Every Thursday will be packed with an interactive lesson from the guest artist, theater games, and cohort meeting time.
For more information and to sign-up, visit
Visual arts / crafts
High School
How to Transpose Ukulele Chords
Approachable Music

Being able to change song chords at will is something that every ukulele player worth their salt should know how to do. It takes a little music theory, though, so this guide is here to help you learn what you need to know from the ground up. When you know how to transpose ukulele chords, you can make almost any difficult song you come across easier to play.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Children's Songs in the Key of C For Ukulele
Approachable Music

This PDF contains the chords and lyrics to a bunch of easy ukulele songs for kids.

Plus, all of the songs are arranged solely in the key of C, making it easy to give your undivided attention to the most important part of playing ukulele for kids: making sure they have fun.

These children's songs for ukulele are printable, free and really useful for kids music classes, moms and dads and even ukulele teachers who teach children. They're also good, easy ukulele songs for kids who themselves, are learning how to play the ukulele.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
How to Play Guitar: Complete Instructions for Beginners
Approachable Music

The ultimate guide to playing and singing songs at the same time. This beginner guitar book details everything you need to know about the basic chords, how to get a solid sounding strum, how to use a capo and how to transpose songs. Especially useful for those trying to teach themselves or those who just want to supplement their guitar lessons with a unique point of view.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Arts in CT Corporation-Online Arts Classes
Arts in CT Corporation

Creating and customizing online arts classes for kids of all ages! Everyone deserves a break and some creative fun. Arts is in all forms from Music, Art, Theater, Dance, Arts and Crafts and Edible Arts!

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Private Music Lessons

Ready to embrace your inner musician?  Whether you’re just starting out or taking it to the next level, you can reach your potential with Arts+.

We work with you to create an individualized, convenient and affordable music experience on a wide range of instruments - in any style and regardless of age or ability.

Arts+ has a 50 year history of excellence, top-notch instructors, locations all over Charlotte and is dedicated to building a community of music.  So it’s little wonder that Arts+ has one of the largest private lessons programs in North Carolina.

Take the leap and learn more: New Student Inquiry Form

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Charlotte Youth Choir at Arts+

Unleashing creativity, transforming lives and building community through outstanding and accessible CHOIR education. 

With four different ensembles, there is sure to be a place for treble-voiced young singers in grades K-12. We are seeking young singers who are excited to make excellent music and willing to commit to weekly rehearsals from September to May.

To join, just fill out our New Singer Form so that we can schedule a time to meet for a singing placement.  Placements take about 15 minutes, and singers don’t need to prepare anything special. One of our teachers will guide the singer through pitch-matching exercises and vocal range exploration.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Austin Symphonic Band YouTube Channel
Austin Symphonic Band

Reference recordings of concert band pieces of varying degrees of difficulty. Music students may follow the music and play along on their instruments.

Middle School
High School
Online Music Lessons
Band Aid School of Music

Learn to play an instrument online with local professional musicians from Austin, TX! We welcome all ages and skill levels! 

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Personal Online Music Lessons
Beats & Bars Music School

Whether you are picking up music as a new hobby, homeschooling or going to school in person, we will match you with a tutor to help you reach your musical goals! Our Qualified Music Teachers are offering online lessons for piano, guitar, bass, singing, drums, woodwind, brass and more. Contact us today!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Music Enrichment from Bloom Creative Arts
Bloom Creative Arts and BloomiVerse


Online Songwriting Workshop

Children need extra support in times of uncertainty. We are here to help.Song writing fosters self-expression. It works through emotions that are hard to talk about.

Our Online Song-writing workshop is led one-on-one with a Board Certified Music Therapist.

Connection. Expression. Support

$75/1 hour session or $140/ four 30 minute sessions

Online Buddy Beats

Each week a 30 minute buddy zoom class lead by one of our music therapists gives Rockers the 1:1 attention they need to learn and grow. This is the time for you and your buddy to connect and rock out together!

Song Instruction Library
Rockers have access to a library of videos that teach their favorite songs. Instructors guide you as you learn chords, strumming patterns, and riffs. Videos are available in beginner, intermediate, and advanced categories so you can continue to grow as an artist.

Background Tracks
Rockers can choose from a variety of background tracks that pair with the song instruction library and help them to ROCK OUT at their own pace. What is "We Will Rock You" without the drum beat?

Love. Nurture. Grow. Bloom.
Our team of Board-Certified Music Therapists teaches the way your child learns. Instruction is individualized and encourages movement to process understanding. We think "out of the box" to tackle learning road blocks. Learning to play music has never been so easy and fun!

$35/30 minute session

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Boogaloo Academy
Boogaloo Academy/A Star Society

Join our vibrant community! 

Register now for Boogaloo Academy’s 2021-2022 season. 

We offer the best of both worlds with street and classical dance styles - with recreational to award-winning competitive programs for ages 1.5 years to adult. Online and In studio classes start on Sept. 12th.
We carefully implement Covid-19 safety protocols. 
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Voice or Piano Lessons
Brazos Chamber Orchestra

Maestro David Anavitarte, Music Director of the Brazos Chamber Orchestra is offering

students virtual voice or piano lessons.

Mr. Anavitarte, What is your typical process for working with a new student?

Voice lessons - test the voice; what is good about the voice & and what are the issues. Then begin work on the air technique.......

Piano lessons - test the hands; what does the technique look like & sound like. Define the playing ability (level).  Then begin work on technique......

What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?

I have studied the art of the piano as a performer & teacher for 50 years which includes graduate level study.

I have studied the vocal art as developed by Joseph Klein. This has recognized me as a voice technician and a vocal coach for over 45 years.

I have studied the voice through choral conducting at the doctorate level (ABD);  My sense of vocal/choral sound has been developed through many years of private study with my friend & mentor, the late Maestro Paul Salamunovich, Music Director Emeritus of the LA. Master Chorale; Roger Wagner's longtime assistant of the famed Roger Wagner Chorale. I am the Music Director and Conductor of the Brazos Chamber Orchestra, since its inception, over 25 years ago, preparing repertoire from all styles of music.

Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.

Lessons are per half hour lesson @ once a week

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

 For More Information

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Breitling Perfroming Arts is now offering online classes!
Breitling Performing Arts

Online classes for homeschool and afterschool programs for all ages! Musical theatre, beginning acting, homeschool, after school, painting, dance.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Broadway Bound Kids
Broadway Bound Kids

Our programs are designed to meet each student where they are while honing their performing arts skills and having lots of fun! Within a few short months, our Virtual Programs have set the standard for the Department of Education, and have been featured by Time Out Kids, NY1, and more.


Broadway Bound Kids (est. 2004) is a performing arts education organization based in Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs. Our mission is to inspire and empower kids of all ages through the performing arts.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Broadway Teaches Kids
Broadway Teaches Kids - After School and Weekend Programs- Org Appears Closed- MM-6/6/21

BTK faculty includes talented professional artists who are wonderful educators. In today's virtual world, we want to create as close to the experience of a normal arts program as possible. Through lessons, games, and exercises, your child will have an opportunity artistically express themselves. Students will tap into their imaginations and learn skills to create fantasy worlds. They will leave BTK with a toolbox filled with exciting and usable skills to continue with on their life’s journey.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Campbell Learning Center

Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music 

ABRSM has been the global benchmark in music standards for the past 126 years.  The organization has representation in over 93 countries worldwide, and gives more than 650,000 exams annually.  In Texas, exams are offered in Austin, Dallas, and Houston.  Campbell Learning Center houses the main office, and its direct, Natalie Voogt, is the appointed international rep.

Visit    for more information!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Music Lessons, All Instruments + Voice
Cary School of Music

Since 1993, Cary School of Music has provided top quality music instruction to students of all ages, offering private lessons in piano, voice, drums, violin, viola, cello, guitars, ukulele, trumpet, trombone, french horn, clarinet, flute, saxophones, harp, and more. Lessons are currently online only due to the pandemic. New student registration is ongoing. Call 919-460-0052 or email for more information. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Gradeschooler Family Fun Music Class
Center for Music Therapy
Join us for a fun and exciting weekly music exploration and creation together with your family! We will sing, dance, improvise, and create music to share with one another along our musical adventure!
The cost for this class is $120 a month per family. You must have a child aged 6-9 years old, siblings of any age welcomed and encouraged to join!
Our music team has been synchronizing the power of human potential with music for over 27 years in Austin. We have run dozens of group classes over the years and are pleased to offer a virtual version this year.
Early Elementary School
Toddler + Preschooler Family Fun Music Class
Center for Music Therapy
Join us for a fun and exciting weekly music exploration and creation together with your family! We will sing, dance, improvise, and create music to share with one another along our musical adventure!
The cost for this class is $120 a month per family. You must have a child aged 2-5 years old, siblings of any age welcomed and encouraged to join!
Our music team has been synchronizing the power of human potential with music for over 27 years in Austin. We have run dozens of group classes over the years and are pleased to offer a virtual version this year.
Children's Arts Theatre School


CATS Online Summer CAMP 

To Register for Online CATS Summer Camp 

Please visit us at 


WHAT'S NEW! One-week Virtual CATS Camp Put on a showcase in a week!

Welcome to CATS Virtual One Week Summer Camp! This summer we will be acting, dancing, and crafting a different show theme each week! With our experienced staff, campers will be cast in scenes from the show, will create their own props and costumes, and will be taught fun and engaging dances! And on the final day we will film each show and send you a professionally edited film that will be a memory to keep forever. First up is the Wizard of Oz! From Dorothy to the Wicked Witch to the Scarecrow - these iconic characters will be brought to life by our online campers! They will create the tornado, the yellow brick road, the emerald city and learn the choreography from the movie! The following week we switch gears to Suessical the Musical! This show has been a favourite at CATS with so many incredible characters - birds, kangaroos, turtles and a very loyal elephant named Horton. There will be wildly imaginative props to design and creative movement for such a fantastical show.
Our third week will see our campers going under the sea for The Little Mermaid! This exciting show will keep our campers entertained with the catchy music and classic plot. It's better, down where it's wetter, take it from me! We'll be getting creative to bring this underwater adventure to life and inhabiting the classic characters of Ariel, Sebastian, and of course, Ursula!
We can't wait to spend the summer online and "on stage" with you!


June 28-July 2
July 5-July 9
July 12-July 16
July 19-July 23
July 26-July 30
August 9-August 13





Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Singing 4 Superstars
Choirs4Kids ~ Confidence Through The Power Of Singing

Our singing program is award winning!

Now in 20 countries around the world and with times for your region, our online vocal classes are just what you have been looking for.
Sue, our English/Australian director cares about your child's voice and brings her 25 years of music teaching experience to each session.

Your child will learn how to find their voice, how to use it confidently when they find it and how to simply have fun singing- for pleasure.  Modern songs, cool warm ups, tips and tricks will have your superstar singing non stop from the moment they connect.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Amazing Musical Theater Classes - Dance, Acting & Voice
Christian Arts and Theatre
Christian Arts & Theatre of Corona (CAT) is a theater and arts educational program for students ages 4-18. For over 20 years, CAT has been committed to building up kids through excellence in the arts. All CAT Instructors are qualified professionals in their field, who not only give the children valuable skills in every aspect of creative arts, but also understand our fundamental goals. We offer a variety of virtual & in-person performing arts classes in the areas of: dance, acting, voice, and musical theater.
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Classics 4 Kids Meet & Greet
Classics 4 Kids

Enjoy a 20-minute live online presentation that features an interactive musical performance by a Classics 4 Kids musician or our conductor, explanation of an instrument, and time for Q&A.

Each Meet & Greet is tailored to the grade level of the students in attendance and includes Social Emotional Learning (SEL) components.

New this fall: Meet & Greet pre and post activities packet for teachers to expand the musical learning experience.

This program is currently being offered at no cost to schools. Zoom platform preferred. Start times at 10am, 11am and 1pm only. For more information or to book a virtual visit, email and include grade level of students, school name, contact phone number, and 3 preferred dates and times

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Dance classes for ages 18 mos and up!
Contemporary Ballet Dallas

Classes for ages 18mos and up through adult! Parent & Me, Creative Movement, Ballet & Tap Baby combo class, Ballet, tap, Jazz, Hip hop, Modern, contemporary techniques.  Beginner through advanced levels for children and adults. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Youth and Adult Individual Lessons (Online)
Craft Your Music and Center for Young Musicians

Craft Your Music and Center for Young Musicians connects all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to create a community of music lovers, living their unique experiences with music-making and listening. Whether a student begins their engagement at a young age or embraces their music with a young heart, Craft exists to create a home for each musician.

Passionate, dedicated instructors drive the success of CYM's programs. Concerts, live streams, and lessons offer individualized support in supporting each student's vision for success. Forums and courses provide engagement and insight into the connections between the many aspects of listening to, performing and loving music.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Ukulele Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Ukulele Class

Join the Ukulele Class - You are never too young or too old to have fun with this instrument!

Watch our Music Promo Here


Cost: $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Guitar Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Guitar Class

Learn chords and songs in this exciting Guitar Group Class! Join others as we explore music and guitar techniques, while learning new songs.

Check out some of our music classes here:

Watch Video


Cost: $70 (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Piano Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Piano Keyboard Class

Join this Piano Class and have FUN! Learn important basics about piano and music, while learning new songs.

Check out some of our music classes here:

Watch Video


Cost: $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Collage of Dancing and Movement - Bilingual Storytime & Music
Criss Cross MangoSauce: Bilingual Story-time & Music

Have you heard about the little bird Carmelo who can be found flying on top of the Andes Mountain? In this program children will have the opportunity to learn about the story of Carmelo and his friends. We will discover what happen to Carmelo and why he is today the fastest bird of the whole world. Travel to Spain and learn to dance Flamenco with our Flamenco 101 bilingual song Con mi dedito, and sing traditional songs, chants and riddles from the oral traditions in Latin-America. (*All videos come with a home activity guide.)

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Arroz con pollo and rice pudding - BILINGUAL STORY-TIME & MUSIC
Criss Cross MangoSauce: Bilingual Story-time & Music

Arroz con pollo and rice pudding...Yummy

Whether you like rice pudding or chocolate, in this show, you will enjoy it all while you learn how to name foods in Spanish. Name your favorite recipe and pretend to cook arroz con pollo (chicken with rice). This immersive show features the story Mamá Provi and the Pot of Rice, by Silvia Rosa Casanova, but this time all of us will learn step by step how to cook a huge pot of arroz con pollo, while singing and dancing in English and Spanish.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Don’t be afraid, here comes the wolf - Bilingual Storytime & Music
Criss Cross MangoSauce: Bilingual Story-time & Music

Don’t be afraid, here comes the wolf ~ No tengas miedo, aquí llegó el lobo

In this show, children will play a traditional game called “Let’s Playing in the Forest” with our friendly wolf, Señor Lobo. Using scarves, you will sing and learn colors with the Chameleon Frog story. Play in a bilingual way our finger game “Five little mice” and sing along with your new friends, the mice, los ratoncitos. Play hide and seek while enjoying learning Spanish with real folklore.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
1,2,3 Animals - Bilingual Storytime & Music
Criss Cross MangoSauce: Bilingual Story-time & Music

1, 2, 3 Animales ~ 1, 2, 3 Animals

Have you ever seen a mouse barking like a dog, the very hungry caterpillar jumping and running in your arms, and monkeys dancing salsa? No? Well, join Criss Cross Mangosauce in an adventure via the virtual show “1, 2, 3 Animales” and learn to count in Spanish among other language skills.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
1,2,3 Animals - Bilingual Storytime & Music
Criss Cross MangoSauce: Bilingual Story-time & Music

1, 2, 3 Animales ~ 1, 2, 3 Animals

Have you ever seen a mouse barking like a dog, the very hungry caterpillar jumping and running in your arms, and monkeys dancing salsa? No? Well, join Criss Cross Mangosauce in an adventure via the virtual show “1, 2, 3 Animales” and learn to count in Spanish among other language skills.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Mommy & Me LIVE Online Dance Class Zoom Informational
Dazzle, BBC LLC

Mommy & Me LIVE Dance Class Online via Zoom

Tiny Dancer/Parents will be on an adventure discovering body parts, color recognition, music, counting and using their imagination for creative play. This class will fully engage both parent and child in listening and responding, learning to develop a better awareness of self and social engagement in activities throughout the class. This is a creative movement/pre-ballet level class.

Class Duration: 30 min, once a week/Attire: Any color Ballet leotard, slippers, tights and a tutu or skirt .End of Class Talk Back Session to build community with students.

6 LIVE Sessions a month with practice videos.

Classes begin Monday December 5, 2022 at 10:00AM, and the evening session is 4:30pm

Drama Virtual Classes for Kids & Teens
Drama Kids International Albany

At Drama Kids, we know that Drama Develops Kids! We are committed to making sure your student receives an excellent experience in developing their speaking skills, confidence, and acting abilities through the exciting experience of our fast paced program - in-person OR online. We thrive on giving children the best gift ever: the gift of CONFIDENCE!

We are actively working on our in-person and virtual class offerings for Fall.  Please email us at to be added to our mailing list, so you'll be first to hear about our new class schedule for 2020-21. 

To see pictures & video of some of the amazing and fun work we do, connect with us on Facebook at or on our Youtube

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Ventriloquist will ZOOM to your event
Driscoll Productions

Musical Ventriloquist Kevin Driscoll will entertain everyone VIRTUALLY at your next online event. Have you ever worked with dummies?

Music Together(R) Online
Ensemble Music

With Music Together Online, you’ll have access to the same high-quality music and movement curriculum loved by millions of families and teachers around the world—from home! 

Like all our classes, Music Together Online is designed to teach the way young children learn: through play! During each online class your favorite teachers from Ensemble Music will lead activities for you and your whole family to sing, play, and jam along to as well as show you how to turn everyday items like dish towels, pots, and stuffies into musical props. Even though your teacher is on the screen, each class is designed to be an active music making experience.

Your whole family will have a blast singing, dancing, and jamming along during your weekly classes. When you enroll, you will receive a code to download your music, a beautifully illustrated hard-copy songbook, and an invitation to become part of our special online community through our private Facebook group where we will share more resources for music making, bonus videos from our teachers, and opportunities to join us for special sing-alongs and story times throughout the session.  

With Music Together Online, music class comes to your living room! It’s the perfect way to deepen your little one’s music education as well as connect with other parents. 

Early Elementary School
Piano for Beginners
EnthuZiastic Inc.

EnthuZiastic Piano for Beginners Live Online Course 
♦ Start your musical journey with our Expert Instructor-led classes! 
♦ Learn to play the piano with our comprehensive curriculum designed for beginners! 

Enjoy these exciting features:
♦ Progress reports to track your musical development
♦ Recording of previous sessions for easy reference
♦ Certificates upon successful course completion
♦ Engaging contests and performance opportunities
♦ Valuable feedback and personalized assignments
♦ Live chat with the teacher through the EnthuZiastic App

Our curriculum covers:
♦ Piano fundamentals: notes, scales, and hand positions
♦ Basic chords and chord progressions
♦ Melodies and simple songs
♦ Sight-reading and music theory essentials
♦ Technique and finger exercises
♦ Musical expression and dynamics

We offer:
♦ Engaging and interactive classes
♦ High-quality instruction at an affordable price
♦ 24-hour support for your convenience
♦ Personal student success manager

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Join us today! 

Unlock your musical potential with EnthuZiastic Piano for Beginners Live Online Course! 

Middle School
High School
Online Music Lessons | Franklin Music Academy
Franklin Music Academy

Whether you’re planning on a season of at-home micro school, home school, or conventional in-person classes for your child this fall, safe music instruction can easily fit within your plans. Franklin Music Academy offers online music lessons as well as safe in-person instruction designed to fit your budget, schedule, and child’s unique interests.

We know firsthand how music education benefits kids because we see it every day. For years, many parents have trusted our expertise.

Group music lessons are a phenomenal way to round out a pandemic pod learning experience by adding fun to your child’s weekly routine. In this music education format, kids learn from an expert instructor as well as their peers, and they’re perfect for social learners.

In private online and in-person lessons, Franklin Music Academy offers instruction for how to play guitar, piano, drums, keyboard, and even expert guidance on how kids can write, record, and produce music from home. Every kid can benefit from the fun, excitement, and personalized attention that private music lessons deliver.

Our world is more complicated than ever. Music is an easy choice.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Greenwich Odeum's online Youth Theater Classes
Greenwich Odeum

The Greenwich Odeum & Experiments in Theater Presents online youth theatre classes in scene performance, theatre tech and design, and more.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Groove School Of Dance Classes
Groove School of Dance

Let’s do this! Get #groovy at home! E-Mail us to join in on the fun!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Gymboree Play & Music of Washington DC: Family Music Class
Gymboree Play & Music DC

Engage your little one in a multi-age music class which provides opportunities not only to learn musical techniques, styles, and about different instruments, but also supports social and emotional development. Benefits: Physical: Sensory exploration time is supported while children practice their motor skills, which is crucial for your child’s overall development. Cognitive: Music play helps activate parts of the brain responsible for music and speech processing. It creates an early appreciation of music and supports language development. Social: Through music, you can hear and feel emotions. Tunes can be happy, sad, or angry! This supports social development in understanding emotions in a new way. Adults: You get to engage with your little one making emotional connections and strong bonds. Being involved in your child’s play helps both you feel more connected.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Hangar Theatre - Hangar Virtual Classes
Hangar Theatre

History and Mystery: Radio Drama

Grades 5-10

May 18-22, 2-3:30pm


Advanced Filmmaking

Grades 7-12

May 18-22, 4-5:30pm

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Hattiloo Theatre- Youth & Young Adult Virtual Audition Workshops!
Hattiloo Theatre - Memphis, TN

Hattiloo Theatre is offering FREE youth and young adult virtual audition courses, for kids ages 10-17 years. Young actors participating in this three-week course will learn how to dissect open monologues, explore its possible objectives and tactics, and aptly apply their findings to their stage work, through physicality and character exploration. The course culminates in a video audition, which will receive feedback and constructive critique from Theatre professionals in the area. Prepare your young professional for the virtual audition experience! All participants will also be up for consideration in the casting of our future productions.

Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Musical Theatre Class
Hollywood Academy of Music and Arts

The Hollywood Academy of Music and Arts is happy to announce the launch of our Musical Theatre group for Fall 2020 starting September 15. The class runs for 1hr once a week via Zoom and will continue remotely for the duration of the Fall semester. Tuition is $99/month and advance registration is required since slots are limited. Please call or chat with us via our site, to enroll or get more information. We look forward to seeing you!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Dance the World Around
Homespun Occasions and Homespun Community Dancing

Families and communities have provided for their own entertainment throughout history. This program of community dancing and music helps students to develop an awareness that every culture around the world has its own robust traditions in music and dance.

Peter Davis, Paul Rosenberg and George Wilson play music and teach dances that have been used to celebrate weddings, historical events, community gatherings, and to make social commentary. Students are introduced to the origins, sounds and uses of folk instruments - including fiddle, banjo, ukulele, clarinet, recorder, and guitar.

These videos are chock-full of virtual community–building activities that get everyone up and moving. By participating in folk dances and singing games, students experience a variety of styles and customs from different countries. These are living traditions influenced by various cultures over the centuries. Dances presented come from a variety of countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

Click here for "trailer" of virtual programs

Click here for sampler of elementary school programs

Click here for sampler of family dancing


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Image Dance Co & Academy- Dance Classes
Image Dance Company & Academy

Dance classes in Ballet Folklorico, Spanish classical dance, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Ballet technique & adult classes 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Become a Music Theatre of Drama Major with our Online Academy!
Innovative Arts - Sing Dance Act

The Innovative Arts Academy

Innovative Arts is a leader in arts education for Youth servicing the GTA by putting on high quality musicals and teaching the art of singing, dancing and acting within the rehearsals and performance of a musical. Each time we held auditions for our musicals, we were always met with students who wanted more. Students who asked us “How can I get bigger roles?” “How can I do this as a career?” “What do I need to get into my art high school or my dream post secondary school?” “How can I be the best?”

While we are unable to put on our musicals we have invested in creating a program that helps you answer these specific questions.


We are proud to introduce the Innovative Academy.

​Pick your Major, join a Squad and let's get started!



Musical Theatre Majors work in small groups that we call Squads. Each Squad is made up of around 6 students and 2 teachers to give each student the opportunity to learn in a class environment with their friends but also receive personalized vocal coaching to get incredible results. Our Musical Theatre Academy students are also strongly encouraged to improve their dance and performance skills by joining our weekly Dance and Music Theatre Clubs at no additional cost. By the end of the Fall session, students will have a binder full of performance-ready songs, dances, scenes, and will be ready to conquer the next audition and take the stage at the end of season Recital this December!

Tuition: $932

As we work through this upcoming season together, we are offering our entire line-up of programming for only $932+HST.
  • Two hours of semi-private training per week.
  • Free access to our weekly Dance, Music Theatre, Drama, and Shakespeare CLUBS.
  • Intoductory Vocal Assessment (For New Academy Students)
  • (Up to 6.5/hrs/week of training = only $10/hr)
  • Program Duration: September - December (4 Months)

Each squad is made up of only 6-8 students and 2 expert coaches

Seeking passionate youth ages 8-18 who love musical theatre. All experience levels welcome; our personalized instruction allows for the individual training needed to bring out your best.
Similarly to our usual casting process, your registration form will ask which days of the week you would like to be considered for!

4:00 - 6:00PM


4:00 - 6:00PM





Offering real connection when needed most.

Introducing our new Squad structure:
Innovative Arts' success has been built on quality training and small class sizes. Now we bring this to a whole new level. Our Squad structure keeps things fun, social, and collaborative while getting the rapid results that only personalized training can provide. Develop as a squad and an individual.

CLUB SCHEDULE - FREE Classes for all Academy Members

​4:00 - 5:00
​5:00 - 6:00
​4:00 - 5:00
4:00 - 5:30



Each class is different, but always includes private training (1-1) and small group training (6-1). With the style changing each month, it keeps the challenge fresh for everybody!
  • Learning 3 Musical Theatre Solos
  • Character Study (Take on Your Dream Role!)
  • Mock Audition (Experience a musical audition and callback)
  • Personal growth consultation
  • Learn dance combos
  • ​Final Recital (December either Online or In-Person)
The purpose of the Squads is to challenge each student and their individual growth by giving them the materials, techniques, and classes they need to take actionable steps towards their personal artistic goals and career goals. Students leave their classes feeling empowered, inspired and ready to take on bigger challenges with confidence. 

This is the class for any musical theatre lover who is ready to take their skills to the next level.
This class is for young actors who are looking to explore Acting for Stage and Screen. Our goal is to give our students the skills they need to take on any script! Beginner and experienced actors will receive great training and have an incredible time mastering their craft and exploring the art of acting with their friends. Students will learn how to analyze text, how to create a character, and how to use these skills to work from an open, vulnerable space. Students will reach the next level and experience growth as actors, ready to take on the next challenge. 


Providing the west GTA with quality teaching and services since 2012, Innovative Arts is passionate about changing the way actors see the world. Learning the Art of Authenticity is a requirement to compete in the film industry, and the effects it has on youth are positively life-changing.

Zoom Classes or In-Person
Students will meet for 2 hour sessions each week. During the class, they will start with a check-in to discuss new ideas, challenges, and questions, then the interactive lesson will begin with a new focus each class. 

Each student will work on a scene picked specifically for them with a partner in the class. They will have semi-private scene coaching every week alongside exercises that help build their understanding of text analysis, play, tactics/actions, framing and environment. 
Active Listening
Emotional Recall
Physical Relaxation
Breath Support
Behaviour Analysis
On-Camera Technique
Getting an Agent
Booking a Job
Character Development
Story Arc
These essential skills and knowledge will prepare actors (should they so choose) to pursue professional opportunities when they are ready.
Academic - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
International School of Music - Live Online Music Lessons
International School of Music

Begin Your Musical Journey with Personalized Virtual Music Lessons Today!

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced student, the International School of Music instructors are here to help you learn your favorite instrument via distance learning from the comfort of your home!

From a virtual drum to a sing-a-long class–there are options for all ages and levels taught by our fantastic faculty. We offer virtual music lessons in piano, guitar, voice, violin, drums, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, cello and more. Our nurturing and patient instructors will customize lessons to your goals and teach you the music YOU want to play! It’s easy to set up through your computer, tablet, or smartphone, and our staff is happy to help!

Private Online Music Lessons
Our fun, convenient, engaging and personalized online music lessons help students bring structure into students’ lives, while building confidence, concentration, and self-expression that last beyond the music lessons!

From jazz, rock, pop to big band and classical, you can learn it all with online lessons. So, play your favorite instrument or sing your heart out without even having to leave your house! Try a risk-free online music lesson today!

At the International School of Music, we offer live online music lessons as part of our distance learning program in the following instruments:

• Online Piano Lessons: Online Keyboard Lessons and Virtual Piano Classes
• Online String Lessons: Online Violin Lessons, Online Fiddle Lessons, Online Viola Lessons, Online Cello Lessons, Online Bass Lessons
• Online Guitar Lessons: Online Acoustic Guitar Lessons, Online Electric Guitar Lessons, Online Ukulele Lessons, Online Banjo Lessons, Online Bass Guitar Lessons, Online Mandolin Lessons
• Online Voice Lessons: Online Voice Singing Classes, Virtual Classical Voice Lessons, Virtual Broadway Lessons, Online Jazz Singing Classes, Online Pop Singing Classes, Online Rock Singing Lessons, Online Folk Singing Lessons
• Online Percussion Lessons: Virtual Drum Classes, Online Hand Percussion classes, Virtual Symphonic mallet classes
• Online Woodwind Lessons: Online Flute Lessons, Online Recorder Classes, Online Piccolo lessons, Online Clarinet Lessons, Online Saxophone Lessons, Online Bassoon Classes
• Online Brass Lessons: Online Trombone Lessons, Online French Horn Classes, Online Tuba Lessons, Online Euphonium Classes, Online Trumpet Lessons
• Online Music Theory Classes: Online music theory Lessons, Online ABRSM theory Classes, Online composition classes, Online song writing classes, Online improvisation classes

Starting Live Online Music Lessons is Easy:
Email us at or call us at 301-365-5888 or you can text us!

Schedule your lesson: We’ll help you schedule your lessons with the best instructor at the most convenient time for you.

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Jazzle Lessons Online! Lesson 2: Jazz with Ms. Jay
Jazzle Dance Studio

Take Jazzle dance lessons online for free!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Jazzle Dance Lessons ONLINE!
Jazzle Dance Studio

Take an intro to ballet combo class with Ms. Lily!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Yoga Classes Online

Yoga gives you unbelievable power, by providing the calm you need
Include yoga in daily routine to Have a balance of perfect body and calm soul
Learn yoga classes online at Koachme
The course curriculum of Yoga contains various yogic postures and asanas.
Also; the focus is laid on breathing techniques which play a vital role in mastering asanas.

These yoga sessions are to help everyone -

increase flexibility;
breathing awareness;
and stress management.
Pranayama session focused on breathing awareness, Improved memory, focus, concentration, and meditation.
Sukshma Vyayama helps to relieve stress in joints, improve breathing, and reduce stress.
This program is a wonderful opportunity to learn four ancient and powerful practices that bring forth tremendous support to the system.

Best skills to learn online

Do you want to get 'High' with Rare Art Forms? This festive season, give yourself creative moksha with beautiful art forms of Mandala, Madhubani, Warli, Doodles, Zentangle, and Watercolour illustrations.
Experience taste of the rich culture of India and explore the exclusivity of these beautiful rare art forms.
Mandala : Roma D
Warli Art: Rama Gupta
Madhubani: Kavita Das
Be ready to immerse yourself in the magic of creativity with
Zentangle Art: Rama Gupta
Doodle Art: Mamta Singh
Mamta Singh
Aditi Shukla
Watercolor illustrations: Pavani Kotrike

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
online hobby classes for kids

We Offer Live Interactive Online Hobby Classes for Yoga, Dance, Zumba, Chess, Acting, Rare Arts, Poetry, Engineering Modelling, Modern Arts, and many more..
Come Join KoachMe to Explore & Discover the Uniqueness Inside You!
Hit The Follow Button & Stay Connected with Koachme!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Leap of Joié- Digital Dance Classes
Leap of Joié - website no lnger works- fb lat touched 2021-mm12-24-24

Leap of Joié Digital Dance Curriculum offers a diverse dance curriculum built for dancers of all ages taught by world-renowned choreographers. There are various levels available for both novice and trained dancers. Choose the best level for your little dancer and advance as you see fit. This curriculum includes but is not limited to: Ballet, jazz, modern, tap, hip hop. This program was designed to bring the dance studio to you. One class or all classes, it is all available right here.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Lonestar Dance Class- Online Dance Classes
Lonestar Dance Center

As a new way of connecting with dancers across the country, we are offering a one-time month long membership for new dancers interested in trying dance class. This is a risk-free opportunity for your dancers ages 2-6 to participate in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, & Acro classes from the comfort of your home while supporting a good cause! No registration fees, no cancelation policy, and siblings are welcome to jump in on the fun. You'll have access to follow-along dance classes, a family stretch classes, and parent playlists with resources you can use to entertain your little dancers while they are at home.

Early Elementary School
Short Piano Lessons for young students
Marsha Medley, Piano Plus

Three short piano lessons to get your child started learning piano  These are samples of what occurs in the first lessons for a young beginner, ages 4.5 to 6 years old.  Enjoy!

Early Elementary School
Seedfolks Learning Guide
Metro Theater Company

Metro Theater Company - Interactive Learning Guide for "Seedfolks"

Metro Theater Company, St. Louis’ premier professional theater for youth and families and St. Louis’ third-oldest professional theater company, continues its 22/23 50th Anniversary Season with "Seedfolks," adapted from the favorite middle school book by Newbery Medal-winning author Paul Fleischman.

MTC presents "Seedfolks" live at the Grandel Theatre October 9 – November 6. A virtual streaming option is also available October 19 – November 6 at Tickets are $20-$36 and available through MetroTix. "Seedfolks" is 60 minutes with no intermission and recommend for ages 9 and up.

Educators, parents, guardians, and caregivers, please enjoy our Interactive Learning Guide. It's filled with activities and conversation starters that can be used before or after your visit to the theater. Whether you are an educator, parent, or caregiver, the materials inside have been curated to extend the experience with this show. More at 

Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, Drum or Bass Lessons
Mike Weidenfeller, Music Teacher

Zoom/Skype Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, Drum and Bass Lessons Great prices, discounts for siblings, high quality musical instruction for all ages, all levels and all styles of music. Treat yourself and your kids to the gift of music

Mike Weidenfeller has been an active member of the New England music community for over 20 years, teaching and performing as a soloist and in bands on guitar, piano, bass, drums and organ.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Theater Classed with Milford Arts Council
Milford Arts Council

Enjoy a brand new slate of online offerings in art, film, movement, writing, music, and theatre

There’s something for all ages, all tastes, all skill levels

Take one, take a few, take all!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School

MoonSchool at 42nd Street Moon offers high-level musical theatre training to students of all ages in a safe, trusting and fun environment! Through year round technique and performance-based classes for kids, teens, and adults, MoonSchool is able to share the joy and magic of musical theatre with students across the Bay Area and beyond, supporting the artists of today and developing the artists and audiences of the future. Our talented team of teaching artists bring professional experience to their classes and curriculum, drawing from diverse backgrounds and specialties to bring out the very best in each student no matter their skill level.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Christmas Shorts On-Line!

As Mrs. Claus prepares for Christmas by getting Santa’s lucky boxer shorts ready, a series of Christmas-themed scenes unfold, from a sports segment featuring the 845th annual Reindeer Games, to a holiday quiz show featuring Scrooge, Tiny Tim, and the Ghost of Christmas Future.  Mrs. Claus once again comes to the rescue when the elves rip Santa’s gift bag, and a segment from North Pole News features touching moments highlighting the spirit of the season.  In between short scenes with two to six players are a handful of monologues that round out the fun.  All scenes can easily be rehearsed and staged remotely!

Tuition: $125 - once you are registered you are in the show

Limited to 15 participants

Grades 2-12

Director: Tina Crandall-Gommel

October 27-December 18: Tuesdays 6-8pm via Zoom

Performance via LiveStream December 11 at 7pm

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Music Beyond Measure Studios - Virtual Online Lessons
Music Beyond Measure Studios - Durham, NC

Music Beyond Measure Studios is happily offering Private Online Music Lessons to all ages via Zoom, Skype, Face Time, Duo, and Meets (Vocals, Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Woodwinds, Brass)! Contact us for a FREE Trial Lesson, no obligation.

$30/per 30-minutes ($120/month).

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Music Rhapsody Classes
Music Rhapsody - Redondo Beach , CA

All classes are in session! Check out the schedule below, then join us for a complimentary visit or sign up TODAY! Classes, including our Simply Music Piano Classes run year-round and can be started at any time. Please contact us at with any questions. 


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Lessons and classes, in-person and virtual - Music Room - Buffalo
Music Room - Buffalo

We currently have in-person music lessons and virtual lessons. We are about to launch a series of general and specialized music classes for all ages geared towards homeschooled students and students looking for some remote co-curriculars in the performing arts.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Music Speaks, Music Therapy Services
Music Speaks, Music Therapy Services

Live virtual music therapy sessions promoting movement, relaxation, listening skills & more.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Musical Munchkins with Miss Andrea virtual classes
Musical Munchkins

Virtual online interactive music classes for toddlers and preschoolers with green screen technology , musical story boards , puppets, dance, Instruments, and so much fun with caregiver offered weekdays and weekends with recorded video of class with monthly subscription.

Musikgarten Bellaire
Musikgarten Bellaire

Join Musikgarten Bellaire for online music classes that are active, joyful and developmentally appropriate for your child. Fun and uplifting, music is especially therapeutic during these unique and challenging times.

Early Elementary School
Nashville Ballet - Nashville Ballet Virtual and On-Demand Classes Available
Nashville Ballet


Real Time Zoom Classes with Level-Specific Reoccurring Schedule

Zoom Chats (2–3 p.m.) on subjects including Dance History, Injury Prevention, and other related topics.

Instagram Live Classes Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. CST

On-Demand Classes for Students

We have both free classes and are charging for enrollment. Various pricing at different levels of programs available.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Visit Our Channel for Performing Arts Videos
Nine O'Clock Players Theatre for Children

The “Magical Theatre Experience”

a video series designed to support remote learning in the area of language arts and performing arts. 

Content includes:

  • Videos of live performances with hosted interactive segments that engage children to think critically about what they see.
  • Original, behind-the-scenes content on aspects of theatre production such as costumes, makeup, acting, choreography, set design, sound and lighting.

The “Magical Theatre Experience” is offered at no cost to interested teachers and parents.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
NTPA Starcatchers
North Texas Performing Arts – Dallas, Plano, Frisco, Fairview, Southlake

The Starcatchers program is designed specifically for children and adults with special needs. In this program, students are given opportunities to shine through drama, music, dance, and visual art. These opportunities range from large theatre productions to intimate art classes and further the development of social, communication, motor, and cognitive skills.

Not only can a student’s involvement in the arts strongly impact these areas of his or her life, but it can also have an impact on the community. What makes the Starcatchers program unique is not just the work with children and adults with special needs, but its relational approach to the work. Each student is paired with a trained intern, who assists their development through rehearsals and shadows them during performances. In addition to fostering personal confidence and creativity, the Starcatchers work to foster collective compassion and empathy. There are no disabilities in making art.

Questions? Email 


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Classes and performance opportunities for ages 3 - 20
Oddfellows Playhouse

Registration is now open for Fall classes and performance opportunities at Oddfellows Playhouse in Middletown.

Fall 2021 at Oddfellows Playhouse in Middletown holds an array of programs for students ages 3-20. Programs will run from September 20 - December 9th. Our in-person, socially distanced, covid-safe programs feature crafts, circus arts, dance, theater, acting, juggling, acrofit, contortion, and a mainstage performance! All classes will be held in the Oddfellows Playhouse theater. For details, and more information, go to, call (860) 347-6143, or email

 All classes will have tuition of 200$ unless otherwise noted and all classes Monday-Thursday have the option to add on our Oddbridge after school program for 50$.


The fun starts on Saturday Sept 18th with “Welcome to Circus” for ages 3-5 and “Circus 1” for ages 6-8. Both classes will be led by Maegan Fuller. 

“Circrobatics I” offers participants the chance to have a blast tumbling and playing with scarves, ribbons, and other fun pieces of circus equipment for an exciting introduction to circus. These classes will run every Saturday from 10-10:45am. Tuition is $200. 

“Circrobatics II” gives participants the chance to have fun discovering their inner clown while learning how to manipulate different pieces of circus equipment including; flower sticks, diabolo, juggling, poi, and more! Classes run on Saturdays from 11am-12pm. Tuition is $200. 


AGES 6-8

Musical Mentoring

A partnership between Oddfellows and Wesleyan University’s student-run Cardinal Kids, this class provides individual music mentoring with a Wesleyan music student. The lessons are tailored to fit the individual needs of different learners, and the mentors will work closely with their students to develop their musical skills and stimulate interest. Available topics include voice, keyboard, guitar and violin. Class time: Mondays 430-530 beginning 9/20/21

Hip Hop Dance

Class time: Mondays 430-530 beginning 9/20/21

Circus I

Juggling, plate spinning, hula hooping and more! Class time: Tuesdays 430-530 beginning 9/21/21

Fairy Tale Theater

A theatrical exploration of the Fairy Tale world, featuring characters and stories from your favorite fairy tales.  Class time: Wednesdays 430-530 beginning 9/22/21

Story Theater from Around the World

Students will use theater games and skills to explore tales and fables from different parts of the world. We can discover how people from all over the world answered questions like: How did birds get their colorful wings? Or, Why do turtles have shells? And many more! Class time: Thursdays 430-530 beginning 9/23/21




AGES 9-11

Circus II

Juggling, plate spinning, hula hooping and more! Mondays 430-530 beginning 9/20/21

Tom Sawyer Mini-Production

Students will explore the classic story “Tom Sawyer” and put an original spin on this age old “getting in and MOSTLY out of trouble” tale. Through theater games and character work we will use our own creativity along with scripts to create a unique re-telling of Mark Twain’s well-known coming of age story.
Tuesdays 430-545 beginning 9/21/21

Musical Mentoring

A partnership between Oddfellows and Wesleyan University’s student-run Cardinal Kids, this class provides individual music mentoring with a Wesleyan music student. The lessons are tailored to fit the individual needs of different learners, and the mentors will work closely with their students to develop their musical skills and stimulate interest. Available topics include voice, keyboard, guitar and violin. Wednesdays 430-530 beginning 9/22/21

Theater Improv

Learn the art of play in the world of theatre through improvisation - making it up as you go along! Enhance your listening, communication skills and confidence while giving your imagination a supportive space to thrive in as you make new friends and have fun.
Wednesdays 430-530 beginning 9/22/21

Hip Hop Dance

Thursdays 430-530 beginning 9/23/21 *Ages 9-14*

AGES 11-20


Acting and Scene Study

Develop skills and techniques that will enhance your creativity, strengthen your communication skills and foster new friendships. Nurture and magnify your inner gifts and natural talents by working with partners on scenes from classic and contemporary theater.
Mondays 4:30-6pm beginning 9/20/21

Circophony Teen Circus

Students are invited to join one or both days where they will practice and learn both solo skills and build a repertoire as an ensemble. Monday with Allison McDermott will focus on Tumbling, Mini-trampoline and Equilibristics (Unicycles, rolling globe, rola bola, spools, trick bikes).

Tuesday with Naja Muller and Allison McDermott will focus on Partner Acrobatics, Contortion, Juggling and Prop Manipulation. Fall Training is a great way to prepare for Circophony's Winter Main Stage show.

Get a second day of Circophony for a discounted rate. Simply "add on" in registration! (Additional day only 150$!)

Mondays & Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm beginning 9/20/21
*Ages 12-20*

The Art of Being an Artist

Creating a piece of art is one thing. What to do with it next is another. Come learn what it’s like to live the life of a visual artist from beginning to end in this mixed media art class for 7th & 8th grade students. The sole requirement for this class is that you must have a passion for creating art. Students will be exposed to various types of mediums and techniques including painting, mask making, weaving, beading, stenciling and more. They will also learn how to prepare their work for exhibition and how to market oneself as an artist. Class will conclude with an exhibition of student work.
Tuesdays 4:30-5:45pm beginning 9/21/21

Introduction to Shakespeare

An introduction to the characters, stories and language of Shakespeare's plays, culminating in short scene performances.
Wednesdays 4:30-6pm beginning 9/22/21

Hip Hop Dance

Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm beginning 9/23/21
*Ages 9 - 14*


The Teen Repertory Company is Oddfellows' senior performance ensemble, open to all young people ages 14 - 20. The Teen Rep generally stages two main stage productions every year (one in the fall, one in the spring) and focuses on classes, special projects and a New Plays Festival during the winter. The Teen Rep Company provides adventurous teens with performance opportunities not always available in the public schools - original work, ensemble-created projects, classics from various cultures, and theater for social justice. All teens are invited to audition, and everyone who commits to the rehearsal and production schedule is cast. There is a tuition charge to join the Teen Repertory Company, but financial aid is available for all families who need it.

Young people ages 13 - 20 can audition for our Teen Repertory Company on September 15 & 16, 6:30-9pm. Tuition is 300$

Rehearsals will be two evenings per week beginning the week of September 20 and our mainstage performances will be on November 11 - 13 & 19 - 20. Anyone interested in auditioning, or wanting more information, should contact the Playhouse at or call (860) 347-6143


For more information, or to register for any of the above classes, auditions or events, go to, email, or call (860) 347-6143. Financial aid is available for all tuition-based programs; it is Playhouse policy never to turn anyone away because of inability to pay.


Oddfellows Playhouse productions, classes and special events are made possible with the generous support of the Connecticut Office of the Arts/DECD; Middletown Commission on the Arts; The Fund for Greater Hartford; American Savings Foundation; State of Connecticut Judicial Branch (Youth Violence Prevention); Middletown Youth Services Bureau; Thomas J. Atkins Memorial Trust Fund; Middlesex United Way; CHEFA Cultural Relief Grant; New England Foundation for the Arts New England Arts Resilience Fund; Community Foundation of Middlesex County; Stare Family Fund; Evan Boyd Knoll Memorial Circus Fund; Community Development Block Grant; and many generous individual donors.


Spring classes and performance opportunities for kids range from circus, play writing and acting for teens to classes and performances for younger kids. Go to for more info.

Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Music lessons
Ontario College of Music

We are currently hostin on-line and virtual music classes for all instruments.

Please contact us for complete information on this valuable and successful resource

can work for you or your family.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Pegasus Early Music- Online Voice Lessons!
Pegasus Early Music

Have a little performer in your home? Now offering online voice, piano, and music theory lessons available for all ages over zoom! This is a perfect time to bring a bit of music into your home, and no prior experience needed - see for more information

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Jam Survival Skills Workshop
PineCone - Piedmont Council of Traditional Music

In this online workshop designed for youth musicians, dynamic duo Sam Stage & Jef Walter will walk participants through how to survive your first jam!

Jam Survival Skill: Staying Alive at Your First Jam

Taking that first step isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Going to a real jam can seem like a far cry from learning tunes in your bedroom, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But never fear, Sam and Jef are here! With these simple tools and tricks, you’ll be fully armed and ready to go as soon as your local jam is safely up and running again.

Jam Survival Skill: Sounding Like a Pro on a Song You’ve Never Heard

Whether you’re a veteran improviser or a newcomer to the land of jamming, it’s always a little scary when someone calls a song you don’t know... Until now! Hone your ears and fingers for maximum adaptability and learn how to pick up songs on the spot with Sam and Jef in this intermediate workshop. With enough practice, you’ll hear the chords coming from miles away.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Random Farms Kids' Theater: Virtual Voice Lessons and Acting Coaching
Random Farms Kids' Theater

The theater training ground for Broadway's youngest stars is now available to your child at home! Virtual private voice lessons or acting coaching is an excellent way to expand repertoir and improve technique from the comfort and safety of your home.  We have an incredible roster of teachers who will work with students to custom-tailor their experience to align with their goals and expectations. Recommended for ages 8-18. 

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Not Another One! A Play For Peace
Saint Louis Story Stitchers

“If you’re searching for a way to ignite productive and meaningful discussion and dialogue about gun violence, race, and social justice among teens, this is a treasure trove!”

— Sherry Norfolk, Kennedy Center National Teaching Artist, Author

NOT ANOTHER ONE! is a multi-year signature project addressing gun violence through music, documentary videos, books, and scripts collected and edited from 2015 to 2021 by over 100 artists. Music, curriculum, and coordinating items are available.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Middle School
High School
San Antonio Arts Academy- Online Lessons
San Antonio Arts Academy

During this "stay at home" time,  San Antonio Arts Academy is offering online lessons, master classes and workshops. Students can take virtual, one-on-one music instruction from the comfort of their homes. Through our classes, students now meet and study with their music instructor using Zoom video conferencing to continue to take advantage of what The Academy has to offer.  Take classes now to be ready for our Band Camp!  Classes in:  Guitar, Drums, Bass, Ukulele, Keyboard and Singing.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Saratoga Performing Arts Center- SPAC Learning Library
Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC)

Online video lessons and activities designed to help you stay creative at home!
Video classes include SPAC Breaks, Stories That Move, Kitchen Floor Dance Class, and Virtual Dance Lab. Plus, printable SPAC-tivities to keep kids engaged and learning. Great for kids of all ages.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Back to School Courses with SLOC!
Schenectady Light Opera Company (SLOC)



Back to School Courses with SLOC (Schenectady Light Opera Company)! As part of our 94th season, we are offering new and innovative content/events to our SLOC and wider community! With this “Back to School” series, volunteer instructors will be providing 6 weeks of 1+ hour classes in the topic of their specialty. Dance, performance, zen doodling, cooking, and more. Students can register via the link or by calling 518-730-7370 option 1 to speak to Jeffrey. 

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
Virtual Training Series
School of Nashville Ballet


Ages 8-18

This 3-week series invites students to train with our esteemed School of Nashville Ballet Faculty on a live virtual platform. 

Our curriculum prepares dancers for their return to the studio by focusing on conditioning, technical basics, and spatially conscious center work. Beginner through Advanced levels are available

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Children's Classes
School of Nashville Ballet


AGES 2–7 

Tiny dancers will learn from a carefully designed syllabus made with a focus on the student's cognitive development, motor skills, and a lifelong love of movement.

Stuffed animals and imaginary friends are welcome to watch as your little artist enjoys School of Nashville Ballet's popular classes like Dance with Me, Creative Movement, and Pre-Ballet from the safety of your own living room or play room!

Early Elementary School
School of Rock Frisco - Remote Lessons
School of Rock - Frisco

School of Rock Frisco is offering online remote music classes for students ages 4-104! We teach electric guitar, electric bass, drums, piano, and singing. Our trained, background-checked instructors are now offering lessons and Master Classes via Zoom!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
School of Rock Kingwood
School of Rock Kingwood


Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
School of Rock San Antonio: In person lessons for guitar, bass guitar, drums, vocals and keyboards
School of Rock San Antonio


School of Rock Performance-Based Music Programs Rock Socializing— With Social Distancing

Kids have been inspired in the School of Rock community for the last 8 and half years, learning music by playing music– together. Through programs designed for all skill levels, students go from lessons and rehearsal to performance– developing confidence, talent and teamwork skills along the way. Students, ages 7 to 18 engage in a private, one-on-one lesson. Those weekly lessons come with a bonus: the chance to be a rock star. Once enrolled, students become part of a band as well, and play in a socially distanced rehearsal each week. Bands are determined by skill level and age. They practice together for a season (about 4 months) and then play a show. This unique approach allows students to use what they learn from their teacher in the real-world setting of a band, comprised of their peers. They learn to rock on stage and in life.

School of Rock community members also have access to our one-of-a-kind, fully integrated Method app. The App provides an enhanced learning experience and reinforced practice schedule. Parents and students know what should be worked on and progress can be tracked.

Programs—Something For All Ages


Ages 5-7. Fun musical activities and hands-on experience with guitar, bass, drums, keyboards and singing, so they can discover which instrument interests them most.

Rock 101

Ages 7-12. Your budding rock star applies music fundamentals learned in their private lessons to playing in a band. Rock 101 is a fun, low stress environment where basics are mastered while playing songs with other kids.

Junior Performance

Ages 9-12.  Upon completing Rock 101, your young rocker learns harmonies, musicianship and much more about performing as a band.


Ages 12-18. For beginner to advanced players. With several show themes each season, your team will excel from one level to the next– all while playing music they love.

Rock 101, Junior Performance and Performance Programs include a weekly private lesson and weekly band rehearsals.

Just how safe is School of Rock San Antonio? Click on the following link to take a personalized virtual tour and find out!

Virtual Safety Tour of School of Rock San Antonio

Give us a call today to schedule your in-person tour and free trial lesson: 210.314.7671.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Sky Studios: Online Music Lessons (via Zoom)
Sky Studios

To continue to provide enrichment during COVID-19, Sky Studios, a music lessons studio based in Nashville, is taking our music studio online! We are offering live music lessons via Zoom with some of Music City's best instructors. Though we normally only offer in-person music lessons to our local community, in response to the crisis, we are offering online lessons to anyone in the country who would like to take this time to learn an instrument. This will be offered at least through April 6, possibly longer depending on the guidelines at that time.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Classes at SkyStone!
SkyStone Conservatory of the Arts
At SkyStone, we believe that classes in the arts are a wonderful way to connect, grow, learn, and create lifelong friendships. All our classes are available online and are interactive, taught by experienced instructors. Registration is open and ongoing--give us a call at 314-800-5999 for more information on our arts education programs in dance, theater, and visual arts. SkyStone’s professional faculty is dedicated to making your child’s arts experience valuable and memorable.
Join us at SkyStone Conservatory of the Arts for the 2020-2021 season! 
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
SkyStone Conservatory of the Arts - SkyStone Virtual Classes
SkyStone Conservatory of the Arts
If you are not a regular SkyStone student and are interested in taking a dance or art class with us during this time of social distancing, contact us at and we will send you the link for classes and payment options. If you cannot pay because of the many jobs being lost, but you have a child that wants to dance or take art, do not hesitate to reach out.
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Classes for Ages 3-17
Stages Theatre Company

Stages Theatre Company is an all-access pass to theatre arts education! Our programs are designed to meet the needs of any young person, organization, or school looking to deepen their knowledge of theatre, discover its integration into other subject matters, and develop personal confidence and self-expression.

We are dedicated to creating a space where diverse opinions, courageous dialogue, and local, national, and international community engagement is not only valued, but vital to our shared artistic and educational success. We make this pledge in hope of curating a welcoming home for all.

INSPIRE the Imagination
DEVELOP Performance Skills
BUILD Confidence
FOSTER Creative Expressions


Our year round education programs are tailored for children and youth of all ages

Creative Play Academy

School Break Workshops

Acting Conservatory

CAST - Youth with ASD

Stages at your School

First Job in the Arts

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Studio Z Performing Arts Conservatory - Online Masterclasses
Studio Z Performing Arts Conservatory
LIVE video chat lessons with Broadway and other theatre Industry Professionals. Work one-on-one in weekly private lessons or take a 7-week group lesson.
Middle School
High School
Pen to Play
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

In this class students will create, write, and perform a short play. Utilizing techniques
employed by classroom educators, students will learn story structure as they conceptualize and
craft their scripts. Constructive feedback is provided in a safe and supportive environment and
students will be encouraged to learn the constructive feedback style to empower themselves
and fellow actors. Once scripts are finalized, students will then learn about casting for their
play, as well as some basic directing techniques to bring their script to life. There will be
rehearsals, and when appropriate, discussions regarding costumes and sets. In addition to the
work done in class, there will also be weekly assignments related to the task at hand.

Oct.3 - Oct.24 | 4 Sessions

12:00pm-1:30pm MT | SATURDAYS


Academic - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Improv 101 Kids Edition
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Young actors will learn basic improv techniques designed to improve focus, creativity, and overall confidence.


2:00-3:30pm MT | SATURDAYS


Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Stand Up Comedy Kids
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Kids will have a laugh a minute in this acting class! They'll learn joke structure and construction, how to turn your funny ideas and stories into tightly written comedy material. They'll also learn how to find their unique comedy voice and stage persona, as well as work on comedic timing.


2:30-3:25pm MT | FRIDAYS


Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Learning POD Enrichment With House Calls Online
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

You can have online classes with your buddies! Talk to the Camera will provide engaging hands-on video and filmmaking classes for a small group of your choosing in a safe, healthy, comfortable learning environment.

- Similar to in-person classes, our online house calls allow you to customize your program to meet your needs.
- Our instructors will meet you on Zoom, and you can hold camps in different houses, together in your home, or why not take turns hosting in a different house each day!

1 hour, 1 day/week for 4 weeks (Can request additional time) 

Minimum 4, Max - Up to you!

Ages 6-16

STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Stranger Things TV
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Young filmmakers work together in a STEAM-based LIVE interactive, learning experience to make their own version of the Stranger Things TV Show! Students set up, act in, and film their scenes - following instruction time with a seasoned professional. Kids are expected to use their own devices to film clips, and are asked to share their footage-- so our editors can make TV magic! Kids get creative, build their critical thinking skills and gain a sense of ownership.  

* Swann Christopher, professional acting coach, actor and independent filmmaker.

STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
YOUth TUBEr Plus+
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Using a STEAM-based LIVE interactive learning experience, students embrace their individuality, develop their own creative content and learn editing skills. Students are taught with an awareness of online safety. We do not set up YouTube Channels during this class, but we do educate children on how to create content to share on YouTube or another platform.

Class Minimum - 4

Sept.9-30 | 4 Sessions

3:00-3:55pm MT | Wednesdays


STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Intro to Editing, Animation and More!
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Did you ever wonder how movies get put together or how they create those awesome special effects? In this course, students will learn how to work in depth with iMovie and/or WeVideo editing software. The students will learn the basic skills to edit their projects, such as; cutting, editing on action, special effects, green screen, working on a timeline, importing and exporting footage, and so much more! This hands-on editing class will walk students through the software start to finish and finally answer the question, How did they make that action sequence with explosions look so cool? *Instructor Daniel Buono – Filmmaker, Producer & Teaching Artist – Has worked on Showtime, HBO, Netflix and PBS documentaries.

*You will need to have iMovie (MAC only) downloaded, or WeVideo set up on your device prior to class. 

WeVideo is browser based and can be accessed on any type of computer. There is a sign-up fee, but 30-day free trials are available.

Sept.3 - 24 | 4 sessions

5:30-6:25pm | Thursdays


STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
YOUth TUBEr Maxxed Out!
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Have a youtube channel but want more viewers? Don’t have a youtube channel and want one? This class is for you. We will be going over a multitude of topics, in depth, to create a fantastic, well produced and thought out Youtube channel. Some course topics will include Pranks/Challenges, Gaming, Traveling, Comedy, Music and more. We will teach your student the in’s and out’s of all those topics and more!

Class Minimum - 4

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Stop Motion Advanced
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

In this course, we will create multiple stop motion films from the imaginations of students. If you already know the basics of stop motion, then this class is built for you. We will take the knowledge you already have of building sets and stories and make sure to create action packed and fun films students can share with the family or have for a portfolio of artwork.


STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Intro to Stop Motion
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Be the director and animator of your very own stop motion animation film! Through our interactive LIVE learning-- Using Legos, drawings or stuffed animals, students learn to build, film and create their very own stop motion movie on their own devices. Our instructor will guide students through ZOOM distance learning to create a story, build a set and create characters in your very own home!  *Instructor Daniel Buono – Filmmaker, Producer & Teaching Artist – Has worked on Showtime, HBO, Netflix and PBS documentaries.

Class Minimum - 4

*Students will use their own device to film clips and edit their project while using the Stop Motion Studio App!!

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Talk to the Camera - Online Classes
Talk to the Camera, LLC - Golden, Co

Our VIRTUAL ACADEMY is now open! We have created lots of Distance Learning options that will keep your kiddos minds active and engaged...from afar!! ONLINE LIVE CLASSES

We're taking our award winning video and movie-making classes to the virtual realm! And they’re free until APRIL 13th! Our classes include; Potter World Movie Magic, YOUth TUBEr Plus+, Stop Motion, News Broadcast, Alien Invasion Movie Magic. FREE ACTIVITIES CAM’s CORNER activities - These ON DEMAND videos will have your kids excited for online learning! Your pal CAM will bring you new activities each week. FREE WEBINARS

KIDS CLASS ACT Webinar Series - Our FREE webinars are hosted by our cast of real-life actors, filmmakers, editors, animators and writers who will share their passions, skills, and fun tidbits. 1/2 hour daily, Mon-Fri. There’s something for kids of all ages!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Tenn Little Birds- Online Music Classes
Tenn Little Birds

With Music Together® Online, the teachers you know and love from Tenn Little Birds will bring music class to your living room. Like all our classes, the program is designed to teach the way young children learn: through play! Your whole family will have a blast singing, dancing, and jamming along to songs during weekly live online/interactive classes. Try a class for FREE! And once enrolled, you will receive digital family resources, including recordings and bonus activities through our award-winning Hello Everybody app, plus a hard-copy songbook, will inspire you to make music all day.

Musical Theatre Classes for Youth
TES Theatre Company

Musical Theatre Classes!

Ages 5 - 20

Students participate in every aspect of the theatrical process, from production to performance. Through professional mentorship, students pitch the plays, hold auditions, design sets and costume, direct, choreograph, and handle special effects and lighting, all in a supportive and inclusive creative environment

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Atlanta School of Musical Arts- Online Music Lessons
The Atlanta School of Musical Arts

We offer guitar lessons, piano lessons, as well as music lessons for all of these popular instruments:

Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Classical Guitar, Piano, Electric Keyboard, Voice Singing, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Drum set, Bass, Saxophone and Trumpet year round. We also offer lessons for Songwriting, Music Production and Home Recording to the advanced students.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
2021 Common Tunes
The Center for Irish Music

Here, you’ll find the 2021 collection of CIM Common Tunes (25 tunes arranged into 13 sets)! We recommend listening to the fast tracks many times, and then playing along with the slow tracks to learn the notes. The sheet music and chords are provided as an aid in learning, but things like pickup notes, transitions, and endings sometimes cause small discrepencies in how we choose to simply write out the tune, so we recommend using the 'dots' as a tool, but not a definitive source. You can download the list of tunes here. We hope you enjoy this collection, and be sure to check out the archive for more! 

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Company Acting Studio- Online Acting classes
The Company Acting Studio

Classes for Teens and Adults- 

High School
Acting, Singing, Dancing: The Institute For The Performing Arts
The Institute For The Performing Arts

The Institute For The Performing Arts (TIFTPA) is a creative and educational hub for Music, Theatre, Dance and Musical Theatre and our unique Application & Audition Preparation Program. Courses are available online and safely in-person, both in private and class settings. Our programs allow for exploration, creating and training, individually and collaboratively while fostering a community of exceptional creative performing artists.

We train enthusiasts, pre-professionals and professionals in our innovative and engaging programs.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
TIFTPA's Music Theory Course
The Institute For The Performing Arts

As part of our belief system of what makes a great musician, studying theory is an important factor to that notion.

Our curriculum is designed to meet the standards of The Royal Conservatory (RCM) and Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM). Students can study privately or as a group. The courses address:

  • Theory Rudiments (Western Music & Jazz)

  • History

  • Harmony & Counterpoint

For those seeking a theory crash course to address the contemporary music standards, we have also scholarly engineered a special theory syllabus to address this need.

High School
TIFTPA's Vocal Lessons
The Institute For The Performing Arts

Learn the foundational techniques to hone your voice, while finding YOUR sound through the study of many styles.

Our experienced teachers will teach you how to sing healthily anything from Classical, Opera to Jazz, Contemporary and Musical Theatre using the appropriate techniques and associated stylistic nuances.

Based on an initial consultation, a personalized lesson plan will be designed to meet your needs while addressing the areas of Vocal Technique, Vocal Health & Care, Vocal Repertoire & Performance, Aural & Musicianship Skills, Improvisation, and Stylistic Nuances (as it pertains to the desired style(s) chosen to study).

Depending on the stream you choose, you will enroll in other complementary courses to meet the standards of that stream.

Middle School
High School
TIFTPA's Acting For Film & TV (Pre-Professional Youth)
The Institute For The Performing Arts

This online class is geared to the students Grades 9-12, who are ready to take their on-camera work to the next level. You will learn acting techniques for film and television, while exploring scene study, preparing for auditions and developing approaches to monologue work.

Character analysis and both individual and group exercises will help students develop their unique talents for camera work. Understanding the concepts of good storytelling for the camera, the actor’s physicality and properly using the camera frame will be addressed.

Class work will be recorded, viewed, and critiqued.

This program will help further develop the necessary skills needed to succeed in acting and each term will have different content.

High School
TIFTPA's Acting For Film & TV
The Institute For The Performing Arts

In this virtual class for grades 4-8 & 6-10, you will learn on-camera acting techniques, while exploring scene study, acting for TV commercials, preparing for auditions and techniques on how to approach monologue work. Character development, improvisation and group exercises will help students discover their unique talents.

Understanding the concepts of good storytelling for the camera and properly using the camera frame will be addressed. Class work will be recorded, viewed, and critiqued.

This program will stimulate the imagination and help develop the necessary skills needed to succeed in acting and on-camera performance and presentations. Each term will have different content.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
TIFTPA's Intro To Acting For Adults
The Institute For The Performing Arts

Explore and develop your acting techniques in a supportive and non-threatening environment. In this online class, you will learn about improvisation, character development, script work and how to approach monologues.

You will also learn basic presentation techniques, like learning how to relax and keep nerves in check, incorporate proper breathing for strong vocal support and develop good physical communication.

While the class is perfect for the complete beginner, it would also be great for those with some previous experience, who haven’t acted in a while. All you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to participate in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

This program will help develop the necessary skills needed to succeed in acting and each term will have different content.

TIFTPA's Intro To Acting (Youth)
The Institute For The Performing Arts

In this virtual program for grades 2-4 or 4-8, you will be introduced to many acting skills like improvisation, character-building, scene study, creative movement and vocal work - all in a fun and supportive environment.

The class will be led through many exciting and skill-building games and exercises that are perfect for the actor who loves the stage. On camera techniques will also be addressed so that students can begin to understand the different approaches to their craft.

This program will stimulate the imagination and help develop the necessary skills needed to succeed in acting and each term will have different content.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
TIFTPA's Application & Audition Preparation Program
The Institute For The Performing Arts

A highly specialized and individualized program that guides students and parents through the intense and often confusing process of applying to performing arts programs. This cutting-edge program caters to each student’s goals and objectives in achieving entry to their school of choice.

One-on-one consultation and mentoring will be provided in career counselling, the best school selection, each school’s entry requirements, application and essay writing, referral letters, repertoire selection, interview tactics, portfolio creation (photos, performance CV, pre-screening tapes), performance and audition techniques and finally mock auditions. Upon consultation, a set number of private coaching sessions in their discipline will be decided, to ensure students achieve their full performance potential in auditions.

This program is designed for the actor, musician (vocalist/instrumentalist), dancer or musical theatre performer applying to a post-secondary program or performing arts-based high school.

Though we cannot guarantee acceptance into their desired schools, we can assure that by the completion of this program, students will be audition ready, performing at their best. 

Middle School
High School
TIFTPA's Pre-Professional Musical Theatre Program
The Institute For The Performing Arts

The Pre-Professional Musical Theatre Program is a progressive and advanced, conservatory-style curriculum with entry by audition only.

It is designed to provide rigorous musical theatre training, firmly rooted in the belief that the up-and-coming performer must be well-rounded and strong in acting, singing, dance, movement, voice, emotional recall, spoken word to song transitions, theory, history – all while understanding the human condition and human behaviour. Essentially, we strive to mentor and inspire personal growth in our young performers, with skills and benefits that far exceed the stage.

Designed for the young, pre-professional actor, with strong skills in singing and the desire to work on all aspects of musical theatre, the syllabus combines current contemporary techniques with performance approaches of the masters. By completing this innovative program, students will have acquired a competitive edge to apply to the best musical theatre tertiary-level programs or audition and compete in the professional industry. With their honed skills, they will be prepared to withstand the vigorous journey ahead of them in their careers.

With focused and individualized, guidance and support, the Pre-Professional Musical Theatre Program will allow students to gain a better understanding of strengths and areas needing growth and improvement in their craft. At the end of each semester, students will be assessed and provided with a detailed report outlining the year’s progress and next steps.


High School
TIFTPA's Musical Theatre Online Classes For Kids & Teens
The Institute For The Performing Arts

Virtual musical theatre classews will help you further develop performance skills in a supportive environment. You will learn all about musicals and what it takes to perform in one.

Plenty of individual attention will be provided as you work on scenes and songs from famous Broadway musicals, as well as develop some of your own work. Using improvisation, drama exercises, vocal and movement studies and script work, you will gain further confidence as a musical theatre performer.

A final musical theatre performance will be recorded on Zoom for all to enjoy.

Programs for Grades 3-6 & Grades 7-12.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Legacy Theatre- Online Theater Classes
The Legacy Theatre - Tyrone, GA

Offering Classes in Musical Theatre, Acting, Improv, Dance, & Voice

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Michael Edwards Music Studio - Online private Music instruction
The Michael Edwards Music Studio

Weekly private music lessons from your computer to mine. Most instruments, all ages: String, woodwind, keyboard, and brass

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Music classes for young children with The Music Class
The Music Class

Bring the joy of music into your home. The Music Class now offers fun, developmental, interactive music classes online. Led by inspiring music teachers, you and your child will be swept into playful singing & dancing, together with other classmates, in a virtual studio. For children from birth to age five.

Early Elementary School
Paul Green Rock Academy- Private Guitar and Bass Guitar Lessons
The Paul Green Rock Academy

For the first time ever, master teacher Paul Green will offer guitar and bass guitar lessons to students NOT enrolled in year-round Rock Academy. Social distancing is bringing you increased access! Paul has been teaching music for the past 25+ years. He is the original founder of School or Rock, but has moved on to create his dream school - Paul Green Rock Academy. Each 30 minute lesson is $50. For scheduling:

Middle School
High School
The Phoenix Theatre Company - Giggle, Wiggle, Dance!
The Phoenix Theatre Company

We all need time to get out our giggles and wiggles! Join our teaching artist for 55 minutes of silly dance fun to your favorite songs.

May 19, May 21, June 8, June 12, June 15, June 19, June 22, June 26, June 29, July 3

$15 for one class

Early Elementary School
The Play Group Theatre - Virtual Improv Classes
The Play Group Theatre

IMPROV online YES! We're moving PGT Improv online... AND balancing our computers on a parade of pink elephants... Why not? It's Improv! Immerse yourself in the fun, unpredictable, and wild world of Improv this month! Ages 11+ May Wednesdays at 6pm $75 all May sessions! $20 single session Enroll today at

$20 per class, $75 all May sessions

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Purple Box Theater - Online Classes
The Purple Box Theater

Until we can returning our Theater we are conducting all classes Online via Live on Zoom and Videos.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Young Dancers at Home
The School of Toronto Dance Theatre

The School of Toronto Dance Theatre is offering a new extended version of their virtual Young Dancers' ProgramYoung Dancers at Home is a program consisting of two sessions per month, which includes a live-streamed video to dance along with, and a LIVE Zoom class with our instructors.

These sessions are designed for a wide range of ages (3-17). During the live-streamed videos, students will have the opportunity to ask instructors questions and offer comments via live chat. During our LIVE Zoom classes, dancers will be led by one of our instructors, through movement that is based on the previous live-streamed video. Students will be able to see their instructors, and if they wish, they can also be seen by them!

Creativity, spontaneity, musicality, and learning new techniques are at the heart of each offering. All classes will also include improvisational curiosities and playfulness inspired by wonders found in the natural world, and close at hand.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Vanaver Caravan - Online Dance Classes
The Vanaver Caravan

Our new motto: when we can’t go out into the world, we bring the world to our homes! We are now offering online classes at a suggested donation of $10-$20. Previously registered students dance free!

How do you join a class? Anyone who wants to join a class, may join! No registration required. Make sure you have the free Zoom App downloaded on your device. Sign in 5 minutes before just to work out any tech issues. Stay muted unless prompted by your teacher.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Theatre of the Imagination Online Offerings
Theatre of the Imagination

We offer great drama & dance classes and performances for kids ages 4 and up. We now offer Online Drama Classes and Online Birthday Parties.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Tightrope Youth & Teen Improv Classes
Tightrope Impro Theatre

In this virtual course students will learn the foundations of improv through various games and exercises to help build their confidence and team cooperation superpowers! We will focus on positivity and imagination to create playful improvised stories with unforgettable characters. Through these safe spaces students will be encouraged to take risks, say YES, and have fun.

Hosted online Mondays Sept 14 - November 9 9:30 am - 10:30 am or 4 pm - 5 pm

175 CAD

In this virtual course students will learn the foundations of improv through various games and exercises. We will focus on embracing failure, being positive, and working to inspire our partners to create strong spontaneous improvised comedy. Teens will also receive feedback in this safe and encouraging environment, and learn cooperation skills to be able to share the stage with their peers.

8 week course every Friday Sept 16 - November 4 4 pm - 5:30 pm

250 CAD

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tilles Center For The Performing Arts - New York
Tilles Center For The Performing Arts - New York

Tilles Center offers a variety of virtual and live after-school & weekend programs to help your child explore their creativity, develop skills and experience the joy of performing!

Our instructors are professionals who have performed around the world on stage, in film and on television.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Piano, Voice, Guitar & Drum Lessons
Toronto Arts Academy

Looking for piano, voice, guitar or drum lessons? After speaking with our families, we have decided to reopen the physical locations of our Academies on Tuesday September 8th for OPTIONAL IN-PERSON LESSONS. You can learn more about what we're doing to keep our schools clean and as safe as possible here:

No matter what you decide, we've got you covered. Allow us to keep your kids busy and having fun with our award-winning music teachers and staff! Learn more about Toronto’s premier music school Toronto Arts Academy!

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Total Kids Magic Academy
Total Kids Magic / Foam Diego - San Diego , CA

Total Kids Magic School combines Magic and Fun!  We offer several different magic class formats, incorporating important life skills and topics such as STEAM & more.  Magic builds confidence, self esteem & more.


Total Kids Magic offers several different online magic classes and camps for kids age 7-12.  Two options are available – LIVE classes via a secure Zoom class (15 maximum students) or at your child’s own pace with our “Magic on the Go” course, which is all the same Discover Magic material and access to the videos to learn magic on their schedule (no personal instruction).  Please note that we teach Purple, Green, Orange and Blue Wand courses and each course is unique with different tricks and curriculum.  If a child completes one color wand course, they may take another to learn even more magic!  Click here to see more information on the different color wand courses.

Just imagine watching your child become excited to learn magic tricks and then show off their new skills to you.   Plus, each magic trick reinforces a critical life skill that goes way beyond the magic.

For LIVE classes:  Before we start, a staff member from Total Kids Magic will personally deliver all the supplies needed (Deliveries for San Diego County only.  All others will be mailed via USPS Priority Mail or FEDEX).  Please make sure you reserve in time for materials to arrive.

Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Treehouse Museum Channel on Youtube
Treehouse Children's Museum

Join us for Music, Art, Dance, Movement, Literacy, Preschool Readiness and more! It's Treehouse at Your House!

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Twinkling Toes Dance- Atlanta- Online Ballet Classes
Twinkling Toes
Do you have a toddler at home with boundless energy and in need of a fun activity? We are excited to announce TTD is now offering online dance classes geared towards children 3-5 year olds.  
Twinkling Toes is an outstanding early childhood program that provides dance classes to pre-school age children.  We believe that this is the perfect time for children to explore the world of dance through balance, stretching and coordination activities. We want to foster an environment that encourages artistic freedom and self expression. Our goal is to brighten a child’s day by waking the brain and body up with lively dance music and creative play.

Pre Ballet Program 3-5
This program is designed as an interactive introduction to dance and body movement set to fun and engaging music.
The class structure will consist of a warm up and stretches on the floor. Next the dancers will move to across the floor portion of the class. This will consist of basic movements such as tip toe, skips, marches ect.  We will incorporate the use of props to help develop fine motor skills such as scarves, ribbons and wands. Each class we will provide an opportunity for the children to use their imaginations by asking them to dance like different animals or grow like a flower or use different emotions like sad or happy to express themselves.

Enrollment Options 
One 30 minute class per week $25/mo
Two 30 minute classes per week $45/mo
Call or email for schedule

Early Elementary School
Unbreakable Art Performing Arts Reimagined Virt-u-Arts for Older Kids, Teens & Adults of All levels
Unbreakable Art foundation

Performing Arts Reimagined !

Unbreakable Art offers classes and Professional coaching in Acting, Voice, Oratory Presentation, Creative Movement and Hip-Hop Fitness. We have launched our VIRT-U-ARTS Portal which offers a full slate of Online Artistic Offerings for Kids, Teens and Adults of all levels. Registration is continuously open. We also offer a Virtual Family Improv Night (like the show Who's Line Is It Anyway?) One of our dynamic coaches will lead you and your family through a ZOOM evening of some of the funniest Improv exercises, scenes and games from the comfort of your living room! This is a BLAST! What A great Family Break from Netflix and Video Games! Book Your Family Improv Night On Our Website.

Unbreakable Art also offers SOCIALLY DISTANCED OUTDOOR FAMILY HIP HOP FITNESS both as small (to ensure health and safety guidelines) PUBLIC Pop-Up Events and as PRIVATE Fitness PODS where we will send one of our Hip-Hop coaches to your OUTDOOR location! So get small a group of your family & Friends together and lets Safely GET MOVING.
Note: Social Distance Guidelines must be observed and Masks must be worn.

Unbreakable Art has so much to offer and in these trying times, we are thrilled to offer creative, fun and inspiring safe alternatives to keep you and your family Artistically engaged.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Middle School
High School
Fall Performing Arts Classes at Valey Youth Theatre
Valley Youth Theatre

Whether your child is looking for a place to start, or is already a seasoned performer, VYT’s classes are fun, engaging, and will foster a passion for acting, dance, musical theatre, storytelling, improvisation, and more. Classes are designed to develop a young performer’s stage presence while teaching life skills, enriching self-esteem, building confidence and communication, and creating an ensemble and community of VYT family.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
KIDSTAGE Audition Basics & Resources
Village Theatre

KIDSTAGE has prepared an Auditions Basic & Resources page. Here you can find help on how to create a successful video audition, recommended songs and monologues for auditions with accompaniment tracks, and more.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Arts Instruction for Homeschool Pods
Walltown Children's Theatre - Durham, NC

Walltown Children’s Theatre has a 20-year history of providing exemplary performing arts instruction for diverse youth ages 4-18.  Your homeschool pod curriculum can be enhanced by our excellent staff and proven arts programming in a virtual environment.  Choose Pod Instruction in Acting, Singing or Creative Writing.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Lessons for Guitar, Bass or Ukulele
Warren Lessons

Our lesson program is without equal and we have the track record to back it up. In person or online, Warren Lessons has helped people reach thier goals, from learning songs for personal pleasure or preparing to achieve a college sholarship to any music program. Our music camps and lesson program has been on top of its craft for nearly twenty years. We love what we do and it is felt in every lesson.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Music Lessons: In Person and Online
We Rock Charlotte

Play music with us! Check out our website for pricing, events, and booking.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
President's Day Weekend Circus Camp, February Break
Westchester Circus Arts
AERIAL ARTS WEEKEND Students with experience, ages 8+
Get ready for an amazing high-flying weekend in the beautiful Harvey School Theater. This intensive weekend is designed for aerial enthusiasts. Focus will be on new skills, sequences, drops, and transitions on a variety of aerial apparatuses. 
CIRCUS SAMPLER WEEKEND All experience levels, ages 5+
For anyone who has ever dreamed of joining the circus. Participants will sample a variety of circus arts including juggling, acrobatics, aerial, prop manipulation, tightwire and more.
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Join in on the Fun with our Theatre Programs!
Wolf Performing Arts Center

Our non-profit organization provides a safe community for young performers to develop confidence, character, and creativity. Through professionally staged productions, private lessonsclasses, and Summer Theatre Camp with experienced teaching artists and our programs specifically created to inspire reach, access, and diversity, Wolf Performing Arts Center puts our children center stage. Each year, thousands of people come through our doors, perform on our stages, or see our productions. With your generous support, Wolf PAC will continue to grow. Your dedication to the arts keeps our doors open and our dreams alive.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
YES! Youth Enrichment Services - Virtual Dance Classes
YES! Youth Enrichment Services

VIRTUAL format dance classes like Creative Movement, Hip Hop Dance and more offer fun, exciting and interactive ways for kids to learn and stay active during the school day at home! Twice Weekly at Various Times based on class selection.

$79 Monthly

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Title Description Cost
Family Cooking Class Series - Global Noodle Culture

Take a tasty family culinary journey to explore the noodle cultures of Italy, Japan, Morocco, Peru, Russia and the U.S. during this series of weekly six hour long interactive classes presented by acclaimed caterer Great Performances and respected nonprofit The Sylvia Center, dedicated to teaching young people the connection between food and health. For each class - every Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m., Feb. 18 thru March 25 - the chef instructor, specially trained by The Sylvia Center to work with a wide range of ages and skill levels, will go through the step-by-step preparation of a noodle dish and address a specific cooking technique or food related topic. To assure constructive interactivity, the number of Zoom seats for each classis limited; although participants may have as many children and adults in their kitchens as they like. Each class can be considered a standalone and registered for individually. For schedule see:

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Chef It Up 2 Go Online Kids Cooking Classes
Chef It Up 2 Go

Chef It Up 2 Go Offers Fun online cooking tutorials for kids and families.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
BAKE350 - Virtual Classes
Closed site is gone & Facebook hasn't been updated since 2020 5/6/24 AC - Bake 350 - Baking with Katie & Lizzy

Bake350 offers live, online workshops that build baking skills one class at a time. The workshops will be hosted through Zoom by Lizzy and Katie, and we will take you through every recipe step-by-step to ensure baking success! Our classes are fun, interactive, and will leave your kids feeling confident in the kitchen!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Afternoon Enrichment with COOK! Programs
COOK! Programs

One 2-hour class per week
A 15-minute, one-on-one call with the chef each week (optional)
Recipes and shopping lists
Cooking activities for the week


September 21 - October 28, 2020 - Cooking 1: The Journey Begins
November 9 - December 14, 2020 - Cooking 2: The Seeker’s Quest
January 4 - February 10, 2021 - Cooking 3: World Explorer 1
February 22 - March 29, 2021 - Cooking 4: World Explorer 2
April 12 - May 17, 2021 - Cooking 5: Sharing the Abundance

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Cooking Class: Super Heroes/ Super Food
Cooking Round The World

Tuesdays, Nov 10 – Dec 15,  from 3:30 – 5 PST (No class Nov 24)

Your child will not need super human powers to cook delicious dishes featured in Marvel and DC comics from Hulk to Green Lantern to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and more! Each class includes a trivia game, and a comic story.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Online Cooking Class: Harry Potter
Cooking Round The World

Tuesdays, Oct 6 – Nov 3, from 3:30 - 5 PST

From Oreo owl cookies, to bat blood with worms soup, to immortal pizza mummies, students will enjoy Hogwarts culinary delights! Each class includes a trivia game, and a Harry Potter recap story.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Online Cooking Class: A Plate of Pixar
Cooking Round The World

Thursdays, Sept 3 – Oct 1, from 3:30 – 5 PST

Ratatouille, Incredibles, Toy Story, Brave, Zootopia…. Each class session will cook a dish from a different Pixar movie. Each class includes a trivia game, and a Pixar story.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Asynchronous Cooking Classes
Cooking Round The World

We offer three groups of 10 international cooking classes that are pre-recorded (30 different classes altogether). Each class contains 1 recipe, a cooking demonstration, folktale and slide show.  Cost for a package of 10 classes is $75/child.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School

FREE Online Cooking class
Strawberry Shortcake - June 19
Homemade Ice-Cream - June 26

Great for kids ages 6-12. More weekly classes, virtual online cooking camps and FREE classes in the summer!

Academic - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
English and Spanish language cooking classes and parties!
Events by Collette

Ages 4+ ….yes get the children in the kitchen! Children’s education at home can begin in the kitchen.

Cook gourmet gluten free, dairy intolerant, and nightshade intolerant in the comfort of your own kitchen, classroom, party or place of work.

We speak English and Espanol.

We prepare the same recipe simultaneously. Tell us your interests and we provide the recipe.

Ask questions about food allergies and food alternatives to fats, dairy, and sugars, also vegan options.  

Do not forget to have fun cooking and we are not liable for any lost fingers or toes while cutting!

New to cooking with us? First class is always Free!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Taste Buds Kitchen - Free At-Home Cooking Club
Taste Buds Kitchen - Leawood

At-Home Cooking Club
Stay tuned for a new cooking video releasing every Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm EST made with simple ingredients you hopefully already have in your pantry. Sign up is FREE.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Seasoned Chef Cooking School - Online Cooking Classes
The Seasoned Chef Cooking School


Science - STEM - General
Middle School
High School
Tiny Chefs - Tiny Chefs Club & After-School Enrichment
Tiny Chefs

Are you looking for online activities that your kids will literally eat up? Do you want screen time that is healthy? The Tiny Chefs and Teen Chefs Cooking Club provide unlimited access to on-demand cooking classes, recipes, activities, and more!

Enjoy YUMMY virtual after-school activities with Tiny Chefs online Zoom cooking enrichment classes. Choose from 5 or 10-week enrichment programs with themes like Savory Enchiladas & Sweet Tacos or Cupcake Wars 2.0!

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Arts / crafts
Title Description Cost
Inspiration Fine Arts - Free Online Arts Classes for All!

Inspiration Fine Arts is currently hosting free online art classes! You can find a link to the classes on our website or our YouTube. We offer dance, art, theatre, music, and photography classes that you can follow and enjoy from the comfort of your own home!

With offerings for a wide range of levels, abilities, and age groups, we are sure that you will find the right class to feel challenged and engaged. Feel free to follow along with your child or just watch it yourself!

Find the link to our classes on our website and feel free to donate as well, we are a non-profit led by students.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
NSP Studio- Demystifying Your DSLR Camera | NSP Academy

Introducing our first online course - Demystifying your DSLR Camera! Designed to help beginners, intermediates, and ANYONE who is looking for a better understanding of how to use their camera!

Academic - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
High School
Virtual School Programs
Art Gallery of Ontario

Art anywhere, at school or at home! Join us for our Virtual School Programs, happening daily, Monday to Friday via Zoom. 

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Nature as Muse | Ages 6-7
Art Students League of Denver

Nature is both all around us and deep within us. In this mixed media course, Nature will be our inspiration and trees, leaves, sticks, stones, flowers will be our art objet. Kids are going to explore this natural world through art. A combination of observation, movements and visual art in different forms to kids explore their creative talents and express their relationship with nature.

Taught by Adriana Rondon. Saturdays from 9:30-11:30am beginning 10/17.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Voyage Under the Sea | Ages 6-7
Art Students League of Denver

Study the shapes of cartoon fish and other creatures of the sea. Learn to draw an underwater world. Then, recreate your sea creatures by cutting shapes and patterns from colorful papers, and pasting them together. On the final day, we will bring our underwater worlds to life with an Under the Sea party, wearing masks that we made in class!

Taught by Karmen Franklin. Saturday & Sunday 10/10 & 10/11 from 10:30am-12:30pm. 

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Creative Self Portraits | Ages 6-7
Art Students League of Denver

In this mixed media course, we will focus in the fun and creative aspect of the Non-Traditional self portraits to kids tell visual stories about themselves. From Expressive, Pop and Symbolic creations, to Collages and Abstract, kids are going to explore and recreate what makes them unique, while develop fine motor, observation and focusing skills.

Taught by Adriana Rondon. Saturdays from 9:30-11:30am beginning 9/5

Visual arts / crafts
High School
Virtual Teen Studio | Ages 14-17
Art Students League of Denver

Over the last 10 years, Teen Studio Night, held every Friday night and available to teens ages 14–17, has become a staple in Denver for teens looking for their creative community.

Now virtually through Zoom, Teen Studio Night offers participating teens access to professional art instruction and guidance, demonstrations, as well as open conversations about art while they work independently on projects of their choosing. Teen Studio Night fosters a unique community of like-minded peers and the instructors Karl and Z, bring a range of artistic experiences to the class aimed to enrich and expand creative horizons. Let’s art!

Taught by Karl Poulson & Ashley 'Z' Farrell. Fridays from 6:30-9pm beginning on 9/4

Visual arts / crafts
High School
Canvas & Cookies | Ages 8-10
Art Students League of Denver

Join me for a weekend art class from your own home studio! Each week we will learn basic acrylic painting techniques along with a fun theme. I will share cookie recipes to make at home or students can eat their own snack while painting. Some techniques include color mixing, blending, layering, dabbing/stippling, dripping, scumbling (swirling), and sgraffito (scratching into the surface).

Taught by Bethany Conrad. Saturdays from 10-11am beginning on 10/24.

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Canvas & Cookies | Ages 6-7
Art Students League of Denver

Join me for an afterschool art class from your own home studio! Each week we will learn basic acrylic painting techniques along with a fun theme. I will share cookie recipes to make at home or students can eat their own snack while painting. Some techniques include color mixing, blending, layering, dabbing/stippling, dripping, scumbling (swirling), and sgraffito (scratching into the surface).

Taught by Bethany Conrad. Fridays from 4:30-5:30pm beginning on 9/4.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Art Students League of Denver- ASLD Virtual Programming
Art Students League of Denver

We are offering a mix of live demos/activities via Zoom, Instagram TV, and Youtube. They are all fine arts related and are intended for viewers to follow along at home and continue their art practices as we practice physical distancing.

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Art Time - Free online art classes
Art Time
Free online art classes for elementary children using materials on hand. Such activities include video instructions on art projects, warm-up exercises, arts & crafts, art making, process art etc.
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Expressive Arts Workshops
Art Works! Studio LLC

The process of creating and expressing one’s self and shaping an artistic work can fuel physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Art helps resolve conflicts and problems, develops interpersonal skills, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases self­ awareness. We explore themes related to self-care, mindfulness, community connection, and social justice in our expressive art sessions using various materials and modalities. Join us for a Saturday Expressive Arts Open Studio, online theme-based workshops, or special events. We also serve homeschool groups and provide mindful pARTies. 

Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Middle School
High School
Personal Art Lessons for students aged 4 to 101 years old
Art Works! Studio LLC
  • Receive customized, one-on-one instruction or small, online art classes by our expert artists and certified teachers and allow us to nurture your creative spirit.
  • We will teach you a unique balance of artistic techniques while discovering the freedom of your authentic self-expression.
  • We recognize the potential in each one of our students. With our individualized approach, we’ve students’ self-esteem and skill set consistently rise.
  • We love what we do and it makes us happy to be able to share our passion with others.
  • We serve typical and atypical -neuro populations.
  • Students can schedule a Private, Semi-Private, or Small Group Lesson. We also offer private painting parties for adults and children ages 5 and up.
  • Choose from ceramic, painting & drawing, mixed media, art history, and sculpture projects.
  • We practice school house philosophy (we all can learn together and support each other) and can accommodate large age ranges within the same group.
  • 60 or 90 minutes, or 2 hour sessions are available.
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Arts in CT Corporation: Online Arts Classes
Arts in CT Corporation

Creating and customizing online arts classes for kids of all ages! Everyone deserves a break and some creative fun. Arts is in all forms from Music, Art, Theater, Dance, Arts and Crafts and Edible Arts!

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Summer - Fall Home Holistic Questionnaire for special needs children ages 6-12
Auttie World, Inc.


During the Covid 19 protocols, we have implemented thru Zoom, VIRTUAL Holistic Art Camps July and August (Saturdays only).  Here is the LINK to apply. 


Please fill out the online Survey Monkey Holistic Questionnaire

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Avenue Road Arts School - Virtual Art Classes - From Our House To Yours
Avenue Road Arts School

We are thrilled to offer online virtual classes for kids, adults and arts enthusiasts alike! Check out our roster of virtual (Zoom) art classes for adults, teens and kids.

Led by our Avenue Road Arts School faculty members, you will engage with other art students, work on your own art from the comfort of your own home, and receive direction and guidance from a professional artist and educator!

With offerings for a wide range of levels, abilities and age groups, we are sure that you will find the right class to feel challenged and engaged. Classes are strictly limited in size to ensure plenty of individual attention.

So - come and experience From Our House to Yours, exercise your creativity and ignite your imagination!


Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Bach to Rock Nanuet - Virtual Music Lessons and Classes
Bach to Rock Nanuet

Bach to Rock Nanuet is offering virtual private lessons and group band lessons for students who have an instrument at home. We are using Zoom, a free video conferencing service that can easily be installed on your laptop, tablet, or any mobile device. For ages 5+. We are also giving DJ and Music Production lessons online.

Our virtual lessons use today's music to motivate learning - just like at our school. And they're a great way to break up the stay-at-home doldrums by providing connection, learning and after-lesson practice strategies!

Give us a call at 845-215-9536 or email and we will be happy to get you started!

$43 per 30 minute lesson

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Ongoing Drawing and Painting Lessons Online
Beth Brown Art & Design Studio

Learn to draw and paint in the comfort of your own home! Beth Brown Art & Design Studio offers weekly online lessons held on Zoom. For adults, teens, and preteens. Figurative to abstract. Beginners welcome!

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Create Your Ideal Exhibition
Buffalo AKG Art Museum (formerly Albright-Knox Gallery)

Hervé Tullet: Shape and Color is the largest exhibition of work by this artist, performer, and beloved children’s book author ever assembled. Tullet has created a visual language of simple yet joyous and inviting lines and shapes in primary colors that can be found throughout his installations and more than eighty publications. Serious art comes from joy. Follow along with Hervé’s instructions to make your own artworks inspired by his. Have fun!

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Learn to Knit! with Locust Street Art
Buffalo Locust Street Art Classes

Multi-Day Class!Jan. 30th, Feb. 6th, Feb. 13th Time:10 -11pm Over the course of 3 classes you will learn all the basics of knitting including cast on, knit stitch, purl stitch, and bind off. This cotton dishcloth is a quick and easy knit. It is simple, symmetrical, and the two stockinette bands at each end mimic a traditional dishcloth, hence the name ‘Copycat Dishcloth’. Learn once and you can make it again and again!

Middle School
High School
Educator Resources (For Families and Teachers)
Burchfield Penney Art Center

Check out our educator resources on our website!


Check out even more educator and at-home artmaking resources on our YouTube Channel!

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Camp Fashionista
Camp Fashionista

Take your first steps into the exciting world of fashion design! Camp Fashionista is a unique design school for children and young adults founded by Dori Gladden in 2010. Camps and classes at Camp Fashionista provide basics in sewing and fashion illustration, allowing budding designers to take their first steps in the exciting world of fashion design! 

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE After School Kids Cartoon Club
Cartoon Art Museum

The Cartoon Art Museum invites you to be part of a pilot program for our After School Kids Cartoon Club ONLINE!

You can apply to sign up for specific MONTHLY sessions or all 4 months for the whole SEASON.

# of SESSIONS: 4
September (4 weeks), October (4 weeks), November (3 weeks), & December (3 weeks)

TIME per SESSION: 3.5 hours (210min) 2:30-6pm Pacific timezone

LOCATION: ONLINE (links will be sent after confirmation of payment received)

# of PARTICIPANTS: 10/day

AGE RANGE: 6-12 (1st - 7th Grade)

The only supplies needed are a computer or device to log in and an internet connection, something to draw with and something to draw on.
Supplies are not provided by the Cartoon Art Museum, but instructors may demonstrate various supplies used for cartooning. This helps for students to see how everyone creates using their own favorite tools and encourages them to explore what they have access to. While confirming your child's participation the museum may recommend digital and physical low or no cost tools.

Participants will not be looking at their screens for 3.5 hours at a time. Breaks and independent work time where students have access to working music and live help if needed will alternate during the timeframe. We teach participants stretches for avoiding repetitive stress injuries later on in life (just like we stretch before exercising).

We also practice 20/20/20, every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away (or farther) for at least 20 seconds to help prevent eye strain.

We understand that kids need to learn balancing screen time for essential personal health opportunities like socializing and being creative with physical health needs and teach practical science backed methods that will help them throughout their lifetime.

Kids can also arrive and leave as needed during After School Hours and you will have access to a regular schedule so you can make choices about what types of activities your child is most interested in attending.

CONTENT: Art Games, Reading, Writing & Visual Literacy, Tutoring (in group), Daily Projects , Illustration, Cartooning and Animation fundamentals.

Hand-eye coordination, prose and visual literacy, geometry, communication, introspection, examination, creative problem solving, critical thinking, social emotional learning and skill building.

Participants build visual literacy and storytelling skills. They will have space for emotional exploration through social emotional learning while gaining space and time to just draw and read comics as an outlet or enjoyment activity. Participants will build their art vocabulary and technique skill sets while being able to socialize and share with their peers.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
The Center for Puppetry Arts- Create a Puppet Workshop
Center for Puppetry Arts

Welcome to the online home of the Center for Puppetry Arts’ Create-A-Puppet Workshops™! Here you will find kits to create your very own puppet masterpieces based on the Center’s original puppet productions. We have individual and group kits available. All kits are single use, so please be sure to purchase a kit for each of your puppet builders when you make your purchase. All proceeds support the Center’s educational mission and programs.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Museum At Home
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
Our online projects were featured in USA Today!
We love introducing you to all kinds of activities in the Museum and MuseumLab, and love it even more when you keep the activities and creativity going at home. 
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Chuck Jones Center for Creativity - GOING VIRTUAL!
Chuck Jones Center for Creativity

During this stressful time it is our wish here at the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity to bring some creativity and fun into your extra full homes.  To that effect we bring you: CHUCK JONES ON YOUR PHONES & IN YOUR HOMES!
It’s the same Chuck Jones Center for Creativity you know and love online with LIVE CLASSES you can join or watch later, downloadable DIY projects and Chuck Jones Virtual Backgrounds.

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Clay Art Center Virtual Kids Classes via Zoom
Clay Art Center

Looking for something creative for your kids to do from the comfort of your home. Have them unplug with mud with Clay Art Center’s one-hour virtual clay classes for ages 7 to teen via Zoom. Their instructors will guide your child through a fun instructional clay project that they will create from supplies that are available at Clay Art Center (Port Chester, NY) curbside pick-up or through Amazon or Michael’s curbside pick-up. To register and to learn more about all of Clay Art Center’s virtual classes for youth visit their website

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Virtual Art Classes - Coral Springs Museum of Art
Coral Springs Museum of Art

Virtual art classes are now available! Explore a full schedule of art offerings open to children, teens, and adults. All classes range in skill level from beginner to advanced, where you can enjoy learning from professional teaching artists while having fun mastering your skills and techniques. Please access the Coral Springs Museum of Art’s website for class registration and additional information on offerings.

All classes run weekly for 6 weeks and range from $108 -$144

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Crafts Made by You

Is your Cricut still in the box or in a corner collecting dust? Feeling overwhelmed when you open Design Space?

Let Crafts Made by You help you get more comfortable with your machine. You will learn what each button on Design Space does and when to use it.

You will need a:
-A tablet or laptop (DS is not compatible with Chromebooks)
-Your Cricut Joy, Cricut Air, Cricut Explorer, or Cricut Maker
-A cutting mat compatible to your machine

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Cranbrook Art Museum

Follow us on Instagram for our “Mini-Maker Mondays!” Each Monday a new family art project will be posted.

Spark your family’s creativity with art-inspired activities for every day of the week! Share your finished work by tagging Cranbrook Art Museum on social media (#CREATEwithCAM) or email to We’d love to create a gallery of your creations!

An assortment of coloring pages are available for your personal use, designs will be updated periodically.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Custom Art Programs
CREATE Community Studios

C.R.E.A.T.E. can create custom programs for special events, homeschooling, team-building at work and more! Mindfulness, collage, watercolor, painting and more!

Visual arts / crafts
Anime Drawing 2 - Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Advance Anime/Manga Drawing Class

Cost: $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Anime Drawing Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Are you a fan of Japanese anime? If so, this is the class for you! Explore anime drawing in simple steps and develop your very own anime characters and stories! Anime art is a specialized field similar to cartoon drawing. Students will learn the essence of anime art and will recreate their favorite anime characters and design new ones.  Perfect for ages 8-15.

Watch Introductory Video


Cost- $70  (1Hr/weelk x 4 weeks)

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Cartoon Drawing 2 - Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Advance Cartoon Drawing Class.  

Students will learn the essence of western cartoon art and will recreate their favorite cartoon characters and design new ones.  Perfect for Ages 8 - 15.

Watch Sneak Preview here:


Cost: $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Cartoon Drawing Live Virtual Class
Creative Brain Learning

Cartoon Drawing Class 

Learn the secrets of cartoon drawing and create your very own cartoon story in this unique arts class. Students will learn to draw cartoon characters and other elements.  Students explore creating their very own story ideas and turn them into actual cartoon strips.  Perfect for ages 8-15. 

Watch Promo Video


Cost:  $70  (1Hr/week x 4 weeks)

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Traditional Drawing + Illustration for Teens | ONLINE
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For beginner Teens (9- 12 yrs)

Our longest running popular drawing class is ONLINE hosted live by a professional teaching artist. Perfect for beginner teens eager to learn the valuable skill of Drawing + Illustration! In this course we will focus on principle traditional drawing exercises using a combination of pencil, charcoal or inks These exercises help you learn how to see shape and form, value and hone observational skills.


Winter Schedule: January- March 2023

ONLINE Thursdays 4:45pm-6:45pm EST Time

Hosted by a Live Instructor Via Zoom

Sign Up Options:

Winter I 8 WK COURSE JAN 5- FEB 16

Winter II 5 WK COURSE MAR 2-30

  • Single Day Sign ups where available


Middle School
High School
How to Capture the Human Face on Canvas for Teens | ONLINE
Creatively Wild Art Studio


For beginner to intermediate Teens (12-17 yrs)

Develop confidence in painting the human face! The face is an exciting study but many students find it challenging and intimidating. In our class course, over a period of weeks you will be able to create fully realized portraits on canvas. This is a great class for observational skills, you are free to work from personal subject matter: photos and pictures of loved ones or faces of people you admire or who capture your imagination. This is an excellent class for students working on portfolios and thinking about a career in the visual arts who are building up a body of work or for beginners up to a challenge!

Winter Schedule: January- March 2023

ONLINE Tuesdays 4:45pm-6:45pm

Hosted by a Live Instructor Via Zoom

Sign Up Options:

Winter I 7 WK COURSE JAN 3-FEB 14

Winter II 5 WK COURSE FEB 28-MAR 28

Single Day Sign ups where available

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Private Art Lessons for small groups (2-6)
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For small groups up to 6, get tailored tuition and valuable feedback from a professional teaching artist delivered for your group from the comfort and safety of your own home. Keep up your art education during bad weather days, join from anywhere you’ve got a connection. Perfect for siblings, family and BFFs or work colleagues, team building events. Groups can join from different locations and connect and bond through creativity!

  • Available for all ages and levels in any media.

  • Choose your preferred date and time

  • We will get back to you within 24 hrs with a Zoom link to join your class. 

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Private Art lessons for individuals
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Perfect for students who want to work at their own pace or after school or for those working on a personal project or building a portfolio of work. Keep your art education up, get valuable feedback from a professional teaching artist from the comfort and safety of your own home. Perfect for those bad weather days. Join from anywhere you’ve got a connection.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Introduction to The Masters: Inspiration Art for Beginner Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Tweens 9-12 yrs

This is an awesome online after school art class for tweens. Every week we showcase a contemporary artist and examine their techniques, then we learn how to employ these values into our own work. Our professional teaching artist will demo a wide range of these techniques, along with professional tips and fun paint applications. Take inspiration from amazing artists from the past and present: Think like Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet or super cool modern New York artists like Basquiat or Keith Haring Pop Art! Work in still life, landscape or portraiture to put these techniques and applications to work. This is a great class for learning how to “free up” as you paint to express yourself and your own ideas, and you will walk away charged up with ideas for future artistic endeavors!

Meets ONLINE Tuesdays 3:45pm-5:45pm | 2 hr lesson

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

APRIL 5- 26 | 4 WKS

MAY 3- 31 | 5 WKS

  • PRORATED classes available where class has begun

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

TO JOIN YOUR ONLINE CLASS: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection. Please note prior registration is required, if you sign up last minute there might not be time to process your registration in time, we advise signing up in advance.

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Teen Intermediate Drawing + Painting
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Teens ages 14- 17yrs

Addicted to Art? If you don’t get enough time in school to work on personal projects or reach your artistic goals and you have a burning desire to create art- this online after school class is perfect for you. This class will offer students the opportunity to work on personal subject matter in the media of their own choice. The course will begin with preliminary drawing exercises to brush up on skills before moving on to more elaborate painting compositions. We will also explore a wide vocabulary of artistic genre before working on our paintings. Explore how to evoke mood, atmosphere, light & emotion into your compositions to create a more personal and unique style. Students are encouraged to use their own subject matter to give their work a more unique flavor. In a full class course we will work toward creating several finished paintings. The course will end with a critique on each student’s work to encourage and inspire future work. Returning students are welcome and encouraged and this is also a super class to take if you are working on a portfolio. Get the time and feedback you need from a seasoned professional teaching artist in the comfort of your own home. Join from anywhere you’ve got a connection.

Meets ONLINE Mondays 4:00pm-6:00pm | 2 hr lesson

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:



  • PRORATED classes available where class has begun

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

TO JOIN YOUR ONLINE CLASS: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection. Please note prior registration is required, if you sign up last minute there might not be time to process your registration in time, we advise signing up in advance.

  • All classes start & end as advertised.

Visual arts / crafts
High School
ONLINE Introduction to Painting for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Suitable for Kids 5 - 8yrs

Painting keeps young minds engaged & inspired, while encouraging creative development and awareness, and guaranteed to promote fine motor skills and develop self-confidence. This after school beginner painting class will introduce young keen artists to the basics. Learn how to set your subjects in cool backgrounds to create awesome compositions using light and texture. Classes will include demos in color mixing, brush applications & techniques the pros use. Each week we will choose subject matter & themes to work from, still life subjects and pictures, this will enable students to hone observational skills and encourage young minds to make their own creative choices all with nurturing guidance from a seasoned professional teaching artist, from the comfort and safety of your own home, or anywhere you’ve got a connection. During a full class course we will create multiple fully realized paintings based on our study and preliminary exercises. Perfect beginner course for budding artists.

ONLINE Mondays @ 3:00pm-4:30pm | 1. 5 hrs

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

  • MARCH 7- APRIL 18 | 7 WKS Discounted Class PKG

  • APRIL 25- MAY 23 * NO CLASS MAY 2 | 4 WKS Discounted Class PKG


  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

TO JOIN YOUR ONLINE CLASS: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection. Please note prior registration is required, if you sign up last minute there might not be time to process your registration in time, we advise signing up in advance.

  • All classes start & end as advertised.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
ONLINE Introduction to Drawing for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Kids ages 5 yrs- 8 yrs

Drawing is the most essential tool to have in the visual arts, the perfect starting point to every other media. If your child is interested in art, this is a great place to begin. Get set up with the essentials through a series of preliminary drawing exercises . Your instructor will provide demos in classic techniques for achieving proportion, perspective, shading using using still-life arrangements as studies. Students will work in a combination of pencil, charcoal, inks and colored pastels. The last class will end with a useful critique that will inspire future artistic adventures. This is a super beginners class and is also useful for those students who have taken a drawing class before but are keen to perfect and hone their skills.

Meets ONLINE Tuesdays @ 2:00pm-3:30pm | 1. 5 hrs

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

MARCH 1- APRIL 26 | 9 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

APRIL 31- MAY 31 | 6 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

Prorated classes available where class has begun

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

TO JOIN YOUR ONLINE CLASS: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection. Please note prior registration is required, if you sign up last minute there might not be time to process your registration in time, we advise signing up in advance.

  • All classes start & end as advertised.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
ONLINE Kids Creativity Break: Painting + Mixed Media Fun from 65.00
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Kids 5- 8 yrs

Our fun online Saturday morning creativity break is perfect for Kids who love to adventure into the world of art. Perfect for all levels, no judgement here, just creative fun in this inspiring and exploratory class. The class is designed to be more of a creative journey, where kids explore and learn observational skills and ways of seeing with a view to expressing themselves artistically and confidently. Kids can explore different media and can choose the media they like to work in the best. All our online classes are taught by seasoned professional teaching artists who offer encouraging feedback and encourage young minds to make personal choices to explore their own true self expression. Join us for a fun adventure and dive into lots of different media!

Meets ONLINE Saturdays @ 10:00 am- 11:30am

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

  • MARCH 5- 26 | 4 WKS Discounted Class PKG

  • APRIL 2-30 | 5 WKS Discounted Class PKG

  • MAY 7-28 | 4 WKS Discounted Class PKG

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

TO JOIN YOUR ONLINE CLASS: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection. Please note prior registration is required, if you sign up last minute there might not be time to process your registration in time, we advise signing up in advance.

  • All classes start & end as advertised.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Online Introduction to Comic Book Art for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Kids 5-8 yrs

For kids who are crazy about cartooning and comic book art, this class will serve as an essential learning point to the craft. Without using any words, learn how to tell your own stories with dynamic cartoon characters set in panel to panel scenes. We will demo exercises in line and form- how to construct distinctive facial features, eyes, hands, feet, hair, costumes and how to manipulate these elements to tell your story and make them pop! Design your own worlds and backgrounds for your characters to live in as you find your own distinct style. Study anatomical features (human/ animal or fantasy creatures), employ color and effects. Set your figures in action in their own fantasy worlds (mythical and futuristic universes) to create story and drama! Dive into your own fantasy story!

Meets ONLINE Thursdays @ 2:00pm-3:30pm | 1. 5 hrs

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

  • MARCH 3- APRIL 14 | 7 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

  • APRIL 21- MAY 26 | 6 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

  • Prorated classes available where class has begun

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

TO JOIN YOUR ONLINE CLASS: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection. Please note prior registration is required, if you sign up last minute there might not be time to process your registration in time, we advise signing up in advance.

  • All classes start & end as advertised.

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Art Portfolio Preparation for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Intermediate Teens 14 yrs-17 yrs

Teens, if you are working on a Portfolio for application to an arts program, this is a perfect class to build up some unique pieces and received guidance and advice from a seasoned professional tutor in the comfort of your own home, perfect for those who are home schooling or those who prefer virtual art classes. Create a unique portfolio of work, hone skills & techniques, and learn how to choose authentic personal subject matter to give your pieces a distinctive and unique flavor that will make your portfolio stand out from the rest. This class can be designed around the specifications outlined from the school you are applying for. Lessons can be tailored around each student’s individual portfolio requirements. Please have your college guidelines for your first lesson so you can discuss with your tutor , so plans & lessons can be planned in time for your application.We have had huge success with former students getting into prestigious schools like La Guardia.

Meets ONLINE Tuesdays 6:00pm-8:00pm | 2 hr lesson

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

MARCH 8- APRIL 26 | 8 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

APRIL 31- MAY 31 | 6 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

  • PRORATED classes available where class has begun

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

TO JOIN YOUR ONLINE CLASS: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection. Please note prior registration is required, if you sign up last minute there might not be time to process your registration in time, we advise signing up in advance.

  • All classes start & end as advertised.

Middle School
High School
Traditional Drawing + Illustration for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Tweens 9-12 yrs

This introductory class to the important skill of traditional drawing is one of our most popular online art classes for teens, and one of our longest running classes. In just a few short weeks- teens develop confidence working with sketches & devise strong compositions. Explore classical principle techniques for achieving accurate proportion & linear perspective. Develop line, form & tone in still-life arrangements using a combination of pencil, charcoal or inks. Practical exercises on how to draw using the right side of the brain, how to draw curves, use contour technique & straight line approximation technique, the essentials of drawing ellipses, drawing a cylinder, hemispheres & how to employ horizontal lines & vanishing points, & how to use cross contours to give your drawings a sense of volume and accuracy. Learn how to use the midpoint establishment to ensure the two major halves or your drawing are accurate- these classic traditional exercises help you learn how to see shape and form, honing your observational skills. In final weeks we will put together all the techniques to create more ambitious accurate finished drawings. Returning students are welcome and will be accommodated for.


Meets ONLINE Thursdays 4:00pm-6:00pm | 2 hr lesson

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

MARCH 3- APRIL 14 | 7 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

APRIL 21- MAY 26 | 6 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

  • PRORATED classes available where class has begun

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

Middle School
High School
Beginner Manga + Anime Art for Tweens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For ages 9 yrs- 12yrs

Get an inside look into the exciting world of Anime & Manga cartoon art and design. In this beginner course learn the essentials of capturing facial features & anatomy within the Manga, Anime tradition. Design unique characters- Human, Animal or Fantasy subjects and put them in dynamic poses and action. Lessons on figure drawing & proportion will be included in one or more of the various styles: Shonen, Seinen, Shojo, Josei or Kodomomuke. Create a Character Chart - with color palette for Skin/Hair/Eyes/Clothing, shading techniques in color for all Manga pens. Demos will be provided by you Manga Instructor in shading with manga markers & inking. The course will end with a critique on each student’s work guaranteed to charge you up for future artistic endeavors. Returning students are welcome and will be accommodated & techniques polished.

Meets ONLINE Saturdays @ 11:45am-1:45pm | 2 Hr Lesson

Spring Schedule Sign Up Options:

March 5- 26 | 4 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

April 2-30 | 5 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

May 7-28 | 4 WKS Discounted CLASS PKG

  • Single day classes offered depending on availability.

Middle School
High School
Beginner Still Life Study in Drawing + Painting
Creatively Wild Art Studio

For Adults ages 18 yrs + over

Did you love painting as a child, but put it to aside as life got in the way? Thinking about starting again? This is a super class to begin with, designed to encourage your curiosity and focus on your ideas. Studying still life subject matter helps hone observational skills and will teach you how to express yourself in a more personal way as you respond. Learn how to place your subject matter in different light or against textured or unusual backgrounds to compose dynamic scenes with drama. This course will begin with preliminary drawing sketches of your chosen subject matter to help you understand your composition and make changes before moving on to completing a finished painting. Learn color mixing and work with a range of different painting styles & applications. Students may choose to work in Acrylic or Watercolor paint. You don’t need any prior qualifications to join this class, it is open to everyone, whatever level you are at.

Spring Schedule sign up options:

Meets ONLINE Saturdays @ 12:30PM-2:30pm | 2 hrs Lesson

  • March 5- 26 | 4 WKS Discounted PKG

  • April 2-30 | 5 WKS Discounted PKG

  • May 7-28 | 4 WKS Discounted PKG

  • Single Day sign up depending on availability

To Join Your Class: Please DOWNLOAD the FREE Zoom App + select the blue button that says "Zoom Client for Meetings". Make sure you download the App on the same device you are going to use for the class. (If you sign up for the App on your phone, it wont work on your Laptop etc).

For more information &/ or help signing up with Zoom please Click Here

Once we receive your booking you will receive a LINK TO JOIN your class. We suggest preparing for class 5-10 minutes early to ensure you're able to set up your device properly & check your connection.

  • All classes start & end as advertised. We will lock all meetings 15 minutes after start time, if you have not joined by that time, you will not be able to enter the class and will not be eligible to reschedule your class. We are sorry but we have to be strict about this. Because of the nature of online teaching, late students totally disrupt the whole class flow & experience for others.

  • Please note, if you sign up last minute, we may not have time to process your registration, we advise registering in advance,

Academic - General
ONLINE Adult Oil Painting for Beginners
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE via ZOOM | Saturdays 2:30pm-4:30pm EST. Time

For Adult Students 18 +

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 4-25 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course OCT 2-23 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 6-27 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course DEC 4-18 *3 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

If oil painting is new to you- this class is designed for beginners! Through a two-hour live online class, you can learn the essentials & begin creating an original painting using personal subject matter- a picture or photo for inspiration. With support & guidance from a professional art instructor in the comfort of your own home, you will be taught the basics of this amazing art form- work with realism or abstract. Get step- by-step instruction how to use this exciting paint, learn a range of techniques, get professional tips as you learn this new art skill. Oil Painting is a longer process, the paint remains wet for longer, allowing you more time to manipulate your work. Your work may take days to dry. Over a full class course finish an oil painting on canvas to proudly hang in your own home.

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Graphic Illustration + Design for Adults
Creatively Wild Art Studio

ONLINE via ZOOM | Thursdays 7:00pm-9:00pm EST. Time

For Adult Students 18 +

This is a super introductory course and a valuable skill to learn for those in film, fashion or commercial work. Develop techniques to reproduce realistic 3D views of your surroundings. Learn the essentials of 3D drawing, including 1, 2, and 3 point perspective, and practical techniques, to create and utilize depth & space. Through a series of practical drawing exercises using still life, landscape & portraiture as your subjects, students use perspective to create realistic images, then manipulate these to give your work and your characters a more personal & unique flavor. This is a great class for anyone in design. Also can be taken in addition to our Drawing Technique Class.

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Painting Flowers & Nature on Canvas (for Adults)
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE via ZOOM | Tuesdays 11:45am-1:45pm EST. Time

For Adult Students 18 +

Study natural flora & create beautiful finished pieces. We recommend using Acrylic paint in this beginner’s course as it’s is a great art medium for beginner artists. It is a versatile paint and good for all levels and abilities. Painting flowers or natural flora, learning how to apply tone and texture for petals and leaves is a great introduction into painting and a great way to create beautiful pieces of artwork. Choose a picture to work from or collect flowers or plant life from your garden that appeals to you. In this class we will demo different techniques for creating depth and texture in a painting- including demos in color mixing, layering/ texture of colors, unique brush applications and how to add tone. Add a background that enhances your subject in contrasting tone and colors- brick walls, darker colors or back lit! This is a great observational class and the perfect painting class for beginners or those just getting started. Create finished pieces perfect to give as gifs and chart your progress.


Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Still Life Painting for Total Beginners ( Adult)
Creatively Wild Art Studio
Meets ONLINE via Zoom | Sundays 2:30pm-4:30pm EST. Time

For Adult Students 18 +

Did you love painting as a child, but put it to aside as life got in the way? Thinking abut starting again? This is a super class to begin with, designed to unlock your creative potential & encourage you to get inspired and focus your ideas. Hone your observational skills as you study still life subject matter in a realistic way, look and respond to everyday objects in a new way. Place your subject matter in different light or against textured or unusual backgrounds to compose dynamic scenes. We will begin this course by doing preliminary drawing sketches of your chosen subject matter to help you understand your composition and make changes before moving into finished painting. Learn color mixing and work with a range of different painting styles & applications. With constructive feedback from your experienced tutor, you will be able to reflect on your work and you’ll make progress and all from the comfort of your own home.


Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Abstract Painting for Relaxation ( Beginner Adult)
Creatively Wild Art Studio
Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Painting Family Portraits | Friends + Pets ( for Kids)
Creatively Wild Art Studio
from 55.00

Sundays | 10:30am-11:30am

Suitable for Kids ages 5- 8 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 5-26 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course OCT 3-24 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 7-28 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course DEC 5-26 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

Paint & draw the ones you love! This class will offer budding artists the opportunity to work on painting portraits through the medium of drawing and painting. Budding artists are free to pick their own subject that could be form family or friends, fav pets, pop stars, actors or self portraits too. The course will begin with preliminary drawing exercises to understand facial characteristics and composition. Learn how to evoke atmosphere, light & emotion to create paintings with a more unique look. In a full class course we will work toward creating multiple finished portrait paintings. Don’t forget to bring photos of the ones you love or that inspire you to class to work from. Broadly, this class helps young artists hone observational skills and learn and practice painting techniques- not to mention it’s the perfect way to capture the ones you love in a memorable unique way.


Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
ONLINE How to Draw Animals Realistically for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Saturdays | 10:30am-11:30am via Zoom Link

Suitable for Kids ages 5-8 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 4-25 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE |Full Class Course OCT 2-23 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE |Full Class Course NOV 6-27 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE |Full Class Course DEC 4-18 *3 WKS

  • IN PERSON |Single Day Sign Ups/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

Each week we will pick a different animal to study through the media of Drawing. This is a super way for kids to learn how to sketch anatomy, using basic shapes & shading techniques. Students learn perspective, shading, values, proportions, shading and blending. And how to place your subject in a perfect composition to show unique style. This is a fun class that also helps build drawing & observational skills.


Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE Cartooning and Doodling for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Thursdays | 3:30pm-4:30pm via Zoom Link

Suitable for Kids 4 yrs-6 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 16-OCT 28 * 7 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 4-DEC 30 * 7 WKS | NO CLASS NOV 11 or NOV 25

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

This fun process is a kid-approved and the perfect way to inspire your child into drawing action. This process involves organizing shapes and lines together until a recognizable outcome is achieved. Its highly exploratory and budding artists discover new ways to express themselves while giving children the tools they need for creative thinking and growing confidence in their own creative choices. It’s free-form style deals with the elements of design – color, line, shape, form and texture, and detailed works of art can be achieved.The course is simple, easy and relaxing but highly engaging and even younger kids love it, we have designed ours for 4 yrs- 6 yrs for perfect after school fun from the comfort and safety of your own home.


Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE Beginner Drawing Technique for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Wednesdays | 3:30pm-4:30pm via Zoom link

Suitable for Kids 5- 8yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 15-OCT 27 *7 WKS

  • ONLINE |Full Class Course NOV 3-DEC 29 *9 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

New to Art? Want to get started? Drawing is the most essential tool to have for all the visual arts, the perfect starting point. If your child wants to learn how to draw this class will set you up with the essentials and perfect before moving on to other media. In a few short weeks see your confidence grow as you progress. Every week your instructor will set preliminary drawing exercises based on still life study & provide demos in classic techniques for achieving proportion, perspective, shading using using still-life arrangements as studies. Students will work in a combination of pencil, charcoal, inks and colored pastels. The last class will end with a useful critique from your tutor that will inspire future artistic adventures.

Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
ONLINE Manga Fun for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio


Meets ONLINE Tuesdays | 3:30pm-4:30pm via Zoom link

Suitable for ages 5- 8 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 14- OCT 26 *7 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 9- 28 * 8 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

For kids who love Manga Cartoons, this is a super class to learn the basics and hone drawing skills. With the support of a professional Manga Instructor students design their own characters or can choose to draw your own self portrait in this exciting tradition. We will provide demos with step by step exercises to help design characters that leap off the page in fun action compositions. Children learn how to use line and form, add color and study facial features- how to draw eyes, hair, costumes & anatomy ( human, animal or fantasy characters!). Set characters in fun action scenes to give them the WOW factor for added drama!


Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
ONLINE Fairytale Story-Book Art for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Mondays | 3:30pm-4:30pm via Zoom Link

Suitable for Kids ages 4.5yrs-8 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 13- OCT 25 *7 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 1-DEC 27 * 9 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

Paint your own Fairytale Storybook! Capture fantasy & mythical winged characters like Dragons, Unicorns & Fairies- or Hobbits & Goblins & Princesses in this fun Art class inspired by fairytales. Draw and paint your favorite characters from your favorite fairytale stories of old and new (Cinderella, Harry Potter) or design your own characters & story- Just add glitter! Learn how to put your characters into fantasy landscapes with mushrooms, purple mountains & rainbows. Students will finish their adventure in a four week session culminating in one finished piece using a variety of self chosen media.




Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
ONLINE Beginner’s Art Education for Teens: Drawing & Painting
Creatively Wild Art Studio


Meets ONLINE VIA ZOOM | Mondays | 4:30pm-6:30pm EST. Time

Suitable for Teens 9- 12 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 13- OCT 25 *7 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 1-DEC 27 * 9 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

Our Full class syllabus will get you ready to begin your own personal art journey. This is an excellent class for beginner artists eager to learn techniques and build a professional skill set. We will demo a variety of classic preliminary drawing exercises including shading, contour, perspective, value in preparation for painting. We will study color mixing and how to employ light and texture, as well as picking up a range of brush applications. We will study master artists and learn how to reinterpret their ideas & employ them to our own pieces. We advise a full class curriculum to see progress and grow confidence. Practice your craft and get new ideas & inspiration. Please note returning students will be facilitated & techniques polished.


Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Cartoon Academy: Comic Book Art Design for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE VIA ZOOM | Mondays | 4:45pm-6:45pm EST. Time

Suitable for Teens 9- 12 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 13- OCT 25 *7 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 1-DEC 27 * 9 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

Making a comic is a great way to tell your own stories, design your own characters and learn how to draw. Tell stories in pictures! We’ll give you the essentials in this fun & educational class; we will cover pacing, panel -to-panel structure, action, composition, inking, lettering and more! Construct your own unique characters as you study anatomy-human and animal or fantasy figures and set them in provocative worlds. Learn how to push and pull and manipulate shapes to make appealing characters, study styles and applications; learn how to make distinct features-eyes, legs, feet, hands. Set your figures in 3/4 or profile views for more drama, or in motion, flying through the sky or diving into supernatural or futuristic landscapes. At the end of this course you'll have a finished short comic story under your belt and the knowledge you’ll need to begin your journey into comic book art and design.

Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Foundation Art for Teens: Drawing and Painting
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE via ZOOM | Sundays 12:00pm-2:00pm EST. Time

Suitable for Teens 10-14 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 5-26 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course OCT 3-24 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 7-28 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course DEC 5-26 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Ups/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

This class will get beginner students set up with the basics and is designed to be both fun & educational. The course will start with preliminary drawing exercises & these will involve studies in still life, techniques in shading, perspective & ways of seeing, how to employ light and shadow. The second half of the course we will turn our drawing studies into a full scale painting- learn color mixing, texture & fun brush techniques & applications. During the course we will reference master artists ( both present & past) for inspiration & borrow from their techniques to employ to our own pieces. After more thorough exercises & practice, we will move into creating a final painting.


Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE Beginner Procreate Art + Design for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Wednesdays ONLINE | 4:30pm-6:30pm

Suitable for Teens 9- 13 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • IN PERSON | Full Class Course SEP 15-OCT 27 *7 WKS

  • IN PERSON |Full Class Course NOV 3-DEC 29 *9 WKS

  • IN PERSON | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

Curious about digital Art? Do you want to create characters in a digital landscape? This core digital art and design class brings fine art and technology together. Get the essentials in our full class course syllabus, in a matter of a few weeks learn how to draw, color and manipulate images using digital tools as you make art on a virtual canvas under the tuition of a professional digital artist. Get the know-how you need to create your very own dynamic images, create characters and set them in their own worlds with exciting techniques to keep you inspired. Students will shuffle projects across digital drawing, paintings & graphic design. Each week we will research backgrounds and styles, and share a new technique. This is an awesome beginners class for those who are new to this medium and want to learn how to use the tools to create their own art. For more experienced artists or those who have taken a procreate class before, you are free to join and will be accommodated for, remember practice makes perfect!


Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Beginner Anime and Manga Art for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE via ZOOM | Saturdays 12pm-2pm EST. Time

Suitable for Teens 9-13 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 4-25 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course OCT 2-23 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 6-27 *4 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course DEC 4-18 *3 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Ups/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

Get an inside look into the exciting world of Anime & Manga Art. Learn how to capture the fundamentals of facial features & anatomy within the Manga, Anime Art tradition culminating in designing your own characters. Design your own unique characters- Human, Animal or Fantasy subjects in the anime style and how to draw characters in action. Lessons on figure drawing & proportion in one or more of the various styles: Shonen, Seinen, Shojo, Josei or Kodomomuke. Create a Character Chart - with color palette for Skin/Hair/Eyes/Clothing, shading techniques in color for all Manga pens. Demos in: shading with manga markers & inking. The course will end with a critique on each student’s work. Returning students will be facilitated for & techniques polished.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee.

Creatively Wild Art Studio

98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE | Intermediate Personal Art Journey for Advanced Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

ONLINE | Intermediate Personal Art Journey for Advanced Teens

from 65.00

ONLINE via ZOOM Tuesdays | 4:45pm-6:45pm EST. Time

Suitable for Advanced Teens 13-16 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 14 - OCT 26 * 7 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 9- DEC 28 *8 WKS

  • ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Option * Select date in drop down menu below

This online class is designed for more advanced teen students (14-16) who have already completed beginner art classes and/ or show keen promise in art, or for anyone hoping to apply to an art program & dreaming of a career in the visual arts. If you don’t get enough time in school to work on personal projects or artistic goals and you have a burning desire to create art- this online after school class is perfect for you. This class will offer students the opportunity to work on personal subject matter in the media of their own choice. The course will begin with preliminary drawing exercises to brush up on skills and prepare for more elaborate painting compositions. We will also explore a wide vocabulary of artistic genre before working on our paintings. Learn how to evoke mood, atmosphere, light & emotion in composition to create pieces with a more unique look. Students are free to choose to work in realism or abstract painting if they prefer. Students are encouraged to use their own subject matter to give their work a more unique flavor. In a full class course we will work toward creating several finished paintings.

Creatively Wild Art Studio, 98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Traditional Drawing & Illustration for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE via ZOOM | Thursdays 4:45pm-6:45pm EST. Time

Suitable for Teens 10-15 yrs

FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 16-OCT 28 *7 WKS

  • ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 4-DEC 30 * 7 WKS | NO CLASS NOV 11 or NOV 25

  • ONLINE| Single Day Sign Ups/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below

This is the perfect introductory class to the important skill of traditional drawing. In just a few weeks-develop confidence working with sketches & devise strong compositions. Explore classical principle techniques for achieving accurate proportion & linear perspective. In the first few weeks, we will develop an eye for line- form & tone in still-life arrangements using a combination of pencil, charcoal or inks. Practical exercises on how to draw using the right side of the brain, how to draw curves, use contour technique & straight line approximation technique, the essentials of drawing ellipses, drawing a cylinder, hemispheres & how to employ horizontal lines & vanishing points, & how to use cross contours to give your drawings a sense of volume and accuracy. Learn how to use the midpoint establishment to ensure the two major halves or your drawing are accurate- these classic exercises help you learn how to see shape and form.


Creatively Wild Art Studio, 98 Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn NY 11201

VOTED BEST ART SCHOOL 2021 | Best of Brooklyn Awards

Middle School
High School
ONLINE* Art Adventure & Playtime for Toddlers (Thursdays)
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Thursdays @ 3pm-3:45pm ( NY/ standard Eastern Time) via Zoom Link

Suitable for Toddlers 22 mos- 3.5 yrs

Our fun, engaging online playtime Art Adventure class for Toddlers is hosted by our studio director DM & studio mascot Mr. Blu and will include an awesome art project, a story & a sing-song! This is a 45 minute immersive artistic adventure & the perfect way to keep your tiny one engaged & inspired. Art nurtures each child’s development and helps them make creative choices, gain confidence, develop fine motor skills. We will set a cool art project every day & you will be amazed at what your little one can create!

HOW IT WORKS: Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. 

After your register we will email you with a booking confirmation, this will include a link to join the class on your App


  • Materials are NOT supplied for online classes.

  • Please CLICK HERE to view the Art Supplies needed for this Class. All Art Supplies can be purchased online. You can also use materials from home, colored papers, magazines & lots of found object art, we aim to go creative!

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE* Art Adventure & Playtime for Toddlers (Mondays)
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Mondays @ 3pm-3:45pm (NY/ Standard eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Toddlers 22 mos- 3.5 yrs

Our fun, engaging online playtime Art Adventure class for Toddlers is hosted by our studio director DM & studio mascot Mr. Blu and will include an awesome art project, a story & a sing-song! Our 45 minute immersive artistic adventure is the perfect way to keep your budding artists engaged & inspired at home. Art nurtures each child’s development and helps them make creative choices, gain confidence, develop fine motor skills. We will set a cool art project every day & you will be amazed at what your little one can create!

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. 

After your register we will email you with a booking confirmation, this will include a link to join the class on your App



  • Materials are NOT supplied for online classes.

  • Please CLICK HERE to view the Art Supplies needed for this Class. All Art Supplies can be purchased online. You can also use materials from home, colored papers, magazines & lots of found object art, we aim to go creative!

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE *Introduction to Drawing & Painting for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Sundays 10:30am-12pm ( NY/ standard Eastern Time) via Zoom Link

Suitable for Kids 4.5 yrs-8 yrs

For children who are brand new to the art, this is a fun exploratory class perfect for those who are curious and show a keen interest in the visual arts. In a full class course, students will work firstly on preliminary drawing exercises designed to help ways of seeing and exploration, before moving on to painting. Learn color mixing & painting applications and pick up fun tips the professionals use. Work on your favorite subject matter-still life objects from around your own home, or portraits of the ones you love, favorite places & animals. Students can work with acrylic or watercolor paint or color pastels. This class is suitable for complete beginners or for those who have taken a few classes and want more.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee. After you register you will be sent a supply list for your course.

 All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App


PLEASE NOTE while individual class sign up options are offered, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who are signing up after a course has started. We strongly advise signing up for a full class course in order to learn this media. If you are only signing up for one session it will serve as a fun taster introduction to this course, it is not possible to teach the whole curriculum in one session, so please manage your expectations, you may not finish a class project in one lesson.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE *Cartooning & Doodling for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Saturdays @ 10am-11:30am ( NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Kids 5-8 yrs

This is a super awesome class that will introduce children to the exciting art of cartooning and doodling, students learn how to make expressive compositions, manipulate facial features on characters: humans or animals, and/or capture everyday objects in a fun way that makes them come to life. This course will start with preliminary drawing exercises before moving into capturing objects and designing characters & worlds. This class is perfect for children who already show a keen interest in art and want to express themselves freely. Some drawing experience is useful but not essential.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee.

After you register you will be sent a link for your art supply list. All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies


Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

PLEASE NOTE while individual class sign up options are offered in this media, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who are signing up after a course has started. We strongly advise signing up for a full class course in order to learn this media. If you are only signing up for one session it will serve as a fun taster introduction to this course, it is not possible to teach the whole curriculum in one session, so please manage your expectations, you may not finish a class project in one lesson.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE *Beginner Drawing & Illustration for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Thursdays @ 4:00pm-5:30pm (NY/ Standard eastern Time)  via Zoom

For Kids ages 5-8 yrs

The perfect introductory class to the important skill of drawing. Drawing is the most useful of all the visual arts and the perfect class to take before moving on to Painting. We will work on classic exercises to show students how to see shape and form. Explore demos in classical principle techniques for achieving proportion, perspective, shading, form & tone using still-life arrangements. Students will work in a combination of pencil, charcoal, inks and colored pastels. In the last few weeks of the course, we will put together all the techniques to create more ambitious accurate finished drawings.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee. After you register we will send you a link with yoru material lists.

All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE * Self Expression in Art Media for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets Tuesdays ONLINE @ 4:00pm-5:30pm (NY/ Standard eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Kids 5yrs-8yrs

This is a self expression adventure where children get to explore fun media & will ultimately encourage creative development and awareness. We will reference master artists both contemporary or historically think Basquiat, Keith Haring or Jackson Pollack and play around with different techniques they use and employ them into our own pieces. This class will explore Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media, Found Object Art & more!

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE *Superheroes & Comic Book Art for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Tuesdays 3:00pm-4:30pm ( NY/ Standard eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Kids 5yrs-8yrs

If your Kid loves cartoons this is the perfect class to get stuck in! Students design their own Superheroes or Super villain Characters and turn them into awesome Comic Book Art Stories! Learn how to capture the fundamentals of facial features & anatomy within the cartoon art tradition to design your own characters.  Learn figure drawing, proportion & inking to give your characters that true-to life form, design costumes & character features. In the second half of the course we will introduce the techniques of storyboarding - incorporating fun narrative panel-to-panel storytelling. The course is a great introduction to cartoon drawing for Beginner-Intermediate. Drawing experience is useful for this course but not essential.


Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee.

You will be sent a link to our art supply page when your register. All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App


PLEASE NOTE while individual class sign up options are offered in this media, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who are signing up after a course has started. We strongly advise signing up for a full class course in order to learn this media. If you are only signing up for one session it will serve as a fun taster introduction to this course, it is not possible to teach the whole curriculum in one session, so please manage your expectations, you may not finish a class project in one lesson.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE * Painting Adventure for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Mondays @ 4:00pm-5:30pm (NY/ Standard eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for ages 5-8 yrs

For children who are discovering the joy of art, this is a great start! In a full class course, students will devise several paintings under the guidance of a professional tutor, hone skills & techniques. We will encourage self expression and look at other artists for inspiration & techniques to apply to our own pieces. Learn color mixing and painting applications and pick up fun tips the professionals use. Work on your favorite subject matter- still life objects from around your own home, or portraits of the ones you love, favorite places and animals. Students can work with acrylic or watercolor paint or color pastels and add mixed media like found object art ( items from around your own home like string, buttons, glitter etc) This class is suitable for complete beginners or for those who have taken a few classes and want more! Students will create gorgeous finished pieces to hang proudly in your own home. Please note if you are only signing up for an individual class- you may not finish a painting in one session, as painting requires more time, we advise full class course to truly benefit!

  • Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. 

  • After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE *Beginner Manga Art & Cartooning for Kids
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Mondays @ 3pm-4:30pm ( NY/ Standard eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Kids 5-8 yrs

Learn the exciting world of Manga Art & Cartoon Drawing & design fun Manga characters! Each week we will begin with preliminary drawing exercises, learning how to capture the fundamentals of facial features & anatomy within the Manga tradition, which will culminate in finished Manga character Drawings. We will work on line drawing vs. value and have a Demo in: shading with manga markers. Learn figure drawing, proportion & inking. The second half of the course we will introduce the techniques of storyboarding - Incorporating narrative panel-to-panel storytelling, costume & character design. The course is a great introduction to this fascinating art form. It will end with a critique on each student’s work. Drawing experience is useful but not essential for this class.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee. We will send you a materials list when you register.

  • Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. 

  • After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
ONLINE Abstract Art Adventure for Adults
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Sundays 3:00pm-5:00pm (NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

For Adults 18 yrs +

Take a trip into the wonderful expressive world of Abstract Painting. Learn how to paint in a spontaneous way that will free you up and get you in touch with your own creative self. This is a largely experiential class not about the finished product but more a lived experience that explores texture and ways of seeing. Even if you never picked up a paintbrush, this class will move you toward an understanding and confidence of your own thought process. Learn to embrace your creative potential with texture & color exercises. Explore color mixing and how it can serve your needs and how to blend texture to bring light and shadows into your work. Plus, take inspiration from master artists (think Basquiat or Rothko) & pick up fun professional tricks you can apply to your own pieces, add mixed media or found object art to give your pieces that unique flavor. This class is suitable for beginner or intermediate students.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee.

For the Art Supply List for your course please CLICK HERE & scroll to your class description.

All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies

PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills & experience the process. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session, so please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one sitting, art & creativity takes time. This class is by nature exploratory & ultimately about discovery as you progress and learn to express yourself through media. Its very much about the journey not the finished product!

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on you

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Painting Therapy: Color & Texture Workshop for Adults
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Wednesdays 7pm-9pm via Zoom ( NY/ Standard Easern Time)

For Adult Students 18 yrs +

Abstract Painting through color & texture! Creating art is in its very essence is a therapeutic & stimulating experience, the art of doing & creating something feeds our soul and hearts. A favorite with our regulars this relaxing and popular course invites participants to intuitively embrace their innate creative potential through the healing power of painting with engaging color & texture exercises. Learn how color plays a huge part in our lives and well being, investigate texture combinations & learn how to paint in a spontaneous way that will free you up and get you in touch with self again! It is a largely experiential class not about the finished product but more a lived experience that explores humanistic and integrative concepts to an understanding of the therapeutic potential of Art as Therapy. Even if you never picked up a paintbrush, this class will move you toward understanding, as you learn a new language, your confidence will grow. Suitable for beginner or intermediate students.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class course fee. For the Art Supply List please CLICK HERE & scroll to your class description. All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies


PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills & experience the process. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session, so please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one sitting, art & creativity takes time. This class is very exploratory and ultimately about discovery as you progress and learn to express through color and texture. It’s about the journey not the finished product!

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Beginner Drawing & Illustration for Adults
Creatively Wild Art Studio
Meets ONLINE Wednesdays 7pm-9pm (NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

For Adult Students 18 yrs +

This is a very useful course for anyone in the visual arts, fashion or design or for any student interested in honing their drawing skills. Drawing is an invaluable skill, perhaps the most important of all the visual arts. In this course learn proportion, composition, shading, the relationships of objects, how color & light affects focus, edges, cool applications, special tips & effects! We will work on drawing inanimate objects/ still life as it allows you to move through the different stages of the process and grow confidence. Through preliminary exercises develop an eye for line, form & tone in still-life arrangements using a combination of pencil, charcoal or inks. Practical exercises on how to draw using the right side of the brain, how to draw curves, use contour technique & straight line approximation technique, the essentials of drawing ellipses, drawing a cylinder, hemispheres & how to employ horizontal lines & vanishing points, & how to use cross contours to give your drawings a sense of volume and accuracy- these classic exercises help you learn how to see shape and form. In the last few weeks of the course, we will put together all the techniques to create more ambitious accurate finished drawings.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class course fee. For the Art Supply List please CLICK HERE & scroll to your class description. All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies 

PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign ups in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own dates, however we strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills and experience the process. Please note if you are only signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a two-hour taster session, so please manage your expectations, learning takes time, to truly benefit you will need more lessons.

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Foundation Painting for Beginners ( Adult)
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Mondays 7:00pm-9:00pm (NY / Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

For Adult Students 18 +

Roll up your sleeves and dive into the wonderful world of Painting. Never picked up a paintbrush before? No problem! This is a relaxing fun & educational evening class to get you inspired. As well as working on preliminary drawing exercises to prepare us for Painting compositions, we will also reference artists from past-present for inspiration, ideas & fun techniques (think cool brush application techniques- were coming for you Van Gogh!) Then we will employ these into our own personal works of art. In this class you may choose to work with acrylic or watercolor paint, choose personal subject matter that matters to you, to give your work a more authentic feel (portraits of loved ones, pets, still life, favorite places, let your imagination run wild!) This class is the perfect antidote for cold winter evenings to keep you inspired & creative juices flowing until Spring!

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class course fee.

For the Art Supply List please CLICK HERE & scroll to your class description. All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies


PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills and experience the process. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session, so please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one sitting, art & creativity takes time. It’s about the journey not the finished product!

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. 

After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Beginner Still Life Painting for Adults
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Mondays 12:30pm-2:30pm (NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

For Adult Students 18 +

This course will teach students how to realize provocative compositions of everyday objects, learn how to employ color and light to change the point of view of the viewer. The way we look at things is important, the perspective, and where we place the object within our composition, we will encourage students to embrace their own choices and we recommend choosing subject matter that is personal to you to give your pieces that unique flavor. Work in the medium of your choice in this class: Acrylic, Watercolor or Pastels. You are welcome to use Oils but keep in mind Oil Painting is a more involved process. Create finished pieces to hang in your own home. We recommend signing up for at least 4 sessions to truly benefit from this creative experience, keep in mind painting takes time and it is not always possible to finish a piece in two hours. Some painting experience for this course is useful, but not essential.

Total beginners are also welcome to take this class.


Art supplies are NOT included in your online class course fee.

For the Art Supply List please CLICK HERE & scroll to your class description. All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills and experience the process. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session, so please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one sitting, art & creativity takes time. It’s about the journey not the finished product!

Visual arts / crafts
ONLINE Advanced Drawing & Painting for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Tuesdays @ 4:45pm-6:45pm (NY Standard Eastern Time)

Via Zoom

Suitable for Teens 14- 16 yrs

Our advanced drawing & painting class for teenagers is especially designed for students who have already taken a foundation art course & show keen promise in art. This class will offer students the opportunity to work on personal passion projects more & to work at their own pace. For teens hoping to continue on to an art program or those dreaming of a career in the visual arts, this is the perfect class. We will start the course with practical drawing exercises & preliminary sketches in preparation for painting. Discussions in color theory, composition & demos in painting techniques- how to use paint application to evoke mood, atmosphere, light & emotion. Exploration into Abstract Art vs. Realism in Art from observational study. Students will be introduced to a wide vocabulary of artistic genre. We will also study well-known artist’s process and techniques (past & present) to inspire student’s own work ( think Basquiat or Andy Warhol!). After more thorough exercises & practice, we will move into creating final paintings. Please note students are expected to complete a few paintings during this course.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee.

For the Art Supply List for your course please CLICK HERE & scroll to your class description.

All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies


PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates or who have missed the start of the course. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills in this media. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session, it is not possible to learn a craft in two hours or to progress. Please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one lesson, creativity takes time.

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE After school Manga, Anime & Cartooning for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Mondays @ 4:45pm-6:45pm (NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Teens 9-16 yrs

Teens get an inside look into the exciting world of Anime, Manga & Cartoon Drawing in this full class course. Design your own characters & storylines & learn amazing drawing techniques. Students work on preliminary drawing exercises, learning how to capture the fundamentals of facial features & anatomy within the Manga, Anime Art tradition culminating in designing your own manga character.Student assignments will include - Figure drawing in one of the various styles of: Shonen, Seinen, Shojo, Josei or Kodomomuke. We will work on line drawing vs. value and have a Demo in: shading with manga markers. Learn figure drawing, proportion & inking. The second half of the course we will introduce the technique of storyboarding - Incorporating narrative based on panel-to-panel storytelling, costume & character design. The course will end with a critique on each student’s work. Drawing experience is useful for this course but not essential.

Full Class course is advised to learn this skill

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee.

PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates or who have missed the start of the course. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills in this media. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session for this particular media, it is not possible to learn a craft in two hours or to progress. Please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one lesson, creativity takes time.

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Foundation Drawing & Painting for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio
Meets ONLINE Sundays @ 12:15pm-2:15pm (NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for 9-14 yrs.

In this fun and educational class, beginner teen students will work on preliminary exercises through still-life & devise several finished pieces under the guidance of a professional tutor. We will inspire discussion & provide demos on master artists techniques, both contemporary & from history, look at painting applications and pick up fun tips! Perfect for Beginners who are curious about the visual arts but have never taken a class before, or who want to learn more. After more thorough exercises & practice, we will move into creating final paintings.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee. A list will be sent to you at ime of registration.


PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates or who have missed the start of the course. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills in your chosen media.

Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a fun taster session or introduction to art, it is not possible to learn the craft of drawing & painting in two hour. Please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one lesson, creativity takes time.

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Traditional Drawing & Illustration for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Thursdays @4:45pm-6:45pm ( NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Teens 11- 16 yrs

This is the perfect introductory class to the important skill of traditional drawing. In just a few weeks-develop confidence working with sketches & demonstrate strong compositions. Explore classical principle techniques for achieving accurate proportion & a comprehensive approach to linear perspective. In the first few weeks, we will develop an eye for line- form & tone in still-life arrangements using a combination of pencil, charcoal or inks. Practical exercises on how to draw using the right side of the brain, how to draw curves, use contour technique & straight line approximation technique, the essentials of drawing ellipses, drawing a cylinder, hemispheres & how to employ horizontal lines & vanishing points, & how to use cross contours to give your drawings a sense of volume and accuracy. Learn how to level lines to double check accuracy & ensure the lengths of your lines are accurate, how to use the midpoint establishment to ensure the two major halves or your drawing are accurate- these classic exercises help you learn how to see shape and form. In the last few weeks of the course, we will put together all the techniques to create more ambitious accurate finished drawings.

Register for disocunted monthly Class PK or individual Class sign up available as a taster experiece.

from 65.00

Meets ONLINE Thursdays @4:45pm-6:45pm via Zoom

Suitable for Teens 11- 16 yrs

This is the perfect introductory class to the important skill of traditional drawing. In just a few weeks-develop confidence working with sketches & demonstrate strong compositions. Explore classical principle techniques for achieving accurate proportion & a comprehensive approach to linear perspective. In the first few weeks, we will develop an eye for line- form & tone in still-life arrangements using a combination of pencil, charcoal or inks. Practical exercises on how to draw using the right side of the brain, how to draw curves, use contour technique & straight line approximation technique, the essentials of drawing ellipses, drawing a cylinder, hemispheres & how to employ horizontal lines & vanishing points, & how to use cross contours to give your drawings a sense of volume and accuracy. Learn how to level lines to double check accuracy & ensure the lengths of your lines are accurate, how to use the midpoint establishment to ensure the two major halves or your drawing are accurate- these classic exercises help you learn how to see shape and form. In the last few weeks of the course, we will put together all the techniques to create more ambitious accurate finished drawings.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee. A supply list will be supplied to you at time fo rgistration

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Cartooning, Manga & Anime Art Class for Teens (Saturdays)
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Saturdays @12pm-2pm (NY/ Standard eastern Time)  via Zoom

Suitable for Teens 9-16 yrs

Get an inside look into the exciting world of Anime, Manga & Cartoon Drawing in this full class course. Design your own characters & storylines & learn amazing drawing techniques. Students work on preliminary drawing exercises, learning how to capture the fundamentals of facial features & anatomy within the Manga, Anime Art tradition culminating in designing your own manga character. Student assignments will include - Figure drawing in one of the various styles of: Shonen, Seinen, Shojo, Josei or Kodomomuke. We will work on line drawing vs. value and have a Demo in: shading with manga markers. Learn figure drawing, proportion & inking. The second half of the course we will introduce the technique of storyboarding - Incorporating narrative based on panel-to-panel storytelling, costume & character design. The course will end with a critique on each student’s work. Drawing experience is useful for this course but not essential.

Art supplies are NOT included in your online class fee. For the Art Supply List for your course please CLICK HERE & scroll to your class description. All supplies can be purchased on Amazon or Blick Art Supplies

Sign ip for discounted monthlyc class PK or inidviudla dates will serve as a taster option for this media

PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates or who have missed the start of the course. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills in this particular media. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session or introduction to this media, it is not possible to learn this craft in two hours. Please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one lesson, creativity takes time.

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
ONLINE Procreate Digital Art & Design Class for Teens
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Meets ONLINE Wednesdays @ 4:45pm-6:45pm ( NY/ Standard Eastern Time) via Zoom

Suitable for Teens 12- 16 yrs

The core digital art & design class at Creatively Wild Art Studio brings fine art and technology together by providing students with the tools, software and inspiration to make art on a virtual canvas. Students shuffle projects across digital drawing, paintings and graphic designs. Students learn the basics of using a digital platform while enjoying the freedom to create satisfying images, characters & techniques. Learn how to draw, color and manipulate images with digital tools on a tablet. Each week we will research backgrounds and styles, and share a new technique. Class begins promptly at 4:45pm, attendance is taken with video/audio check-in, followed by a slideshow of the class theme along with a technical demonstration by the instructor.

Please note Procreate and IPAD 6 with stylus or similar tablet is required for this class and the Procreate App ($9.99)

Registration: Sign up for discounted monthly class pk, or indiviudal dates will serve as a taster

PLEASE NOTE While we do offer individual class sign up options in this course, it is primarily for those with tricky schedules or those who want to choose their own calendar dates or who have missed the start of the course. We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for a full class course. It is the only way to learn skills in this media. Please note if you are signing up for one individual class, this will only serve as a taster session or introduction to this media, it is not possible to learn this craft in a two hour siting or to employ this into your own work. Please be patient and manage your expectations, you may not finish your project in one session

Students are required to download the (free) Zoom App before class time. After your register we will supply you with a link to join the class on your App


Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
Online Mindfulness Art Camp
Creole Creative Canvases

A week of Mindfulness Art, Yoga and other techniques to get your kid to their Calm.  Each Day, young Creatives will enjoy an art session with at home creations and soothing yoga and meditative instruction. Join us in a cultivating mind body connection, kindness, creativity, and a week of fun through an Art & Yoga experience!!!

Through mindfulness painting, we enable your child to relax, find satisfaction and be proud of what they create. But most importantly, it is a rewarding experience that children will learn from and thoroughly enjoy.

Join us for 1 week or both weeks. Your child will leave knowing that  they are in a place of calm.

Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Creativity Resource
Denver Art Museum

This is a place for anyone interested in learning and finding inspiration for art and creativity! Resources and information on field trips to the Denver Art Museum, community programs, lesson plans and an online library. 

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Denver Kids Camps by Rising Sun Kids

Grab an egg carton, brainstorm some descriptive words to describe things in nature, and you are ready to go out on a nature scavenger hunt!

Early Elementary School
Drawchange Afterschool Art Sessions

Join us as we create and have fun from 3:30-5:30pm EST in a safe environment, from the comfort of your own home. Our sessions are catered to children aged 5-10ish and we hold to the fact that your child will grow confident in their creative expression and in their day-to-day life all while giving back to the community! All proceeds are donated to drawchange, a nonprofit organization that provides art therapy-based programs to impoverished children around the world.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Online Art Classes
Drawn2Art Encino

We are offering online classes for students of various levels!  Visit our website here to look at our openings and create an account with us!

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Vacation Intentions Worksheet and Travel Phone Wallpapers

Whether you have your heart set on a vacation in 2021 or prefer to wait until next year, our printable vacation intentions worksheet allows you and your travel companions to think about what inspires you about travel, why you might need or want time away as well as how you want to feel after you return from vacation.

By seeing your intentions written out and in front of you, it will hopefully eliminate any unnecessary stress about vacation planning, which is what everyone needs, wants and deserves. 

For an additional burst of fun, we’ve also created a set of phone wallpapers. Each one features an inspirational quote and background. We hope that these wallpapers add an extra ounce of fun and inspiration to your travel plans, come rain or shine.

Middle School
High School
Frist Art Museum

Art Resources for Children and Families

Welcome to FristKids! Whether you are here to prepare for a visit to the Frist Art Museum or just for fun, we invite you to explore our resources for virtual learning.  

Visual arts / crafts
FunClubs - Guitar Club, KidzKeys Piano, Cooking, Chess, Spanish, and more
FunClubs online

Guitar Club ONLINE! Turn up the volume and rock out in our online group guitar class this semester! Guitar Club provides students the opportunity to grab a guitar and have fun playing music with friends. Each lesson has been specifically designed for beginner and intermediate students, and includes new and exciting songs each semester. Our encouraging and experienced teachers are ready to help your child develop their own musical ability, self-confidence, and creativity as they prepare for an exciting virtual final performance! Group instruction and individual attention provided in each class.

KidzKeys Piano

Soar into KidzKeys-Piano Club this semester and learn piano skills that will last a lifetime! The KidzKeys online group class provides students in K through 2nd Grade an environment to explore and express their own creativity - all while having fun learning with friends! Our experienced teachers work with students to develop their own musical abilities and promote self-confidence. Our Lessons are especially designed for students in K-2nd grade and will help your child master reading music through the use of colorful Chromanotes Notation and Kodaly Rhythms. Every session includes new and fun songs to learn!


Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Hirshhorn Kids At Home
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Let’s get creative at home! You can experience the joy of HIRSHHORN KIDS even when you’re not actually at the Museum. Keep kids of all ages engaged and interested in exploring art and making with unique hands-on projects inspired by your favorite Hirshhorn artworks. New projects are released every week.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Kids Projects & Activities at The Home Depot
Home Depot- Jacksonville Locations

Keep kids engaged with projects and activities. 

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
J Amado Photography - Smartphone Photoshoot
J Amado Photography

Online photoshoot/lesson where I teach parents how to use their smartphone to take better pictures. We also edit the photos.

$44 for an hour photo shoot/lesson

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
High School
KidzArt After School Club
KidzArt North Raleigh

This school year, KidzArt North Raleigh have students’ remote learning experience from schools in mind. Our live and interactive classes are designed to give them a break from school, allowing kids to Have Fun, Relax and Be Creative!

  • Session 3: Tue/Thur at 4:30 pm (EST), Jan 12-Feb 25, 2021
  • New project every day!
  • Have fun with new media every week, from watercolor, pastel, to clay, and more!
  • Students and their guests are invited to a #Virtual Art Show at the end of session, a perfect opportunity to showcase accomplishments to friends and family!
  • Supplies available and ship anywhere w/USA.

Check out new projects we are doing on Facebook, or visit our website to learn more about us!

KidzArt® is a drawing based fine art program for over 25+ years. We provide children of all skills levels the guidance to observe and create, and advance their skills in drawing, painting, and design. Our classes do not expect perfection, and teachers personally model mistakes and problem solving to help build the resilient minds in children.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
KidzArt North Raleigh - Online Art Classes
KidzArt North Raleigh

KidzArt is a drawing based art program that teaches children K-5th grades. Traditionally offered as an after school program, we are now offering online drawing lessons. It is a valuable learning experience, full of fun and creativity, to children isolated at home due to Covid-19. Students can use simple art supplies they have at home, join our LIVE classes to interact with their instructor and peers, ask questions and share ideas, and create art that they are proud of.

$12 per class  Our class schedule changes weekly due to this uncertain time. Please check our website for details.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
KidzArt Studio (Cary, NC) - Virtual art classes!
KidzArt Studio (Cary, NC)- CLOSED 10/27/20 MB

KidzArt Cary offers a variety of art classes for children in grades preschool-8th grade. Our classes are offered both online and in person at our studio in Cary, NC and focus on developing artistic ability through various concepts and techniques in drawing, painting, and design.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Lift Bridge Yarns on YouTube
Lift Bridge Yarns

We have instructional tutorials on YouTube! Check out our free video resources and don't forget to like and subscribe!

Visual arts / crafts
High School
ArtVenture Online
McMichael Canadian Art Collection

There are lots of ways to stay connected with the McMichael collection, educators and artists through art activities, videos, tutorials and more from home! Check

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Children's and Family Programs
Michael C. Carlos Museum

The Carlos Museum welcomes children and families to look closely at works of art in the galleries, to think about the people who made them and how and why they did so, and then to make their own works of art in a variety of workshops, camps, and special events. 

Academic - General
History / social studies
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Michael Murphy Gallery Blog
Michael Murphy Gallery

The Michael Murphy Gallery blog is your go-to source for art education, framing and interior design resources, gallery news, artist interviews and more!

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Art From Home
Minneapolis Institute of Art

With a variety of art-making ideas, fun activities, and learning resources, you can engage with Mia from wherever you are.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
HomeSchool with Mural Arts
Mural Arts Philadelphia

Tune into Homeschool with Mural Arts every week for arts-focused tutorials from local experts! #HomeschoolWithMuralArts Featuring a wide range of skill sets and practices, these 10-30-minute videos offer kids and parents alike the opportunity to flex their creative brains and create some beauty from the comfort of their home. Each new episode is uploaded to our social media channels and our website.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Learn with MOCA – from anywhere!
Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto (MOCA)

MOCA is committed to providing learning opportunities to people of all ages. Try our Learning at Home activities – a growing collection of simple, hands-on artmaking exercises. For teachers, check out our new Educator Resources to learn more about MOCA’s exhibiting artists and their work, either in the gallery or remotely in your classroom. Plus, we continue to offer TD Community Sundays, featuring free admission to the gallery on the first Sunday of the month, as well as an activity that you can enjoy at home.


Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
National Liberty Museum - NLM@Home
National Liberty Museum

The National Liberty Museum invites you to explore ideas of liberty from home with us! Check out below for virtual learning activities, at home lessons, and educational resources curated by our team.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
North Fulton Master Gardeners YouTube channel
North Fulton Master Gardeners, Inc.

North Fulton Master Gardeners, Inc., is continuing to provide horticultural education to the North Fulton community and beyond through FREE virtual gardening education programming. This series of seven classes begins Wednesday, September 1, 2021 and will be available through live Zoom webinars and Facebook Live. The classes will also be available for later viewing at

Each class emphasizes practical gardening activities at the time of year that is best suited for that activity. Please register in advance at to assure your place. You may register for all seven classes or just pick specific classes. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar. If you cannot attend the live webinar, you can register anyway so you will receive a recorded link to the class.

Don't miss these incredible opportunities to learn more about gardening in metro Atlanta.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Clay Club
Northern Clay Center

Want to have some fun with clay as a part of your distance learning experience? Join us for Virtual Clay Club for some clay and play from a distance! Each week for four weeks, you will meet with an instructor virtually (live, not pre-recorded!) who will guide you through a variety of creative handbuilding projects. Make a cool cup to hold warm drinks for the winter and turn a jar into an animal. Parent or guardian guidance is encouraged for those under 9. Included with registration is 12 lbs of low-fire clay, a set of engobes (colored slips) for decorating, a guide to setting up a space for clay at home, and a link to your virtual class meeting each week. Pick up of kits and drop off completed work will take place curbside at NCC the week before and after classes begin.

Day: Thursdays
Time: 3 - 5pm

Dates: September 17 - October 8,  October 15 - November 5, November 12 - December 3

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Clay-Along Camps
Northern Clay Center

Clay-Along Camp Kits bring you all the fun of a hands-on week of clay arts camp in a convenient, themed kit so that clay can be a part of your year in a reimagined and accessible way! Kits come complete with pre-recorded video lessons, 12 lbs of low-fire red clay, engobes (colored slips) for decoration, firings, and a guide for getting started and setting up a space for clay at home. 

Clay-Along with camp instructors as they guide your young clay enthusiasts through dynamic, creative clay projects through pre-recorded video and printed lessons. Kits can be followed independently by older kids (9 and up) but kids under 9 may need adult assistance. Choose your own adventure, or adventures, from our exciting variety of themed options below. Each includes at least five original project lessons. Kits can be picked up curbside at NCC. The details of kit pick-up at NCC will be communicated to you with your registration. Once your camper is finished with their Clay-Along quest, drop off their work at NCC and we’ll take care of firing and glazing.

No clay-specific tools? No problem! All lessons can be accomplished with everyday utensils and objects. To learn more about Clay-Along Camp Kit options, click on the tiles below. 

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
One River School of Art + Design - Virtual Studio Art Classes
One River School of Art + Design - Allendale, NJ

One River Virtual Studio provides a live class experience, taught directly by our world-class educators streamed in real-time. Students of all ages participate with their regular classmates in an intimate, small group setting, that includes personalized instruction along the way.

All of our classes are on a monthly basis, so the charge is once a month covering 4-5 classes. Classes increase in time with each age group. Pre-K: $140/month. Grades K-5:$165/month. Grades 6-12: $185/month. Adults: $220/month

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Creative Me Virtual Art Club
Painting Over the Moon - appears to be closed 4/30/2024 MB


Each week our young artists are introduced to art techniques and build on prior art knowledge. Club members learn about art history, famous artists and a variety of materials and techniques while creating their own unique masterpieces. Once enrolled, artist will receive a monthly art box filled with the materials they will need for that months art projects. Live classes are held each week in our private classroom where our young artists can collaborate and share with each other. LIVE classes will be posted as a video for artist to go back and watch.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Fall Art Classes - Center for the Arts (RoCA)
Rockland Center for the Arts (RoCA)

Are you looking for an expressive arts experience? Do you feel as though you need to get some creative juices flowing? Or, perhaps you want to calm your mind, improve your health/well-being through the process of artmaking and let your mind escape the world around you for a few hours.

This fall, engage in a creative process. Rockland Center for the Arts (RoCA) is providing a wide range of studio art experiences for all ages and skill levels: on-site, outdoors and on-line.

Visual arts / crafts
Middle School
High School
Virtual Activities for Kids
Ronkita Custom Sewing and Design

Supplement your child's education or keep them occupied with creative and engaging activities. Whether you're working from home and need someone to keep your child occupied, want to expand your child's learning options or just need a short break, we have a variety of activities tailored for kids.

Academic - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Online Sewing Classes
Ronkita Custom Sewing and Design

Virtual sewing classes for children and adults of all skill levels. Learn to sew or take your sewing skills to the next level with private, online sewing classes. For beginners who have never sewn before or those who already know how to sew, schedule online lessons to help achieve your sewing goals. This is done over live video chat and coordinated at a time that is convenient for you.

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Samspra Academy - Online Classes- teacher available virtually
Samspra Academy

Online Classes: Pre k, Kinder and Enrichment Offerings: Dance, Music, Violin, Painting, art, Sloka, Sanskrit, Tsmil, Hindi, Hands on STEAM, crochet, knitting.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Online Art Classes - SCERA Art Studios
SCERA Center for the Arts/SCERA Shell Outdoor Theatre - Orem, UT

Based in Orem, Utah, SCERA Art Studio has two online offerings: 1) SCERA Online Art Club, with twice-weekly 90-minute drawing or painting classes featuring different techniques and subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-:6:30pm MST. Students can take one class or as many as they'd like for just $7.00 per class and join via a streaming link live or we record it so they can watch and learn at their convenience. Uses mostly household items. 2) Four brand new semester-long online art classes that meet once a week including Art Combo for age 6-11: Anime for age 13-17 and Adult Watercolor and Adult Oil Painting for adults 18 and older. Fall Semester 2020 begins the week of August 31st and goes through end of November. Winter Semester 20201 goes from Jan-April 2021. Monthly payment options are available. An Art Kit with all needed materials will be mailed to anywhere in the United States. Students join via a streaming link live or we record it so they can watch and learn at their convenience.

Price varies per program. Semester programs range from $50-$80 per month plus $20 for a mailed Art Kit.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Scribble Art Workshop - Online classes for ages 2-10
Scribble Art Workshop
Scribble culminates communities of young artists to create in thriving studio environments with passionate teaching artists, spaces filled with professional grade art supplies and most importantly, students who engage in their own and each other’s artistic process. Our online studio classes will continue to serve our mission.
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Sea Smart Awesome Animals Online Course for Kids
Sea Smart

Your kids can learn from home with Sea Smart’s Ocean Defender online courses. Our interactive and engaging courses are developed and delivered by Sea Smart’s team of marine biologists and environmental educators! Sea Smart provides all the resources you need to keep your kids engaged and learning at home. In this course, students learn all about the awesome animals on the Pacific coast, what threats they face and what they can do to become environmental champions! Awesome Animals also includes at-home projects and helps kids build critical thinking and problem-solving skills!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Sparklicious Virtual Classes

Hybrid In-Store & Virtual Classes being offered.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Costume Accessories
Spectrum of Science Foundation

Have you ever wished for wings? Maybe a Tiara or wand? What about your shoes? Maybe you should have something glow? You can't have the perfect costume without these! So let's make them! This is a project-based class where you will create your own unique accessories just in time!!

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Spruill Center for the Arts- In-person Art Classes
Spruill Center for the Arts

Spruill Center for the Arts is offering a wide variety of youth programs to complement students’ remote learning this fall. To help provide hands-on learning experiences during a virtual learning fall semester. 

Fall Break Camps

Weekday Afternoon Art Classes

Wonderful Wednesday School Break Day Camp

Thanksgiving Break Camp

Weekend Art Classes

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Barnes from Home: Family Art Time
The Barnes Foundation

Get inspired to make art with at-home activity sheets from the Barnes! Using materials that families may already have at home, kids and their adults can create art and learn from artists and objects in the Barnes collection.

We have five weeks of activities designed for early learners and kids up to 12—all ready to download and try at home. These activities are meant to spark creativity and curiosity, and encourage improvisation.

Sign up for our Family emails to get new activities delivered to your inbox.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
The Children's Art Studio - D.C. - Online Classes
The Children's Art Studio - D.C.

The Children’s Art Studio has been bringing the joy of art to the youngest residents of Washington DC for over a decade.  We are now bringing it to our online classes.  We hope your child will join us!

Classes for students ages 4 – 13 are offered once a week.  A new session begins on June 9th.  Your child will be guided through exercises in a calm, supportive environment.  Click here to see the schedule, the materials list, and to register.  You will receive the link to join the meeting on the first day of class.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Design Class
The Fashion Arts Studio

At The Fashion Arts studio, we are offering online-live classes. Students can learn how to sketch, drape, make a pattern of their own original design to fit then sew it up in the fabric of their choice. Classes are offered for kids and now adults.

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Hunter Gatherer Activity Kit
The Rewilding School

We know that months inside can make anyone a little stir-crazy! With this Hunter Gatherer Activity Kit, your child will have eight more activities to keep them busy outside:

~Foraging Checklist
~Berry Basket
~Yummy Wild Tea
~Digger Bopper Multistick
~Fishing Pole
~Spring-Pole Snare
~Bow and Arrow
~Fox Walking 

Materials lists, step by step instructions, and important safety points are included for each activity. There are also some pictures to help your child along! Some activities require adult supervision.

This is an electronic PDF file for you to print or save on your computer, as you wish, for kids ages 8-14

History / social studies
Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery - Tang at Home
The Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College
Make it! We've been busy putting together some art-making activities that you can do at home. Explore fun activities you can do at home with your friends and family! Check back as we add more projects and as people share their creations!
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Ocean Resources, Activities, Crafts, Live Streams and More!
The Vancouver Aquarium

We know it’s a juggling act right now with the kids at home. That’s why our educators and animal experts at Ocean Wise and the Vancouver Aquarium have compiled these resources for kids to learn to care for the ocean – and the animals in it – from the comfort of your living room.

So dive in!

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Purple Wand on weekdays, Jun 28th at 2PM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make money appear out of nowhere and travel through time with a magic bandana just to name a few.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Orange Wand - Jun 16th at 12:30 PM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make a cup of popcorn levitate and make objects teleport across the room, just to name a few!

In addition to integrating the 8 Traits of a True Magician, the orange Wand course places a special focus on learning 3 parts of a magic trick...The method, the Effect and the Presentation. I will help the student learn how to bring the things they have learned so far in magic and create something that is unique to them! Usually we suggest students have taken at least one wand course before taking the orange wand.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Spaghetti Madness on April 20th at 3:3PM

These lessons are a fun way to introduce youngsters into the world of magic . Kids will learn how to do three amazing tricks using things from around the house!

In Spaghetti Madness
You'll Learn:
• How to make an object DOUBLE in size.
• How to make money APPEAR from thin air.
• And one of my favorite CARD TRICKS

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Spaghetti Madness on May 18th at 7PM

These lessons are a fun way to introduce youngsters into the world of magic . Kids will learn how to do three amazing tricks using things from around the house!

In Spaghetti Madness
You'll Learn:
• How to make an object DOUBLE in size.
• How to make money APPEAR from thin air.
• And one of my favorite CARD TRICKS

Science - STEM - General
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Infinity Tube on April 7th at 3:30 PM

What is the
WOW Magic Workshop?
This is a great FREE workshop for kids (ages 7-12) to learn how to do three amazing magic tricks using things from around the house!

In The Infinity Tube

You'll Learn:
• How to See through a solid object
• How to make an object Levitate
• And Make cards Teleport!!

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Infinity Tube on March 31st at 4PM

What is the
WOW Magic Workshop?
This is a great FREE workshop for kids (ages 7-12) to learn how to do three amazing magic tricks using things from around the house!

In The Infinity Tube

You'll Learn:
• How to See through a solid object
• How to make an object Levitate
• And Make cards Teleport!!

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Magic Adventure Camp - Jul 19 at 11:30AM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make money appear out of nowhere and make objects levitate just to name a few!!

More importantly, kids learn social skills during this time of social distancing!

Each day, campers will open up one of their top-secret envelopes and will be taught by a super fun LIVE interactive instructor. Every class is filled with games, physical challenges made to get campers moving AND magic tricks that will keep them busy offline for hours.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Magic Adventure Camp - Jun 28 at 11:30AM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make money appear out of nowhere and make objects levitate just to name a few!!

More importantly, kids learn social skills during this time of social distancing!

Each day, campers will open up one of their top-secret envelopes and will be taught by a super fun LIVE interactive instructor. Every class is filled with games, physical challenges made to get campers moving AND magic tricks that will keep them busy offline for hours.

Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Magic Adventure Camp - Jun 14 at 11:30AM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make money appear out of nowhere and make objects levitate just to name a few!!

More importantly, kids learn social skills during this time of social distancing!

Each day, campers will open up one of their top-secret envelopes and will be taught by a super fun LIVE interactive instructor. Every class is filled with games, physical challenges made to get campers moving AND magic tricks that will keep them busy offline for hours.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Magic Adventure Camp - Mar 29 at 11:30AM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make money appear out of nowhere and make objects levitate just to name a few!!

More importantly, kids learn social skills during this time of social distancing!

Each day, campers will open up one of their top-secret envelopes and will be taught by a super fun LIVE interactive instructor. Every class is filled with games, physical challenges made to get campers moving AND magic tricks that will keep them busy offline for hours.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Blue Wand starts on April 6th at 5PM EST

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to predict the future, make objects appear out of nowhere and make dollar bills multiply just to name a few.

In addition to integrating the 8 Traits of a True Magician, the Green Wand course places a special focus on learning the 8 basic types of magic tricks. This course is a great next step in your students path in the magical arts.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Magic Adventure Camp - Mar 29th at 2PM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make money appear out of nowhere and make objects levitate just to name a few!!

More importantly, kids learn social skills during this time of social distancing!

Each day, campers will open up one of their top-secret envelopes and will be taught by a super fun LIVE interactive instructor. Every class is filled with games, physical challenges made to get campers moving AND magic tricks that will keep them busy offline for hours.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Green Wand Mondays - Mar 15th at 4 PM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to predict the future, make objects appear out of nowhere and make dollar bills multiply just to name a few.

In addition to integrating the 8 Traits of a True Magician, the Green Wand course places a special focus on learning the 8 basic types of magic tricks. This course is a great next step in your students path in the magical arts.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Green Wand Sundays starts on Mar 21st
Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to predict the future, make objects appear out of nowhere and make dollar bills multiply just to name a few.

In addition to integrating the 8 Traits of a True Magician, the Green Wand course places a special focus on learning the 8 basic types of magic tricks. This course is a great next step in your students path in the magical arts.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Blue Wand starts on Mar 30th at 5PM EST
Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to predict the future, make objects appear out of nowhere and make dollar bills multiply just to name a few.

In addition to integrating the 8 Traits of a True Magician, the Green Wand course places a special focus on learning the 8 basic types of magic tricks. This course is a great next step in your students path in the magical arts.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Purple Wand Tuesdays March 16th 3:30
Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make money appear out of nowhere and travel through time with a magic bandana just to name a few.
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Infinity Tube on March 3rd at 4PM

What is the
WOW Magic Workshop?
This is a great FREE workshop for kids (ages 7-12) to learn how to do three amazing magic tricks using things from around the house!

In The Infinity Tube

You'll Learn:
• How to See through a solid object
• How to make an object Levitate
• And Make cards Teleport!!

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
WOW Magic Workshop on Mar 8th at 3:30PM
These lessons are a fun way to introduce youngsters into the world of magic . Kids will learn how to do three amazing tricks using things from around the house!
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Orange Wand starts on Jan 19th at 5PM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make a cup of popcorn levitate and make objects teleport across the room, just to name a few!

In addition to integrating the 8 Traits of a True Magician, the orange Wand course places a special focus on learning 3 parts of a magic trick...The method, the Effect and the Presentation. I will help the student learn how to bring the things they have learned so far in magic and create something that is unique to them! Usually we suggest students have taken at least one wand course before taking the orange wand.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Orange Wand starts on Apr 7th at 4:30 PM

Get ready to take an amazing adventure into the exciting world of magic. Learn how to read people’s minds, make a cup of popcorn levitate and make objects teleport across the room, just to name a few!

In addition to integrating the 8 Traits of a True Magician, the orange Wand course places a special focus on learning 3 parts of a magic trick...The method, the Effect and the Presentation. I will help the student learn how to bring the things they have learned so far in magic and create something that is unique to them! Usually we suggest students have taken at least one wand course before taking the orange wand.

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
1-Day Wonder Magic Class on Mar 10th

What is the 1-Day Wonder Magic Class?

This 1-Day Wonder is a stand-alone magic class with all of the excitement and focused attention of the full course, but only 1/8 the time commitment. (This is also an easy way to gauge whether or not our student would enjoy the full course.)

Kids (ages 7-12) will learn how to do three amazing magic tricks using things from around the house, PLUS receive a top-secret file folder which not only explains all of these magic tricks, but comes with a custom-made magic prop that they can perform with over and over, just like a Magician!

Science - STEM - General
Visual arts / crafts
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Coding for Artists and Poets Online Workshop
Visual Studies Workshop

Create your own website from scratch and learn how to tell digital hypertext stories that you can share online. Students will gain a basic understanding of HTML and CSS through a creative workflow and learn how to use Github and the freeware hypertext tool Twine. This course is intended for artists, poets, and creatives with little or no programming or coding experience. There will be an emphasis on storytelling, puzzle-making, image sequencing, and personal histories.

Four Tuesday Evenings (April 11, April 18, April 25, May 2)
6:00-8:00pm, $300, $255 for VSW members
Instructor: Nilson Carroll

Visual arts / crafts
Make a Flatgame Online Workshop
Visual Studies Workshop

A flatgame is a simple, 2D, hand-drawn game world for telling short stories, recalling dreams, and exploring textures. The flatgame is made with little coding, and is an accessible way to make small, handmade digital experiences. In this workshop, we will play games, learn how they were made, and share with each other. No experience is needed.

One Monday Evening (March 20)
6:00-9:00pm, $25, $20 for VSW members
Instructor: Nilson Carroll

Visual arts / crafts
Beginner Digital Art Course
Winged Canvas

Digital art is becoming more and more popular as it is quickly becoming the medium of the future! Now is the best time to get prepared with a basic understanding of digital art tools and functions!

This course gives you access to lessons that will teach you the fundamentals of digital art. Learn at your own pace and explore the world of digital art! 

Visit our website for more details.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Winged Canvas
Winged Canvas

Winged Canvas is a visual arts school specializing in virtual art programs and art mentorship. Our instructors are professional illustrators, designers, and animators with a passion for teaching. We host virtual art parties, corporate events and custom workshops for schools. We also design art resources for classrooms, and provide free art tutorials on our YouTube channel, helping teachers and homeschoolers access quality visual arts education from home.

We ❤ Art Nerds! Winged Canvas is an online community for art nerds around the world ☻. We are dedicated to nurturing creativity and artistic skills because we believe art is essential to humanity.

☞ | ✉

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Enrichment classes (Live Online)
WorldWise Tutoring

WorldWise Tutoring offers online courses for enrichment in the genres of Creativity, Personal Development, STEM, Real-Life Math, Foreign Language, Sociology, Writing, Test Prep, & College Planning. These courses are designed for students ages 4-19.

  • When is it? Mid-September through Mid-December.
  • Where is it? Join in from any device.
  • Who is teaching? 18 of our highly educated and experience instructors have developed courses in topics they are passionate about.
  • What are the course details? To learn more about the topics covered, duration, and cost for each of the online enrichment courses, read our detailed online enrichment guide!
  • Why should I sign up? These courses allow for the exploration of personal topics of interest in a structured way and offer the opportunity to get ahead by building academic and real-life skills. Students will finish each course with a project they can include in their portfolio and a certificate they can add to their resume and applications.
  • Sounds great! Any other perks? For each child that you refer, and who purchases a course of equal or greater value, you will receive 20% off the cost of your child’s enrollment. For each child that you refer who purchases a course of lesser value, you will receive 15% off the cost of your child’s enrollment. *Purchases must be made by 9/6/2020.


Most classes start the week of 9/21/20.

Academic - General
History / social studies
Science - STEM - General
STEM - Computers
Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Young Rembrandts LIVE ONLINE
Young Rembrandts ATX

The award-winning drawing classes you've come to love from Young Rembrandts - now LIVE online. YOU CHOOSE the day and time that works best for your schedule! Visit for a full listing of our fall offerings. 

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Young Rembrandts of Middle TN: Online Drawing Courses
Young Rembrandts of Middle Tennessee

Young Rembrandts is traditionally an in-person program held at schools and community centers. In response to this pandemic, we have modified our instruction for online learning through video. We are offering two - 5 week sessions, each with a unique set of lessons designed to teach basic to advanced drawing skills, art techniques and vocabulary to students age 6-12.

Visual arts / crafts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Exercise / Sports
Title Description Cost
The Body Coach TV

I started the Body Coach TV with a goal to offer free home workouts to everyone, no matter what their fitness levels. It's taken me a long time to grow it but it now has over 250+ free workouts and reaches millions of people all over the world

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School

We hope everyone is safe and well. We understand families are experiencing different levels of discomfort. We want to support our children and families as much as possible.

Join our online classes. We will play games, meditate, stretch bodies and relax our minds. Together, we thrive.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday : 11:30 am - 12:00 pm & 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Tuesday and Thursday: 7:25 am - 7:55 am & 4:00 pm - 4:40 pm (40 mins)

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tiger Schulman Martial Arts-Free Online Martial Arts and Kickboxing Classes for everyone!

We offer online live classes over 9 times a day plus you can view 100's of class videos for all ages on our website. Check out for yourself at

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts- Free Live Online and Pre-Recorded Kickboxing and Martial Arts Classes

We offer free live online classes over 10 days a day for adult kickboxing and kids martial arts. We also have pre-recorded classes you can view at any time. Free for everyone!

Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School

During this time of uncertainty, the Y is here for you. The Y continues to be your support for health and wellbeing, wherever you are. Regular exercise is one component of a healthy lifestyle that can help reduce stress and prevent illness. While we would love to see you at the Y, we honor and respect each individual’s choice with regard to your health. If you are unable to join us at one of our facilities, we have a variety of at-home exercise options for members to use called YMCA 360.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Diving Locker: PADI Open Water Course - E-Learning

We are offering a discount on the E-Learning theory portion of the PADI Open Water Diver Course (to get certified for scuba diving). Kids can complete the theory at home, on their own time. They'll be assigned an instructor who will check in on them and answer any questions throughout their course. Once they have completed the theory (and once our social isolation is complete) they can then join in one of our group classes or kids camps to complete their pool/ocean dives so they may gain their full certification. Minimum Age: 10 Years Old    $175

Academic - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Ninja Summer Camps
Adrenaline Taekwondo

Come Kick it at NINJA CAMP!

Fort Worth's best kids Martial Arts Summer Camp

Ninja Camp is a week-long Summer Camp dedicated to Ages 4-12. This camp encompasses fun martial arts training, weapons instruction, tumbling, games, dodgeball, water day and board breaking. Camp price includes camp shirt and 1 board for board breaking(Limit 20 Ninjas per Camp)


Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Bala Gymnastics: Rhythmic Gymnastics Online training
Bala Gymnastics

Rhythmic Gymnastics Online Kids Training classes. 

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Blooming Breath Yoga for Kids & Teens -Yoga 4 Kids - Free Daily Facebook Live Classes!
Blooming Breath Yoga - appears CLOSED 05.02.21

Join us everyday for 45 minutes of kid-friendly yoga, breath work, relaxation techniques, a special 5 minute Savasana (snuggle/rest time) and then a special craft or surprise at the end of every class!What you'll need prior to joining class (optional):
Yoga Mat
Pillow & Blanket
Stuffed Animal, Doll or something to balance on your belly

PLEASE NOTE: For those who are not receiving notifications that we are live and would like to, here are some instructions that we found on the Facebook Help page and Youtube for desktop and mobile.

From your desktop:
Go to the Page.
Click "LIKE" and "FOLLOW"
Click "Following".
Click the little pencil/edit icon next to "Notifications".
Select the type of notifications you'd like to receive:
If "Standard" or "Highlights" is selected, you'll receive live video notifications from the Page.
Note: When you're watching a live video or a video that was live, you can also click "Subscribe" to be notified the next time the person or Page starts a live broadcast.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Born Yoga - Birmingham, MI

Yoga is a lifelong practice that will stay with your child as they grow.

Our classes are designed to encourage self-discovery by building your child’s self-esteem and confidence, enhancing flexibility, and improving balance and coordination. Through mindful breathing techniques, they will learn how to relax and self-regulate their bodies. These skills are achieved through developmentally appropriate yoga games, creative poses and simple to challenging yoga flows.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Budding Buddhas Kids Yoga: Live Virtual Kids Yoga & Mindfulness
Budding Buddhas Yoga

Each class will introduce age-appropriate yoga poses, mindfulness techniques, breathing activities and more to build focus, concentration, strength, and confidence. ​ Children learn how to calm their own minds and bodies throughout the class. We will end with “Savasana” (final relaxation). All Ages

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Intensity Athletics - Virtual Intensity - Class Sign Up
Cheer Intensity - CLOSED PER FB POST 06.24.23 EC 06.26.23

Intensity Athletics, out of Albany, NY, is running online classes deemed Virtual Intensity! Essentially, we are having our staff run classes at home to connect with our athletes via the website and app, Zoom. We are familiar with the application as we use it regularly for our staff meetings. Our classes are designed to connect with certain groups of athletes and focus on specific workouts. So, we are offering a variety of classes throughout the day.

Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Cho's TaeKwonDo Online Classes
Cho's Taekwondo

We are providing Online Classes to our students and any other followers through Facebook Live, Zoom & YouTube.  We have Live Classes every weekday at 5 PM for Beginners then 6 PM for Advanced.  

Everyone is welcome to join live or view the videos later and train at home to stay active and fit.

Zoom: Info released on Facebook.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Core Strength Martial Arts: CSMA Live!
Core Strength Martial Arts

Core Strength Martial Arts is bringing Taekwondo right to your living room! Join our private Facebook group and try a free class on us! Little Dragons (ages 7 & under) streams 4pm to 4:30 Mountain. Mon-Thur. Ages 7+ class streams 4:30 to 5:50 Mon-Thur. Streamed video available 24/7. Become a member of the Core Strength family today! Mon-Thur indefinitely.

Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Dance & Music Lessons from Cynthia's School of Dance
Cynthia's School of Dance & Music

Contact us at 412-367-3330 to sign up for virtual Dance & Music Lessons!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Dribbler - Private Youth Soccer Training
Dribbler - Private Mobile Soccer Training

Dribbler is a national private mobile soccer training service focused on primarily improving the Player’s technical skills such as dribbling, touch, passing, and awareness. We serve all major cities across the US!


Dribbler private mobile soccer training is focused on primarily improving the Player’s technical skills such as dribbling, touch, passing, and awareness. What makes us different is that we are a mobile service, meaning we send the Trainer to your home to train the player in your backyard or a nearby field in your area.


Your Trainer will develop a customized lesson plan based around what the Player’s goals are to help improve their game. Your Trainer will provide personalized 1 on 1 attention that you can’t get at camps or clinics.


We offer 1 on 1 training, or semi private group training up to 5 players in an at home backyard setting or at a nearby field in your area. If you are looking for group training, you have the option to have the Trainer teach each player in a 1-on-1 format for a split amount of time, or the Trainer can teach all players in the group together.


We highly suggest the 1 on 1 format as each player will have that undivided attention. Dribbler offers 1 hour classes only and our private soccer trainers are experienced in giving these lessons to players of all different ages.


We require our Trainers to have a minimum of 2+ years of experience coaching all ages and some carry mid to high level coaching licenses and certifications.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Elementally Intuitive Movement 101 (FREE)
Elementally Functional Family Fitness

EIM is a flow-arts based functional movement program, that guides you and your family through the process of establishing a fun addition to your self-care routine; helping keep your bodies mobile, as you develop and age. 

Rather than teach specific choreography/drills, EIM guides you through a conscious exploration of your particular body, with your unique dimensions, through your sphere--so your nervous system learns the most effective/efficient ways to move through space, according to the biomechanical design of your particular vessel.

EIM is divided into six levels (O-5); and is presented via exploration of the six Foundations of EIM: Breath, Center, Base, Spheres of Awareness, Adaptation, and Intuitive Integration.

Take your time--practice each level for a week, and you have 36 week program. The accompanying articles contain links that may help parents better explain the information I'm sharing regarding how our bodies function, and may inspire lesson planning.

Our bodies are always changing; and so is life. Practicing adapting to change, in a safe way (eustress), helps support our ability to cope with life's challenges (distress) when they come along. Choosing to challenge ourselves, together, in fun way that helps keep our bodies mobile and feeling capable, helps us better navigate through life. 

EIM 101 is free! 

If you choose to show appreciation for what I'm sharing, whether once, or as monthly subscribers ($3+), then you get access to the Elemental Implement Manipulation series I have produced to show my appreciation for your appreciation! Twelve non-Fire implements, representing Water, Earth, Air, Metal, and Wood (and combinations thereof). 

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Chess for Begineers
EnthuZiastic Inc.


Unlock Your Child's Potential with Enthuziastic Chess  Class! 

Are you looking for a captivating and educational extracurricular activity for your child? Look no further! At Enthuziastic, we are excited to introduce our Chess  Class specially designed for kids. 

Why choose Enthuziastic Chess Afterschool Class? 

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our program covers everything from beginner to grandmaster levels, ensuring that your child receives a well-rounded chess education.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Chess is not just a game; it's a brain workout! Your child will develop crucial skills like strategic thinking and problem-solving while having fun.

Patience & Concentration: Chess requires patience and focus. Through our classes, your child will learn how to stay composed and concentrate, skills that are valuable in academics and life.

Social Skills & Sportsmanship: Chess is a social activity that encourages friendly competition and good sportsmanship. Your child will learn to win gracefully and handle defeats with grace.

What sets Enthuziastic apart? 

Our passionate instructors are experts in teaching chess to kids, making learning engaging and enjoyable. We provide a supportive and nurturing environment where your child can thrive.

Enroll your child today and give them the gift of chess—a game that not only entertains but also educates. Watch as they grow into confident, critical thinkers with a lifelong love for learning.

Invest in your child's future with Enthuziastic Chess Class.

 #ChessForKids #EnthuziasticEducation #ChessMastersInMaking

Middle School
High School
Euro Stars Gymnastics- Ongoing virtual classes
Euro Stars Gymnastics

Ongoing virtual classes for verified families!

We also offer FREE skill videos and workouts on YouTube!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Excel Martial Arts Port Coquitlam: Free online martial arts classes
Excel Martial Arts-Port Coquitlam
Daily free martial arts activity classes on zoom meeting
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
USA Lacrosse
Forged Lacrosse
Our Mission: As the governing body of lacrosse in the United States, USA Lacrosse provides national leadership, structure and resources to fuel the sport’s growth and enrich the experience of participants. 
Our Vision: We envision a future that offers everyone a lifelong opportunity to enjoy the sport of lacrosse. 
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
InstaSwim - Private At-Home Swim Lessons
InstaSwim - Private At-Home Swim Lessons

InstaSwim offers private at home swimming lessons in every major city across the US! Certified mobile swim instructors travel to your home or public pool in your area to teach all ages including babies, children, kids, toddlers, and adults!

Given the current unfortunate situation with COVID-19 and schools being closed down, learning to swim at home is the safest and best option for you and your family!

We background check and screen all of our instructors carefully to ensure they are a good fit! All of our swim instructors are certified and carry a minimum of 2 years teaching experience. 

Our main program is all about teaching our students water safety and lifesaving skills so that if they were to ever fall into the pool, they will know how to perform the necessary technique to save themselves by floating on their back or swimming to the side of the pool for safety.

You can view our wonderful 5-Star reviews here

Check out our website to view our swim lesson programs and learn more today!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Module 1 - H2O is the Way to Go!

The first Module in our ActiveLife curriculum.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

We are offering a variety of online children's and family classes, including yoga.

Academic - General
Science - STEM - General
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Tues Kids Yoga w/Shawnee - Now Online
Leela Yoga
Yoga is a great way for your child to find balance between physical and mindful activities! It provides a creative and safe place to get the kids moving and engaged in imaginative play through stories and active participation. Together we share circle time, lots of laughter, age appropriate language to promote body awareness and the opportunity to learn self care. Each class is filled with basic and familiar yoga poses sequenced in a creative flow between active and calming poses. Each child is encouraged to be involved in a way that best serves them! Benefits to name a few include: increased focus, awareness, self esteem, confidence, empathy, clear thinking, calmness, self regulation, impulse control and connection to self/others! Yoga has even been linked to helping children build their immune system. What a beautiful gift to give to your child!
As a teacher with three children of her own and over 20 years experience in working with youth in various capacities Shawnte has a genuine passion to help our youth! She establishes boundaries in a nurturing and inviting way. Feel confident to let your little one join this community of young yogis!
Ages 4-9. Children only please.
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Life Ki-do Martial Arts- Live Virtual Martial Arts Classes & Privates
Life Ki-do Martial Arts, Parenting & Life Education

Virtual Martial Arts Classes for ages 3 & up. FREE Intro Lesson! You get a break and they get to burn energy, find inner calm, and have FUN! Includes unlimited classes each week, free private lessons for kids AND free parent well-being private lessons. Keep everyone healthy & happy!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Virtual Classes with Mid-County Dance
Mid-County Dance

Mid-County Dance is proudly committed to providing the finest quality dance instruction for your dancer! At the time we are offering dance classes virtually only due to the pandemic as safety of our dancers and staff is of highest importance to us

Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Miss Brigy's Dance Class
Miss Brigy's Dance Class - seems closed DR 7/28/24

Every Tuesday at 3:30 PM ET, Every Saturday at 9:30 AM ET - registered students will have access to the on demand class for up to a day from the start time . I plan to offer this classes bi-weekly throughout the year. The link for each class at a particular day / time will be unique - for a full listing of all classes visit my main website

Hello! I'm Brigidette Crowe, and I live in Long Branch, NJ. I've been a ZIN™ Member since Aug 2020 and I absolutely love teaching Zumba classes. The reason is simple: Every class feels like a party! I am currently licensed to teach Zumba, Zumba® Kids & Kids Jr.. Come join me, I guarantee you will have a blast! Got questions, don't hesitate to drop me a message!


Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Philadelphia School of Circus Arts
Philadelphia School of Circus Arts

During this unpredictable time, PSCA is committed to keeping a little bit of circus joy in our students’ lives with these free classes (the teachers still get paid!). If you would like to support the school with a small contribution for the class you took today, you can do so by Venmo: @phillycircus.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
PowerUp Fitness: PowerUp Fitness @ Home
PowerUp Fitness

We're all adapting to this new #socialdistancing climate.
To help support families and kids at home, we're sharing activities you can do right in your living room that combine fitness and education. Simple games, exercise demonstrations, and fun physical activities -- no equipment needed. These videos and resources are FREE of charge.

If you're looking to ramp up these free resources, you can purchase our PowerUp Parent Packs, which include 6-weeks of easy-to-use lessons to get kids & families moving, learning, and having fun @ home!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
Strength Training for Pregnancy E-Book

AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD: Strength Training for Pregnancy Presented by Pregna-Fit LLC! 

Build your knowledge and radiate confidence in your strength training during pregnancy to maintain muscle, move well, and feel great! This e-book is delivered immediately via download link.


-Full-length Warm-up with Video Demo

-Trimester-by-trimester Exercises, Guidance, and Modifications

-Considerations for each Trimester

-Modifications and Explanations for Common Issues during Pregnancy

-Exercise descriptions, Step-by-step Pictures

-Bonus Workout Plans

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Robinson's Taekwondo - Virtual Taekwondo Classes
Robinson's Taekwondo, North Highlands CA

This will allow students of all ages get a chance to try and explore Martial Arts in the Safety of their own home.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Rochester Kung Fu & Fitness - Free 2 Virtual Martial Arts Lessons
Rochester Kung Fu and Fitness
The instructors at Rochester Kung Fu & Fitness understand parents are struggling to find activities for their children and even themselves. Especially now so we are here to help. Give us a call today and register for a free 2 weeks of live virtual classes for the entire family. The first 30 people to register will receive a free uniform. 585-413-0835
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
SANCA- Online Classes- Circus at Home
SANCA- School of Acrobatic and New Circus Arts

Circus is for Everyone

No one is too uncoordinated, too old, or too out of shape!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
NEW! On-Demand Tutorials - Beginner Breaking
School of Breaking

School of Breaking's Beginner Breaking On Demand Tutorials will help you to succeed within the art form of Breaking as a Beginner. Our easy-to-follow tutorials give you access to a myriad of moves and concepts while learning about the dance, Hip Hop culture and its influences, all at the tips of your fingertips.

Visual arts / crafts
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Soccer Shots - Buffalo - Soccer Shots On The Go
Soccer Shots- Buffalo, NY

Soccer Shots On The Go uses our expert-approved curriculum to help families get moving and have some fun…at home! Each week, you’ll receive an age-appropriate video packed with soccer skills, character development and creative ways to stay active.

Soccer Shots On The Go is risk free! You will not be charged until after your first week – no commitment, cancel anytime in the first 7 days. That’s right…the first week is free and your credit card will not be charged until 7 days after purchase.

First week free, $4.99/week, cancel at anytime.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Super Soccer Stars- At Home Virtual Classes
Super Soccer Stars-Austin

@Home Virtual Classes available 7-days a week. Join at any time, or click here to request your own private class!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Sign up for our weekly Newsletter!
Team Testa Wellness

Sign up to receive weekly wellness tips, tricks, and recipes as well as exercises and ways to get moving! 

Team Testa Wellness provides fitness coaching, wellness education, relaxation/stress management techniques, self-love practices, and everything in-between.

We love to share our passion for helping others live their best lives!

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
The Little Gym of Williamsville
The Little Gym of Williamsville

At The Little Gym of Williamsville, we specialize in unique educational classes that revolve around active play.

Come join us to make new friends, learn new things & build confidence in a fun, supportive environment. Classes for kids 4 months-12 yrs.

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Virtual Karate Classes
Toronto Academy of Karate, Fitness and Health

New students welcome!

Because of these challenging times, all virtual classes will be FREE!

With 6 Chief Instructors and 22 students separated into 3 Breakout Rooms, we are able to give each student the best kata training for their own level.

: Please visit our website if you're interested in joining us in any of the classes. 

Keep training, stay strong!


Exercise / Health / Yoga
Martial arts
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Twinkling Toes Dance - Online Dance Classes for Ages 3-5
Twinkling Toes

Try a Demo Class for FREE!!
Call or email now to reserve your child's spot!
​ ​
Do you have a toddler at home with boundless energy and in need of a fun activity? We are excited to announce TTD is now offering online dance classes geared towards children 3-5 year olds.
Twinkling Toes is an outstanding early childhood program that provides dance classes to pre-school age children. We believe that this is the perfect time for children to explore the world of dance through balance, stretching and coordination activities. We want to foster an environment that encourages artistic freedom and self expression. Our goal is to brighten a child’s day by waking the brain and body up with lively dance music and creative play.

Outdoor Learning Lab
Venture Outdoors

Live online 6-week courses to help your child connect to the outdoors


In these uncertain times, we know that you as a parent want to find fun, engaging enrichment opportunities for your child that will also help them learn and grow.

Our virtual courses will help your child engage in the outdoors – from the comfort of home – so they can grow into happy, healthy young adults.

Registration in one of our 6-week courses includes:

  •  Live online teaching for one hour a week for six weeks
  •  Kit with activity materials
  •  Rewards to celebrate the end of the course
  •  “Offline” activities to complete as a family
  •  Connections with other students
  •  Activity learning packet
Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Physical Education Classes
Youth PhysEd Services

Online PE Classes for students taught by certified teachers. In Person classes for Charter Schools and Homeschool Pods. Student are taught proper stretching, balance, proper body exercise for muscle development, and fundamentals of Sport. Classes go 30 minutes Online and 45 minutes in person. Check out Days/times at:


In Person:

Exercise / Health / Yoga
Early Elementary School
Late Elementary School
Middle School
High School