Organization: Detroit St. Patrick's ParadeLocation: 2068 Michigan AveDetroit, MI, 48216United StatesSee map: Google Maps 2025 Detroit St. Patrick’s ParadeDates: 03/16/2025Time: 1pm - 4pm Organization: Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade CommitteeLocation: Monroe Street GreektownDetroit, MI, 48226United StatesSee map: Google Maps 23rd Annual Detroit Greek Independence Day ParadeDates: 04/06/2025Time: 3:00 PM Location: Downtown Northville215 W. Main StreetNorthville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 349-7640 Holiday Lighted ParadeDates: 11/21/2025Time: 6:30PM Location: Downtown Northville215 W. Main StreetNorthville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 349-7640 Northville 4th of July ParadeDates: 07/04/2025Time: 10:00 AM Location: Downtown Northville215 W. Main StreetNorthville, MI, 48167United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(248) 349-7640 Northville Memorial Day ParadeDates: 05/26/2025Time: 10:00AM Organization: Village of PinckneyLocation: 220 S. Howell Pinckney, MI, 48169United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:(734) 878-6206 Pinckney St. Patrick's Day ParadeDates: 03/15/2025Time: 10AM Memorial Day Parades & Events in the Ann Arbor - Detroit - NW Suburbs area