Volunteer and Charitable Opportunities 2014 - Ann Arbor Detroit area | Kids Out and About Ann Arbor / Detroit

Volunteer and Charitable Opportunities 2014 - Ann Arbor Detroit area


Volunteer and Charitable Opportunities for Kids and Families 2014

in the Ann Arbor - Detroit area

You know your area best. Email your Ann Arbor editor Kathleen at kathleen@kidsoutandabout.com for more opportunities to add to our list.

Ann Arbor

Humane Society of Huron Valley: Junior Volunteers Program (Ages 12-17)

We are offering a 6-session Junior Volunteers Program to help youth engage in and learn about some of the fantastic volunteer opportunities at our shelter! Registration for the January/February classes will open onTuesday, December 16th around noon. Registration is done online only so please do not call or come up to HSHV to register.

Youth Volunteer Corps: YVC engages youth in service learning projects that are challenging, rewarding and educational to serve the needs of the community and promote a lifetime ethic of service. We have some incredible volunteering opportunities for youth ages 11 – 18 coming up this month and next. Please visit our websiteHERE to learn more about past projects, and what we do.



Homeless Teen Hygeine Drive Dec 1 - Jan 7

Help teens and children who are homeless this December by donating hygiene supplies. Unopened donations will be distributed between Faith in Action in Chelsea and Ozone House of Ann Arbor. A list of needed hygiene products will be available at the Chelsea library youth reference desk. 


Cass Christmas Store: DONATIONS & VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to support the Cass Christmas Store 

where we anticipate providing gifts for 250 children this Christmas! Homeless men and women utilizing Cass emergency and residential programs will shop and be provided with gifts to give their children for Christmas. Set-up December 21st and Store Open December 22nd.

For items needed and volunteer shifts available, click here.

Additional contact info e-mail Amy Bouque at CassVolunteers@gmail.com.

Farmington & Farmington Hills

The Farmington Area Goodfellows will once again be holding their Annual Holiday Assistance Program for families and seniors living in Farmington and Farmington Hills. With a mission of "No Child or Senior Without a Christmas," the Goodfellows help hundreds of families and senior households by delivering over 25,000 non-perishable food and gift items each year.  

The 2014 Holiday Assistance Program is in need of canned or boxed foods, personal care items, new toys, and new books. Collection boxes will be located at:

  • Farmington Hills City Hall, 31555 Eleven Mile Road
  • Costick Center, 28600 Eleven Mile Road
  • Farmington City Hall, 23600 Liberty Street
  • Farmington Public Library, 23500 Liberty Street

These four locations will accept holiday donations until December 19.  Collection boxes are also available at all Farmington Public Schools from November 5 - 26. All items collected will be used to fill the baskets that are delivered to families in the community during the holiday season. Cash donations are also appreciated. The Farmington Area Goodfellows is a 501c3 public charity, and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by IRS regulations.

Anyone who would like to volunteer on the morning of Saturday, December 20 for Delivery Day should call 248-473-1360 after December 1, or sign up for the Farmington Area Goodfellows "Reindeer" email list at www.farmingtonareagoodfellows.org.



2014 annual Coats for the Cold Coat Drive is now collecting coats.  

Please bring your new or gently used coats for Oakland County Sheriff's office, Michael J. Bouchard, annual Coat Drive. You can drop them off in Highland at the Sheriff's substation at 165 N. John Street. Coats can be dropped off M-F, 8:000am--4:00pm, November 1st---November 30th.    



PIGS 4 WIGS 2014! Officers of the Milford Police Department will again grow beards throughout the month of November for this great cause. We are graciously accepting any donations from the community at our headquarters, 1100 Atlantic St. ... In 2013, officers raised nearly $6000 for Wigs 4 Kids and we want to surpass this in 2014!

PIGS 4 WIGS supports "Wigs 4 Kids" a non-profit organization that helps children suffering from ailments that affects their appearance, especially their hair by providing custom fitted wigs. Wigs 4 Kids also provides social and psychological assistance to their kids as needed.

Check out Wigs 4 Kids at www.wigs4kids.org

Donation forms are available here: http://www.wigs4kids.org/donation_form.pdf 



The Plymouth Community Arts Council has year-round volunteer opportunities for adults & students:

  • Snail Mail for Seniors card-making
  • Summer Camp Art Buddy or Camp Assistant
  • Music In The Park Craft Table
  • Miracle League Plymouth Special Event Art Table
  • Work at our Holiday Art Sale and Camp Art Show
  • Spring grounds clean up
  • Exhibit reception hospitality crew

The Plymouth Community Arts Council

774 N. Sheldon Road, Plymouth   734-416-4278




Fall Harvest Food Drive at the Community Center: Help to fill the shelves of Gleaners Community Food Bank before the holidays.  Please donate canned and dry goods to supply the Food Bank, which distributes to 100 shelters and food pantries. Food accepted until November 16. 


Wolverine Lake

Help your neighbors who are in need of holiday assistance by donating to Hospitality House Food Pantry's Santa Shop.

Items needed: hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, books, games, crafts, gifts valued at $20.

Also needed: wrapping paper, tape, bows, ribbons, scissors, boxes of heavy duty trash bags.

Donations must be received by Tuesday, 12-09-14.

Click here for more information.


The Oakland County Sheriff's Office is hosting their 28th annual Coat Drive throughout November, ending Sunday, November 30th.  Drop off your slightly used clean or new coats indoors at the Village Hall, 425 Glengary, Wolverine Lake, MI 48390.  



Movers for Meals: Bacon Library is a drop off location for Movers For Meals through November 19. Non-perishable food items may be dropped off at the library during business hours.

Wainwright Community Meals: Bacon Library will be collecting personal hygiene items for men and women beginning November 10th for Waynewright Community Meals. Located within First Congregational Church of Wyandotte, Waynewright Community Meals (often known as "the Wyandotte Soup Kitchen") serves a warm meal and a bagged lunch Wednesdays & Saturdays, 12:00-1:00pm. We aim to become a center of community life where health and education events occur, meals are served, and stories are shared.

Pets Need Comfort Too: Beginning December 1st through Dec. 27th the Bacon Library will be collecting gently used but clean blankets, towels, sheets, washcloths, bowls, leashes, collars, pet beds, food, etc. for pet shelters and local veterinarians. These items are used to wrap injured or frightened patients to comfort them. At times, a gentle restraint is needed and a fresh blanket or cushioned towel helps ease a broken wing in transport or cradling a puppy/kitten when bottle feeding.

Giving TreeAs the holiday season approaches the library will be accepting donations of new hats, gloves, mittens and scarves to decorate our mitten tree. Donations will be accepted from December 1st to the 27th. All donated items will be given to local charities, to be distributed for those in need in our community. So if you are handy with knitting and/or crocheting this is a wonderful way to contribute to a worthy cause.

Toys for Tots: For over 60 years, Toys for Tots has delivered hope and happiness to children in need through the gift of a shiny new toy during the holiday season. Bacon Library is proud to be part of this tradition by continuing to be a collection site. Beginning in early November donations of new toys will be accepted until December 13th.


